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Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?

Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?  

  1. 1. Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?

    • Yes. We all make the beds every day.
    • We make them most days, but not every day.
    • We make the beds when company is coming.
    • We rarely or never make the beds.
    • We sleep on something other than a bed.
    • Other. Please explain.

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No. Please don't tell my Mom :tongue_smilie:.


All my boys have loft beds, too. It's really hard to make them.


I'm the first one up in my house, so I don't make my bed upon waking. I rarely go back in my room, so it usually just doesn't cross my mind.

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I don't think I could start my day without my bed made. It is a routine just like brushing my teeth as soon as I get out of bed.

My oldest dd on the other hand only makes her bed if she thinks someone might come over and see her room. Younger dd likes things neat but rarely sleeps in her own bed so it is always made.:)

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I don't think I could start my day without my bed made. It is a routine just like brushing my teeth as soon as I get out of bed.

My oldest dd on the other hand only makes her bed if she thinks someone might come over and see her room. Younger dd likes things neat but rarely sleeps in her own bed so it is always made.:)

You brush your teeth before eating breakfast? :ack2:

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Yes, we make our beds every day. The rooms just don't look clean unless the beds are made, imo.


We keep our bedding simple though. In the summer it is just a sheet and light blanket. It doesn't take the kids more than a minute or two to make their beds.

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The very first thing that is done is making of the beds. Even before you leave the room, the bed is made.


In the summer the only thing on the bed is a light sheet, in the winter it is much more-we like cold houses and lots of blankets in the winter. Nothing like snuggling up in a warm bed :D

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I will pull up our sheets and blanket and position the pillows sometime in the later morning or afternoon when I go back up for laundry or whatever. I don't tuck anything in, some would hardly consider it "made" I'm sure. It looks better. I read once that you are not supposed to cover your bed for at least thirty minutes upon waking. I am trying to remember, but I think it has something to do with perspiration during the night and letting the bed air out or something like that.


You can hardly find dd's bed under the hoards of stuffed animals. It would be an all day affair to make that girl's bed up.

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I do like to have the bed made. If I get up first, dh makes our bed. Then Schmooey takes a nap in it and it rarely gets remade. There is something nice about having the bed made, though. It makes a good surface for folding laundry, anyway, which is what dh is doing this morning and I am NOT!


The girls don't make their beds. Abbie sleeps on the top bunk and I have not figured out a good way to make her bed. Emma doesn't because Abbie doesn't. Isaac doesn't because he is 2 and I haven't showed him how yet. I know he would help me make his bed if I wanted.


I don't really see the point of making the beds, but I confess to a low level of guilt for not doing it.

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You brush your teeth before eating breakfast? :ack2:


Someone should post a new poll about when people brush their teeth. :tongue_smilie:


I'm a before-breakfast-brusher, too. Gets all the nasty stuff out of your mouth; I prefer not to swallow it all the accumulated bacteria, but to each her own.


Post-breakfast brushers think any lingering toothpaste might ruin your breakfast. It doesn't. ;)

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I had to make mine as a child. My dad even wrote me a poem and left it on my bed one morning:


Six O'clock comes very early

Not much time to wash and dress

Nice you look, with teeth so pearly--

But make your bed, 'cause it's a mess! :lol:


(he actually put this sort of rolling smiley at the end! lol)


I promised myself I would not feel obligated as an adult.

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I love made beds. I love the discipline & routine of it, too. But I couldn't vote.


Making beds is on the kids' chore list for when they wake up, but...they all sleep in the same rm. If someone's still sleeping, they wait. They forget. Etc. I'd say they get the beds made most day...*some* weeks. NO days other weeks. Mostly? 2-3 days/wk.


But my bed's another story. Twice a month-ish. I feel so much better when I get it done, & for a while I felt like such a slouch after reading Audrey's post about how little time it takes & what an utter slob you'd have to be to *not* get it done. That worked for a while, then I fell off the wagon again. :001_huh:


You learn it from your grandmothers, you know. Good people make their beds. If dressing well, putting on a face, ironing your clothes is too much trouble, then you'd better stay home. From your grandfathers, you learn that only vile people have un-manicured lawns. Grass that's too high is bad; trash in the yard is like a big scarlet A. :lol: (I laugh, but dh wasn't raised this way, & it's caused problems.)


Since making the bed's the easiest of my legalistic woes, it's the one that hangs me up the most. No, that's not true. The yard shows, so it's worse. Bed's a close runner-up, though.:D

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Guest tempestjewel

I like having my bed made. My oldest DD (6.5) is responsible for making her bed. I sometimes make the bed of my younger DD (3.5). When I make it up super nice for company she decides to sleep on top of her covers for a few days to keep it looking nice :tongue_smilie:


However, during my last pg, with morning sickness and tiredness, making beds was hit and miss for a number of months, mostly because I was often in mine!

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I voted other ... we're working on getting to the point of making them every day, but slip up some days (like today, my son - bed made, my daughters' beds are either half made or unmade and mine is unmade)


I'm also working on trying to get my children to make my bed most days. That really works for me ;)

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When I get up DH is still asleep and I never make it back to mine. The kids have bunk or loft beds and they are HARD to make (even for me). We make the beds when we change sheets and when company is coming.


When the kids were little and had easy to make beds, they were made every day. I used to ask DH to make ours when he got up to be a good example, but he rarely did.

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I almost never make my bed. Maybe if company is coming. I don't make my kids do it either. I was never made to do it growing up and still don't really see the point :D


Oh, and I brush my teeth AFTER breakfast (as do my kids). I would not want my breakfast food tasting like toothpaste, ick.

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I make my bed within minutes of getting out of it.

If DD doesn't make hers before she goes to school I make it for her.

DS makes his bed everyday.


On those days when DH gets home late (or early in the am) and is sleeping after I begin my day it takes every ounce of restraint I can muster to let him sleep - because I want to make the bed and have a tidy, pleasing bedroom.

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My mother is had this thing of letting beds air out before making them. So I guess that's why I do mine some time after breakfast and getting our day started. It only takes about 1 minute to do and the bed room look 100% better. I hate going to my sisters and seeing her unmade bed. I almost, but never have, want to go in and make the darn thing, it drives me insane.

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In my home making the beds means tossing the top blanket up in the air over the bed and encouraging it to fall nicely! That's it! I don't fluff pillows, add accent pillows, use shams or bed skirts or care if the entire bed looks nice.....the top sheet just needs to cover the bed! It takes two seconds and I do our bed and the 2 boys beds (ages 5 and 8). My daughter (14) does her own bed.

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I make my bed most days. That one simple task makes the room look so much nicer. DS makes his most days but always on karate days. They have to do extra push-ups if they didn't make their beds.


I brush my teeth after breakfast because I don't want all of that food and morning caffeine stuck in/on my teeth all day. Yuck.:D

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I picked other, because my husband and I make our bed but I don't make the kids make their beds. I don't really care if their beds are made (mostly since the room is messy anyway, what's the point?!) and they just use a sheet anyway. I suppose it would be a good thing to teach them, though. And a good habit to start so their future wives don't hate me.

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I voted Other. I make my bed everyday. My dc are supposed to make their beds everyday in the process of picking up their rooms, but their definition of "making" the bed differs drastically from mine. . .and it's just one of those areas I don't generally force the issue on.

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Other. My bed is made every day. The kids make theirs most days, but not every day. I wish they would but it's not a hill to die on at my house.


But I don't feel in control of my day until my bed is made and the sink is scrubbed.

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We rarely, if ever, make the bed here. I prefer to air out the bed, so sheets and blankets are pulled down when DH gets up. I usually straighten up the blankets before getting in at night.


If a guest is coming, or I'm in super cleaning mode, I'll make the bed.


The kids are both young enough to have special blankets - they don't do the whole top sheet/blanket/pillow routine yet. And it's not like I can fold their blankets, since they become part of the play of the day as well.

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I make our bed most days. Actually I wait until dh is up and out of bed and then he helps me. With 2 of us it takes no time.


My dc are supposed to make their beds but their rooms are upstairs and I don't go up there everyday to check.


In college, my roomate always made my bed because it bothered her more than me. :lol:

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You brush your teeth before eating breakfast? :ack2:


Oh, when I was a teen, there was a family camp thing, & this lady my mom's age walked up to the sink next to me in the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth & started criticizing me for waiting till after b'fast to brush--saying how nasty, etc.


I spit in the sink & told her I brush when I first wake up because I can't stand the morning film on my mouth AND again after b'fast because I don't want to start the day w/ food film, either.


(I've never called anyone a hag, but this woman had serious personal grooming issues & *totally* qualified both in physical appearance & morality, prior to this incidence, but I find it somewhat vindicating to note that here.)


If I have to pick, though, first thing in the AM is the way to go. Morning mouth makes stuff taste WAY funkier than toothpaste. :tongue_smilie:


The moral of the story: Don't be rude to teenagers. They might surprise you.

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I grew up having to make my bed every day, but when I was in college, I had a loft bed that was over my head, and I had to stand on the ladder to try to make it. It was too much effort and I got out of the habit of making my bed everyday.


Just wondering what everyone else does.


Yes, we all do it everyday. However, we do not make them as perfectly as when fresh sheets go on the bed. Basically, I'm happy if covers are straightened and the bed is tidy. I don't go around bouncing quarters off the beds. ;)

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Yes. Every day.


I hate walking into a room and finding a mess. The bedroom is no exception.

Making the bed properly takes no more than a minute or two and it makes the rest of the day more pleasant.


I feel the same way about putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher instead of the sink, wiping fingerprints and toothpaste splatters off the sink and counter when everyone finishes their morning bathroom routines, and a general picking up after oneself when leaving a room.

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I go in fits and starts.


Growing up, it was a rarity.


Wolf, however, loves a made bed...but, he rarely sees it made, since I'm usually in bed first, so I tend not to bother...unless I drag him upstairs and say, "See?! Made the bed!!" at some point in the day...which has happened ;):D

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Yup, without fail. It's not only a basic homemaking thing, it's a comfort thing: sheets which are all smooth feel much nicer when I crawl into them at night. And besides, I worked hard to make my bedroom pretty, and leaving my bed rumpled would make it all worth nothin'.

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