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I ran over my kid’s cat....updated


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My 17 yo had an outdoor cat that she adored. Kitty was super sweet and adorable. 

I got in the car this morning, turned it on. Fiddled with my phone, turning on my podcast, and slowly backed out of my spot. And discovered that the cat had apparently gotten under it and not run out when I started the motor and began moving.

it was horrendous.

my dd is so sad. We all are.


ETA: update

 have the rest of the story.

the kitty that died yesterday came from a littler of kittens that belonged to a friend of a friend who works with my dh.

Well yesterday I called my dh just a few minutes after it happened. He could hear the bawling in the house. 

After I’d taken care of the aftermath my dhs coworkers wife texts me. I’d had to go complete the errand I’d started to do.She’d heard the news from her husband and texted her friend who’d originally given us the kitty.

co workers wife says “a’s cat had another litter this summer. She’s given all but one away, does your dd want it.” Of course, dd17 wants it. I called my dd17 at home and she went to dhs coworkers house who went with myvgirls to go pick up kitty. She had a new kitten within an hour of losing the other one.

This kitten is a girl. At least a half sister to the previous one and looks exactly like her other kitty. And even has a couple personality quirks common with the one that died. It’s literally like we turned that clock back with the other cat. 

Dd is still sad, but having a purring sweet ball of fluff sure does help. She said Jesus gave her a new kitty.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I once started driving with a cat under my hood. She had crawled up in there to keep warm. It was horrible and she did pass away. Unlike you, I wasn't being careful, or driving slowly. 😞 

These types of accidents do happen a lot. Again, I am so very sorry. Hugs to you. 

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I have the rest of the story.

the kitty that died yesterday came from a littler of kittens that belonged to a friend of a friend who works with my dh.

Well yesterday I called my dh just a few minutes after it happened. He could hear the bawling in the house. 

After I’d taken care of the aftermath my dhs coworkers wife texts me. I’d had to go complete the errand I’d started to do.She’d heard the news from her husband and texted her friend who’d originally given us the kitty.

co workers wife says “a’s cat had another litter this summer. She’s given all but one away, does your dd want it.” Of course, dd17 wants it. I called my dd17 at home and she went to dhs coworkers house who went with myvgirls to go pick up kitty. She had a new kitten within an hour of losing the other one.

This kitten is a girl. At least a half sister to the previous one and looks exactly like her other kitty. And even has a couple personality quirks common with the one that died. It’s literally like we turned that clock back with the other cat. 

Dd is still sad, but having a purring sweet ball of fluff sure does help. She said Jesus gave her a new kitty.


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6 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Dd is still sad, but having a purring sweet ball of fluff sure does help. She said Jesus gave her a new kitty.

...now this has me crying tears of joy.  Happy for you all.  Life it full of twists and turns.  Keep the faith, everyone!

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Ahh, so glad she has a new kitty. 

That happened to me when I was 17. My mom ran over my precious outdoor kitty as she was pulling into the garage. I happened to be there (outside the car), watching and shouting at her to stop, but she didn’t understand what I was trying to communicate. 

It was heartbreaking, but we moved on. I harbor no hard feelings...it was an accident. I do miss my pretty Motley, though. 

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11 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

I admit I’m kinda hoping the coworker spays that cat, but I’m so glad your daughter got a new kitty to help ease the passing of the other one!

I think that's the plan.

But I was totally shocked earlier this year how HARD of a time we had finding a free kitten. We looked for 6-8 months to find one. We looked on Facebook, Craigslist, everything. 

 It seems that most people in our area are taking cat spaying seriously! I had no idea how hard it would be to get a free kitten! 

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

I think that's the plan.

But I was totally shocked earlier this year how HARD of a time we had finding a free kitten. We looked for 6-8 months to find one. We looked on Facebook, Craigslist, everything. 

 It seems that most people in our area are taking cat spaying seriously! I had no idea how hard it would be to get a free kitten! 

Most people don't do "free" anymore over fears that a person who won't pay anything for the kitten won't have money for vet bills, or may have nefarious purposes. So standard advice is to ask for a nominal fee, just to screen out impulse buyers, etc. 

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I don't give away kittens for free either, when I have them. No, sorry - I did rehome two ferals for free a few years ago, but that's because we had an urgent family medical situation soon after I took them in and I was just glad to be able to give them to somebody else fast, another family who had done feral fostering. But otherwise, no. If nothing else, I want to defray the cost of neutering - it's $5 at the ASPCA van, and I want to get that money back! You can't trust people to get these kittens done, so you gotta do it yourself.

if I get a ride home from people, I won't let them drive me to the door unless I'm with my mother (she has trouble walking) or have a lot of packages. "I won't run over your cat, Tanaqui!" Yeah, I know but, um, could you just drop me off here at the corner? Thanks.

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7 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

 It seems that most people in our area are taking cat spaying seriously! I had no idea how hard it would be to get a free kitten! 

This is good to hear. My dd#2 helps run a local TNR group. They are always looking for foster homes and forever homes for the feral kittens that are already out there when people finally contact her group. No one is interested!!

Her group is looking for a nominal fee for adoptions but spays/neuters the kitten before letting it go, so the fee goes toward partially covering those costs. 

They have about 15-20 who need foster homes and eventual forever homes. Otherwise, they will be on the streets like their parents. :(

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