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If I Had the Money Right Now, I'd....

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I'll go first- only rule is is must be somehow tied into hsing.


If I had the money right now I would outfit my artsy dd with complete new art supplies, from pastels to paints to pencils to paper and all the inbetweens. I'd set it all up in a beautiful and organized fashion in her own space for spontaneous as well as planned creating. <sigh>


If you had the money for it right now what would you do?

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move to a farm in KY where we would have a barn and also a room dedicated for science experiments with those really cool moving bookshelves and sliding ladders.


I'd buy the rest of TOG, Rosetta Stone Spanish and Latin, pay for art/drawing, guitar and piano lessons (instead of doing it myself), buy a new car and go on vacation to the New England so we could see all that we're studying.


Also, get a personal trainer and dietician!

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Buy a bigger house with a dedicated schoolroom and give small classical co-op homeschool classes for my sons and a few other kids at the same level. Also add in a Spanish tutor or classes, art lessons and more science classes. And for me to stop working my part time job and give myself fully to homeschooling, self-education, and running the household.


Wow, just writing that out is motivating... it may be in the realm of possibility with some careful planning (maybe without the bigger house--maybe I could convert the garage...).

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I'll go first- only rule is is must be somehow tied into hsing.


If I had the money right now I would outfit my artsy dd with complete new art supplies, from pastels to paints to pencils to paper and all the inbetweens. I'd set it all up in a beautiful and organized fashion in her own space for spontaneous as well as planned creating. <sigh>


If you had the money for it right now what would you do?


I would buy my oldest dd a cello and my middle dd a flute and a camera.

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If I had the money right now...I'd move to Florida. We'd buy the closest house to where the space shuttle lifts off. Ds12 has told us for years that he intends to work for NASA when he grows up. It would benefit dd8 as well. She loves anything to do with the ocean and dolphins. Not much ocean here in Pittsburgh.

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1. Get totally out of debt.

2. Give money to some people I know who need it.

3. Get more courses from the CLAA for my kids.

4. Go for a mission trip to Jamaica.

5. Visit my family and friends in Poland.

6. Get some things for the house done.

7. Go for a 14 day long vacation.

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Well, it'd have to be lots of money, lol, but...I'd travel to everywhere around the world that we've studied....and then hit the places we haven't!


On a more realistic....probably piano, art, Latin lessons


THen I'd find a philospher to talk with the kids on a level I can't even fathom, lol.

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I would take the kids on travel field trips to see historical sites. I'd also hire a housekeeper so that the kids and I had more time for school. Lastly, I would put built ins in our classroom and family room so that all our school stuff and books would be more organized.

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On a small scale, just breathe a sigh of relief over not having to scrape together co-op tuition and fees for beloved activities. Plus add back piano lessons for all.


On a larger scale, assuming above needs are met, I would get an RV and plan a lot of field trips. I would also try to take everyone to Europe, Greece, Israel and Egypt, the Caribbean, and Australia/New Zealand before I consider them "graduated."

Edited by AuntieM
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Guest Virginia Dawn

Buy all the awsome foreign language immersion programs I could find. This is the only homeschool thing I have been jealous of other people owning.


Other than that, travel, especially through the parts of the US we've never seen.

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Get us memberships to the Desert Botanical Garden, Science Center, Children's Museum, and Mesa Southwest Natural History museum, and renew our zoo membership, buy DD's curricula for next year, and quit my job so I could stay at home with her.

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1) pay off as many debts as possible so that I wouldn't have to scrounge and scrape for curricula and class fees

2) sign my daughter up for good French, art and music classes

3) get a laptop or two so that computer activities could be more portable and a laser printer

4) pay for some of the fun summer camps that come up---there's one on fashion design she'd love to try

5) hire someone to clean my house and do yardwork so I wouldn't feel guilty while homeschooling instead of doing those things;)


Bigger amounts (like winning the lottery)

6) set aside enough for living expenses, retirement, health insurance, braces and college tuition, so that my husband could quit his job in order to

7) travel as much as we could---Williamsburg, DC, Pacific Northwest, Great Britain, Europe, the Mediterranean, Japan, Australia---and

8) he could take courses at the local university to his heart's content---and let him take on some of the homeschooling :001_smile: so that I could

9) set up a local homeschool resource center, with space for classes, meetings, used curricula store, activities, etc and have it be available to all homeschoolers, regardless of their religious affiliation.

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