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Would you consider a sign like this offensive/inappropriate?

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At a small local used car dealership place, which sits at a pretty busy intersection on a main road, they've got one of those medium sized signs where you put up the letter cards to make the sign say whatever you want, and you can change your message as often as desired....


Today we passed it and the sign said:




What say you? Humorous? Or inappropriate?


I wasn't quite sure what to think. I looked back to see if my 9 year old daughter was looking out the window and paying attention. She wasn't. She was flipping through an American Girl Magazine. But I would not have wanted her to read that sign and ask me "What does that mean?"

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It might be funny (kind of) with a different use like a card or a more bawdy toast at a wedding. On a street sign I wouldn't have been impressed if someone I knew gifted me with that for my wedding. On the other hand, my dh probably would have laughed.


Yup. We got that one at our wedding.:glare:

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Hopefully it was just a prank because I can't imagine anyone thinking that would be a way to attract business.

It would definitely have me calling whoever owned that business and explaining the offensiveness of a sign with a message like that.

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It seems like an inside joke, intended for the couple. I don't see the big deal.


Yes. But isn't that exactly it? It's a very slightly bawdy joke intended for two specific people but it's being displayed in public on a business sign. If one must say something like that, share it in a card that's given directly to the intended target. They'll think it's kind of funny and kind of stupid and mildly embarrassing and everyone will move on. It's the public nature of the statement that takes it from merely "not terribly clever" to "beyond tacky" for me.

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My niece's new FIL made that toast at her wedding reception. I was totally offended (and I'm not a prude). I thought it was completely tasteless and trashy. All I could think was - No Class.


On a business sign - completely unnecessary and gross. If I were the bride, I would insist it be taken down immediately.

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If my kids asked what it meant, I'd be tempted to say, "I don't know. Let's go in and ask!" and then let them explain it to us. :glare:


I might not want to expose my kids to whatever they would answer, though.


Tacky. Ick.

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I'm just curious, for those of you who said it WOULDN'T bother you at all- do you all have much younger kids? It seems from your signatures at least a couple of you do.


If I had younger kid who wasn't really reading and wouldn't read that sign and ask me what it meant, it probably wouldn't bother me as much either. I'd still find it tacky but not particularly worrisome as far as my own children were concerned.


But I have a 9 year old daughter who does read and would ask me what that meant if she had seen it, and I just don't want to have to try to explain (or have to try to avoid explaining) such a thing to her.


I don't think it's appropriate for a business to display that sort of message at all, and I especially don't think it's appropriate for it to sit on a busy, public street where every child who can read but isn't old enough for risque jokes has to be faced with one. And then their parents have to deal with how to respond to those children, all because some business owner couldn't use an ounce of common sense as to what is appropriate for public display. I wouldn't give that guy my business, that's for sure.


LOL at the idea of bringing in the kid to ask the owner what that sign means. It's very tempting! But I'm a little afraid of what he'd say. He obviously doesn't censor himself well lol.

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I think it is inappropriate in that setting. In a wedding card, I wouldn't like it but I am sure some people do.


It would actually bother me more than a strip club billboard because they were easy to explain. "Some creepy people go to places with naked ladies dancing and these people make money that way. We don't do such things." On the other hand, what does this sign having to do with auto sales? I am not sure how I would have explained it. My kids are now at the age where they would think it is an inappropriate billboard but not ask any questions.

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But I have a 9 year old daughter who does read and would ask me what that meant if she had seen it, and I just don't want to have to try to explain (or have to try to avoid explaining) such a thing to her.


My kids are 15, 13 and 9 and there is never a time I would have been mad or upset at the posted "joke".


Well, I find the joke base and lacking class, but the content wouldn't bother me. I wouldn't post it on my place of business because it's not my style.



But I wouldn't be worried, offended, "icked" or give it a whole lot of thought. Married people have sex. My kids have known that since they could talk. If my kids asked about it, I'd tell them:


"Apparently someone close to that business just got married. The sign is a really a well-wish for the couple to have fun with sex and that they have few problems in their life."

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I think it is inappropriate in that setting. In a wedding card, I wouldn't like it but I am sure some people do.


It would actually bother me more than a strip club billboard because they were easy to explain. "Some creepy people go to places with naked ladies dancing and these people make money that way. We don't do such things." On the other hand, what does this sign having to do with auto sales? I am not sure how I would have explained it. My kids are now at the age where they would think it is an inappropriate billboard but not ask any questions.


You would rather explain a strip club than well wishes for a marriage that references marital sex? Really?


"Creepy people"? I don't go to strip clubs and neither does my husband but we likely know a dozen or so non creepy people who do.

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I wish the good folks in NC/SC would work to get those NUDEGIRLS!LIVEDANCING!GIRLS!GIRLSNUDE!SEXTOYS!NEXTEXIT!TRUCKERSWELCOME! signs off the highway.



YES! It's all the way down I-75 (starting in GA, I think), so when we make our trek from MI to FL, we get to see all kinds of lovely signs. Gives me the skeevies:ack2:.

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I'm definitely not a prude but I find that highly offensive and unprofessional since this is a BUSINESS. They are advertising their unprofessional attitude and a complete lack of common sense. Fun in the coffee run, definitely but to advertise that is a bad marketing idea.


That's just my opinion.

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Well I'd never heard it before, so I thought it was funny.


And I do have an 8yo who reads everything. Truthfully I think he'd be more confused about what 'ups and downs' means in the sense of marriage problems. He knows adults have sex. If he asked, I just tell him someone got married. It's sort of joke. Up and downs can mean problems or fights when you get married. But it's a joke because the sign also refers to having sex and the way your body moves during it so it has a double meaning.


I see having to spend a lot more time having to explain why problems in marriage are refered to as "ups and downs" then anything about the sex part. The sex part is natural. Strange little sayings with hidden means can be a lot more confusing.


I don't see it as any biggie. It also wouldn't affect my shopping there. I've seen lots of companies personalize lots of signs for people that work there. Especially in small towns where people outside of that company would know the couple.

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Personally, I would assume that the couple are the type to appreciate such a joke, and chalk it up to "low-class" humor. You know, the same people who wear hats with fart jokes and T-shirts with photos of swimsuit models, etc. Unfortunately, I have known enough of those people among family and friends growing up, that I have gotten used to ignoring it and "passing the bean dip".


Honestly, if I had seen the sign while driving alone, with my dh or another female companion, I would have pointed it out and we both would have had an eye-rolling chuckle. With my kids in the car, yes, I would hope they wouldn't see it. My ds13 would probably either not pay attention or realize it is somehow inappropriate and not mention it. Dd10 would probably ask, but I would explain it is a well-wishing marriage message, change the subject, and she'd forget about it. I would be relieved that at least it was just words (as opposed to risque photos), and a somewhat vague double-entendre at that, which most kids wouldn't notice or understand, just like a lot of jokes in kids' movies :001_huh:.


In an ideal world, we wouldn't have to deal with any of it, but as reality goes, this is pretty mild, IMO. Of course, you have the right to take your business to a more "intellectually-inclined" shop if you'd like ;).

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I don't think it's much worse than a sign I saw outside a quickie-lab recently:


"Who's Your Daddy? Get Your DNA Test Today!"


I didn't know whether to :lol: or :eek:!


Ok, now that's funny! Or, maybe it really isn't, but it made me laugh out loud just now :lol:.

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I wouldn't want to explain what it means to young kids, especially if the kids were friends of my own kids. Can you imagine driving past that and having a car filled with 8 - 10 year olds asking you what it means?


distasteful, rude, and stupid on the part of the people who didn't consider kids may see it.

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