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Anyone else hate resetting the clocks?


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Because I do. I hate it. My kids can't fall asleep earlier for a few days, and it takes them a good week to get to the "normal" bedtime. They are grouchy the whole week until they shift down, and then usually another week on top of that. Plus, I have less free time in the evening, since they're going to bed so late. Plus I'm sure that the worst day will involve screaming tantrums. 

And our schedule is already disrupted because they were sick last week. 

And my life is already complicated enough as is. 


Anyone with me? 

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Not really.

Doing the one (way up high) in the kitchen (especially went done expeditiously--as was the case Sunday) earns me some easy "bonus points," and I'm a man who lives for easy "bonus points" (even if getting up on the step stool risks breaking my neck).

I've also developed a modest little watch collection in the past years, so I got to re-set those time pieces as well. The analogue ones are pretty easy (although the ones w/o a "hacking" feature make get the second hand accuracy a bit more challenging, and the digital ones I'm getting better with.

My life was more interesting in the "before times." Now? Re-setting the clocks and watches is about as good as it gets. LOL



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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:


But I hand milk a cow early in the morning. I can't wait for daylight saving g's to end so it is light when I milk instead of hardly being able to see like now. 

Don’t u just do it when it needs to be done tho???? Does it matter what the clock says?

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Technically, not really a huge deal for my family and me. We don't really have too much running on an actual time schedule (even DH kind of has a flexible schedule) so I kind of just slowly shift things over a day or 2 for my kids. I still think it's a pain to have to shift the clock twice a year. Especially since the whole world doesn't do it and by the time I get the hang of what's the best time to contact my overseas people I have to readjust again. 

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I always hate it. I just want it to stay the same no matter what the sun is doing. 

I dislike physically adjusting the clocks, especially the high one in the kitchen. To add insult to injury, it was super windy yesterday and the clocks I had already troubled myself to set kept going out due to power blinking. Grrrrr! 

I have noticed that my view out the window, where I can see spectacular sunrises seems to stop being spectacular when DST begins. I guess it just has to do with the time I’m most likely to be able to observe the rising sun, but I see many gorgeous sunrises in Jan and Feb but fewer after DST begins. 

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Very much so. And for a week every March, I feel like I have jet lag. This whole Daylight Savings time is crap. We peasants need to revolt. Next year, don't do it. Every, absolutely everyone, go to work at the wrong time, take kids to school at the wrong time, just do.not.participate. If even 1/3 of the country participated, it would bring the system down, congress would get the message. Power to the people!!! 😉

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I DO love the extra evening light, but during the adjustment, I feel terrible. Dh has to get up early. He really hates it. I think it genuinely affects people’s health, so I’d be happy to just leave it at standard time. I adapt somewhat during daylight savings time, but never completely. I feel better during standard time. 

Edited by Indigo Blue
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I hate this one! I was so happy to finally be driving to school in the light again, and it's back to being pitch black. Also, in May/June, it's light so late out that it's hard to get to sleep in time to get a good night's sleep. If we keep DST permanently like some congress people want to, sunrise will be close to 830 am in the winter, which is crazy late! My body takes so long to adjust to this time too for some reason.

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For me, it's more about trying to remember how the heck the clock reset is done, LOL.

I don't really remember a lot of fuss with my kids adjusting, but they probably did have trouble back when we did bedtimes.  But then, so did everyone else's kids, so it was understood.  A teacher told me that she sees effects for a full month after the time change.

Now our sleep schedules are jacked up all the time, not just 2 days a year.  Yay!

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This time it wasn't a problem because it helped to fall at the end of the trimester so their was no school for the teens and DH happened to be off so no one had to be anywhere. The clocks changed automatically except the cars and the microwave so it was kind of a non event.  But yes I usually hate it.  I wish they would just pick a time any time and stick to it.

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2 hours ago, kbutton said:

I think it's even worse now that it starts earlier in the year and ends later in the year than it used to. 

Darkness in the morning hours is vile and unnatural. 

Oh, I didn't it realize it switched! When did it? 

And we're now on Day 3 of waking the kids up early. We've been making an exception to our usual routines and giving them unlimited screen time to deal with the inevitable grumpiness. 

They did go to sleep 15 minutes earlier than they would have before the time change last night, so yay. Hopefully we can go down another 15 minutes tonight. 

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31 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Oh, I didn't it realize it switched! When did it? 


I think it was 2007?

Before then as far as I remember DST was from the last Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October.  Golf courses, stores and restaurants lobbied hard for the extension (and have continued to lobby for permanent DST) because they knew people go out more and spend more money when it's light. 'Cause you know, it doesn't matter if all of our circadian rhythms are completely thrown off and there are massive long term health implications. As long as we're good consumers and businesses make more money, that's all that matters.

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48 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Oh, I didn't it realize it switched! When did it? 

The W Bush administration did it in an effort to pretend to give a sh*t about energy conservation.  This is after undoing legislation on fuel economy targets.  What's hilarious is that studies have shown that daylight saving time does nothing to decrease energy use.

Edited by EKS
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The thing that made an impression on me was resetting the kids to SF time when we were there in the summer. There was light in the evening, so we stayed outside until it got dark, and then they slept in until basically a normal time the next day. 

It was wild and so different than how long it takes us to get over jet lag. So it really made me respect our circadian rhythms... it's not nearly as natural to wake up when it's dark 😕 . 

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I am the only one in the family who has trouble adjusting to DST, fortunately, but I hate it every year. Actually, I think it gets worse the older I get. I very much dislike the early darkness in winter, so would much prefer staying on DST all year round. So yeah, I am with you.

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I hate it too. A lot. I swear last year we just ignored it, but that led to kids going to bed too late, and I don't think we ever recovered that time. So I can't afford to keep doing that or they will be up until midnight in a few years!

But yeah, I HATE it. And I was trying to start waking up earlier and this of course has the opposite impact. Sigh. 

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12 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Very much so. And for a week every March, I feel like I have jet lag. This whole Daylight Savings time is crap. We peasants need to revolt. Next year, don't do it. Every, absolutely everyone, go to work at the wrong time, take kids to school at the wrong time, just do.not.participate. If even 1/3 of the country participated, it would bring the system down, congress would get the message. Power to the people!!! 😉

Faith Manor for President!

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17 hours ago, Shoeless said:

I wasn't a fan of it this morning when I woke at 7am and it was still dark out. I panicked and thought we'd all somehow slept through the entire day, and it was really 7pm.   

Yeah, I really kind of feel like the way we do clocks is a conspiracy to make sure that little kids are waiting for the bus in the dark year round.

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Faith Manor for President!

I accept the nomination. My 180 day agenda is: eliminate daylight savings, seize all the chocolate from Nestle and Hershey and redistribute the chocolate evenly among the people, therapy bunnies for everyone, and launching rockets from the rose garden. 😁

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Woohoo! The kids actually passed out on time tonight!! Now we'll have to wait another 3-4 days, and they'll again be in decent moods... 

(DD6 apparently spent half an hour screaming at DH in the car yesterday, so there were sleep deprivation-related tantrums as predicted. But it's almost over!)

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On 3/15/2023 at 6:44 PM, Faith-manor said:

I accept the nomination. My 180 day agenda is: eliminate daylight savings, seize all the chocolate from Nestle and Hershey and redistribute the chocolate evenly among the people, therapy bunnies for everyone, and launching rockets from the rose garden. 😁

You've lost me with daylight savings time, Nestle and Hershey don't even make "chocolate" and "the people" deserve better, and I've become a convert to therapy "kittens."

But the mention of "launching rockets from the rose garden" has you back in consideration  :tongue:

Bill (who is rarely a one-issue voter)

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10 hours ago, Spy Car said:

You've lost me with daylight savings time, Nestle and Hershey don't even make "chocolate" and "the people" deserve better, and I've become a convert to therapy "kittens."

But the mention of "launching rockets from the rose garden" has you back in consideration  :tongue:

Bill (who is rarely a one-issue voter)

Hey Bill, I am all for freedom. The "Therapy Bunnies for all" legislation will actually provide fluffy goodness of choice, kittens, puppies, ground hogs, lots of fur baby options. Clearly, bunnies are best but people get choice because my administration believes in choice! And yes, those two companies do not make true chocolate, but it is what it is, and mostly taking down Nestle in particular is a good thing. A woman can only do so much in the first 180 days. But, you know, Swiss chocolate  and raw cheese from France will be on the agenda after mid-terms. 😁 If you get invited to one of my state dinners, after a feast of carnita tacos, low power rockets for all guests, there will be some of Mark's better than any commercially made fudge available for sampling. It's a byo booze event though because if the tax payers gotta spring for rockets and motors, then they shouldn't have to pay for Margaritas and Bahama Mamas too! 😉

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On 3/14/2023 at 9:32 PM, marbel said:

I don't know anyone who doesn't hate it. It's just a stupid unnecessary hassle twice a year. Standard time or daylight saving, I wish they'd just pick one and stick with it all year. 

Me. So, I miss an hour of sleep one night. That means I’m tired the next night and fall asleep easily the next night. I get my 8 hours of sleep and I’m back to normal. Totally baffled by my husband dragging it out for weeks (“well, really it’s 8:00…”). 

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21 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Me. So, I miss an hour of sleep one night. That means I’m tired the next night and fall asleep easily the next night. I get my 8 hours of sleep and I’m back to normal. Totally baffled by my husband dragging it out for weeks (“well, really it’s 8:00…”). 

It's a physical thing. Some people genuinely can't fall asleep early because they missed an hour of sleep. Not for days and days. 

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1 hour ago, Amethyst said:

Me. So, I miss an hour of sleep one night. That means I’m tired the next night and fall asleep easily the next night. I get my 8 hours of sleep and I’m back to normal. Totally baffled by my husband dragging it out for weeks (“well, really it’s 8:00…”). 

Some of us have body clocks/circadian rhythms that are very attuned to sun time. Meaning we tend to feel our best when the sun is directly overhead at what humans have almost always called noon. The sun's overhead position at noon is why standard time is called "standard." All the neurologists and sleep docs I've read say we all do best on that time, even those who think they don't (we're all pretty good at liking things that really aren't good for us). Our bodies are made to produce cortisol when exposed to light in the morning. When that's delayed to a later clock time it disrupts our ability to sleep at night. Exposure to light late into the evening disrupts our bodies' production of melatonin, which is another sleep disrupter. Some of us are probably more finely attuned to those things than others.

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If you live at the eastern edge of a time zone like I do and it gets dark in the winter at 3:58 p.m.!! you love springing ahead more than anything. And I suppose if you live near the western edge of the time zone, and the sun comes up at 8:30 a.m., you love falling back. Perhaps we just need narrower time zones and more of them. lol

Our family is so erratic about time that we never have trouble adjusting. Because of where I live, I want to be springing ahead forever, keep daylight savings time so that our people don't get out of work in total darkness every single day during the cold, snowy grip of winter. 

Even though I am a dyed in the wool democrat, I love George Bush for extending daylight savings time, as much as I hate President Roosevelt's moving Thanksgiving to November. 

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17 hours ago, Kalmia said:

Perhaps we just need narrower time zones and more of them. lol

I would vote for that, but it would be a big adjustment for things like travel, work, media, etc. because we'd have to do something smaller than one hour increments. But that's the way people lived until time zones were standardized for the railroads, IIRC.

I grew up in the eastern part of this time zone (but not so far east that it got dark at 3:58!), and now I live near the western edge (but not quite all the way). I've never adjusted, though it took me quite a while to figure it out. When I visit my parents, I naturally rise an hour earlier, even if I'm tired. My parents come here and find themselves sleeping in a bit (though they are of an age where that's not easy, lol!). I cannot get up early here very easily at all with the AM darkness, and in the summer, it's terrible trying to fall asleep here because the sun never sets.

The three weeks before DST is awesome here--it's finally not dark in the AM, and it's not dark by supper time. 

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I am resetting clocks almost weekly anymore so it doesn't bother me. I am also the only person in the house able to reset every clock as easily as turning on the microwave. 

Why am I resetting them so often? I have no earthly idea, but there always seems to be one that is off by several hours. 

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