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CHALLENGE: Name the baby girl!

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No we haven't heard anything for sure but I do not seem to know the meaning of "not getting my hopes up" so I am just going to go with it! :D


I need a name for her. But I am really picky so I need your help. Here are the parameters:


1. cannot start with K or hard C sound (our one ds is Kyle and we don't want alliteration)


2. cannot start with A (our other ds is Alex)


3. cannot start with F (our last name starts with F)


4. Not overly fancy with tons of syllables like Isabella or Gabriella. 2 or 3 syllables max.


5. Not overly trendy or unusual


6. It needs to sound pretty for a baby but will also sound professional for a grown woman and look good on a resume.


7. it doesn't have to have a special meaning but it would be nice


8. Her middle name will be Sarah (my mother's name)


9. no unisex names


10. nothing that can be shortened into a nickname like Cassandra-Cassie


11. It would be nice if it had the L sound in it since myboys do but not necessary.


I think that's it. The challenge is on!

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Well.... when you first announced the "Christmas Gift" that I hope you receive:-) I was thinking "Evangeline" which I would shorten to "Ayva" spelled... Eva :-) Of course, I have to say that I think of "Sarah" as a first name:-) Sarah Evangeline:-) Sarah Noelle:-) Sarah was my grandmother's (paternal) name.....I never knew her but it was "Sarah Oma Ellen) and she went by Oma:-)



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It's so exciting you're getting a baby girl! I always told dh if we had all (up to 3) boys we would have to adopt a girl.


I'll have to throw out the obvious Noelle or Natalie for your Christmas baby. :) I may think of something else later - love baby names!


I thought the person who suggested Kea from the Malay word was on to a great idea, but I understand not wanting alliteration.

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Ok, I had suggested in the earlier thread miracle in Malay is keajaiban. How about naming her Kea? It would be pronounced K-ah. Doesn't work with your not wanting a hard K sound, but Kea Sarah has a nice sound to it.


A Few other ideas:


Sarah is Hebrew for Princess. Celeste and Leilani both mean "Heavenly". So Leilani Sarah would be Heavenly Princess.


Nasya (alternate spelling Nasia) means God's Miracle. Nasya Sarah = God's Miracle Princess


Lilibeth = God's Promise....so Lilibeth Sarah = God's Promised Princess


Levona = Frankinsence....she was born so close to Christmas and that is part of the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus. Levona Sarah sound lovely, though Frankinsence Princess isn't quite right so you wouldn't want to use both meanings to describe her, lol. Most people don't actually know or care about the meanings of their middle names anyway.


Levana was a Roman Goddess and protector of infants.

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Jasmine or Yasmine.


Works with Sarah.


It is listed as a Malaysian name and American.


Isn't offensive in either language.


Means "Jasmine" combined with (Sara) "princess" sounds lovely


Is feminine but also isn't too girly.


It can be shortened to Jaz but most of the Jasmines I know, go only by Jasmine.

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How about Talitha? It is a little bit unusual, but not trendy, it has an L in it, doesn't start with a K, A, or F, has only 3 syllables, definitely isn't unisex, and I can't think of any nicknames for it. And I think Talitha Sarah is lovely. Also, it comes from the Bible, which ties in with your family's mission work, and the derivation could make it extra special since she is recieving a new life with your family:


Means "little girl" in Aramaic. The name is taken from the phrase talitha cumi meaning "little girl arise" spoken by Jesus in order to restore a young girl to life (see Mark 5:41).


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Sarah Noelle. That's just so awesome! Just think of the story she can tell about how she got her name!:)


I also am partial to Lucy.:D


Oh I like that.


Along the lines of Christmas names there's also





Gloria (to God)

Christine (Christ-ine)

Beth (lehem)




Carol (as in Christmas Carol)

Nichole (Jolly old Saint Nicholas instead of a stork)



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Sarah is just not a very natural sounding middle name. You could name her Sarah something and then call her by her middle name?


Lisa is a beautiful name and is seldom used anymore. It is #600 something on the list of most popular names, so you WON'T have a bunch of Lisa's in her age group. The meaning is the same as Elisabeth: Consecrated to God.


Sarah Lisa

Lisa Sarah


I like my DD's name:




ClaireAnna Sarah sounds pretty, but Sarah ClaireAnna sounds better. In fact, every name I try sounds better if Sarah is first. Good luck choosing and God Bless you. I hope and pray this works out for you and the dear little one.

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Mia Sarah. My princess.




Not many names go easily with "Sarah"...but this one really sounds great with it.


But take my advice with a grain of salt; my culture and heritage (redneck) insists that both names be easily shouted together, either into the backyard, or the backseat of the car.


"Mia Sarah!!"


See? Works! :D

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What is her birth mom's name? Maybe you might consider using her name for a 2nd middle name or even first name if it's something you like.


Otherwise, for your consideration


Robyn (Robin)

Angel / Angelina / Angelica - all names for Angel




Carol or Carolle







And my favorite - Renee. It means reborn. There are different ways to spell this too. Renae, Renai, Rayna, Rena,


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I liked the suggestions of Ellen and Leah.


Also fitting your restrictions: Mallory, Helen/a, Alannah/Lana, Julie/Julia, Lauren, Emily, Elaine, Rachel, Eileen, Lynette, Shelby, Janelle


Not with an "L" sound but not-easily-nicknameable: Dawn, Wendy, Meg/Megan, Beth/Bethany


Throwing others out there: Eleanor, Lillian, Michelle, Meredith, Jaclyn, Rachelle, Danielle

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OK, I've run the names by dh and here's where we are right now:









Some of them go better with Sarah as a first name (which is fine too). I think Sarah Noelle might be my favorite right now. But I also like Grace, Natalie and Leila (Leila means dark-skinned beauty! and she is Indian in ethnicity).


Decisions decisions. Any more ideas?

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OK, I've run the names by dh and here's where we are right now:









Some of them go better with Sarah as a first name (which is fine too). I think Sarah Noelle might be my favorite right now. But I also like Grace, Natalie and Leila (Leila means dark-skinned beauty! and she is Indian in ethnicity).


Decisions decisions. Any more ideas?


With her Indian ethnicity I think that Mia Sarah sounds beautiful!

With Sarah as a first name I love Sarah Noelle and Sarah Nichole.

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With her Indian ethnicity I think that Mia Sarah sounds beautiful!

With Sarah as a first name I love Sarah Noelle and Sarah Nichole.


Yep. These three are my favorites as well.


BTW Laila is my oldest's name. It must be pretty international because it is an old Arabic name as well as a Danish name!!!

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I vote for Sarah Noelle!


My daughter is charlotte Noelle and we call her Noelle. She was not my Christmas baby, but, my son, Nicholas, was and if he were a girl he would have been Noelle and I just loved that name sooo much.


And if if makes a difference - she is an absolute angel and lives up to her name, bringing us joy throughout the year.

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CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I just went and saw the other thread! How EXCITING!!!!! I never knew how much I wanted a girl until I got my dd. And, it is SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!!


These names are great! I really like Pearl. But, I also like Mia because of its meaning.


Sarah Noelle is my fav from the list you have though!!


A couple others we were considering:


Margaret (and we used this one!)



Eden (okay - this one is actually the name my sister is going to use for a girl, but I like it)

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