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Anyone else NOT caring about the Super Bowl?

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I usually watch at least part of the game every year (dh is into football) but I don't follow football so I don't get into all the pre-game stuff. That's seems to get more and more every year. This year I almost have to care because we are in Arizona. Most people are going nuts here. Cardinals stuff is every where. Even the donuts I bought this morning were football-shaped with red frosting.

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I don't even know when the game is, or who's playing. I've watched part of a game, once in my life when we first got our big screen TV, and we had a "superbowl" party. It was actually a "show off your big TV" party. Because dh and I didn't even know how to follow the game. I think maybe we faked it though. :D

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I'm with you, Jenny and others.


What shocked me yesterday was hearing on NPR that Pittsburgh public schools have planned a two hour delay on Monday because students will be staying up late on Sunday. :confused: Guess that tells us what is truly important in America these days.



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Not a big deal here either. I think it can be fun to get caught up in the food and the commercials and the half-time show if I'm around people who *do* care. But I don't have that this year, and that's fine too. :)


We haven't had a kitchen for the last two weeks, but now I do at least have a working sink and some counter space again... Maybe I can at least make guacamole, even if we don't turn the tv on. ;) (No range yet, so I can't cook anything, lol...)


(I don't even know who's playing... But I never know who's playing...)

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I think you all need to become culturally literate and join in the Great Conversation that is American Football!!




So do you think that people place more importance on sports in hard economic times, a sort of distraction from reality? Is the Super Bowl larger than life every year or are some years more over the top?



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Not a big deal here either. I think it can be fun to get caught up in the food and the commercials and the half-time show if I'm around people who *do* care. But I don't have that this year, and that's fine too. :)


Yep. Although a couple of years ago when the Seahawks were there (seems so long ago now, after this season...:tongue_smilie:), we watched the game and I was beyond annoyed by the amount of commercial breaks ~ not to mention many of the commercials themselves. We only watch soccer and one gets used to actually seeing the athletes move, and to not having a game interrupted throughout for the sake of advertising. Watching American football, by comparison, has become quite boring for me. Not to mention the Super Bowl is so rarely a display of really great football.

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But we are culturally literate - even Plaid Dad knew that it was about football! :D That's how I know not to turn on certain channels on that day. :tongue_smilie:


Well, it was a joke. However, one person said they couldn't even follow the game! And several said they don't know who is playing.


As for Jane's question, I think the Super Bowl is over the top and has been for a long time. I don't think hard economic times have anything to do with it.


However, it is my personal opinion that the cities should own the teams and get the profits from them.

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I like watching the half time shows, at least I have enjoyed the last few years with Paul McCartney and last years Tom Petty and of course this years with New Jersey's boy.


Our church is having a pre-game polar plunge in the Atlantic and then having a Super Bowl party at the church. My teen is going to both, I will be staying home

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In fact, this year is a real treat. My husband is on an overseas trip, so I don't even have to deal with it for a change. I usually find something fun and special that I love to do on that day while he watches it very enthusiastically. Tomorrow dd and I can watch a movie in peace and quiet.




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In fact, this year is a real treat. My husband is on an overseas trip, so I don't even have to deal with it for a change. ...



That is exactly my situation this year, too! I will probably have it on, just to watch the commercials, though. We are DVR'ing it for DH to watch when he returns, even though he'll already know the outcome.

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Not into sports here, either. However, I have to add that, since one of the teams is technically *our* team, we will be interested in hearing who won. It is possible, but not likely, that we will watch the last ten minutes or so, just to see who wins.:rolleyes:

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Hey, that was going to be my post. :tongue_smilie:


I have no idea even which teams are involved.


That's football, right?





















Okay, I'm only joking. :D But no, I don't care about the Super Bowl either.

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We are going to a party we were invited to by friends and bringing lots of yummy food. My dh is a Cardinals fan, so he is very happy. But, we would rather be going to our church activities, and would be if they weren't canceled so people could watch the Super Bowl. :glare: I can't believe (well, maybe I can) how entertainment has gotten to the point of being more important than religion or education. Ugh.

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Here is how little I care about the Super Bowl or any flower-named or fruit-named bowl or any professional or college sporting event involving a ball: I have never watched one on tv or listened to one on radio. I have never attended one even as a student at a participating university when I would have had free admission.


Ads are the reason I do not watch otherwise intelligent television programs, so I have not seen the controversial nixed ad or any other _____ Bowl ad. Nor have I wondered over to youtube to view them.


But a big thank you to those of you who are passionate about it. The local groceries have good sale prices on certain staples that I stock up on this time of year.

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I've never watched a super bowl game in my life, but I have been to many *many* SB parites and they are always a lot of fun.


For the first time in a long time, we're not going to one or hosting one. Kind of a bummer, actually. I don't know anyone bothering to host this year.


Laurie, of Patriots country.

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I grew up in a household that rarely tuned in for things like this.... but we will be watching, along with the rest of the Pittsburgh region. We watch some games, but never plan our schedules around sporting events (okay, aside from during the World Cup, when I shamelessly shuffle things around to watch as much as possible). I like football enough, but I am definitely lacking whatever it is that makes for a true fan, I guess.

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Here is how little I care about the Super Bowl or any flower-named or fruit-named bowl or any professional or college sporting event involving a ball: I have never watched one on tv or listened to one on radio. I have never attended one even as a student at a participating university when I would have had free admission.


Ads are the reason I do not watch otherwise intelligent television programs, so I have not seen the controversial nixed ad or any other _____ Bowl ad. Nor have I wondered over to youtube to view them.


But a big thank you to those of you who are passionate about it. The local groceries have good sale prices on certain staples that I stock up on this time of year.

I think I love you.
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Oh, we go out during the super bowl. We've gone to Bass Pro Shops, Costco, Walmart, the park.....It's always so nice and quiet. We usually have the place all to ourselves! If we're not alone it's usually wives with small kids who need to get out of the football zone. :o


Don't go to the fabric store! I went there once and it was packed. It seems like all the football widows sew.

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We didn't even know who was playing until yesterday. But it's an excuse to have some friends over and eat some yummy food. The kids will have fun and we'll have some good conversation w/other adults who don't really care about football either!:)

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Don't go to the fabric store! I went there once and it was packed. It seems like all the football widows sew.


Don't they usually have huge sales on Superbowl weekend? So that adds to the pandemonium. Really, I need to go to the fabric store today or tomorrow, and I'm just dreading it. Maybe I'll go tonight (Saturday night).


On the other hand, I love to go to the grocery store during the Superbowl. It's so tranquil.

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I grew up in a household that rarely tuned in for things like this.... but we will be watching, along with the rest of the Pittsburgh region. We watch some games, but never plan our schedules around sporting events (okay, aside from during the World Cup, when I shamelessly shuffle things around to watch as much as possible). I like football enough, but I am definitely lacking whatever it is that makes for a true fan, I guess.



The World Cup is the only sport event worthy of shuffling schedules around for. :D I can't wait!

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What's Super Bowl?








It's where a bunch of grown men wearing shoulder pads and stockings knock each other about because they're all after one weirdly shaped ball.


The only time I care about play offs are when a) the Montreal Canadiens are in it and/or b) a Canadian based team beats an American based team (sorry, that is one time when I'm super nationalistic and competitive.) However, in football there is an NHL and a CFL, so that never happens. This does NOT mean that I actually watch the game. Sports on TV, other than figure skating, just doesn't do it for me.

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Um, Jenny, I hate to break it to you, but yea, I think you might be the only one in America. Sorry. :lol: Just kidding.


Actually, I only like football when I'm following my teams. (Like my hometeam, my dh college football team, etc). The rest of the time I don't care, except for the Superbowl. Here's why. I learned a long time ago that it was more fun as a young adult to go to the Superbowl parties than always being the one scheduled to work because I didn't care about or didn't want to watch the Superbowl. Heck, I'd rather be a part of the fun. Now, we just moved and we have no friends, (sniff, sniff), so it'll just be my family, but I'm going to make plenty of unhealty junk food, grab some beer, and sit on my rear end keeping my dh company while I knit some socks. If the game actually becomes interesting (and I do know enough about football to tell and interesting game from a boring game), then I may not get a lot of knitting done, but either way I'll enjoy myself. And, I'll get to watch all the really tastless commercials so I'll know what the heck everyone is talking about on Mon. I mean, I've got to stay culturally educated, right??? ;)

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