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Pole: how often do you change your sheets?

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Ok, I'm embarrassed even admit this, I don't wash them very often. It's the job that I hate the most. Dd's were washed last week because she got sick. I do wash dh's & mine a little more often. We use all flannel in the winter & do wash our cotton sheets in the summer more. If they really stink, I wash them. It's not high on my priority list. We do make our beds everyday though! We get in bed clean. Once when I was a kid I stayed at someones house that had gritty sand bed sheets and dry cat food in the bed sheets. It was gross. If we had company spending the night, they would get clean sheets. Also, as the kids get older and stink more, they will have clean sheets more often.



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Every Friday in the summer.


Every two weeks in the winter.


I also wash the comforter every two weeks, since our Border Collie sleeps at the foot of our bed, and we can't seem to break her bad habit!! (ie. she sneaks in the bed when we are sleeping!!) :o

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Clean sheets all around every week. But I only change mine. The boys have been taught how to change their sheets.

Once a week I put a fresh set at the end of the bed when I wake them, and the know to pull the old sheets off, toss them into the laundry and make the bed with clean linens.

My 9yo still needs a little help getting things tucked properly, but they do a good job.

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We do our weekly chores on Saturday which included the changing of the guard, I mean, sheets. But since November it has been monthly or worse. I've been sick and then the kids took turns being sick. Of course I changed sheets for sick kids but we got out of the weekly changing. Funny that I happen to be washing our sheets right now. I really did start them *before* this post--you guys didn't shame me into actually washing them-LOL

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like a couple of others 5 whenever. My dh does not like this so, I am trying to see what everybody else does. I guess I'll go with every 2 weeks and then maybe every week. I am kind of lazy when it comes to this.:o My dc change their's every two weeks or so. I do all the wash except for ds's (18).

The do help with folding their own clothes, and puting away. Although, I do have to go and make it nice so they can shut their drawers.:)


Mary H

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It is so nice to hang sheets out to dry. Even thought we live in a fairly cool, wet climate, I try to hang sheets & towels out year-round.


Oh, I love line-dried linens! I don't start until May.

Do you have a covered area in which to hang your sheets and towels?

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