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Where did you meet your spouse???

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We met in a parking garage in Cleveland, Ohio while both working at Ernst & Young.


I was in a relationship and he was in the process of a divorce.


Our getting together was sort of a mistake. He emailed me the next day asking if I wanted to go on break with him. Well, his name is Kelly and I had met a girl named Kelly the same day. I thought I was going on break with another girl from the office!

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We met while both working a wretched high school play named The American Dame. It was the end of my sophomore year and the end of his senior. I had to drop something by the ticket booth quickly so I just ran in and ran out. After I left, this guy I didn't know (my husband now) looked at my friend and the guy sitting next to her and exclaimed, "I'm in LOVE! Who was that?". Well, my friend busted out laughing and said, "It's HIS girlfriend!", pointing to the guy beside her.


Well, that apparently didn't stop him because during a break in the play he walked up to me side stage and said, "You're Jessica ******, aren't you?". I said Yes, he stood there a few more seconds and then turned and just walked away! I remembering thinking "What in the world was that?" I didn't know about what had happened in the ticket booth. He says he froze up and couldn't think of anything to say next. :)


After the play I was back around the make-up rooms, Tony (my husband) was in that hallway too, and my friend walked up. When she realized we were both in the hall FULL of people she pretty much shouts, "Jessica! I have GOT to tell you what Tony said in the ticket booth!" and continues telling everyone in the hall about it. Tony was mortified and I was incredibly fascinated. To say the other guy and I were girlfriend/boyfriend was just about (matter of days) no longer true.


I wasn't at the play the next night but he looked for me. Says he even went to the play party after (NOT his kind of thing) to find me. I was out of town for the rest of the weekend. :) A few days later he heard we had broken up, he got my phone number from embarrasing friend and called me. He was my first love. He brought a single rose to every date, opened doors, was the only teenage boy that wasn't part octopus and my parents loved him right away.


This was all exactly 22 years ago a few days ago on May 19th. We dated 2 months and his parents moved back to NC. My parents really kept up a relationship and even introduced him to friends when he would visit as "Tony, who should be our son-in-law." We married almost exactly 10 years after our first meeting. He really is my best friend and a great husband. I'm so glad he waited. :)

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When we were children. It is quite fairytale like, actually.


Our mothers hung out together, so we were friends. I was 4 and he was 9 when they moved away. We found each other again at a local museum about 12 yrs later. I was a volunteer and he worked there. Dh realized our connection before I did. We became friends again. I never thought it would be more because of the considerable age difference (it's a big difference when you're 16 & he's 21:D). But, somewhere along the way we just knew we were meant to be.

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I met dh at the Sierra Club:D I highly recommend various civic/philanthropic activities and organizations which you enjoy as a way to meet friends and possibly a mate;) I also recommend religious activities, adult education classes as well that you are interested in too:) I do not recommend bars at all IMHO.


I was 37 when I met dh by the way:D

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We met at work. I had worked with him a bit and thought he was nice. Then we started ending up taking our breaks at the same time, struck up conversations, and I knew he was more than nice. He finally asked me out and 9 months later we were married. It'll be 19 years in August. My dd thinks we're "weird."

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At church. He was a newbie pastor and I visited the church one Sunday. A sweet older woman asked me if I was married when I came into the service. When I said no, she said I had to meet their new pastor, who was single too! I thought, NO THANKS. But, 2 months later we had our first date, and 14 months after that, we got married. That was 18 years ago this July! We listed Mrs Bertha in our wedding bulletin as our match maker!!

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Phone date line.


I was new to the province, just looking for grown ups to talk to after the kids were in bed. I didn't intend to actually meet anyone (or so I told myself :lol:)


We talked for weeks before we met. For hours and hours at a time...all night long sometimes.


I knew before we met that he'd be someone important in my life. I'd never laughed so much with anyone before.


We were engaged 6wks and 5 days after we met. Married 5 mths and 6 days after we met.


I was turning 30 that summer, he was 35. I think that had a lot to do with the speed of things...we were old enough to know what we wanted, and not willing to play games to get there.



Funny, reading the thread made me think of my highschool boyfriend...the one I often think of as 'the guy I *should* have married'...would have saved me a lot of heartache.


Then again, I wouldn't be who I am if I had. Doncha hate that kind of thinking? :lol:

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At church. He had been in the older singles group for years. I was 22 and had just moved to the area; he was 35. It happened that I went with a mutual friend to lunch with their group. I remember being glad I only had to spend an hour with them. Dh gave me his business card while we stood on the sidewalk in front of the Chinese restaurant. Mutual friend warned me that some of the guys in the group were rather desperate :tongue_smilie:


I though nothing more of it. 6 weeks later we ran into each other at another church event. I needed help teaching 5th grade Sunday school. He slept through his alarm clock the first week he was supposed to help. 6 weeks after that second meeting, we were engaged. 8 months later we were married. It has been 15 years.


On our first 'official' date, I asked what his intentions were! I wanted to be clear that I didn't want a long term dating relationship. I wanted to know if he was interested (in principle) in marriage. The way he tells it, that was a lot of pressure. :001_smile:


The first thing his mother said to me was, 'I didn't think ____ would ever get married!' His sisters said exactly the same. They each had 2 kids, and no one thought the family name would carry on. Now we've had 4 sons, plus our 3 daughters! You just never know...

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I met my DH at work. I worked as a dolphin trainer at "Marriott's Great America" which is now a Six Flags (Gurnee, IL). (Yes, in '82 they actually had a dolphin show.) He worked in gounds keeping. His job was to hose down the seating in front of the dolphin pool each morning. From across the pool, I admired his beautiful, jet black hair and his lovely, strong forearms! I made absolutely sure I was sitting on the edge of that pool in my bathing suit every day when he got there! :D


After me being obvious all summer, he FINALLY made his way to my side of the pool and asked me out. (YAY!) From that day on, for the next two years, we didn't go a single day without seeing each other. We got unofficially engaged after three months but I wouldn't accept the ring he gave me until I'd known him a year. (I kept it in his top dresser drawer and tried it on every day!) So we went back to the theme park for our 1 year "anniversary" to get officially engaged. One our second "anniversary" we got married! (No, not at the park, in a church!)


It was true love and is still going strong after almost 26 years.


BTW: He worked at the park 7 years. I worked there 1 summer. Just like Jacob and Rachel, he had to work 7 years to get me! Haha.

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2nd semester of our senior year in college in a senior seminar titled: Prophets, Rabbis and Old Testament Teachers. I was the only female in the class. He earned the only "A." We started dating right after Valentines Day, got engaged that spring. Our 25th anniversary will be in 2 weeks:001_smile:

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We met at a party in Taiwan. My flat-mates and I held the party to meet men. The party got too rowdy, we had some gate-crashers, the neighbours complained and someone threw an open tin of paint through the window. But I met my husband. I was twenty-five; he was thirty-one.



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6th grade, first year of middle school. We had come from different elementary schools, and I was quite peeved to hear talk about this boy being "the smartest kid in school." I was pretty sure that was supposed to be my reputation. It was very annoying years later in high school when he got a higher SAT score.


He was the only reason I got through trig and calculus with As; he'd taken them years before but sat in on the class and helped the teachers with explanations when they got lost. He would sit by my desk and quietly write things that made sense on my paper while the befuddled calculus teacher stared at the overhead and tried to figure out where he'd gone wrong. :D He would tell me it wasn't my fault I was confused; math was taught badly in high school.


I didn't have to work hard to win him over to homeschooling!

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I was in graduate school, he was finishing up his Bachelor's degree. He invited me to see him play at the Flying Buffalo in Athens, GA (where we lived). I went with a friend who was also my hairstylist. Turns out, she thought we were on a date that evening and got pretty upset when I kept talking to dh all night. :001_huh:


That was 18 years ago. We've been married over 17 years.

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Our story


Early summer 1987 DH sees me at a store in town

He goes to parents house and starts going through his brother and sisters yearbooks. He finds a 9th grade picture of me (He now has a name) (summer before senior year of high school


He ask around does anyone know me or my number all that before Internet.


He finally talk to his cousin whose girlfriend happen to know me. This was in October 87.


Cousin's girlfriend was in my homeroom class. Says so and so wants to meet you etc. So I was intrigued. He called me that night and we talk for 4 hours that was on a Tuesday


We meet for the first time at Jacks that Thursday for a quick hello before I had to be at work. I didn't eat a thing:D


We celebrate our 20th anniversary in a few weeks.

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My dh and I met doing community theatre. We had been friends for about a year and a half and started dating after a production of "Once Upon a Mattress" in which I played the Queen and he played the Jester.


For our wedding, he bought me pewter wine glasses, one where the stem is a queen and the other a jester. We used them for our toast at the wedding reception (drinking Dom Perignon champagne, a gift from a groomsman).

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I met him in a bar when we were 20/21-ish, where we occasionally both went with mutual friends. But, I really don't suggest doing that at 34 (or even 21 tbh, I just got lucky - or he did :tongue_smilie:), lol!


that is our story, too. But, for the kiddy version I say we met at a concert. LOL

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It was going well until they put in a movie - "The Accused" with Jodie Foster - hey, it was an Academy Award winner. Not a good first date movie.


You're right, what a terrible movie! I didn't like it even for a later date. Bleah.


We met when I was a student working in an office at college, and dh got his first full time job there. He ignored me for a long time. I finally asked him out, we got engaged a year to the day after our first date and married 8 months later. We just celebrated our 15th anniversary. :)

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It came out at a recent family gathering that all the married couples in the room had met in college/grad school at a bar or party. :lol:


I went to a party at DH's fraternity hoping to run into this guy on which I had a crush, and DH was hoping to run into this girl on which he had a crush. Neither of the two showed up and we ended up meeting each other instead.

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I was a travel agent in a small town, and booked a ticket for him to his office Christmas party. He came in, got prices and then called a week later. The conversation went like this: "I tried all week to find someone to go with, but couldn't." Me-jokingly "Well, I'd go with, but you'd have to pay!" (Thinking, ha, ha) Him: "That wouldn't be a problem." Me: "I can't do that, you could be a maniac!" :lol:


So, he went, and called me when he came back and said "Were you kidding when you said you'd go out with me?" And that was the beginning of the story. He said he'll always remember the way I looked when he first saw me at the agency, "You had on a Betty Boop sweatshirt (casual Friday) and black nailpolish" (It was the 90's).

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Guest MamaBear10

He was my sister's best friend in middle school.


When I was in 8th grade, three years after meeting him, I went to a football game at the high school my sister and my now husband went to.


I sat and talked with him for awhile and found out he played Field Hockey. I went to a few of his games.


Lo and behold, in 9th grade, I began dating him, even though he was a Junior.


ETA: And even though I won't admit it to him, I joined Field Hockey just to hang out with him. I know, what a loser :001_wub:

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Dh and I met through a mutual friend at a church in Dallas. It was a Sunday night (dh birthday actually). My friend said some guy says he knows you from college. (mind you, I'm living in Dallas and I went to college in New Orleans). So I walk over to meet him and it was an instant connection. We exchanged phone numbers that evening, married 6 weeks later at the justice of the peace (this is not for the faint at heart :)) and still going strong 12 years later. :D


Only God can move two people from the same area, that attended the same university, to the same city and meet at the same church through the same friend and married 6 weeks later. :)

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We met in college. I worked at a local restaurant and all the waitresses, who had been there for a while, were excited because this guy who had worked there was returning from school in Japan. On of the older waitresses, a good friend said, "This is the guy you are going to marry." No way. I do not date cooks, especially cooks who wear Birkenstocks. The guy was funny, smart, and a gentleman...but not too much of one.;) He still is all that after 26 years. I am one lucky woman.

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