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    New Jersey
  1. I have photos hosted on Flickr - I want to insert an image from that site into my classified ads. When I click on the photo icon (next to the link icon, above), it asks for the URL. I have tried the link to the photo. I have tried the BBCode for the image. I have tried the HTML code for the image. Nothing works -- the photo does not display. Please help!
  2. I'm trying to insert a photo in a post. I have the url for the photo (which is in my flikr account). So far... no luck getting them to show up. I just get a broken picture image.
  3. :iagree: If forced to self-identify, I would call myself a conservative Constitutionalist.
  4. We'll be doing the Medieval History-Based writing lessons this coming year, so I can't tell you much about it (yet), but I *can* say that the reason I'm using it is because I thought the Ancient History-Based writing lessons (which we used last year) were fantastic. I like the IEW program in general, and these history-based writing lessons were the perfect dovetail to our studies.
  5. Actually, if you go one step further and BLOCK the person you don't want to interact with, then you become invisible to them, and they to you. Even if you have mutual friends, they will not see your name on anyone's friend list, they will not see the comments you post to anyone's wall or status, and they will not find you if they "search" for you, no matter how much detail they enter (i.e., if they have your exact name, network, email address, etc., it won't matter, you will NOT come up on their search). Your invisibility is so complete, they would think you simply deactivated your account and were no longer participating on FB. By the same token, once you block someone, you will no longer see THEIR name on anyone's friend list, nor will you see any comments they make to anyone's wall, nor will you "find" them if you search for them. The only way a blocked person might know you are still on FB is if someone addresses you by name in a comment. For example, you and the blocked person are both friends with "George." If you post a comment on George's wall, and someone posts AFTER you and writes, "You, that was hilarious!" (that is, uses your name in their comment), then the blocked person might realize you've blocked them, because they wouldn't see YOUR comment (or even see you on George's friend list), but they would see your name in someone else's comment.
  6. Yes, I ordered the game... but never used it!! Completely forgot about it, in fact...
  7. I used AWOA along with MOH1 this year for my 5th grade DS. Actually... being a curriculum junkie and just a tad bit obssessive, I ended up adding to / replacing so many components of the program that AWOA was no longer my core but merely a supplement! :001_huh: AWOA covers a huge time frame in one year, almost too much. I am spreading it out over two years, which is where MOH comes in (it fills the gaps). At the LA/AWOA Yahoo site, someone took time to post a schedule that combined AWOA and MOH (you'll find it in the files section), and following that outline means you cannot cover it all in one year. We did the first three units this year (Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome), and will use the next three units next year, along with MOH2. This year, I also had WinterPromise's Quest for the Ancients IG, and used their MOH reading schedule and literature recommendations. The schedule for AWOA assumes you will be doing school 5 days/week, for 180 school days; therefore, you should be able to complete six 30-day units in a year. However, we attend homeschool cover classes on Friday, so we only school at home 4 days/week. That meant it took us closer to 8 weeks per unit. By doing only 3 units this year (using 24 of our 36 school weeks), we were left with 12 weeks to fill. With MOH's lessons and QAW's literature selections, that was easy to fill. (Plus, I was doing my own grammar, writing, and spelling anyway.) For science, we took extra time with the human anatomy unit (the science AWOA covers during the study of Greece), but I had to add in some other science units to round out our year. I ended up replacing the grammar with Easy Grammar, the writing with IEW's Ancient History-Based Theme Writing, the vocabulary with English from the Roots Up, and the spelling with lists from Natural Speller. If I had it to do over again... I would have stuck more with AWOA's components, for the sake of my sanity :blink: and my budget. See, :thumbup1: one of the BEST things about AWOA, unlike many other all-in-one programs (like WP's QAW, TOG, Illuminations, etc.) is that you do not have to buy any other books or programs (except math). AWOA is not just a "planning guide" or reading schedule -- it includes all the information you need to read for history & science, and it includes ALL the lessons for grammar, spelling, writing, reading, Bible, even Greek & Latin roots, arts & crafts, etc. So, you do not HAVE to buy MOH or SOTW (although they are great supplements), you do not HAVE to buy a separate grammar program, or a separate writing program, or a separate spelling program, or a separate science program... It's all there. The only extra books you really need are the literature selections, most of which can be found in your local library. She does recommend checking out additional books from the library on the topics covered in each unit (primarily in the areas of history and science), but even if you couldn't find a single book on Ancient Egypt in your local library, you could still complete the unit because all the information is in AWOA. (The books just add pictures and details that kids find interesting.) For a middle-schooler or high schooler, I do think the grammar is too elementary and should be supplemented; possibly the spelling, as well. But the reading and writing assignments as written are easily adaptable to the upper grades. Bottom line, like any curriculum, it has its pros and cons -- one of the biggest "pros" being it's reasonable price for all that it includes! :001_smile: PROS: It is complete and "ready to use" the moment you get it! Just add some library books. It is far more than just a planning guide. It is extremely reasonable in price. It is easily adaptable to older/younger kids. As each of the six units stand alone, you can easily spread this out over a year and a half or two years. It is easy to incorporate MOH (1 & 2), SOTW, the "Famous Men of ..." books, Kingfisher's History of the World, and/or other resources. Includes Greek & Latin root words, introducing roots that relate to the subject matter. Includes lots of fun projects! :mellow: CONS: Covers such a huge time span that its scope is limited; more of a survey than an in-depth study of each time frame. Assumes a 5-day/week homeschool schedule. (These first two "cons" are easily remedied by spreading this out over two years and supplementing with MOH or SOTW.) Grammar lessons are too elementary for most 5-8th graders (IMHO). Spelling lessons are few and far between. (Spreading this out over two years would necessitate supplementing both of these subjects, as your student definitely would not get enough grammar/spelling to be of benefit.) HTH! ~ jejily ~
  8. Some people believe that whatever one believes is okay. In fact, some people believe that God calls people in different ways so no religion is right or wrong. I'm not sure what they think about how God is calling atheists or maybe they think they are the only ones missing out? I was writing early in the morning (for me), so I probably rambled too much and didn't make my point in a clear enough manner. But, allow me to use your observation to better clarify my thought process. If a person believes that "whatever one believes is OK"... does that not mean that people who believe there is only ONE correct faith (or belief or path to God) are wrong? Open-Minded Person (O-MP): I believe that every religion or faith system has value, and people can choose what they believe about God, or choose to not believe in God at all, and that's all OK. Person of Faith: (PoF) I believe there is only one True God, and only one path to God and only one path to heaven. O-MP: That's narrow-minded and exclusionary; it's better to be open-minded and allow that there might be more than one path to God. Right there, the OMP has determined what they believe to be True (or to be a "better," if not "best," viewpoint): there is no one right religion; many/all paths lead to God. Therefore, someone who holds an opposing viewpoint (whether it is that there is only ONE way to God/heaven, or that it is foolish for anyone to believe in a Supreme Being at all) would be incorrect in the eyes of the O-MP. I guess my point is that even holding to the belief that "all viewpoints on this topic are equally valid" would mean that someone who believed there was only ONE valid viewpoint on the topic was wrong. I know, my logic is most likely flawed. I sincerely ask for correction in my conclusions if I have made an illogical leap. I am not trying to argue for a particular religion, by the way. That was just an easy example to use, because there ARE so many different belief systems.
  9. Truly, no snark intended... but just to clarify. This comment has led me to assume (and, yes, I know what happens when one assumes, thus the request for clarification, if you choose to offer it) ... anyway, from this comment I assume you teach your children what your thoughts are on a particular topic but also let them know you could be wrong and a completely opposite viewpoint could be more valid than your own. Is that right? I mean, there are *some* issues on which I tell my kids, "This is what I believe is the most reasonable truth on this matter, but I'm open to other interpretations (within reason)." But there are many others on which I am fully convinced that my viewpoint is the Truth, and other viewpoints are a distortion, misrepresentation, or flat-out refutation of the Truth. Honestly, I find it difficult to believe that anyone is so open-minded that they would not claim to hold any viewpoint on any subject as the "correct" and "true" or "best" viewpoint. Regardless of your faith, whether it be in the Christian Triune God, in the Allah of Islam, in the cycles of nature, whatever -- you have to hold that your viewpoint on your faith is "truth." Whether you are a conservative or liberal or somewhere in between, you have to have developed opinions or stances on certain issues that you believe to be the "right" or "true" or "best" viewpoints. As another poster pointed out, we certainly do not all agree with each other here -- in fact, I am constantly amazed by the extreme diversity of opinion and thought here -- but, really? You don't think YOUR views on any given topic are the correct views? You are always open to the possibility that you could be wrong on any or every given subject? Also, to clarify my own point, I'm not suggesting that we say, "This is the Truth on this subject" and then stick our head in the sand and pretend like there is no other possible viewpoint. But, surely we all have convictions about certain subjects or issues, and while we recognize there are varying and opposite opinions on that same subject, we still hold to ours as the "best" or "correct" opinion, and teach our children the same in hopes that they will grow up and adopt those viewpoints as their own. That doesn't preclude a parent from teaching opposing viewpoints, but I can't imagine any parent teaching those opposing viewpoints without also discussing with their child why *they* (the parent) have rejected those opposing viewpoints in favor of the one they hold.
  10. Jejily thinks this is funny! She speaks in third person, also.
  11. A good point (about the cooperative learning). I guess the "easy" answer is to say that I would hope a parent would recognize that about their child and find opportunities within their homeschooling experience to provide that type of learning situation. (Not every class or subject in public school is cooperative, after all, so even kids who thrive in that environment would only get to be in that type of environment on occasion.) I'm clearly not anti-PS, as you can see from my siggy. My oldest DS was never homeschooled, nor was my DD who is currently in high school. I wish I had homeschooled them, though, for many reasons. My son needed to be challenged, but was not. My daughter needed special help, but her need wasn't "severe enough" so she was lost in the shuffle. She's learned coping techniques, however, and struggles through as a "C" student, even though she tries and studies very, very hard. I can't help but wonder if it wouldn't have been better for me to homeschool them. Ah, well, 20/20 hindsight.
  12. :iagree: I totally agree, and was with you up until this point: I think the difference that can make or break a child (in terms of reaching his/her potential) is the environment. Kids who achieve can be given limitless opportunities to pursue their interests when they aren't constrained by the public school environment. Kids who struggle in a public school setting will often give up out of frustration, whereas at home they have a ready tutor all the time. Kids who are simply average tend to be ignored in the public school completely -- they aren't praised and commended like the "bright" ones, they aren't singled out for special help like the struggling ones. At home, they are in an environment that values them equally. (Typing quick here between lessons, so I didn't get to fully flesh that out... I hope you understand my point.)
  13. This is good, but I have actually ended up scarring the wall when the remove strip didn't pull out correctly, or when *someone* (who shall remain nameless but on the board is referred to as DH) pulls the "remove" strip in the wrong direction. :glare: Grrr. You might also try Scotch brand "Poster Tape." Removes easily (you don't have to pull it off in a certain direction), and leaves behind no greasy spot or stain of any kind (like the poster putty can). The only drawback is that you might have to replace the tape after a few months; it seems to have about a 6-month life span and then it stops sticking as well and you need to put on new tape strips. Really, each method has a potential drawback. Thumbtacks can leave holes (although often small enough to be unnoticeable), putty often leaves grease marks, poster tape usually has to be replaced every few months, and command strips can tear off a small chunk of plaster if someone removes them incorrectly.
  14. By VLCD, I'm talking 800 calories or less in a day. I've read conflicting studies on the effectiveness of and the negative short- and long-term effects of a VLCD. I wondered if anyone could provide first-hand knowledge. (BTW, I'm not talking about an anorexic way of life. From my understanding, a VLCD should only be done for a short period of time.) If you've done one of these, I just wondered ... 1. How do you get the proper amounts of daily nutrients? 2. Did you suffer from light-headedness or dizziness? 3. Did you use meal replacement shakes (a la Slimfast)? 4. Were you able to maintain the weight loss? 5. Is there any advice you can give to someone who is considering a VLCD? Thanks in advance!
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