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Walking Alone.....dog passed away


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Monday afternoon we out our 14 year old Australian Shepherd down.  She was starting to fail more and more and we didn't want her to be in pain.

That brings me to my question.  Do you walk alone?  Like through the woods, etc?  I am not talking about bike paths/sidewalks where there is traffic/houses/people but more secluded areas.

I live in an area with low crime rates....at least those we hear about/against strangers.  I am a plus sized almost 50 year old so not a prime "target".  Still, it feels weird to go out walking in the woods alone.   I have no qualms about it with a friend or with one or more of my kids.  It is just that alone part.

I tried to convince the wonderful neighbors across the street with 3 young girls to buy a dog.  Then I could walk over and take the dog for a walk whenever I needed one....and they could pay the vet bills, train the puppy, housebreak it, etc.   For some reason they didn't buy that idea....but the husband did offer to let me take their cat for a walk with a harness.😉

So....getting another dog is not really in our cards right now and I like the freedom of no animals when we want to go on vacation.

So what do you do about walking all alone?

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I am sorry for your loss.


 I like to walk with a dog.  I don’t like to be dogless.  We are about due to find a new puppy or young dog to be coming along as our current dog ages.  I have told him I expect him to live forever, but he is getting gray on his chin. 

We live in an area with big animal predators (cougars and bears) in addition to potential human dangers.  A dog makes a big difference.  

In city situations, I felt fine walking dogless. 

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I'm so sorry for your loss. 😥  If you're not in a position to take on a new dog full time, could you contact some local rescues about possibly fostering? If you travel a lot, you could perhaps just do temporary/short-term/emergency fostering, or even foster-respite. Usually the rescue pays all the food and vet bills for fosters, so it would be kind of like the arrangement you joked about with your neighbors. You'd have a companion for your walks, and maybe save some lives in the process.

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I'm so very sorry.  I do walk alone, but it sure depends on the area.  I used to walk alone around our small town very late at night, and sometimes in the wooded areas nearby;  it was so beautiful and peaceful, especially in the winter.   But, it's always been very safe.  Now I live in a big city, and I'm comfortable walking alone here late at night in my neighborhood.  I often run into homeless people sleeping.  But, it always feels safe.

Sometimes I take care of my dd's dog who is very small, and other times I take care of another dd's dog who is quite big.  I know that when I have the bigger dog, I feel I can go anywhere, even places I don't usually go to at night.  So, I do understand!

I agree about not wearing headphones, and I always walk with a firm, fast step when I'm alone at night, or in the daytime in a strange area.

I think you just have to trust your instinct, and carry a cellphone on you.

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I'm so sorry about your dog, @Ottakee.

I don't walk alone. It's been decades since I was without a canine walking partner. If the dog isn't with me DH is. That's not out of fear, it's just the way it is. I really don't know whether I'd feel comfortable walking alone or not.

I second the suggestion that you consider fostering. It sounds as if you'd be a dream foster for any pet rescue. Just check them out thoroughly before you volunteer (FB pages are often a good way to get a feel for how a rescue operates). The well run ones have people available for when a regular foster goes on vacation. Generally at most you pay for their food (and some groups even provide that). You should be able to specify what type of dog you're willing to foster--if you don't have time for a young, rambunctious dog you can say that you want a middle aged/senior dog who still has the energy for and would love a good walk.

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Honestly, I do this kind of thing all the time.  And I'm a plus size pushing 50 mom type.  I take a phone, I often am listening to an audio book.  I don't know - it doesn't stress me out.  I don't bush whack - I stay on paths.  I use good common sense.  But in low crime areas where I can get phone reception?  Sure.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your doggie.  😞

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Can you find a walking buddy? Find a new place to walk? 

At the very least, you should take a self-defense class. I would walk in our woods on our property. It sounds like this is not your property. Maybe just carry a can of mace? What are the stats on women being successful with that?

As far as replacing the dog, what if you went with not puppy? 

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I'm so sorry.  Losing a pup is so hard.

I ride all over by myself and never thought much about it until I ran into some potential trouble from a stranger.  Now I ride by myself with a gun.  I strap it on the outside of my boot where it is very visible.  Sort of a pre-emptive strike.


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Yes, I walk alone, every chance I get, including through the woods.

If I ever have any fear, it's that I might do something stupid and hurt myself or get lost, and not get out in time to meet up with my kids or whatever.  But so far that has not happened.  I probably wouldn't go too deep into an area where it would be hard to find me if anything happened.

If you worry, can you carry mace / pepper spray along with a well-charged iphone?

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I walk by myself pretty much daily.  We live in a pretty quiet, rural community with no animal threat except for dogs that get out of hand once in a while.  I do carry mace with me but rarely  has anything worried me enough to even put it in my hand.  Once in a while a dog will startle me and once in a while a car moving slowly will creep me out for a moment.  The last time this happened and I got my mace out of my pocket, it turned out to be the lady delivering newspapers - LOL!  Woods and darkness sometimes gives me the creeps but usually it's the cornfields that line both sides of the roads that worry me more.

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Thanks all.  We don't have larger animal predators around here and not a lot of loose dogs.  It is more the people issue.  The trails I want to walk are owned by our local airport and right out my back door but not really public trails....they just let neighbors walk them.  I haven't seen any recent activity but it could be an area where someone could hunker down for days and not be seen type area.   In general though our area is very safe.

Fostering might work in the future but not right not.  There are many days when no one is home or available to let a dog out for 8 hours+.


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18 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

Fostering might work in the future but not right not.  There are many days when no one is home or available to let a dog out for 8 hours+.

Our shelter also does rest and recreation, which can mean taking a dog out just for the afternoon! 

I do walk alone on nature trails and in empty parks and such. If a certain area was known as a place where drug deals went down, sure, I'd avoid that one, and I don't go anywhere alone where getting lost is a possibility, lol. Mostly I figure that bad stuff can happen anywhere, so I try to be sensible and aware but not let the possibility completely drive my decisions. So I walk alone and I go into the city alone. 

Can you walk the trails a couple of times with someone else to get a feel for them? If I didn't see a lot of trash like beer bottles and so forth, that would be a plus. 

If you wind up not feeling comfortable walking there, maybe see if there's is a playground near you that hosts youth sports. They usually have a walking trail and some team is almost always practicing or playing, or individuals are practicing or playing on the tennis court. 

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I drive to well used trails where there are rangers around all the time and walk there. My area has a lot of transient population, drug issues and mountain lion sightings. So, when I go on popular trails, I see at least one or two people passing me by at all times of the day and that makes me comfortable. I don't mind the drive because I feel more secure walking alone. I carry my cell phone always and make sure to take no cash or wear any jewelry while I walk.

 I am wondering if you could drive over to a county park with staff and walk alone there?

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I have certainly walked by myself, but now that I am a dog owner, I would really miss that.  I am guessing if you live in the suburbs that one of your neighbors has a dog that would just *love* to go for a walk with you as often as you want! If you are on FB, you could post in your neighborhood group?  Surely someone works all day and their doggie would enjoy the extra love? The down side would be that you don't know how well trained that dog would be. 

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4 hours ago, Pen said:

Are there dogs living in your area who might like extra walks and whose owners would appreciate that? 

Or a shelter where you could volunteer to walk dogs from time to time? 

We have 6 houses in our subdivision.  One with a lab said the dog is not well leashed trained...at least not for me.  Others have happy tiny dogs...including one that bites.   That is why I wanted our dogless neighbors to buy one for me to walk 😀

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I am so sorry for your loss.  My heart hurts for you.

I don’t know about walking alone.  I’ve always had a big dog.  Usually an Aussie.  I think I would, personally, feel uncomfortable alone in some areas around our home.

Not walking alone, though, could mean two losses - your walking partner and your preferred exercise.

I hope you find a solution. 

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I don’t walk (or ski or mountain bike) in the woods by myself.

We live in a very safe, active community and the trails usually have plenty of runners and so on. But our area has a rabid fox problem; people are getting attacked even in their yards right in town, so I’m extra leery. Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to protect myself.

Even without the foxes, I’m uncomfortable feeling secluded. I feel safer in the neighbourhood where there are more people. 

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