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Jury Duty


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How often have you or your spouse been called up? I'm getting what seems like my annual summons while DH has literally never received a questionnaire! WTH?! We've been in a lot of states so it's not state or deferment related. And he's 10 years older than me so has had a much longer period of eligibility. 

So, yet again, I will have to explain that I am a homeschooling parent of kids with several disabilities that can't be farmed out, we have no babysitters, DH cannot work from home, and now I can add that we have several high covid risk people. I'm not sure if that matters. I'd honestly not mind if we had someone to babysit but it's not possible with closest family 9 hours away and the type of disability involved. DH could probably serve if they ever called him- his work would be required to give him time. Maybe they should make employers give spouses or family members of people called up for jury duty time off if needed to cover family responsibilities if they want caregivers to serve.

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Only twice called up. Once I had a breastfed newborn and just faxed them a letter from my pediatrician. The next time we were homeschooling, but they were too young to be left alone all day. I wrote a letter and faxed it with my homeschooling paperwork filed with the county. That did it.

But that's been over a decade ago, and nothing since. 

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I've been called 4 times in my life, in 3 different states. Three of those times I had to report, but the 4th I just had to call in the day before and did not need to report; I've never actually been seated on a jury. DS was called for jury duty when he was away at college; he was able to postpone it until the summer, and then he was sent home at the end of the first day. My ex has never been called for jury duty in the 20 years he has lived in the US (he is a dual US/UK citizen). I have a friend who gets called every two years like clockwork, and her husband has never been called. I also know someone who has been stuck on Grand Juries (which is a months-long commitment) multiple times.

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Both my husband and I are called regularly in CT; I was called once in the 7 years we lived in NJ. My eldest has lived in NY for only 3 years and has already been called.

When circumstances allow, I actually love to serve -- it is fascinating to see the process up close. Definitely a worthwhile civics lesson.

And I do believe, deeply, that democracy entails responsibilities, not just rights. The system cannot hold unless we take the responsibility side of it seriously. Circumstances do not always allow, but when we're able to jiggle schedules (and every time I've ever called and requested a different week to serve, that request has been honored) I believe we ought to make the effort to jiggle schedules.

And also, FWIW, I'd estimate that 4/5 times that either my husband or I have agreed to serve, we've been "excused" the Sunday night before we're supposed to appear on Monday. Most cases settle at the last moment, and they call many more than they expect to place on juries.  Occasionally we've gone in on Monday. Nether of us has ever had to serve beyond Tuesday in either CT or NJ.  He once was had to appear through W or Th decades back when we lived in NYC.  Neither of us has ever actually been placed on a jury; only once was I even empaneled.

(Lamentably... since I'd love to serve on a jury and see that experience up close -- talk about a civics lesson.)

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Both dh and I used to get called up every two years like clockwork. Dh has served. I have always been excused. The two times I didn't have an outside excuse of little kids, I ended up not chosen (once because I had whiplash when I was younger and it was  civil trial involving whiplash and once because of a close family member who was experiencing a similar issue as the defendant - the DA asked me a million questions and then I'm pretty sure he made me one of his summary dismissals). 

But then some things happened more or less at the same time. They changed how they did the rolls, city population rose, and most of the rise was outsiders who were part of a gentrification movement - in other words, they were not ineligible due to past crimes, which was a big issue in the past. That was a little less than a decade ago. Since then, dh and I have each been called just once, I think. Neither of us served. 

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We've lived in our state for 25+ years - but in 4 different counties.

My dh has been called a few times (less than 5 maybe)? 
I've probably been called 7-8 times?

Our state has a list of exemptions on the back of the form they send you. If you have a child under the age of 10 (maybe 12?) and you are the main caregiver, you can be exempted. If you are the sole caregiver/taker of a disabled person, I think you are exempted too. You check the exemption that fits your situation and send it in. No need to do anything else.

If you don't fit any of their nice categories, you do have to go in (after calling the night before to make sure that jury duty wasn't cancelled), but they offer a time for individual potential jury members to go up and talk to the judge about their individual reasons about why they feel they should be exempt. Mostly he agrees but not always.

The lady who handles jury duty for the District Court told us last time that the roll here are made from voter registration and DLs. They have a software program that picks from that list, and then the names that are selected are removed from the program as a potential juror. They run through that several times until the potential list starts getting small, and then they restart the process all over again. 


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I’ve been called a couple of times, I think, but only when I’ve been out of the country.  Dh was called once while we were in the US, but he’s an attorney so he wasn’t chosen.  I really like the idea of people being able to take time off so family members can serve. 

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Similar to Paige -- I get called what feels like a lot, and DH doesn't.

I've been called at least 8 times, served once. The last 2 times were within 6 months of one another -- but during pandemic shut down, so both were cancelled. DH has been called once, and was excused. 

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Once for me. None for DH. I have always wanted to serve on a jury & thought I'd get my chance last year. Showed up for the first half day but didn't get chosen to even get questioned by the attorneys. They had a ton of extra people there -- I assume because there are so few excuses for getting out of it beforehand. My kids are old enough that I could serve now. 

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DH has been called twice, I think, since we moved to Texas.  He had a medical exemption and did not have to serve.

I've been called once, two years ago.  I didn't have to serve because homeschooling parent of a child too young to stay home alone, blah blah blah. I hope I don't get called up again now that kiddo is technically "old enough" to stay home alone. 

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DH and I are called like clockwork every 1-2 yrs. I’m convinced they have a system where people who show up get called more often. It’s almost enough to make me want to retract my voter registration.  And in my area, being a SAHM/homeschooling mom was not enough to get me out of it. But the cardiologist who sat next to me apparently had a real job, and she was summarily dismissed 😡

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I have received the postcard about 3 or 4 times that I recall.  (I'm 53.)  At first, my status as a lawyer exempted me.  The law on that changed, but then I asked for exemption on the basis of 3 factors - sole parent of young children, sole breadwinner, and key partner in my business.  So I have never served so far.

I think I would like to do it if my work situation ever allows it.

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Our county sends a questionnaire out every few years asking if there is a certain time of year that is more convenient for you to do jury duty and if there is any reason you are unable to do so. I always say that dh and I are business owners and have employees who depend on us being at work every day to keep the businesses running. So far, neither of us has ever been called.

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Neither DH or I have ever been called.  DS was called about 3 months after registering.  The time period for serving was a couple of months out and would have put in smack dab in the middle of a college semester.  This was concerning because the previous semester he had a lab instructor who was so hard core that if you showed up even 1 minute late to lab she'd count it as a missed lab and if you missed more than 1 lab, you'd fail the class.  No excuses (one of his classmates had someone hit him while driving to class and made him late and she docked him and told him to plan better, like you can plan for getting into an accident on the way to school) and it was unknown if he would have that lab instructor again.  Anyways you had 10 days to respond if the time period wouldn't work but of course DS happened to be out of the country for the entire 10 day period on a mission trip (and had spotty internet).  So I had to call.  They were incredibly helpful and understanding.  She had no problem discussing things with me when I explained DS was out of the country.  I explained about the possibility of getting this tough instructor again and she said they couldn't outright dismiss him because of school but we could request certain days off.  So if he absolutely couldn't miss Tuesdays, they would make sure here was only scheduled for a different day etc.  He did end having to go in 2 days.  First day he was dismissed within the hour.  Second day he had to go through jury selections.  I think he was selected for standby if I remember correctly.  But then they settled that night or something so the case was never heard and he didn't have to go back.


I remember my dad being called as a kid, he ended up on a sequestered jury so we didn't get to see him for close to 2 weeks.  My sister has been called and seated a couple of times.  She really likes it.

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I think I've been called 4 times in our small town, but sadly, I was never able to serve.  The first time, I was homeschooling all five kids and my dh was on the road traveling with his job, and we had no relatives in town to help with kids.  I think another two times we were living out of the country (although we kept residence in our small town), and another time I was a caregiver.  I would love to do it now, but we live in a bigger city so my chances of being called now are probably less.  I don't remember my dh being called during his working days, but he was an attorney so maybe that's why?  He was called after he took early retirement due to disability, but wasn't able to do it.

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I’ve been called around 5 times (2 or 3 when I lived outside the country.). I got a deferral when  nursing my fourth until she was three then I went in and got another deferral until she was six. Then I got called but just called in each night and was never used. My dh has only been called once in all that time and never when we lived In Canada.

It’s so crazy how uneven it can be.

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I finally got called up last year!! I was so excited! I finally get to do my civic duty! I have an excuse to see inside a courthouse!

I sat in a waiting room for 4 hours before they dismissed my group of people. Never saw anything more interesting than the metal detector. 

So, yeah, bit of a letdown, lol, but worked out for the best because I spent the rest of the day throwing up from the lunch I bought while out. Yay, memories!

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I have been called twice and met the criteria for being automatically excused both times (pregnant once, primary caretaker of a child under the age of six the other time). Homeschooling isn't on that list of criteria, and my youngest child is now six, so I wouldn't be automatically excused if I were called again.

I taught social studies, including civics, for 7 years, and never got a summons during that time. I really wanted one then, lol!

DH gets called with more frequency. And if he has to show up (that is, he calls the night before and his number is required to be there), then he gets picked to serve, every time. 

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Has anyone been called for a federal court jury? I was selected to be a potential juror, I think for one or two years or some similar long time, for a federal (district) court in my state right now. I had to fill out an initial questionnaire when I was called. I haven't received a term of service or summons to appear, and I'm certainly hoping I don't soon given COVID. 

I've been called twice for local court jury duty, but I was not selected as a juror either time. So, I've never actually served on a jury. 

My husband has never been called. It's interesting that others have found that one spouse has been called more frequently.

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15 minutes ago, rebcoola said:

My DH just had a federal court summons but his number didn't get called.  

Did he have to appear, or just fill out a more detailed questionnaire?

I wish they were more clear about the likelihood of actually serving. I'm not sure of  the likelihood I will even get to the point your husband did. 

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2 hours ago, sbgrace said:

Has anyone been called for a federal court jury? I was selected to be a potential juror, I think for one or two years or some similar long time, for a federal (district) court in my state right now. I had to fill out an initial questionnaire when I was called. I haven't received a term of service or summons to appear, and I'm certainly hoping I don't soon given COVID. 

I've been called twice for local court jury duty, but I was not selected as a juror either time. So, I've never actually served on a jury. 

My husband has never been called. It's interesting that others have found that one spouse has been called more frequently.


They use multiple lists to compile the prospective juror grand list (tax returns, drivers' license, voter registration, real estate ownership, etc) so it's entirely possible one spouse is on a list that the other is not on.

It's also possible that for a person to be (inadvertently) listed multiple times, with a slight difference like using a middle initial -- that happened to both of us when we lived in NJ and felt like we were being contacted CONSTANTLY. We didn't figure it out until after we'd served, gotten our "you're good for 3 years!" certificate, got called again, and THEN double-checked the exact name/juror number (at which point it was promptly resolved).

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2 hours ago, sbgrace said:

Has anyone been called for a federal court jury?

Last year, I got called for federal grand jury (requires showing up 1 day every 2 weeks for a YEAR!!)  -- but was able to defer it because I teach high school co-op classes, and make my own materials, so there's no one who can sub for me. When they re-issued a deferred date, it dropped to just regular local jury summons for a one-time case. And when I checked the night before, my whole group had been cancelled.

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