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Utilikilt...would your dh (or *you* to our male residents) wear one?

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I've got a wee bit of Scottish blood, and actually hoped to have a kilt made for our wedding, but things moved so fast (no she wasn't :D) and traditional kilt-making is s l o w, so it never happened. But I think kilts are cool.


That said. I wouldn't wear one of those things. Just *me*. No judgement of a different opinion. They just are my style, nor my idea of a "kilt."


And I like the idea of a "less-formal" kilt than the typical formal version. Still I'd want wool, a family tartan, and something that didn't look like a pleaded skirt. So, reluctantly, I say: Nope.



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He probably wouldn't, but only because he's not the kind of guy who likes to call any attention to himself, and not because he'd have any pride issues w/ it. He's of Scottish descent and his brother got married in a kilt. I WISH he'd wear one, though, as I do love a man in a kilt. Alas, I have to get my thrills from having a man in uniform instead.

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My hubby would wear a traditional tartan kilt but probably not one of the ones shown just because they look too much like a plain, old, regular skirt. My SIL and future SIL would probably also wear a traditional tartan and one of them might even wear one of these. IMO, you have to be pretty darn secure in your masculinity to wear a kilt. I once saw Axel Rose do a preformance in a traditional tartan kilt complete with compat boots and his signature flannel shirt. I thought he looked pretty good.

Edited by KidsHappen
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My husband has chicken legs. So I sure hope not. (And I say that in the kindest way you possibly can say such a terribly sad truth.)


That said, I find them kinda sexy. I have a friend whose husband wants one, and he could totally get away with it, and not just because he doesn't have chicken legs, either.

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Not only no, but...____ NO! :D


I can't even get my dh to consider jeans other than Levi's 501's which he has been wearing since 1985. :rolleyes: His legs are very "chicken-esque" as well, and so white they are practically transparent, so we prefer the more modest and covered-up look. :tongue_smilie:

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He just would not be comfortable in it. It's a culture thing, you know. You just don't see men in kilts (especially that type of kilt) running around Houston. :D


Our next door neighbors are Scottish (as in, accent so thick you can barely understand them). DH went to a New Year's Eve party at their house (I was sick) and some of the men were wearing kilts, but they're genuine, 100% Scots. DH thought it was pretty neat, but not for him.

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Not in a million years. But then again, my husband also would not know what to do with half the tools hanging on that thing. If you see any work done around here that involves (1) a hammer, (2) nails, (3) screws, nuts, bolts, or other hardware, (4) a ladder, (5) paint, varnish, stain, polyurethane, or (6) anything else from Home Depot, you can bet money that I've done it.


But I suppose the design would, um, keep him cooler down there while he's doing yard work. :lol:

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If I even suggested it, my guys would think I was joking. Um, no way would they go for it.


But I like those! I'd love to have a skirt like that with big cargo pockets - what mom couldn't use that?


I'll take mine in green, please, I like the "Survival" model....

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My husband has two :001_wub:.


Back when business was good (construction, sigh), I purchased them for him as gifts.

He wears the Carhart-looking one when he is working, and a denim one other times. Of course, here in the Pacific Northwest they are quite common. He's a Scot, so imagine the typical short, barrel-chested red head (with fluffy eyebrows). He loves to wear them, for the same reasons I like working in a sundress, ease of movement.

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My dh would NEVER wear one. I personally don't like the look of them either. They remind me of school uniform skirts.



For me........Men don't wear skirts! (No insult offered to those who do, but I will always think it is simply a little weird)


Scots, a few Irish and members of some select regiments do wear kilts. (and therein lies the difference)


As I am not a Scot/Irish and not part of a regiment the answer must be a resounding .....NEVER.



This is not a masculine thing so much as....... no I can not say that. I suppose I just feel that a kilt should be left to those who are entitled, by blood or military profession to wear and the rest of us should stick to pants.

Edited by pqr
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I don't know...


A traditional kilt I can see no problem. I'm in Nova Scotia for cripes sake, grandfather spoke Gaelic and all that, so I do love a nice kilt but without the tartan they don't really have the same appeal. The tartan is the macho bit, the piece that ID's you (like gang colours? :)) and makes the whole piece of clothing make sense for me. Other wise it's just skirt. Some sort of generic plaid or herringbone pattern would be a reasonable fake that would improve the kilts quite a bit.


One thing I can't believe they missed though that might make it work for me is the sporran. Why in the heck have a utility kilt and then hang a tape measure from a pocket when you could have an awesome leather sporran to tuck it into? It would also look considerably less skirtish.


I should be clear though, I have nothing against men in skirts. The few I've seen have looked pretty darn good. It's just that a tartan shouldn't look like a skirt.

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My husband has two :001_wub:.


Back when business was good (construction, sigh), I purchased them for him as gifts.

He wears the Carhart-looking one when he is working, and a denim one other times. Of course, here in the Pacific Northwest they are quite common. He's a Scot, so imagine the typical short, barrel-chested red head (with fluffy eyebrows). He loves to wear them, for the same reasons I like working in a sundress, ease of movement.


One more reason to move back to Oregon. :001_smile:

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My dh wouldn't wear one, although I wouldn't really care if he did [shrug]

I don't really see the point of them, they don't do anything that shorts/pants can't do, and they seem rather pricey...


Dh laughed when I told him this. He says it is very different from shorts and pants. Much freer and less confining! Kind of like the difference between briefs and boxers. :D

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I don't know...


A traditional kilt I can see no problem. I'm in Nova Scotia for cripes sake, grandfather spoke Gaelic and all that, so I do love a nice kilt but without the tartan they don't really have the same appeal. The tartan is the macho bit, the piece that ID's you (like gang colours? :)) and makes the whole piece of clothing make sense for me. Other wise it's just skirt. Some sort of generic plaid or herringbone pattern would be a reasonable fake that would improve the kilts quite a bit.


One thing I can't believe they missed though that might make it work for me is the sporran. Why in the heck have a utility kilt and then hang a tape measure from a pocket when you could have an awesome leather sporran to tuck it into? It would also look considerably less skirtish.


I should be clear though, I have nothing against men in skirts. The few I've seen have looked pretty darn good. It's just that a tartan shouldn't look like a skirt.


This is where I'm torn. Dh wants one to work in. It seems that a tartan kilt is too dressy to work in. Dh does lots of landscaping, plumbing repairs and general maintenance. A utilikilt could hold tools. And the last time I wore a 100% wool sweater I sneezed and sneezed and it took a week before I felt back to normal. I don't know for sure it was the sweater but I'd hate to buy a wool kilt and then find out it was! I'll have to test that before I buy it.


Is a tartan kilt okay to work in? Do they make them in a lightweight material for summer time? Dh has English ancestors not Scottish but I have Scottish blood on my side so I'd pick the tartan of my ancestors (Robertson).

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... and every time we drive through Wickenburg we think "we should move here!"


Here's what we should do... Nov. - April at your house, then you pack it all up and live with us May-October!


We are trying to figure out how we can spend the summers elsewhere! :)

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My dh probably would. He owned a few hippie skirts back when we were active Deadheads. The skirts left with the long hair, when he had to get a "real" job to support a new baby.

A dear friend wore a wonderful skirt to our wedding. Oh, the looks from the old people! We didn't want our poorer friends not to come because they didn't have anything awesome to wear so we told them just to come in their personal favorite. He did. It was great!

I think my dh would look quite smashing in a kilt.

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These would be too short for dh. His preferred clothing is the kandura; unfortunately only locals can wear it to work, he would much prefer it to the suit and tie he wears instead. Ds 8 also prefers to wear a kandura, but my ds 11 likes a pant and shirt better.




I showed this to dh and he said he would wear that. He said he'd also like me in one for women. I never knew that! lol He does like the long, flowing dresses I wear sometimes.

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