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Poll: regarding auto maintenance

Who takes care of the routine maintenace for your vehicles?  

  1. 1. Who takes care of the routine maintenace for your vehicles?

    • Your husband
    • You
    • Other...please explain

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Please help me gain some perspective. I really need some in this area!

If you are a homeschooling mommy with a very busy schedule (as if there is any other kind!), and your husband generally works a "regular" schedule (home by approx. 6pm each night, weekends off), who generally takes care of the routine maintenance for your family vehicles?

To clarify, routine maintenance includes things like checking the oil, taking car in for oil changes, tire rotations, monthly tire pressure checks, etc.


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We only have one car.


My hubby does all the things you mentioned. We don't pay to have those things done. If the car needs to be taken into the shop, he drops it off the night before and leaves a note. He handles all calls from the shop. He even puts gas in the car (unless I'm desperate). I'm well taken care of. :D

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I voted other. Most car repair places here are only open the same hours that dh works (M-F, 8:30-6). Since part of our income is commission he earns, I hate for him to be out of the office at all for fear he may miss an important sale. If it is a big repair he will go with me (to prevent mechanics from being patronizing jerks) or I will take my dad to the initial visit. Besides, oil changes and tire rotations can be fun field trips for the kids LOL.

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My husband. I do NOT need another thing on my list.


But, I do take care of the books for his business. ;)


Right now, since our van is rather new, so it needs very little maintenance. The old van needed oil, water, and transmission fluid added all the time. Now, it's just oil change. My husband takes it in for everything else. Once a vehicle gets old, he's rather handy in fixng things.


My husband is typically the one who washes the vehicles, though I do this from time to time. I also vacuum it sometimes as does he. I keep the van area tidy (or delegate to the boys). I cannot handle stuff lying around in a vehicle (nor can my husband) -- like leftover water bottles, trash etc.

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It is my responsibility to maintain my vehicle in all aspects. DH is responsible for his vehicle maintenance. Dh is vehicle-maintenance challenged and since I don't have the time to maintain both, to each our own. I learned early in our marriage that if I want to keep my vehicle running, I have to do the maintenance. Thankfully, my dad trained me well in that regard and I have been doing it since I was 17 with my first car (12 if you count dad teaching me how to maintain our family vehicles as a kid). Dh has many great qualities but if it has anything to do with cars, he is completely clueless.

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My husband does the oil changes, brake jobs, timing, and other basic repairs. He just put new brakes on my van (and then my ds drove 5 miles with the parking brake on...:glare::tongue_smilie:).


I check the tire pressure, gas up, and keep it clean. (HAHAHA--"keep it clean"--well, not so much)

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I wish my dh would take care of our cars but he just doesn't. He takes care of his vehicle because he drives it. He says that he doesn't think about my vehicle.


I've started taking it to the dealership for everything, even oil changes. They send me reminders in the mail as well as coupons for discounted services when I'm due for maintenance.

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I do both cars. If it's maintenance or repairs on my car I just take it in. If it's his car, we switch cars for the day and I take his in. If it's just a short period of time we hang out in the waiting area. We bring school, but they also offer coffee and snacks so it's not that big a deal. If it's going to be a longer wait, I have the shuttle take me home and then either husband or shuttle takes me back to pick it up.


I'm home, I have the flexible schedule so I take care of things like this.

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I take care of "my" car; he takes care of "his".


It is my responsibility to maintain my vehicle in all aspects. DH is responsible for his vehicle maintenance. /QUOTE]


I wish my dh would take care of our cars but he just doesn't. He takes care of his vehicle because he drives it. He says that he doesn't think about my vehicle.



:iagree: I wish my DH would take care of my car, but he barely takes care of his own. Just one of those things that I went into marriage assuming would happen since my dad always took care of our cars only to be disappointed.

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I take care of mine (meaning I pay someone to do it) and he takes care of his (by also paying someone).


I do things like add wiper fluid etc. Which reminds me, probably I better check that soon. My car must have one HUGE washer fluid reservoir as I've never added any--and it's over a year old. Checking tire pressue on my car is TOO easy. I just push a button on the dash. (There are still buttons in my car that are a mystery to me.)


ETA: We did recently switch cars so I could take his in for a brake job. He was working 12 hrs/7 days, and they were always closed by the time he drove by.

Edited by darlasowders
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I chose other because DH and I each take care of some of the items listed. I am usually the on that takes the cars in for oil changed, but he check oil and fluids and tires. If I need air in my tires, I put it in. It is a shared responsibility, just as we share the use of the vehicles. He does more on his jeep, I do more on my van.

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My dh takes car of the vehicles. Although dd does take care of hers - taking it into the dealer to have the oil changed - hers sits really low to the ground and it would have to put up to change the oil - just easier this way.


He changes the oil in both of our trucks, takes care of any repairs, etc.


The dc do clean it out and wash it though. I put gas in it.


I have dropped the truck off for tires - but he takes care of all the details. I just tell them it needs new tires and showed them which ones my dh had already chosen for my vehicle (he wrote several brands down on a card), they gave me the prices, I called dh on my cell and let him talk to them. Then I pick it up, LOL.


Oh...and he works about 60 - 75 hours a week. We have "farmed out" some of the other chores that he used to do when he didn't have to work so long. (meaning the dc and I pitch in and do them) :D

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Thanks for responding, y'all.


I wish my DH would take care of my car, but he barely takes care of his own. Just one of those things that I went into marriage assuming would happen since my dad always took care of our cars only to be disappointed.


What she said.


I don't have one single day that isn't consumed by homeschooling, running kids to practices EVERY day (older 3 dc are competitive athletes), church activities, personal obligations (teaching co-op classes, AWANA leader, co-op board member, military obligations, etc). I never even thought that in my married life I would have to be responsible for our automobiles when dh is around (deployments aside...I obviously have to take care of the cars then). But if I don't do it...it doesn't get done, kwim?


Thanks for the perspective, as nearly half of respondents handle auto maintenance to some degree. Apparently, I was spoiled growing up with one of those "manly" dads that maintained the cars, would never let his daughters think of using a lawnmower, smooshed all the resident spiders, etc. Sigh...

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Thanks for responding, y'all.




What she said.


I don't have one single day that isn't consumed by homeschooling, running kids to practices EVERY day (older 3 dc are competitive athletes), church activities, personal obligations (teaching co-op classes, AWANA leader, co-op board member, military obligations, etc). I never even thought that in my married life I would have to be responsible for our automobiles when dh is around (deployments aside...I obviously have to take care of the cars then). But if I don't do it...it doesn't get done, kwim?


Thanks for the perspective, as nearly half of respondents handle auto maintenance to some degree. Apparently, I was spoiled growing up with one of those "manly" dads that maintained the cars, would never let his daughters think of using a lawnmower, smooshed all the resident spiders, etc. Sigh...



Yeah, I used to beg to be allowed to mow the grass. never ever got to do it. Now...did two yards today (with the help of the kids/girls too). Oh to go back...:tongue_smilie:

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I picked dh, but it is not his job. Nor is it my job. A few times a year he will tell me that the vehicle needs to go into the shop for servicing. Just so happened that today, I was the one to get gas. The attendant said the truck was a quart low, and nasty black. So I took it to get the oil changed.

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I tend to be the one to take the cars in. I just took dh's car in for an oil change, and they commented how dirty the oil was, since had been 6 months and 5000 miles. :glare: He just doesn't think about maintenence, and he's never around during normal business hours.

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I voted other... it's both. I take my car in, he takes his... Usually on Fridays, and we'll meet to pick the other up so we can go out to eat while we wait. Or leave it there until the next morning. We do very little to the cars ourselves anymore.

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We consider the van mine and the car his. I take care of routine maintenance (oil changes, tires checked, inspections, etc.) on the van. He understands the big things that cost a lot of $ better than I do, so he takes care of those things on all vehicles (including ds's). Btw, when I say takes care of, I mean arranges appointments and has the discussions with the mechanic.:)

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Other...He takes care of his car and he often does mine at the same time but if he doesn't, I remind him later. If it has gone a month or so and it hasn't been taken care of....I get it taken care of.


If it is something provided by the tire store....I just take it there and never think twice because it is part of the service we pay for.


I take care of buying my own tires and what nots, always have.

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I voted other because I wasn't sure what you meant by "take care of." If you mean keeping track of the fact that the oil needs to be changed, the inspection is due and so on, I'm usually the one to track that stuff.


If you mean "take care of" as in bringing it in to get the work done, then it's still "other" because sometimes I do it, and sometimes he does it.

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Like others have said, growing up my dad took care of all car things. He did all oil changes and most repairs. If for some reason he couldn't do it or didn't have time he either got the neighborhood boy (good mechanic) to help him out or he took it somewhere himself. Boy was I in for a surprise when I got married.


I take care of everything with the family car. Meaning I take it in for everything.....dh could change the oil but just don't. He will change the oil in his truck but not like it should be. Even the big stuff he leaves me to take care of.

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