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What do you want for the holidays?


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I have been online window shopping as a distraction. I usually pick out my own holiday present, and often even order it myself. My dh is amazing in a million ways, but gift giving isn't his top priority. Anyway, it is time to pick out what I want and I don't have any ideas. What would you like for the holidays?

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I would love some outdoor gear.....underquilt for my hammock or a backpacking tent, a backpack, backpacking stove, or now that I tried it the other day a mountain bike.

None of that will be bought for me, as other than a few very small gifts from my kids, no one else buys me gifts....and that is ok, as I only buy for my kids as well.

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I want a nice set of stainless steel pans. That is what I will buy myself at Black Friday sales, and I will think of it as a Christmas present.

I would also like a nice tenor ukulele, but I am fairly certain that despite being repeatedly shown that ukulele, DH will not buy it for me on his own and would go for a cheaper option, so I’m not going to ask for it, I’ll just wait and use Christmas money that I’m almost certain to get.

DH will get me something for Christmas because he knows I like to open a present, but it’s better if I don’t ask for a specific thing that I really want because he has history of substitutions: the year I really wanted an e-reader he got me a pig-shaped rack for making jalapeño poppers, last year I asked to have all my knives sharpened and he bought me a machine so that I could sharpen them myself. His heart is in the right place but it’s better if I don’t have any expectations and just get myself what I really want.

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2 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

I love the same things every year - so predictable. 

Books, mugs, wool socks, but this year I thought of a nice plant stand and a pot for it? Board games make me happy too. 

Where do you get super soft thick perfect wool socks?  I don't want them scratchy and I love super thick (kind of oversized) socks.

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24 minutes ago, Ditto said:

I found the sweetest most adorable stuffed bear.   No one will get it for me, I'm positive, and it seems to pitiful to buy it for myself. 

Could you ask your kids for it? My kids are always asking what they can get me, so I look for small things that I would like so I can ask for them.

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I've bought all my own presents already, lol. I got quite a bit from The Ordinary -- they're having their November sale (23% off). I bought a foot massager, a small/cheapish exercise bike, and a "The Child" toy (aka Baby Yoda). 

I'm pretty sure all of it will be opened before Christmas. The Child is already sitting on our mantle, now wearing a tiny, crocheted Santa hat...

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52 minutes ago, Ditto said:

I found the sweetest most adorable stuffed bear.   No one will get it for me, I'm positive, and it seems to pitiful to buy it for myself. 

Go for it! I bought myself a baby Yoda because it was the most adorable thing ever. My girls and I have been getting the biggest kick out of it. 

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2 hours ago, Ditto said:

I found the sweetest most adorable stuffed bear.   No one will get it for me, I'm positive, and it seems too pitiful to buy it for myself. 

I bought myself a bear on Etsy once and have never regretted it. It's not pitiful at all to get it for yourself. 

I am eying some stuffed animals as well. 🙂 


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Well, we don't usually do Christmas gifts for adults, so none of this will happen, but I can dream. We did exchange names at our house  for the first time and my 4 year old dd got my name and she keeps saying she isn't buying anything for me, she will buy herself something, so no telling what I'll end up with. Probably a Barbie.

I would like new couch. Our current one was bought used 7 years ago, so it's probably about 10 or so years old, maybe older.  Springs stick up when you sit down, the cushions sag.  There have been pee and puke accidents over the years. Dhs' recliner no longer reclines. The back has a sharp metal part that scratches the wall. Dh wrapped duct tape around it to fix it. I'm SO embarrassed by it. Dh and I have very different definitions of what is acceptable. 

 Old Navy quit making the yoga pants I dearly loved and I jump for joy when I find them at thrift stores. So, a stash of my old Old Navy yoga pants.

I just discovered that Gymboree has made a comeback and it is cute like their old clothes were before the redesign, so a shopping spree at gymboree for my girls. I have also discovered vintage gymboree has quite the following, so I've gotten interested in that. I like to spend all my extra money on cute kid clothes.

Like I said, I will likely end up with a Barbie.


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I always want new dish towels. I know to many people that sounds pathetic, but I am particular about dishtowels and I like having a big stack so I can change them often.  

I like receiving (and giving!) books with the stipulation that there is no asking "have you read it yet?" "how did you like it?" etc.  

But my husband's and my gifts for each other are already purchased: we went out to a native plant nursery and spent way too much! Hope we don't kill them. 

Last year my daughter helped my son get me some new earrings, just simple gold hoops. This year I believe she is helping him buy silver ones. That's always a good gift too.  

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I honestly hope no one gives me anything this year and that truly would be the best present. DH broke his leg in September and has been out of work since, which means we won't be able to buy gifts this year. Our savings is being consumed quickly. So I would feel terrible if others bought us gifts and we didn't have anything in return. Well that's not exactly true. I am making gifts for my grandchildren from my stash of craft items. They are still small and won't care one bit that their gifts are Gigi made. Here's what I'm making for my granddaughter for her birthday. It's a traveling dollhouse for a felt "paper doll". There are little clothes for it in the wardrobe. I still have a few more touches for it and then it'll be ready to mail.



Edited by stephanier.1765
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I am cooking from scratch more than ever since the pandemic started. I am noticing that I have unreliable small kitchen appliances and gadgets: can openers, coffee grinders, pizza cutters, peelers, colanders etc. So, this christmas, I will throw out all the junky and cheap small gadgets that I bought as a college student and still have stashed in my kitchen and buy good quality replacements that are comfortable to use.

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19 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

I would feel terrible if others bought us gifts and we didn't have anything in return. Well that's not exactly true. I am making gifts for my grandchildren from my stash of craft items. They are still small and won't care one bit that their gifts are Gigi made. Here's what I'm making for my granddaughter for her birthday. It's a traveling dollhouse for a felt "paper doll". There are little clothes for it in the wardrobe. I still have a few more touches for it and then it'll be ready to mail.



Wow, that is amazing.  What a precious gift from your heart.  I know it will be treasured.

Please don't feel bad if others give gifts and you don't/can't reciprocate.  I'm sure everyone understands and such a big part of the season is the joy of giving.  I'm sorry things are so rough financially.  😞


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33 minutes ago, Thatboyofmine said:

I asked my mom for some bible notebooks and some pretty pens for them.  I also asked for a timeline book of the Bible, because I struggle with that.    I sent her links and it showed up as 'bought' on my wishlist, so I'm definitely getting those.   

I told dh and Ds that I want a pair of crocs to wear while I'm working in the yard or walking dogs.  They are the ugliest shoes ever, but so comfortable.     Ds or my mom-in-law May get them.    Dh and I are not giving gifts, frankly because he sucks at it.  One year I got a lone jar of pickles as my gift. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


I'd like a fire pit, as well.    That would be a good family gift.  

And because of that dang thread about Animal Crossing, I want a Switch.  That probably won't happen, which is probably best.  But I still want it. 🤪


Our kids are getting a switch this year, and after that thread I’m thinking of a switch lite so I can have an island to myself.  Definitely won’t happen, lol.

I’ll actually get some hand dyed spinning fiber from Etsy, a blue tooth keyboard for my iPad/phone, and probably some books.

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7 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

 Books, mugs, wool socks, but this year I thought of a nice plant stand and a pot for it? Board games make me happy too. 

Thanks for remind me! My17 year old son LOVES board games! Can you recommend good ones for two 17 year olds and the parents? 🙂

4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

lego treehouse but I won't get it. too expensive!  Dh knows I don't want it enough for him to actually spend that kind of money.  Eventually, I'll decide I want it enough to buy it for myself after saving my spending money for it.

I didn't know about this -- thanks for telling me. My kids really loved putting together the Lego ship in a bottle that now sits on our dining room table. Cheaper than the tree house.

2 hours ago, lynn said:

I want my Navy kid home and my mom to be healing well from her December 4 surgery.

What a sweetheart. I hope your kid is home and your mom is well. ♥♥♥

1 hour ago, athena1277 said:

Our master bathroom is cold in the winter.  I want a towel warmer.  

Score! You win the top WTM prize for the gift that most (all?) of us needs. 🙂

Edited by Alicia64
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1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:

I honestly hope no one gives me anything this year and that truly would be the best present. DH broke his leg in September and has been out of work since, which means we won't be able to buy gifts this year. Our savings is being consumed quickly. So I would feel terrible if others bought us gifts and we didn't have anything in return. Well that's not exactly true. I am making gifts for my grandchildren from my stash of craft items. They are still small and won't care one bit that their gifts are Gigi made. Here's what I'm making for my granddaughter for her birthday. It's a traveling dollhouse for a felt "paper doll". There are little clothes for it in the wardrobe. I still have a few more touches for it and then it'll be ready to mail.



I'm sorry for the unemployment over the holidays. It's not fun, I've done it.

one thing to consider - My friend normally makes divinity for her family as their christmas gifts.  One year she didn't. Her very successful lawyer brother, wanted to know where the divinity was - for while it was a relatively low cost item (and could certainly afford to buy all he wanted from a candy shop), he looked forward to it every year.  My mom would knit slippers and mittens a lot.  you can get at least one set out of a skein of yarn.


The felt doll idea sounds wonderful - she'll treasure it.

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1 hour ago, Thatboyofmine said:

I asked my mom for some bible notebooks and some pretty pens for them.  I also asked for a timeline book of the Bible, because I struggle with that.    I sent her links and it showed up as 'bought' on my wishlist, so I'm definitely getting those.   

I told dh and Ds that I want a pair of crocs to wear while I'm working in the yard or walking dogs.  They are the ugliest shoes ever, but so comfortable.     Ds or my mom-in-law May get them.    Dh and I are not giving gifts, frankly because he sucks at it.  One year I got a lone jar of pickles as my gift. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 


I'd like a fire pit, as well.    That would be a good family gift.  

And because of that dang thread about Animal Crossing, I want a Switch.  That probably won't happen, which is probably best.  But I still want it. 🤪


I literally asked my mom for pickles this year (like, several jars). 🤣🤣🤣 In my defense, they are my *favorite* pickles and aren’t available nationwide and she can get them ‘back home’, but I can’t get them where I live. 😁

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4 minutes ago, Thatboyofmine said:

Yes!  Food gifts are the best!  I'd rather have that than anything!   I hate to cook and I'm not good at it (although it really doesn't matter--even good cooks would love something like that), so getting a homemade (but not made at my home) gift would be so appreciated!    

We had a relatively small job that we asked a pro who was finishing at a neighbor's.  We also offered a pan of warm homemade brownies as an incentive.  That was the only reason they did it.  They didn't care about the money for 15 - 30 minutes relatively easy (for them) work.  But warm homemade brownies!

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I always have a hard time coming up with what I want.  I kind of want a hoodie and a pair of pajama pants.  

I think we're getting a new dishwasher, which will be nice, maybe.  We don't currently have a dishwasher, but it will have to be one that's free standing and hooks onto the faucet, and we had one like that before and it was such a pain to hook up that it almost wasn't worth it.  But I would be relieved at easier ways to sanitize dishes with covid being a possible concern.  


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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

I bought myself a bear on Etsy once and have never regretted it. It's not pitiful at all to get it for yourself. 

I am eying some stuffed animals as well. 🙂 


Thank you.   Stuffed animals are great aren't they?   Here's the link.  Let me know if you get one!  https://www.steiffusa.com/honey-teddy-bear-15-soft-cuddly-friends-ean-113437/#:~:text=Honey is the most popular teddy bear from,also perfect for teaching your child to grip.

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11 hours ago, NewIma said:

I have been online window shopping as a distraction. I usually pick out my own holiday present, and often even order it myself. My dh is amazing in a million ways, but gift giving isn't his top priority. Anyway, it is time to pick out what I want and I don't have any ideas. What would you like for the holidays?

That sounds like us!  We realized we were both much happier in the gift-giving area once I just picked out my own present each year.  😄 


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5 hours ago, lynn said:

I want my Navy kid home and my mom to be healing well from her December 4 surgery.

Prayers that both of these happen.  Please let us know.

3 hours ago, stephanier.1765 said:

I honestly hope no one gives me anything this year and that truly would be the best present. DH broke his leg in September and has been out of work since, which means we won't be able to buy gifts this year. Our savings is being consumed quickly. So I would feel terrible if others bought us gifts and we didn't have anything in return. Well that's not exactly true. I am making gifts for my grandchildren from my stash of craft items. They are still small and won't care one bit that their gifts are Gigi made. Here's what I'm making for my granddaughter for her birthday. It's a traveling dollhouse for a felt "paper doll". There are little clothes for it in the wardrobe. I still have a few more touches for it and then it'll be ready to mail.



This is just stunning and precious beyond belief!  She will love it!   I would love to receive this and would happily play with it, even at my age.  You are talented.

2 hours ago, Thatboyofmine said:

Yes!  Food gifts are the best!  I'd rather have that than anything!   I hate to cook and I'm not good at it (although it really doesn't matter--even good cooks would love something like that), so getting a homemade (but not made at my home) gift would be so appreciated!    

Food gifts really are the best.  

1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

As a granddaughter who carried across the ocean few things my grandmother made and still thinks of her in so many ways long after she is no more, I can tell you no store bought thing comes close to what you are giving them which is your love in the hours you put in planning, making their gift and thinking about them. 

It looks beautiful too. 


This warmed my heart.  You are so right.  Her granddaughter will treasure it forever.

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39 minutes ago, Ditto said:

OH MY GOODNESS!!! He is adorable!!! I didn't know Steiff made cuddly bears! I'm going to look around the site for sure. His fur looks so soft, too. 💕🧸❤️

p.s. Yes, I will let you know if I get a stuffie! 🙂 

ETA: They have a lamb! I've been wanting a lamb. There is a fox I like on Etsy, too, though...

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What I want the most is for my oldest kid to be home for the holidays, but they have already said they will not be able to make it due to COVID.

So giving up on that wish...  as far as a material item for myself, I'd really like a Marley Multi-pocket Urbanizer in purple.  I have a black one that has held up amazingly for the past 4-5 years, but the leather is starting to look worn and the magnet inside the front of the bag has somehow disappeared so that it doesn't clasp anymore.  I love that bag - it is everything I want in a handbag - but it is really expensive.  My mom sent money last week for Christmas, and for my birthday which is at the end of this month, so I could actually afford it if I wanted to spend that much money on myself.  But a snow-tire on our car that is driven by our son popped yesterday, and because it is AWD we had to replace all four tires - so that ate up all of my Christmas and birthday money.  And we are a bit behind on the bills already.

So, what I want for Christmas is peace and health for everyone.  Please everyone stay healthy...

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5 hours ago, Thatboyofmine said:


I told dh and Ds that I want a pair of crocs to wear while I'm working in the yard or walking dogs.  They are the ugliest shoes ever, but so comfortable.     Ds or my mom-in-law May get them.    

I love Crocs.  They are super comfy.  I just bought my 15 year old a pair of purple glittery crocs, and she loves them unashamedly.  It's fabulous.  

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6 hours ago, marbel said:

I always want new dish towels. I know to many people that sounds pathetic, but I am particular about dishtowels and I like having a big stack so I can change them often.  

Me, too! I love thick, 100% cotton ones. I think they feel nicer and dry better--and they don't melt if I have to wipe something off my hot glass stovetop!

Mostly I buy vintage dishtowels at thrift stores. It seems like people save the holiday ones for years but they never really get used much, so I can find seasonal ones from the 70's and 80's that are still nice and fluffy. I think they're fun. 🙂 

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4 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

As a granddaughter who carried across the ocean few things my grandmother made and still thinks of her in so many ways long after she is no more, I can tell you no store bought thing comes close to what you are giving them which is your love in the hours you put in planning, making their gift and thinking about them. 

It looks beautiful too. 

Yes! I still have the doll clothes my grandma made me (oh, the rows of rick-rack and lace!) and the dollhouse my grandpa made me and they are precious to me. ❤️

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