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Does your spouse know how much you weigh?

does your spouse know how much you weigh?  

  1. 1. does your spouse know how much you weigh?

    • Yes, and I am within a healthy/normal weight range.
    • Yes, and I am overweight.
    • No, and I am within a healthy/normal weight range.
    • No, and I am overweight.

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For a long time, I would not tell my husband how much I weighed. Even if he asked, I would tell him that I didn't want to tell him, because I felt embarrassed about it. He would say, "What's the big deal? It's just a number. I love you the way you are," and whatnot. Even when I was pregnant with my now almost 10 year old, I wouldn't want him in the room when the OB was weighing me and stuff lol.


Finally I did eventually just tell him. That was quite a few years ago and ever since it hasn't been a big deal around here. It was sort of a relief, actually, to not feel like I was "hiding" something.


I'm just curious (don't ask me why, the whole diet on the brain thing I guess) whether you guys share that info with your spouses.

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The number is just that to me. A number. It's more about how I look and feel that matters, and that is all out in the open anyway.


I don't even think our scale works.


My husband probably wouldn't want me to know *his* numbers, though. :-) But we don't hide it from each other.

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Yep, my dh knows exactly what I weigh, at least the last time I weighed. He is my insuarnce agent as well and we have been searching for more affordable health insurance. Weight is something the companies have to know. And I am over weight which means some companies have already turned me down:glare: but are more than willing to insure the rest of the family.

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Mine knows because he was standing next to me at the dmv. :glare:


LOL.... oh man I am SO SO glad I have never lived in a state where you are required to put your weight on your driver's license. How stupid is that! I mean it can change so easily! (well okay not EASILY (hmpf!) but you know what I mean)!

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DH and I have compared our weights a lot and there have been times where I have weighed more than him or the same as him but we both fluctuate within the healthy ranges.


I have banned scales from my house in the last few months, they are not good for me at all. I can become pretty obsessive about numbers.

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I'm just curious! Do you share that info with your spouse? Poll to follow but feel free to add comments, too.

I don't share, but my husband can guess my weight (and the weight of things like a suitcase) to within about a pound so my secrets are not safe. I don't really think it's much of a secret, though, assuming your husband sees you in anything other than very loose outerwear (i.e. a raincoat).

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Yes he knows.


I am about 50 pounds overweight (my ideal weight of 120).


I am working on loosing it now, so far I am down 5 pounds in the last 10 days. Slowly but surely I will get it back off again :)


I hate to have him see me naked with the lights on, I just am not comfortable, but he says he loves my body.


He doesn't care what I weigh, it is me who has the problem with my weight.


He of course does not have a weight problem, he eats all the time and stays exactly the same.


I hate that about men !:glare:

Edited by Momma2Many66
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Yes he does now, but only because I've had some health problems and got too skinny. He really freaked out when I dropped below a certain number a couple of months ago. He knew because he was at the doctor's office with me. Other than that, he hasn't really cared enough to ask. Between my pregnancies I've wavered between a 20 lb span.

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My whole family knows. After my mom passed away I lost about 35 lbs and was dangerously underweight to the point where even my drs. were worried. It becames a family obsession with everyone taking turns reminding me to eat. It took 1 year to regain 10 pounds, a second year to gain 5 more and then in the last six months I gained 20 lbs. I am actually alarmed at the sudden rapid weight gain as I have been at or under weight my whole life.


I was telling my hubby last night that I had gained weight and he said he noticed, because my books were bigger (I don't think he noticed anything beyond that). Anyhow, I was telling him that I was concerned but wouldn't freak out until I reached a certain number (I didn't tell him what that number was) and he said he did care as long as I weighed at least one pound less than he did. He currently weighs 260 lbs. so I thought no problem, that's way below my number but then he said he wanted to get down to 200 which is about the number I had in mind. :001_huh: We are the same height so we would be about the same size only distributed a little differently.


What is funny is that when we married my hubby weighed 165 lbs. and wore a size 30 pants. I can't fit those pants now and I weigh considerably less than 165. I have dds that weigh less than I do and wear smaller pants than I do that can't fit the pants.

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No, but mostly because he just wouldn't care. If I did tell him, I'd probably get a blank stare and then, "Uh, that's nice."

:iagree:Although mine would probably reply, "OH, I can't believe you weigh THAT much!!!" and tease me mercilessly, only because he could, not because I am overweight. And then he'd pretend the house is shaking when I'd walk. And then he'd ask me, "You aren't really going to eat THAT, are you?"


Yeah. I have no reason to actually tell him. He'd find himself endlessly amusing.

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He knows because I have been whining to him about it for the last two months. :tongue_smilie: I am still w/in the average for my height, but I have gained at least 20 pounds since weaning my son. While getting a new wardrobe was a nice perk ;) I did talk to dh about it because I am somewhat concerned about the rapid weight gain. I think my thyroid has gotten slow over the past 6 months or so...

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He knows b/c I incessantly tell him, every day! I have lost 22 lbs and I'm trying for 9 more, so every 6 oz I am excited about!


Yep! This is me. I have been on a weight loss program for the last two weeks. EVERYONE that knows me knows how much I weigh because I tell them every day! I don't care if people know how much I weigh. I obviously want to be less or I wouldn't be on a program. But... I don't care if the bag boy at Publix knows I weigh 149.6 as of this morning! :lol::tongue_smilie:

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I said "no" but I really have no idea if he knows or cares. We are both on the thin/average range so it hasn't been a concern. He has been with me to doctor's appointments where I have been weighed so he may know from that, but I doubt he was paying attention. We don't own a scale and until about a year ago, at a doctor's visit for him, he had no idea what his own weight was. LOL

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How can my spouse know what I weigh when I don't know what I weigh?


Same here. I don't know even though I have a range within 10 lbs. It must be around there because last time I was weighed at the MD's office I was wearing some of the same clothes I have on now. :001_smile:

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