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11 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I think she is referring to the Swift banking network?

The Europeans are NOT on board with that. Going it alone would have zero impact. Sanctions only work when they're enforced by big, powerful countries.

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28 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

Had a good convo with bestie tonight (who knows a helluva lot more than me; I don't probe). Bestie says the convos here are deeper and more informed than many of those had by people who should know better. That's frightening.


Are you serious right now? You'd have preferred to be in a proxy war 8-12 years ago with all the attendant racist baggage that would engender when we hadn't wrapped the last dubiously-entered, stupid war? STAHP. 

I am very serious. After the 2008 war, Obama sent Clinton to push reset buttons in Russia instead of containing Russia.  So that emboldened Russia to do what it did in 2014, which again the world basically ignored. And now we have this. We could have long time ago had serious sanctions on all Russian oligarchs and the government officials. We could have frozen their assets and prevented their families owning real estate all over Western Europe, and prevented their families from living there. We could have helped Ukraine be ready for this war. Europe should have never started to build a pipeline. We should have never allowed Putin in any international high level club much less allowing him to host Olympics. He should have been a pariah a long time ago as he was running around poisoning his enemies across Europe with polonium and murdering journalists. But now. And he will get away from this war just the same.


I don’t know what on earth you are talking about half the time. What “ attendant racist baggage would engender.” I have no clue what on earth you are talking about as usual. I can’t engage with you. 

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4 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

I am very serious. After the 2008 war, Obama sent Clinton to push reset buttons in Russia instead of containing Russia.  So that emboldened Russia to do what it did in 2014, which again the world basically ignored. And now we have this. We could have long time ago had serious sanctions on all Russian oligarchs and the government officials. We could have frozen their assets and prevented their families owning real estate all over Western Europe, and prevented their families from living there. We could have helped Ukraine be ready for this war. Europe should have never started to build a pipeline. We should have never allowed Putin in any international high level club much less allowing him to host Olympics. He should have been a pariah a long time ago as he was running around poisoning his enemies across Europe with polonium and murdering journalists. But now. And he will get away from this war just the same.


I don’t know what on earth you are talking about half the time. What “ attendant racist baggage would engender.” I have no clue what on earth you are talking about as usual. I can’t engage with you. 

Not gonna touch this here. I'd be happy to provide links and such to clarify the many and varied issues on the politics board.

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3 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

Not gonna touch this here. I'd be happy to provide links and such to clarify the many and varied issues on the politics board.

Again. I simply don’t understand what you are saying.  What does racism has to do with this war? Or Western policy toward Russia? What on earth is your problem? 
You know. Please don’t answer. I don’t think I want to hear. 

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57 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Look at the list



I would put him, his family, children. 
This list is laughable. 

I understand your frustration, but this type of sanctions roll-out is completely normal. Putin will eventually be targeted with sanctions against him personally, I'm sure, but there are diplomatic strategies at play here.

Washington and our allies need to be able to continue to ramp up sanctions in response for the outrages that are sure to come (and soon).

"Officially" he owns nothing but an apartment and a few cars. But his billions are in Western cross-hairs. Don't doubt it.




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15 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

Men between 18 and 60 are no longer allowed to leave the Ukraine.



I was watching I can’t remember which channel and one of the guys being interviewed was saying while the government promised every man could get a gun and fight, nobody knew where to go and pick up anything. 

Ukrainian foreign minister is asking for more weapons. I hope they get help. 

I am hearing they are hitting the center of Kiev, but I haven’t looked for confirmation yet. 
I hope Russians swamp streets tomorrow in protest to put pressure at home as well. 
I am afraid we will wake up tomorrow with Zelensky dead or in custody. 😢

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12 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

Men between 18 and 60 are no longer allowed to leave the Ukraine.



FYI: particularly on a thread about the current plight of Ukraine, please avoid referring to this sovereign nation as "the Ukraine." This is what it was referred to when it was part of the USSR. It’s deeply offensive to Ukrainians, as it implies that Ukraine is not sovereign. 


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7 minutes ago, bibiche said:

FYI: particularly on a thread about the current plight of Ukraine, please avoid referring to this sovereign nation as "the Ukraine." This is what it was referred to when it was part of the USSR. It’s deeply offensive to Ukrainians, as it implies that Ukraine is not sovereign. 


Also, pronunciation matters:


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3 hours ago, Ting Tang said:

I wouldn’t put it past Putin to take verbiage from a different context and blare it as propaganda. Not sure what Tucker is getting at. Americans should hate dictatorship. 

Definitely Putin wouldn’t bat an eye at doing that, but unfortunately he doesn’t have to do that in this circumstance. It’s really every bit as bad as it sounds. 

3 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Self interested, is my vote.

As long as we have things comfortable in our own little world, the rest of it is a side show. Until it shows up in our back yard.

And it will. History repeats itself. If we look back to the 1930s, the attitude is the same.

While there’s no doubt some of that, I have to think there’s a healthy dose of not wanting to provoke something even worse. I guess that feeling goes back to the Cold War thing. The nuclear possibilities in this case make it very different from other conflicts in the last several decades. 

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1 hour ago, Spy Car said:

I understand your frustration, but this type of sanctions roll-out is completely normal. Putin will eventually be targeted with sanctions against him personally, I'm sure, but there are diplomatic strategies at play here.

Washington and our allies need to be able to continue to ramp up sanctions in response for the outrages that are sure to come (and soon).

"Officially" he owns nothing but an apartment and a few cars. But his billions are in Western cross-hairs. Don't doubt it.




This. It may seem that not putting Putin's name on the list exempts him but I think all his assets are held by other people or organizations. So I don't believe sanctioning him personally would actually be an escalation. But undermining his support could end his regime.

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10 minutes ago, Acadie said:

This. It may seem that not putting Putin's name on the list exempts him but I think all his assets are held by other people or organizations. So I don't believe sanctioning him personally would actually be an escalation. But undermining his support could end his regime.

The sanctions are aimed at the people who support him and those (who you rightly suggest) shield his wealth.

But targeting Putin personally will be read as a escalation in diplomatic terms. The West is already targeting Putin's assets.


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Since I hate unnecessary division, I'd love to gently say.... I live in a republican area, most of my friends and family are republican. Not a single one is ok with this, no one I know is amplifying things like you hear in the Tucker Carlson clip, etc. I'm independent but lean libertarian a little, if that matters. Lots of talk on social media in my circles and no one is advocating Putin. It must be a small number who share that sentiment. I guess it has bothered me since I can't see any examples in real life of this, and it makes me feel as if it is media driven to divide people. Just my two cents. 


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1 hour ago, bibiche said:

FYI: particularly on a thread about the current plight of Ukraine, please avoid referring to this sovereign nation as "the Ukraine." This is what it was referred to when it was part of the USSR. It’s deeply offensive to Ukrainians, as it implies that Ukraine is not sovereign. 


I did not know that. Thanks for saying something. 

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5 hours ago, Spy Car said:

The sanctions are aimed at the people who support him and those (who you rightly suggest) shield his wealth.

But targeting Putin personally will be read as a escalation in diplomatic terms. The West is already targeting Putin's assets.


Sure they are. I think they own half of London and Paris. And Italy is worried about selling luxury goods. “The west” is a fiction. Watch Serbia start playing games in the Balkans soon. 
I saw with my own two eyes what “the west” is with Syria and Afghanistan refugees. Making these people float to death from turkey to Lesvos when I can pay 5eur to take a ferry over and I can see Turkey’s lights with the naked eye. And then, making them pay full price for every bit of the journey to Athens to northern Greece, through Macedonia etc. and then, close up the Macedonia border (dangling some EU membership or $$) turning Greece into a giant refugee camp but paying her for the trouble and then look, magically Greece can pay its creditors. I’ve been to Moria and have pulled a boat in Lesvos, don’t tell me what the “west “ is. It’s not civilized and it wants blood.

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1 hour ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Since I hate unnecessary division, I'd love to gently say.... I live in a republican area, most of my friends and family are republican. Not a single one is ok with this, no one I know is amplifying things like you hear in the Tucker Carlson clip, etc. I'm independent but lean libertarian a little, if that matters. Lots of talk on social media in my circles and no one is advocating Putin. It must be a small number who share that sentiment. I guess it has bothered me since I can't see any examples in real life of this, and it makes me feel as if it is media driven to divide people. Just my two cents. 


I wish I could say I'm seeing the same thing. I don't think it is true in regards to old fashioned normal Republicans but I know so many Q believers including my own local city assembly person who stated and I quote, "Ukraine has always been a part of Russia". 

Of course, this is the same woman whom our Republican Governor removed from the Human Rights Commission after she defended the state printing licence plates with the words "3Reich" and "Fuhrer" because they were just German words.


At least our Representative and Senators haven't lost their minds and there is bipartisan agreement within the more normal group. 

I suppose that is too much politics. I just have to say, I'm seeing locally with real people things I couldn't imagine from a party I used to be a part of. 

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7 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

Men between 18 and 60 are no longer allowed to leave the Ukraine.



Does anyone happen to know if Ukraine can draft young men currently in university outside the country?

I have extremely limited bandwidth right now and can’t afford to get overwhelmed so I’m severely limiting my news intake. I would research, but I just can’t. 

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8 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Since I hate unnecessary division, I'd love to gently say.... I live in a republican area, most of my friends and family are republican. Not a single one is ok with this, no one I know is amplifying things like you hear in the Tucker Carlson clip, etc. I'm independent but lean libertarian a little, if that matters. Lots of talk on social media in my circles and no one is advocating Putin. It must be a small number who share that sentiment. I guess it has bothered me since I can't see any examples in real life of this, and it makes me feel as if it is media driven to divide people. Just my two cents. 


Same. I don’t know any fools who like Putin and are defending this and we live in a strongly republicans area. Though I don’t tend to know q anon idiots. 

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8 hours ago, Ann.without.an.e said:

Since I hate unnecessary division, I'd love to gently say.... I live in a republican area, most of my friends and family are republican. Not a single one is ok with this, no one I know is amplifying things like you hear in the Tucker Carlson clip, etc. I'm independent but lean libertarian a little, if that matters. Lots of talk on social media in my circles and no one is advocating Putin. It must be a small number who share that sentiment. I guess it has bothered me since I can't see any examples in real life of this, and it makes me feel as if it is media driven to divide people. Just my two cents. 


Exactly.  I live in a Republican area and probably 65%-75% of my friends on Facebook lean that way.  All I am seeing is Prayers for Ukraine, Putin is a dictator, etc .  No one is for Russia that I have seen of my friends and family.

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2 hours ago, MEmama said:

Does anyone happen to know if Ukraine can draft young men currently in university outside the country?

I have extremely limited bandwidth right now and can’t afford to get overwhelmed so I’m severely limiting my news intake. I would research, but I just can’t. 

They'd have no way of enforcing it right now although there might be consequences in the future like not being able to renew your passport or having a warrant out for your arrest in Ukraine. However, given the realities on the ground, he could probably apply for a refugee visa in the country he's studying in.

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It's not just Q-tips supporting Putin. Here's an article from Australia that gives the Reader's Digest version of what leading American Conservatives have said about Putin in the last couple of days. I'd post some clips (and have in the Politics group in Non US Politics), but that's just going to stir the pot here. This article is pretty calm and factual because it's geared to people who don't follow US politics closely.


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10 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

Always excellent analysis - The Economist


The West struggles to respond forcefully to Russia’s war in Ukraine



The Economist is paywalled to non-subscribers so I'll post the summary paragraph here:


But those who imagined that sanctions would cripple Russia’s economy overnight are likely to be disappointed, if only because much of the world still wants its oil and gas. And the West has signalled that, for all its horror at Mr Putin’s wanton aggression, it will not act militarily against a nuclear power. Instead, America and Europe seem to hope that opprobrium, economic pressure, the grind of war and, perhaps, discontent at home, will eventually convince Mr Putin to pull back—or at least not advance further.

I've highlighted what I think is the key to understanding the situation. Putin and his faithful sock puppet Lukashenko of Belarus have both made nuclear threats. Biden swore an oath to protect and defend the USA from all foes foreign and domestic. IMHO, he cannot risk a nuclear war to defend a nation we are not bound to by treaty.

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38 minutes ago, chiguirre said:

They'd have no way of enforcing it right now although there might be consequences in the future like not being able to renew your passport or having a warrant out for your arrest in Ukraine. However, given the realities on the ground, he could probably apply for a refugee visa in the country he's studying in.

Thank you. Much, much appreciated. 

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4 hours ago, MEmama said:

Does anyone happen to know if Ukraine can draft young men currently in university outside the country?

I have extremely limited bandwidth right now and can’t afford to get overwhelmed so I’m severely limiting my news intake. I would research, but I just can’t. 

I don't think the gov't of Ukraine is going to last much longer (days) so I don't know who would enforce it. Once Russia sets up their preferred gov't, they aren't going to pursue that against themselves.

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13 minutes ago, livetoread said:

I don't think the gov't of Ukraine is going to last much longer (days) so I don't know who would enforce it. Once Russia sets up their preferred gov't, they aren't going to pursue that against themselves.


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re only the "fringe" stating pro-Putin view

24 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

I know literally no conservative person being for Putin or happy about this. The first I heard of that idea is that clip above of the view. If you are seeing it from q followers, remember that they are fringe and are not representative of half of the country.

I hope you are right.

Tucker Carlson is quite mainstream, literally a more-mass audience than any other single media figure in the country. 

I truly hope you are right, and his audience sees his fawning appeasement of a self-declared dictator for life for what it is.  We'll know soon.

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2 hours ago, chiguirre said:

The Economist is paywalled to non-subscribers so I'll post the summary paragraph here:

I've highlighted what I think is the key to understanding the situation. Putin and his faithful sock puppet Lukashenko of Belarus have both made nuclear threats. Biden swore an oath to protect and defend the USA from all foes foreign and domestic. IMHO, he cannot risk a nuclear war to defend a nation we are not bound to by treaty.

It’s not paywalled. You just need a free account signup. 

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re Taliban: no friend of Russia's

3 minutes ago, plaidpants said:

Even the Taliban spoke out against Russia? Jeez.

The Snake Island and Vitaly Skakunin incidents have been on my mind since I heard about them.

There've been a lot of twists and turns of alliances and funding/equipment supply sources over the decades, but the Taliban are widely seen to have been among the major pressures that led to the dissolution of the USSR. 

And outside the US, Putin is understood to be very much a child of the USSR.  Looking to utilize all the king's horses and all the king's men, in order to put it together again. 


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33 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

re only the "fringe" stating pro-Putin view

I hope you are right.

Tucker Carlson is quite mainstream, literally a more-mass audience than any other single media figure in the country. 

I truly hope you are right, and his audience sees his fawning appeasement of a self-declared dictator for life for what it is.  We'll know soon.

I do understand he's widely watched but I haven't heard what Tucker Carlson has to say so I can't comment on that. I'll have to check it out. 

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Mitt Romney’s statement. 
This is basically what I have been trying to say yesterday, just not so eloquently. 

SALT LAKE CITY—U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) today released the following statement on Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine:

“Putin’s Ukraine invasion is the first time in 80 years that a great power has moved to conquer a sovereign nation. It is without justification, without provocation and without honor.

“Putin’s impunity predictably follows our tepid response to his previous horrors in Georgia and Crimea, our naive efforts at a one-sided ‘reset,’ and the shortsightedness of ‘America First.’ The ‘80s called’ and we didn’t answer

“The peril of again looking away from Putin’s tyranny falls not just on the people of the nations he has violated, it falls on America as well. History shows that a tyrant’s appetite for conquest is never satiated.

“America and our allies must answer the call to protect freedom by subjecting Putin and Russia to the harshest economic penalties, by expelling them from global institutions, and by committing ourselves to the expansion and modernization of our national defense.”



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Hear me out. I feel like the media keeps pushing this dialogue that anyone on the right is pro-Putin and that's just not the case. It is a small small percent. Even my boss, super right leaning (republican till he dies) came in this morning and said "well, the crazy man did the crazy things we hoped he'd never do."

I guess I'm just so sick of media polarizing and dividing people. 

We can't keep stereotyping groups on either side to match the extreme small percents. 

Very very few republicans are Putin loving, homophobes, or racists. Very very few liberals are Marxist or white haters who want to force your children to have a sex change for touching a doll or truck. 

We allow the media to divide us and polarize us according to the minority and extremes of each side.  And we swallow it and build hate for each other. It is unproductive for all involved. 

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Sorry if this is not a great link.


I am reading an article on my Kindle from New York Times, the article is titled “41 Million Americans are QAnon believers, survey finds.”

It says 16 percent of Americans “believed last year in the three key tenets of the conspiracy theory.  Those are that Satanist pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking operation control the government and other major institutions, that a coming storm will sweep elites from power and that violence might be necessary to save the country.”


Personally I know many conservatives who don’t think any of this.  But I also know people who believe this.  My mother-in-law believes this, and some people I know that I see now on Facebook believe it, too.  My husband also has people that he used to know and now sees on Facebook, who believe it.

Nobody I know right now thinks this, so it is very easy for me to see that many conservatives don’t know anyone who believes this.  But it is still a decent number of people.  

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