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What do you love about winter?

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I lived in CA and the winters and summers were the same, only warmer/cooler weather. I now live in NH and it's an AWESOME place to raise a family! Getting used to the cold was hard until I learned to LAYER, LAYER, LAYER. Now I LOVE winter!


My favorites are:


Watching the kids get SO excited about the first snow, and listening to their screams and laughs as they sled and have snowball fights!


Watching the dogs AND horses get so excited because of the first snow, and watching them "play" in it!


Reading a good book or watching a great movie while there's a blizzard outside, all the while wearing a t-shirt and cotton pj bottoms because we have the wood stove cranked up!


Walks in the snow during the day when it's not windy outside.


My all time favorite: Walking through the woods at night when there's a full moon out. You can see all around you and it can be SOOOOOO romantic!


REST!!!!!!!! While the plowing/shovelling is more work, we get to REST more because we can't do too much outside! :D


Ok, that's it for now!



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I'm the polar opposite. :D I grew up in Missouri and hated snow/ice/layers/turtlenecks/wool socks.


Now I live in Louisiana and love wearing flip flops most of the year. Our furnace didn't have to run for the last week and ds wore shorts for school today. I've worn a winter coat once this year and got hot in it.


I used to be irritable all winter and now I feel like I've gained three months of my year back. :D It was so worth moving.

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I lived in Vermont for a few years, and I really enjoyed the seasons. I had read about them, but never really experienced them.


I think that they gave an urgency to getting out and doing things. If there was a nice weekend day in the summer, you just drove to the lake. There might not be another one for a while, and fall is always just around the corner! It's the same for winter. If there's new snow and no active storm, a trip to the slopes is definately in order--there might not BE another day like that for a while, and spring is coming!

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The snow banks are closing in around my house . . . it's all too much!! (I live in area that routinely gets this much and I've lived here all my life but as I age I like it less.) My children on the other hand love it.


I am trying to appreciate it but Spring can't come soon enough.

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I have a different perspective of winter because that's the time we get to play outside and NOT fry an egg on the side walk.

I like wearing long sleeve shirts and not being hot.

I love to see my boys in cute hats and jeans.

I love that when I'm out in public I don't see as many bellies and butt cheeks and eeewwww......

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I lived in CA and the winters and summers were the same, only warmer/cooler weather. I now live in NH and it's an AWESOME place to raise a family! Getting used to the cold was hard until I learned to LAYER, LAYER, LAYER. Now I LOVE winter!


My favorites are:


Watching the kids get SO excited about the first snow, and listening to their screams and laughs as they sled and have snowball fights!


Watching the dogs AND horses get so excited because of the first snow, and watching them "play" in it!


Reading a good book or watching a great movie while there's a blizzard outside, all the while wearing a t-shirt and cotton pj bottoms because we have the wood stove cranked up!


Walks in the snow during the day when it's not windy outside.


My all time favorite: Walking through the woods at night when there's a full moon out. You can see all around you and it can be SOOOOOO romantic!


REST!!!!!!!! While the plowing/shovelling is more work, we get to REST more because we can't do too much outside! :D


Ok, that's it for now!




Those are all the things I miss from growing up in western ME. Here, the only thing left of actual winter is the hush. I love the quiet of winter, particularly in the evening.

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I love the crisp air.


I love the stars at night.


I love little kids so bundled up they can barely walk and coming in with rosy cheeks.


I love the birds at the feeders and how excited everyone gets when someone new shows up.


I love Godiva hot chocolate made with the cream milk and topped with homemade whipped cream from the same dairy. Oh wow.


I love that I finally learned to use the snow blower and it isn't scary at all.



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night, drinking hot teas and hot chocolate, snuggling under fleece blankets and NOT sweating. I love hot soup and chili on a cold day. I love to wear sweatshirts. I love to go out on the porch and smell wood burning in fireplaces and to breathe in the COLD air. We hardly ever see snow where I live, so we get real excited to see a flurry or two and hope each year that we MIGHT get a real snow. :001_smile: Oh, and I love to light candles in the house on dreary days or at night. It's just so cozy with them lit. Can you tell I love winter and can't stand the summer heat and humidity? LOL! I generally feel better in cold weather also.

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I have a different perspective of winter because that's the time we get to play outside and NOT fry an egg on the side walk.

I like wearing long sleeve shirts and not being hot.

I love to see my boys in cute hats and jeans.

I love that when I'm out in public I don't see as many bellies and butt cheeks and eeewwww......



I live in an area where temperatures are generally above 90F from late May until Halloween. Many days over 100F. Plus, it's windy, a hot, dry wind.


I love winter, when I can freely go outside and work in my garden without dropping dead from heat stroke. Or open my car door without getting burned. I love wearing pants instead of capris or shorts, wearing my few long sleeve t-shirts, even occasionally wearing a scarf!

Michelle T

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I love snuggling up next to the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.

I also love not having to run the AC and finding ways to combat F100 or more for several months.

Right now it's so foggy, I can barely see the trees to the back of the house.

Everything moves a little slower in winter.;)

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I love the fact that I can take a shower and don't feel like I need another one before I even leave the bathroom.


I love the fact that the snakes and bugs are freezing their little butts off and not lurking around my door, waiting to pounce on me.


I love the fact that the weeds around the house are not taller than I am.


I love the fact that my electric bill is 25% lower.


And, finally, the vampire in me loves the fact that it's dark so early.

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I love how cozy it feels in the house when it's -30 outside and the yard is completely blanketed with snow.

I love how the light reflecting off the snow makes the house seem brighter.

I love that there are no bugs!

I love that I don't have to worry about the yard or the garden at all!

I love hot chocolate. :D

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Right now the only thing I can think of is that in the winter we can exercise at any time of the day instead of only at dawn and dusk. It is really hot here in the summer. Other than that, winter brings the snowbirds and lots of tourists and we really prefer summer for those reasons. But it is nice not to be dying of the heat...

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I am with the Spring people.

Although I do love a fire in my fireplace (but not last night when dh trusted the word of our 10 year old that the flue was open).

The kids playing in the snow is great.

Hot chocolate

Being inside where it is warm is a good thing

That hush that comes with the snow falling

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Our whole family loves to go sledding or snow tubing. Eat snow slushies. Make snow angels. See who can find the longest or largest icicle. Drink hot apple cider. Look at the Christmas lights on all of the houses in December and January. I also really like to shovel snow.

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I love going into semi-hibernation mode. I love staying in bed longer in the mornings, snuggling with my kids. I love being inside, with a book, a blanket and a mug of hot chocolate, while the snow falls. I love the starry winter skies and the hush of a white world.


Winter makes me feel more creative, more mysterious, more alive, somehow. As if the world is full of secret wonders just an arm's reach away.

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. . . getting out the down comforter, pansies struggling valiantly to bloom, chilly house giving me an excuse to cook, chilly house giving me an excuse to snuggle a little longer in bed . . .







. . . and mostly the fact that it only lasts about a month here!

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. . . getting out the down comforter, pansies struggling valiantly to bloom, chilly house giving me an excuse to cook, chilly house giving me an excuse to snuggle a little longer in bed . . .







. . . and mostly the fact that it only lasts about a month here!




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Naked snow bank diving, of course... preferably with a partner. Much fun! The jumping and the warming up later.


what about the icy rocks, tree branches...... toys not put away that got plowed in........... could be DANGEROUS I tell you, DANGEROUS. If nothing else, WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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I'm with all the other CA girls :). I like a nice cool/semi cold occasionally few months. Preferably with as many storms as possible so the grass gets nice and green! We spend Christmas every few years with family in Idaho, in the mts, so I've had a taste of deep snow. We were there this year, and it was cooooooold and VERY snowy. Truly, a week in that kind of weather, beautiful and fun as it is, is enough to make me love CA winters. It was SO nice to come home from the 15 degree great white north, and have a few beautiful clear sunny 72 deg. shirtsleeve weather days in between the chilly 50's and 60's. New Years day was absolutely gorgeous. I think I love 2 kinds of winter weather in CA: the sunny 70ish days, and the rainy days. The cold/windy or cloudy/chilly days don't really float my boat. So, as romantic as snow is, I think I like being warmer. I'd adjust if I had to, and snow is beautiful, but its sooooo nice to be warm! We may not have as distinct of seasons here, but I've come to notice and appreciate the weather changes that do occur.

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I love snow for a few weeks or going to visit snow! I don't love the havoc it causes in our city that isn't prepared for it or the floods that are inevitable afterwards.



After the snow my favorite thing is that the days are getting brighter and we are just that much closer to spring/summer.

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I'm the polar opposite.


I used to be irritable all winter and now I feel like I've gained three months of my year back. :D It was so worth moving.



lizard woman here. anything under 80* is too cold. long hot sunny days where small children can fall into the cracks in the ground are perfect for me. Even the Dallas area is too chilly for me.



I actually do like the snow, just not the cold. i could shovel snow all day if the wind isn't blowing my lips off and I have my trusty calf-high Sorel snow boots on. It took me a year to thaw out when we got back home to TX after our 4.5 year exile to upstate NY.


I don't mind visiting snow, i just don't like it when it comes to visit us for more than 24 hours. Snow on Christmas morning --yeah, that i could handle. But NOT on valentine's! or halloween! or MOTHER's DAY!!!

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My favorite time during winter is when it snows during the early evening. You can go outside and while the snow comes down gracefully, it is so peaceful and quiet; even in a town with lots of cars going up and down. I can even remember times when I was little being outside at this time and all the neighborhood kids were outside playing and the adults were outside shoveling, but it had a quietness to it.

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I have a weird relationship with winter... I grew up in MI and I love that semi-hibernation that someone else already mentioned, but now that I'm in NC we don't really have it the same way... it's more of an on-and-off interruption rather than a season of slowing down. And if we're in MI we're traveling (relatives all still there...) and I HATE traveling in winter!! So I have a great deal of nostalgia for all the same things that irritate me, because what I miss is being able to just live in them quietly and without trying to juggle a travel itinerary at the same time.


But the snow, the crisp air, the hot cocoa, the snuggling into a warm house while the outside is freezing... all of that is lovely if you're not trying to fit visiting ten relatives' houses into six days!


And I have to say, I'm colder in NC than I ever was in MI, because in MI I don't feel silly breaking out the giant felted Uncle Fester coat. Ten pounds of wool surplused from the Swiss army can go a long way toward making even the coldest weather quite comfy!! :D

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lizard woman here. anything under 80* is too cold. long hot sunny days where small children can fall into the cracks in the ground are perfect for me. Even the Dallas area is too chilly for me.



I actually do like the snow, just not the cold. i could shovel snow all day if the wind isn't blowing my lips off and I have my trusty calf-high Sorel snow boots on. It took me a year to thaw out when we got back home to TX after our 4.5 year exile to upstate NY.


I don't mind visiting snow, i just don't like it when it comes to visit us for more than 24 hours. Snow on Christmas morning --yeah, that i could handle. But NOT on valentine's! or halloween! or MOTHER's DAY!!!


I'm a fellow lizard. I've been shivering since November and I seem to feel the cold more with each passing year (you'd think after 40 years in NJ I'd be used to it!). I just had my thyroid tested to see if that was the problem and after the results came back my doctor said nope, counts are perfect - wear thicker socks. Ugh. I've been wearing thermals under my clothes indoors!


Pathetic, especially for someone who loves to ice skate. So I do love winter, but I don't get to enjoy it much at this point! Mostly I hide inside under a pile of blankets.

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Snow!! I love how it brightens those dreary days. I love how it covers the dirty dull grass. I love how it sparkles when the sun shines. I feel invigorated when I exercise in winter. I love that it does not stick to my glasses the way rain does. I actually enjoy shovelling it, even though I have a herniated disk. I love hearing my kids laugh with delight as they throw snoballs at eachother while shoveling. I love the quiet of a snow day - fewer cars, more peace.


Now that my thyroid is more regulated, I am not so cold anymore. But I do like how the extra layers disguise my fat roll in my midsectionl;) After years of complaining about the cold, I heard one of my Norwegian relatives say that there was no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. I have taken that to heart and worked at getting quality clothing for cold weather. I am much more comfortable. I can even do my 3 mile walk outside in single digit temps.


Okay, you all hit me on a good day. Tomorrow, I will be grumbling about winter:)

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I LOVE Winter. It makes the world seem magical and full of possibility. I love Fall too. Summer is the worst. I really do not like being hot. And I burn so easily that during the summer I cannot go out for very long. So I feel like I get out more in the fall, winter time.


But I really miss the snow and winter....NC just doesn't fit for me..but it will be a few years before we can move. So, I just try to enjoy what I have for now but I MISS WINTER and SNOW.

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