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What does your avatar mean?

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Mine is way I feel on most days. Hiding because I've had one of those V8 moments, covering my eyes because I'd rather have a nap during the day, or the gesture of astonishment about what rabbit hole (lion hole perhaps?) my ds has decided to go down at the moment.


Do you not love that new V8 commercial about the Fluffy, the bunny? That ranks as one of my fav. commercials. I so relate!

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Guess mine's kinda obvious. I don't want to change it because I'm afraid people won't "know" me! I don't like it when people I know change theirs because I'm a visual person and remember pics/faces not names!


Oops. You may be mad at me now because I changed mine.

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I still think So CA, AZ, and NM rank high with great Mexican-American food. *SIGH* :D


Are you kidding? No one is better than NM!!!! We are the only state that understands the term, "red or green?" AND understands that it could mean the difference between life and death! OK, not really.:lol: I'm not biased at all, am I?;)


I keep changing mine. I'm like that:D The current one is of my girls when we got home from the movie, "UP." I just thought the glasses were so cute!


I guess I could put a pic of me. . .but then you'd all know what I look like.:eek:

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My dc chose my avatar, actually. We are all huge HP fans. It was interesting to me that they chose Molly Weasly because, first of all, I gave them freedom to choose with no restrictions, and second, of all the fictional moms out there, Molly is one of my favorite; she's loyal, loving, smart, strong, protective, humourous - everything I would strive to be as a mother, including her well-intended tempermentalness. I really do love her character.


And being able to wave a wand and have a magical sous chef would be the best!

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I used to watch Monty Python with my dad when I was in high school and college. It's from a scene in Holy Grail where the knight is fighting and gets all his limbs cut off, then insists on keeping going, saying, "It's just a flesh wound!"



That's my favorite scene from that movie!! I never noticed it before. How funny! :D

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Mine is my son and I at a wedding a few years ago. For religous reasons (and to please my MIL) he did not have his first haircut until after his 2nd birthday. So he had long hair that we tied into a fountain at the top of hsi head. It was so adorable (but he may never forgive me when he is older!)

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I love the vanilla ones!


My avatar is pretty easy to figure out...a tree house to go with my user name.



I like to eat two at a time to combine the flavors. :D


cherry + vanilla = cherry-vanilla

lemon + lime = lemon-lime

cherry + orange = .... I don't know but it's good!

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Since I often happen by these boards (and then get sucked in!) to destress after a long day, I picked the sample photo on my computer that looked the most relaxing to me. Ahhhh, what a perfect place, especially if there was a horse just off-camera!


Mama Anna

Edited by Mama Anna
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I just changed mine. I love traveling and like to use pictures of things I love from my trips. My last avatar was of a grove of gorgeous plum and cherry trees in a garden we visited outside of Shanghai. My new avatar is of a cute phone booth we saw on our trip to Norway last fall (I love old-fashioned phone booths). :001_smile:

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My usual avatar, the dragon head, is from the movie Dragonheart, the first dragon movie DS and I watched together.


I let DS name our school, The Dragon Academy, so I chose an avatar that would reflect our name and mascot. That's what happens when you allow an 11 year old who was reading The Inheritance Cycle to choose a school name. At least he wasn't reading The Diary of a Wimpy Kid series at the time.



He has read quite a few of the Hornblower series and thinks Hornblower's name and current avatar are cool.

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Guest Katia

Mine is Natsuki Kruger, the headmistress of the school in one of my favorite animes, Mai Otome.


Since I am the headmistress of our school, she seemed appropriate; besides, I love how cool she is when she 'materializes'....and I'd love to have her bod and to be able to dress like that ;).


And that perplexed look on her face.....I find myself with that look more often than not when it comes to a lot of the discussions on this board. :D

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