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Declutter challenge of 2010

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Declutter just ONE thing from your house every day for a year. Just ONE thing.


For example: Don't pull out the entire attic and start decluttering. That's too much work and too overwhelming. Instead, find just one box in the attic, open it, and take just one thing out to get rid of. There. You're done for the day.


The next day, find another thing in the box. Done.


It'll take under 5 minutes a day. And at the end of the year, 365 things will be GONE.


You can choose to throw the item away, donate it to charity, or put it somewhere to sell when the time is right (I'll have to wait until spring for a yardsale.)


If you're going to donate to charity, you can keep it in a pile somewhere, but every week or month (at the most) you have to get that pile out of the house to your charity.


I did this for about 2 months last year and it worked really well. The first thing I decluttered was one pair of earrings. Sounds small and silly, but it was a start. I got rid of 60 things by the end of my two months, some small (like the earrings) and some big.


Who will join me?

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Cool! There are a bunch of us!


And I guess if you want to, you can do more than 1 thing a day, but you only have to do 1 thing. It takes a little pressure off. If you don't feel like decluttering a whole basement, you don't have to. Just find one thing in the house to get rid of and you're done for the day!


I'm pretty excited about it!

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Declutter just ONE thing from your house every day for a year. Just ONE thing.


For example: Don't pull out the entire attic and start decluttering. That's too much work and too overwhelming. Instead, find just one box in the attic, open it, and take just one thing out to get rid of. There. You're done for the day.


The next day, find another thing in the box. Done.


It'll take under 5 minutes a day. And at the end of the year, 365 things will be GONE.


You can choose to throw the item away, donate it to charity, or put it somewhere to sell when the time is right (I'll have to wait until spring for a yardsale.)


If you're going to donate to charity, you can keep it in a pile somewhere, but every week or month (at the most) you have to get that pile out of the house to your charity.


I did this for about 2 months last year and it worked really well. The first thing I decluttered was one pair of earrings. Sounds small and silly, but it was a start. I got rid of 60 things by the end of my two months, some small (like the earrings) and some big.


Who will join me?


This is easy for me...I am a getter ridderer....BUT, most of the others in this house are bring it on inners...and leave it all over the placers....Drives me NUTS! I am setting my goal for 10 things a day...and I don't care who they belong to...BWAHhahaahaha!


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I will be spending the next 3 months decluttering like crazy in preparation of our upcoming move. I started last night going through our school shelves to see what I could get ready to sell in March and what could be packed up all ready to clear out space in my kitchen (we school in the kitchen). Of course all the decluttering I did before christmas was undone with all the new stuff brought in so I have to go even more hard core in my attack on clutter.

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I will get in on this but I intend to move a bit faster. I came back from Christmas break and my house looks like someone turned some gremlins loose in here. I can't function in this chaos so something needs to be done quickly. I plan to start in my room as it is my santuary. Then I go downstairs and work my way up.

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I'm gonna try to do this. But this week, I've got to declutter my classroom. I have WAY. TOO. MUCH STUFF.. Curriculum, papers, books, you name it, I've got too much of it. it's horrendous. I can't freakin' see my desk, and the bookshelves are just....indescribably PACKED.

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OOPs Too late! I just did a major declutter of the kids rooms and upstairs play room.


I'll make my way through the downstairs one tomorrow (which isn't bad because we just did it before Christmas)


Maybe I'll use the challenge for our master bedroom closets, attic and garage.


But I'll have to do it a few things a day so I'm done by August when DH comes home from deployment. He's a horrible pack rat, so I have to do my decluttering of our things (not kids) when he's gone LOL.

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Have you seen unclutterer.com ? A cyber-pal recently turned me on to this blog/site. She has a book out, too, which is really good.


And here is a free downloadable decluttering calendar for 2010. There is a little something to do each day. It's easy, not overwhelming, and some days are just plain fun.

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Guest mamasojourner24Him
Have you seen unclutterer.com ? A cyber-pal recently turned me on to this blog/site. She has a book out, too, which is really good.


And here is a free downloadable decluttering calendar for 2010. There is a little something to do each day. It's easy, not overwhelming, and some days are just plain fun.



Thanks for these links, Audrey! :)

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I am in! This sounds like a wonderful challenge, and a challenge it will be. I am drowning in clutter. I may have to go a bit faster in the begining. (I have hubby home for a WEEK, and am very pregnant so I plan on putting him to work.) I can only imagine what my house may look like at the end of the year!

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Hmm, I should do this. I'm gonna go start penciling it in on my calendar now.


Hey, this is a great idea! Each day I will write the item pitched on the square of my day-timer, there's room.


That will keep me on track for my decluttering, plus it will keep me referring to my day-timer.... I have a habit of setting it up and then forgetting to refer to it :glare:. One of my resolutions this year is to stay more on top of that. This plan should help!

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Hey, this is a great idea! Each day I will write the item pitched on the square of my day-timer, there's room.


That will keep me on track for my decluttering, plus it will keep me referring to my day-timer.... I have a habit of setting it up and then forgetting to refer to it :glare:. One of my resolutions this year is to stay more on top of that. This plan should help!


I'm in and this is a good idea too, Auntie M.



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I'll join in too! Although we will be moving, probably by February, so I will likely pitch/donate/sell 365 things by the end of January!:001_huh::lol: It feels really good! The back of my van is already full and waiting to go to Goodwill. We're majorly downsizing and I feel like it will be a wonderful fresh start!:D

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