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Do you ever wonder about who we have on the board with us?

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You've all missed the point entirely. Tap is trying to tell us that he is, in reality, a Mafia Don who posts from prison. His children are numerous, sired in the good years, before that punk D.A. started snooping around. Since boyhood, he has an inexplicable urge to become pregnant, which has resulted in a nervous tic. Thus, the screen name. His connections on the outside enable him to moonlight as an Usborne sales rep. Not quite as lucrative as the drug trade, it still feeds his desire for power. He Skypes his underlings from the penitentiary library. Once in awhile, he posts as Susan Wise Bauer just to pretend he's famous.

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They are actually very nice people. Not scary at all.


We photographed a fund raiser a few years ago at which a Very Important Politician was the speaker. The secret service had to inspect all of our equipment once we had everything in place. They were very respectful to us and so nice to our boys.

Yeah, they can be nice enough... till you get on their bad side. Then, they get all snippy and won't give you ice cream after dinner.


My uncle's retired secret service, not very secret, except I have no idea what he did beyond dressing in a black suit every.single.day.

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No, I can't say that I have ever wondered any of those things but I do tend to have more faith in responses from long time posters especially if they are posting something weird or controversial. This is probably due to the really bad troll we had on the old boards. Even though we don't really know the people here, if they have posted for a long time there is a certain consistancy in their tone and you get a feel for who they are. Sometimes someone will post something from out of the blue and I really wonder if someone hacked their account and is posting under their name because it doesn't sound like them. I have also noticed a change in some people over time and many times I will notice a problem in their life before they post about it. Many things that seem to come from out of the blue are no surprise to me.

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You got me! I am Blair. In fact, I look just as good now as I did in 1987 even after three kids, years of homeschooling and numerous failed acting experiences.

Whew! Glad to have that one solved! But don't be so hard on yourself! Those acting experiences surely taught you something, so they did have some value!


Now, let's get to work on figuring out everyone else...;)



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Even though we don't really know the people here, if they have posted for a long time there is a certain consistancy in their tone and you get a feel for who they are. Sometimes someone will post something from out of the blue and I really wonder if someone hacked their account and is posting under their name because it doesn't sound like them. I have also noticed a change in some people over time and many times I will notice a problem in their life before they post about it. Many things that seem to come from out of the blue are no surprise to me.

You sound like a very intuitive person, KidsHappen! That is so cool. I am way too obtuse to notice things like that!



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I know there are some "famous in the homeschool world" posters (and their spouses.) I doubt there are actual famous people, because, as someone else noted, they generally use professional tutors.


The country singer Gretchen Wilson got her GED last year so she could qualify to homeschool her daughter.

Edited by littlebug42
weird comma placement
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Hmm, are you that gal who acted and then wrote a book on homeschooling and life with hubby and kids? Actually I think she wrote more than one book. She was blonde...


Hmmm, does that mean that Tooty and Natalie are here too? Eeek! Funny, I was just thinking about "Blair" because I was rummaging through the Christmas books looking for her Advent book. We met her in real life at a Homeschool Convention once....nice lady!

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They are actually very nice people. Not scary at all.


We photographed a fund raiser a few years ago at which a Very Important Politician was the speaker. The secret service had to inspect all of our equipment once we had everything in place. They were very respectful to us and so nice to our boys.


Oh! I had forgotten. Last year right before the election a Very Important Politician came to campus. My husband, also a photographer, apparently has been in the habit of stashing snacks (from all the boring receptions he has to photograph) in a particular pocket of his camera bag. There was a small, humorous fuss with the dogs and crumbs and whatnot. The secret service fellas were good about it. (The local police, however, were a bit snippy. I think they were mostly, um, supporters of a different Very Important Politician.)


So. Okay. Now that I've remembered this, it's okay if Bill or any of you other kids is / are actually super famous and want/s to along some special agents to check out my place before our next Well Trained Party.

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You've all missed the point entirely. Tap is trying to tell us that he is, in reality, a Mafia Don who posts from prison. His children are numerous, sired in the good years, before that punk D.A. started snooping around. Since boyhood, he has an inexplicable urge to become pregnant, which has resulted in a nervous tic. Thus, the screen name. His connections on the outside enable him to moonlight as an Usborne sales rep. Not quite as lucrative as the drug trade, it still feeds his desire for power. He Skypes his underlings from the penitentiary library. Once in awhile, he posts as Susan Wise Bauer just to pretend he's famous.


Wow. Ya just never know does ya?

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You've all missed the point entirely. Tap is trying to tell us that he is, in reality, a Mafia Don who posts from prison. His children are numerous, sired in the good years, before that punk D.A. started snooping around. Since boyhood, he has an inexplicable urge to become pregnant, which has resulted in a nervous tic. Thus, the screen name. His connections on the outside enable him to moonlight as an Usborne sales rep. Not quite as lucrative as the drug trade, it still feeds his desire for power. He Skypes his underlings from the penitentiary library. Once in awhile, he posts as Susan Wise Bauer just to pretend he's famous.


Has someone been playing Mafia Wars a tad too much? :D:lol:

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But I don't think Lisa (and definitely not Blair) would be a vet?

You're right. I'm not really a vet, just playing around for the last two years with y'all. So all that medical advice, jargon, yada, yada, yada...it's all fake! Poof! Just like that.:lol::lol::lol:









Just kidding. I can still help you with Fido and Fluffy;).

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You're right. I'm not really a vet, just playing around for the last two years with y'all. So all that medical advice, jargon, yada, yada, yada...it's all fake! Poof! Just like that.:lol::lol::lol:











Just kidding. I can still help you with Fido and Fluffy;).



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They are actually very nice people. Not scary at all.


We photographed a fund raiser a few years ago at which a Very Important Politician was the speaker. The secret service had to inspect all of our equipment once we had everything in place. They were very respectful to us and so nice to our boys.


Back in 1985, when Reagan was in San Diego at the Embarcadero for a rally, SDSU marching band was asked to play. We had to all be searched (yeah, all 200+ of us) and our instruments laid on the ground and sniffed by the dogs. The SS guys were nice enough, but some of them actually tried playing our instruments! That was...weird. And, not one of us felt we could say a word about it. The were, after all, the SS! A few weeks prior, they came to our field rehearsal and approached the director. We all stood there, in the heat, wondering why there were men in black beckoning the director to come down from his ladder. The reality of the visit was far from the speculations! LOL


It was a blast, though. Reagan made a point to walk over to us and wave. Being a clarinet player, I was on the 2nd row of the stands they had us on. I got some great shots and I'll never forget how fun that was. I'll always treasure those photos.

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Back in 1985, when Reagan was in San Diego at the Embarcadero for a rally, SDSU marching band was asked to play. We had to all be searched (yeah, all 200+ of us) and our instruments laid on the ground and sniffed by the dogs. The SS guys were nice enough, but some of them actually tried playing our instruments! That was...weird. And, not one of us felt we could say a word about it. The were, after all, the SS! A few weeks prior, they came to our field rehearsal and approached the director. We all stood there, in the heat, wondering why there were men in black beckoning the director to come down from his ladder. The reality of the visit was far from the speculations! LOL


It was a blast, though. Reagan made a point to walk over to us and wave. Being a clarinet player, I was on the 2nd row of the stands they had us on. I got some great shots and I'll never forget how fun that was. I'll always treasure those photos.


When Bill Clinton spoke in Ames in 90 something I was crossing the street with some SS guys. The light was red and we had the stop signal. The two SS guys looked at each other and one said, "Can we go across? The light is red." The other SS guy said, "Why not, this is Iowa." So, now you know that the SS jaywalks.

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I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band!







Actually, I got kicked out of choir in 3rd grade. "Why don't you play an instrument? Band practices at the same time as choir."


I do occasionally play my trumpet at church now, mainly just at Christmas or Easter now that I have children, I played more frequently before I had them.

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On second thought, given the level of glamor and excitement of a typical homeschooling mom's life, who would ever pretend to be one of us?

:lol: Ain't that the truth! Although lets not forget the booK and tEA threads :D


The daughter of the author of Analytical Grammar posts here, doesn't she? And there was that man who was posting for a while about his curriculum, but I don't recall the name.

Mr Powell, History something or other.


You just never know whats really in interweb land, I just found out that a woman on a private board I've been on for 6 years was really who she said she was but has been telling us massive and horrible lies about her family over the last 4 years for no reason I can work out. Folks are weird sometimes!

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You just never know whats really in interweb land, I just found out that a woman on a private board I've been on for 6 years was really who she said she was but has been telling us massive and horrible lies about her family over the last 4 years for no reason I can work out. Folks are weird sometimes!


I was thinking about this. I've known of lot of HUGE liars IRL. Some are who they say they are but telling the most ridiculous lies that they expect others to believe. Things that do not really matter. Others turn out to be living 2 or 3 lives for years and when you find out the Truth you are shocked beyond measure.


Folks are weird.


And wonderful. Ever work with someone for years and have only a work relationship but then when you have a personal crisis they are suddenly THERE and you are shocked at how much they know and care and offer to help. ?


I think this board is just one big extension of Real Life. Takes all kinds and we have all kinds here for sure.

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The woman who wrote Spelling Power is here occasionally. And the man who produced the Math Without Borders DVDs is here. Ria, who developed a science curriculum, used to be a regular.

Dolores Hiskes, who wrote Phonics Pathways, used to post on the old board years ago.

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I've seen that too Kidshappen. There are posters I really admire and appreciate. I read their posts first. I like it here. I don't care if ya'll aren't who you seem. It's fun to pretend sometimes anyway. I don't have the creativity for that. What you see is what you get. Or, what you read is who I am. :o

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I saw Beverly L. Adams-Gordon (the lady who wrote Spelling Power) post recently!


Ha! I ran across her several years ago on the Sew Beautiful boards. We were discussing heirloom sewing and then suddenly there I was gushing over her! I think she just wanted to talk about sewing in peace and then I came along and just happened to own her book!

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My general rule for the internet is "nobody is who they claim to be."


Oddly, I feel that that rule for the most part doesn't apply here.



I will attest that cooking, gardening, and English language groups also are peopled by people who are who say they are. I lost count at about 250, but have met MANY people from internet groups, and nary a surprise.

I even flew to Europe to tour with someone I met on line. Do I really think someone inhabits a group, sweetly, intelligently, for 5 years just to get me to a snuff party in Germany? (It was a lovely trip, and on my stop over in Chicago, a fellow foodie shlepped veggie food out to the airport to feed me (I'd never met her before either) and gave me Saran Wrap to deliver to her old roomie who lived in Paris.) Viva La Internet!

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