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Just for fun: if you have a non-traditional board name, why...

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or what, does yours represent? Some are obvious, but others...not so much! I really like "getting to know" you (mostly) ladies, but many of your names intrigue me, and I'd to know why you picked them.


(Remudamom, I'm not asking you !!! :lol: )


For example, why Spycar? TaraTheLiberator? and many, many others!!



BTW, I've been on the boards since the paleolithic era of WTM board-dom, so I'm not a troll; I'm just genuinely curious!




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or what, does yours represent? Some are obvious, but others...not so much! I really like "getting to know" you (mostly) ladies, but many of your names intrigue me, and I'd to know why you picked them.


(Remudamom, I'm not asking you !!! :lol: )


For example, why Spycar? TaraTheLiberator? and many, many others!!



BTW, I've been on the boards since the paleolithic era of WTM board-dom, so I'm not a troll; I'm just genuinely curious!





Mine is probably obvious....it was my nick name as a teen, although no one calls me that now so I can remain anonymous. I both looked a bit like Vivien Leigh and I also had a serious attitude like Scarlett. Mine is also one people don't forget. I like that too.

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I was given the nickname in high school by a friend who is really, really short. I am tall. The name was given for two reasons. One is that the image of a scruffy dark stranger fighting, protecting, in the background, fits me well, especially in certain life circumstances at that time. I was/am nothing like the kingly Aragorn, but could relate to the Ranger who patrols the wilderness with his sword. The other reason my friend conferred the name on me is that I have long legs and therefore a long walking stride, especially compared to her.

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In the pre-internet days as a teen, my dad got me started on a local bbs. They had some good games and such that I enjoyed. In those days you never used your real name "online", so I chose Athena as my online persona. We must have recently studied mythology in school, because I remember liking the goddess Athena. I've used the name ever since.

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Well, mine started out as a nickname when I was circulating in the Pagan community down in Florida, and in the SCA before I picked an actual SCA name. I think I spelled it with an "i" to make it match my numerological birth number or some such.


It seemed a good choice for an online name, and I've used it or some variant of it since I first got online.

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Forty-two is the answer to life, the universe, and everything :D. Plus it's a fun domino game ;).


Forty-two has been my favorite number since I first read "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in 9th grade, and when I had to pick a nickname as a camp counselor in college, I went with "forty-two." I've used it online ever since.

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Most of my forum names are cat-related ~ sometimes actual names of my cats, sometimes just cat-themed. I'm fivetails on here because we had five cats when I joined...although if we had access to the controls to change our board names, I'd have become sixtails, (a temp stray joined us) then fivetails again (the stray found a good home), and now fourtails after our move across country because one of the fivetails was elderly and stayed behind with close friends as she couldn't handle the stress of flying/moving. Well, fourandahalftails, if you count the new bunny tail/fluffy stub who joined us the other week. ;)


I'm Molytail on twitter & my blog ~ Moly is the name of our oldest cat. It was Molly with two L's because I thought HE was a SHE as a kitten...discovered HE was not, but it was too late because he knew his name.. dropped an L, but it's still said the same.:)

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I've been ChristusG forever online. I got the nickname Christus Gardens as a teen in my church youth group. A friend went out of town and saw a place called Christus Gardens. Since my name is Christy she said it reminded her of my name. It kinda stuck and I was called Christus Gardens sometimes. When I started needing Internet names around 16 years old, I chose ChristusG and have been using it for 13 years now.

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Forty-two is the answer to life, the universe, and everything :D. Plus it's a fun domino game ;).


Forty-two has been my favorite number since I first read "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in 9th grade, and when I had to pick a nickname as a camp counselor in college, I went with "forty-two." I've used it online ever since.


I turned 42 this year and hoped all the answers would fall into my lap. Six months later I'm still waiting. :lol:


I'm Saille everywhere...have been for years. Saille is the Celtic word for Willow. Basically, my long-term philosophy is "bend, don't break".
Love it!


ElegantLion is the name I had in a dream. It was shop that held all these exotic treasures full of texture and stories. I thought it was cool. I do like wildlife, prefer solitude, and can be really irritable if you approach me too early in the morning. I have wild bushy hair. The Elegant part I'm still working on. :D

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I needed a name to use online back when my 1st was a baby and I was pregnant with my second. My then husband suggested swellmomma, He said 1)because I was a "swell" (aka good) momma and 2) because I was swelling from the pregnancy :glare:. I am not creative enough to think of new names so I have used it ever since on all messages boards, my email addy and my blog address since.

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A long time ago my hubby was a crew chief, which means he worked on Blackhawk helicopters. We were trying to explain this to a friend and he popped out with "I'm a helicopter doctor". Over the years that became a private in-joke for us and go shortened to "copter doctor". When we got a computer many moons ago and I needed a user name, I thought of that and tacked on "mrs" since it was for me. It has stuck all this time and it is great because nobody else has it. :D

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I turned 42 this year and hoped all the answers would fall into my lap. Six months later I'm still waiting. :lol:




I turned 42 this year, too, and hadn't associated it to life, the universe, and everything yet! All of a sudden I feel a lot better about being 42!

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Rew was just a baby when I came on these boards. His name is actually Andrew, but my husband used to joke that I gave birth to a marsupial because he was always in my front pouch and attached. So he started jokingly calling us Kanga and Rew. I wasn't sure if I wanted to use my name and how much info to give because my husband was getting ready to deploy, so I used that nickname instead.


I actually had a dream the other night that I introduced myself as Kanga. I took it as a sign that I had been on the boards too much lately. :lol:

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I needed an online name for Gateworld (the Stargate fan board) many years ago and chose SG1Happy. I loved being called Happy on those boards so I've used some variation of Happy online ever since.


Plus, we used to live near Happy, Texas....the town without a frown. :D


I'm going to become a grandmom in a few weeks. I've decided I want the little one to call me Happy.

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My homeschool blog is Smrt Lernins (indicative of how ignorant I felt, and sometimes still feel, about this whole homeschooling business!) and Smrt Mama just seemed like the right name to go along w/ that. It's not the name I used for the last 15 years or so online, but I felt that I needed a change.

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Way back when I was working and only had four kids, my employees got me a birthday card and inside was a bumper sticker that said " Kids Happen". That bumper sticker graced my van until it died years later but the moniker stuck. I have been using it on-line since about 1997. As far as I know, I am the only KidsHappen on the net so if you see it anywhere (sometimes with a slightly different spelling) it's probably me. It is my user name everywhere as well as my email address.

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Specialmama followed me from an autism support group. Many of the parents would name their children such as: SpecialDavid or SpecialAndrew&Kimmy. I liked the special part, but I'm also a rebel (all of us are because we homeschool!) and I had several issues with putting my son's name down: 1) what the heck is "normal" anyhow? Just because he has a disability, he's a person first and foremost. 2) I felt it was almost a "pity me" thing, and as much as I appreciate real sympathy and empathy, I most certainly do not want pity. So I had to rebel and not put my son's name. I figure we're all special, and keeping his name off made me feel fierce in a good way, like a mama bear protecting her cub. I don't want people to know me through the lens of my son's disability. I don't know if that makes any sense or not. I just know I feel great that I didn't use his name. I'm keeping that special for people who are blessed to know him in real life.

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I typed in the first thing that popped into my head. :glare: I figured I could change it after I gave it some thought but, I found out I couldn't change it. A friend thought my name would offend some people, because it made her think of vodka. :blink: It really refers to the fact that when hubby and I used to go to Starbucks, we would get four shots of espresso in our lattes. Now, I have food allergies and have not had a latte in years, but am afraid to remove my siggy line about drinking espresso! :001_rolleyes:

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The first time I ever joined a message board and needed a login name, I was looking for help with a "I'm a new stay at home mom" kind of problem. I had scanned through some posts and seen all these clever names describing what kind of moms people were, and I said to myself: "well, I'm no supermom, that's for sure. I'm just a regular mom."


So, I typed it in, and the name sort of stuck.


And Scarlett was the first person to respond to my very first post btw. (This was on a different board.) And her advice was really kind and helpful. (Hey there, Scarlett! Thanks!)


And there you have it.

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Anytime something is chaotic and difficult to organize, we say it's like herding cats. This homeschooling thing is like that; everyone wants to do something other than what I want them to do:tongue_smilie: We also have two cats (I don't try to herd them though). I thought about this after I chose the name, but it also fits in with my Native American heritage- sort of "Dancing with Wolves"ish.

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are you still on GW??? I am on there :D same name :D


Not so much any more. I used to live on the Sam/Jack shipper thread. :D


I'm a diehard, from the beginning, SG1 fan. Atlantis less so and Universe, not so much. Did a vacation to Vancouver last summer with my husband...one of the highlights was seeing Bridge studios and finding several filming locations. Kind of a Jack O'Neill walked here sort of thing. ;)


I post Stargate fanfic as SG1Happy, too.

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