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What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word "green"?

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We live in Oregon...everything is green:tongue_smilie: Moss grows on the cars. Green eyes? We painted our house green this last summer and tease that it is our way of "going green," so, maybe we are also thinking of environmental green...low impact, small footprint on the earth (with 9 kids we sound like hypocrites). Or green young thing...

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I say color but environmental issues comes a very, very close second. I live in the PNW were you hear 'green' as in environmental more often that the color right now.


If someone told me they bought a 'green' house, 'green' building or a 'green' car, I would have to ask them what they meant, color or environmental. I couldn't assume one or the other here.

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I said color because I always think of, "It's not easy being green." I love Kermit - God rest Jim Henson's soul


Good grief, what's happening to me? Here I thought of a golf green and neglected Kermit. And I even had a Kermit stuffed animal when I was growing up.:D

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I absolutely expected to see more questions about what we each consider "green" practices, lol!


I feel like this is a snide remark, but maybe (I hope) I'm misinterpreting. I associate the word "green" with Western Washington in general, nature and the environment (including, yes, from a business perspective) in particular. But I was also thinking, when I posted, about the "rave green" jersey that was recently revealed for Seattle's new Major League Soccer team.:)

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Okay, no. Your quote in your siggy made me:



I don't know the smiley where the guy spits out his coffee, but that was me when I just read it. I can totally hear him saying that.

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I feel like this is a snide remark, but maybe (I hope) I'm misinterpreting.


No, I don't think it was meant snidely. I think of you as very environmentally conscious because you have been vocally so on the boards for years. So when you asked the question I thought of only one thing, environmental issues, because it was you who asked. :) That is one thing I have known about you for many years now so I think Peek was thinking along the same lines. :)

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I refuse to think of "green" in any other way. I abhor the way perfectly good words are reworked to mean something for which there are already perfectly good words, especially when the new meaning is politically correct.

:iagree: I wish, just one, someone would say "making love" and mean it in a Jane Austin way. That phrase has been destroyed and it was so beautiful once.

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I feel like this is a snide remark, but maybe (I hope) I'm misinterpreting. I associate the word "green" with Western Washington in general, nature and the environment (including, yes, from a business perspective) in particular. But I was also thinking, when I posted, about the "rave green" jersey that was recently revealed for Seattle's new Major League Soccer team.:)


no snide, i promise :)


it's just an issue you are passionate about and i'm used to seeing your discussions about it.


i'm not much of a sports fan.... i couldn't even begin to name a team of any sport that had green in their colors.....

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