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What is your favorite book from childhood?

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Where the Red Fern Grows. I bought the book from a Scholastic sale at my school, not having much of a clue what it would be about. Little did I know how much I would turn out to love it. I read that book so many times I almost had it memorized and I have so many great memories of curling up and reading it. I cried each and every time. I LOVE that book. Reading it is one of my favorite childhood memories. :)

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I LOOOOOVED the Wizard of Oz books when I was a child. I had a good collection of them when I was young and loaned them to my sil when her girls were little. That was almost 20 years ago and frankly, I'm afraid to ask for them back. Coming out of my parents' house they were probably in a cat-pee stained box and I wouldn't blame my sil if she just threw them away. And it's surprising how hard it is to find the old...from the '70's...hardbacks.


I also loved the old girls' series books: Nancy Drew, Judy Bolton, Cherry Ames and there was another I can picture in my head but can't think of the name of. I also loved Betsy-Tacy. Even more than Little Women I loved all of Louisa May Alcott's children's books. I really enjoyed A Wrinkle in Time but enjoyed the later books in the series even more.


One book I never see make these kinds of lists is Mandy by Julie Edwards (Julie Andrews). It's a very, very sweet story.


Though I really, really tried, I could never get into Anne of Green Gables even though I love the miniseries to death!

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Though I really, really tried, I could never get into Anne of Green Gables even though I love the miniseries to death!


I like the Anne of Green Gables books fine, but the LM Montgomery series I really really got into was the one about Emily (Emily of New Moon, Emily Climbs and Emily's Quest). Probably because Emily was a writer, like I wanted to be. :D

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I loved:


The Nancy Drew series


The Happy Hollisters series


anything by Judy Blume


anything by Ruth Chew


the A Wrinkle In Time series


and a book called "The Girl With The Silver Eyes" stuck with me all this time- the title and a vague premise of what the book was about. I saw it not long ago at a used book sale and picked it up for my daughter to read (she hasn't read it yet). It's by Willo Davis Roberts.


Oh, and all the "Fairy Books," the ones that come in different colors (even though some of them seriously creeped me out)!

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The Borrowers, probably because it wasn't a real stretch to imagine little people living under the floorboards of our old home and coming out to borrow any of the little trinkets that always seemed to be lying around. I'm pretty sure I went through a stage where I didn't ever want my room to be too tidy, in case Pod or Arrietty needed something I had. That was so hard to explain to my mom when I was seven!

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Reading is the most solid memory I have of childhood. My favorite books were Nancy Drew. Not great literature but told me girls could be brave and smart. No small feat in the early '70's.

I loved these too (but in the late 60s). They were what really got me to love reading.


One book that I really loved as a young child was Hailstones and Halibut Bones, a book of poems about colors. It's the only book of poetry that I've ever really liked. :)

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I'm pretty sure I went through a stage where I didn't ever want my room to be too tidy, in case Pod or Arrietty needed something I had. That was so hard to explain to my mom when I was seven!


That's so cool!


See, I knew that no one was living in our brick walls and stone floors in Karachi! :P

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two series that were my faves around 11/12 ~ anne of green gables & flowers in the attic. bit of a contrast there. :laugh:


younger ~ i remember having this set of tales... there were a few books, thin, and each book was like.. fairy stories... elf stories... something??? i think one was even cat stories... wonder if anyone knows what i mean.


i can almost see them - thin paperback books, each with several (??) stories specific to the fairies/elves/etc that *that* volume was.. it was definitely a set. maybe 4? 5? books? maybe 3? oh i wish i could remember better....

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When I was young:

41B899TW0XL._SL500_AA300_.jpg(Anything by Richard Scarry, really...)


When I was in middle school:


:iagree: Both of these were absolutely favorites of mine. My little guys now love Richard Scarry too and my oldest loves The Outsiders. I read portions of it to her class in Junior High when they had a program where adults volunteered to come and read to a class.


I also loved all the James Herriot books - All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Bright and Beautiful, etc. I wanted to be a vet from the time I was 12.


I also loved Watership Down.


I also read all the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mysteries.

Edited by dottieanna29
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When I was quite young it was The Happy Hollisters. My dad read to me every night out of them, and that when I learned to read. Then I read from them everyday. After that I graduated to Nancy Drew. Other favorites I remember are Island of the Blue Dolphins, Anne of Green Gables, The Wizard of Oz and probably several dozen more but those are the ones that come to mind first.

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I am happy to see so many other Nancy Drew fans! Does anyone else still have their copies and occasionally go back to them like I do??


I also loved Heidi as a child; growing up in Hawaii, I always yearned for snow and sweaters and seasons.


In middle school my otherwise completely unremarkable English teacher read aloud Johnny Tremain. That was the best thing that ever happened in my entire pre-college school life.

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