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  1. did yoga yesterday, went to BJs, spent too much time there, but FINALLY got a new key/fob made for the car so a win. target run today, planning on yoga later, FINALLY did my taxes and weeded through a little of my mail. Ended up owing $100 when I usually get a refund but since part of that is because I had a debt cancelled, I'll take it. I think you're supposed to balance out anyway? Need to do mom's taxes. crock pot pot roast for dinner. need to do some work for work and maybe weed out this other mail pile i didn't know about. need to look at grocery flier for tomorrow. happy sunday, all.
  2. Busy bee again today. Clicking through the to-do list. Finally got some info back to make progress on some of my longstanding items. Won't finish everything today but the light at the end of the tunnel is definitely not a train! Entertaining myself by wearing big kid shoes around the house while I'm working, it's good for rehab too. Fish for dinner. Windows open most of the day. Happy Friday! They dropped off a dumpster at the other end of my block at 630 this morning but so far so good, the frequent thuds notwithstanding.
  3. busy bug today. got a project almost done, I expected to have some left and I did. Tomorrow I have to tackle the rest of this/next week's major to-dos, I'm taking off Wed-Fri next week. Work mostly good but the one mean girl, I think she is starting things to be woe-is-me because she is feeling unimportant. Rainy all day but I like it. I got a new keyboard for my laptop and it said full size but it still feels small? But it is about the same size as a regular plug it in keyboard. So odd. No school stuff due next week so I will plan to regroup and maybe get ahead in the textbook and organize some things? Hope everyone had a good day.
  4. @mom31257might need your workout. I have a really sore spot on my outer hip at the top of my leg. I use the down dog app! And sometimes I foam roll or use a tennis ball, I hate it but it helps
  5. Morning all! Cold right now but supposed to get warmer? I hope! The time change didn't hit me yesterday but this morning it did so I got a cold brew that I'll take all day to drink to balance out the caffeine, and we're getting teppanyaki for lunch from across the street. Forgot to pull anything out for dinner so far, oops. I'll have to go check. Feeling much better about work right now. 2/2 meetings down so onto the task list. Then studying, maybe sewing and reading, and self-study planning. I did a yoga and a little bit of ballet barre work yesterday and my hips/hamstrings are a little sore so probably an easier practice tonight. I am very deconditioned and out of practice but not dysfunctional so much, you know?
  6. Snow this morning, maybe an inch or two? Very cold and windy now. Spoke to my boss about this week. I am a frustrated crier and I won't apologize for that. But we talked about some of the things that are piling up that are making it difficult to do my job-- the new person not making an effort to ask me questions when we're talking or do some work on her own to look for an answer. I do need to be more aware that she's apparently quite computer illiterate (even after 20 yrs at the institution using the same programs, but it is what it is). We also mentioned that the other part of the team is getting political with each other, but it really affects all of us (which she's noticed) because then they get obstructionist. And then she said she hoped I knew I was doing an amazing job, and I told her that I knew it was stupid but that I didn't know what that meant, because I show up and do my job and be who I am and do things the way I do them and it doesn't seem exceptional to me. So she told me about some of the things that apparently are different about the way I work and that I should not belittle my self and own that more. And then we are going to talk more about everything I have going on and what's coming. And she said I should think about taking some time off. So I might look at our art museum and see if there's anything now/soon to go see specific. (But go anyway, we have 2 good ones in the city) Fish for dinner, need to finish a chapter for school tonight. Read some more of my book. 🐢 For luck. Daylight savings tonight!
  7. Have a meeting in an hour with Boss (it is a standing meeting). You can tell me I'm doing an extraordinary job all you want but I don't know what that means. Getting a grasshopper latte (mint mocha) later. Fish for dinner. Taco for lunch (left over taco bell, oops). Reading a book on the history of addiction and studying. happy Friday, all!
  8. I made it 22 months and 22 days before I cried at work.
  9. Middle school mean girl-ing and mediocre politic-ing at work. Again. On one hand I don't plan to be there for more than two more years-- I'm prepping for grad or med school-- so I don't know if it's worth finding something else. But then do I want to keep dealing with this? It's about 5 weeks until my two year hire date and then another 6 weeks for my one year of my promotion. I don't expect roses and sunshine but it's too much drama in a row. I tanked an exam yesterday, so today is work, studying, making a game plan for the weekend, and hopefully early bed. We're doing chicken and kale for dinner and I am making myself a big ol' thing of mash potato to crawl into. It's cold and rainy and I'm frustrated.
  10. Yesterday we did laundry and groceries and I went to the park and had a minor catharsis standing at the creek in the woods all by myself. We went to the laundrymat to do a bunch of blankets that won't fit in the washer. Today we had a family event, I did a yoga and a facemask and made up a quiz I completely missed and worked on a work project some. And also went to the grocery store for some things BJs didn't have. It rained it and it very humid still. I vacuumed, too. Did not get so much done as hoped but not a terrible weekend.
  11. Happy March! It is pancake day for me!! 😋 Today I am accomplishing things at work. Also they stuffed up one of my projects and we are trying to recover it, but the other stakeholders are not being very cooperative even though it's their fault. My ear has been bothering me lately and I hope it goes away soon.
  12. Today my task is to open up to 2000 PDFs, find 1 or 2 data points on each, and log them. I also need to re-clean another 600 data points, revise some tables, and write 2 paragraphs. I have not gotten very far, but I think I will finish everything but the first part, and get a while through on that. Have had breakfast, lunch, done a load of blankets, pulled down the laundry to be folded. This weekend we went to a store that a farm has and got some veggies and things. Yesterday we saw some family. I slept better so I am not so worn out but still tired, you know? Definitely not drinking enough water. happy Monday, all.
  13. Ophthalmology, ergonomics/PT, and basic blood work. Any weird sleeping habits, eating, movement, etc? Does she have the space to "stop" whatever (not give up, but "I hate this and makes me miserable and I've put a good effort in")
  14. Say, "Okay, thanks, bye." Bean dip or grey rock to your heart's content but when they just want to start stuff the best thing to do is not give them anything.
  15. Icy rain last night, got some sleep though! Quick grocery run this AM and then to work, limping through things. Need to work on this unit for school too. Still tired/sleepy but trying to check things off, just no energy today. I might take a quick nap after lunch. I have been listening to a video of "Cafe sounds" like people chatting and making coffee in a starbucks to try to focus with more noise again. The post office has had my book since Tuesday and still hasn't updated its status. Hmph. Frozen wonton soup for lunch and breakfast for dinner, Tomorrow there's loads on the schedule. Laundry tonight. Need to clean out my purse because it is just TOOOO heavy. I don't even know what's in there.
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