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Would you see the doctor?


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We're having a debate here.  Please tell me if I'm wrong!  It's happened a few times.  😏

When dc and I have colds, if we go in right away, the doctor usually tells us to treat with OTC things like we're already doing and to come back if it lasts over 2 weeks or if we get significantly worse.  It often seems like a waste of 2 hours, plus exposure to who-knows-what in the waiting room.  So, now I only go in if I think it could be strep, a sinus infection (green), or if there's some other symptom making me think it's more serious than just a typical cold.

When dh catches something, he sees a different doctor close to where he works, gets in quickly, and often comes home with a prescription antibiotic.  It's rare that he's told to wait it out because it's just a virus.  Even though I've explained what our doctor says, he doesn't understand why I don't go in sooner.  

So, please tell me what you would do in these situations:

Would you go in or take your dc in to see the doctor right away for a sore throat with mild sinus drainage and mild body aches and shakiness, but no fever?  What if the sore throat and body aches were a bit better on the 2nd day, but still tired and shaky?  

What about if sinus drainage causes a cough, but sinus drainage is completely clear and can be controlled by staying warm and using netipot, decongestant, and/or antihistamine?   What if it continued that same way for two weeks, but was still clear?

Thanks for sharing your opinions!



Thanks, everyone, for your input.  No one went to the doctor.  😉 




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You're not wrong but neither is he.  My dh does tend to go in to the doctor sooner than me or my dd, but that is because he needs to work.  It's no sweat for me and my dd to wait it out a bit, because we don't have to be anywhere.  In your situation about the sore throat and sinus drainage, we would wait it out (for my dd and me) but throw all our various otc treatments at it.  Clear versus yellow or green is important, as is no fever or low fever.

Dh does something different and goes to a different doctor.  That's okay.

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37 minutes ago, klmama said:

So, please tell me what you would do in these situations:

Would you go in or take your dc in to see the doctor right away for a sore throat with mild sinus drainage and mild body aches and shakiness, but no fever?  What if the sore throat and body aches were a bit better on the 2nd day, but still tired and shaky? 


No. I've never seen any point at all in running to the doctor right away for something that is almost certainly viral. My time line is a week--if after a week things aren't showing signs of improvement then I start to consider a doctor visit.



What about if sinus drainage causes a cough, but sinus drainage is completely clear and can be controlled by staying warm and using netipot, decongestant, and/or antihistamine?   What if it continued that same way for two weeks, but was still clear?

No fever? How does the person feel otherwise? With everything clear and no fever and if the person didn't feel really debilitated then I probably wouldn't go.

Edited by Pawz4me
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I’m against antibiotics for colds (virus based) due to the problems of resistant bacteria from antibiotic overuse.  So, I think you are right. Unless when your dh is given an antibiotic it is because the doctor determined that he does have a bacterial infection and does need that antibiotic. 

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On number one, I’d give it until the third day. Case in point...my DS was really sick for a day and half, much better on day 2, still sick-ish on 3. I took him in and he had strep. (That was just this week and I posted about it!)

on number two, yes, I’d go in bc if I’ve had a cold for two weeks I most likely have a sinus infection, with or without green stuff. But, I know how they feel and can tell in myself. 

Like you, if I go in before at least 10 days, they aren’t going to give me anything anyway (unless I test positive for strep). And I’m ok with that bc I don’t want to take antibiotics if I have a viral upper respiratory illness. Likewise with my DC. 

I have adult family members who rush to the dr when they get a viral-type illness and get antibiotics every single time. I’m convinced that people who get abx on day 2 or 3 of an illness and start feeling better by the end of the week are just naturally feeling better bc the virus has run its course, not bc they started abx asap. But, man, don’t try to tell the believers that!😂

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antibiotics don't kill viruses.   period.  one of the reasons we're developing resistance to antibiotics is over prescription - and for non-bacterial infections.

considering what overuse of antibiotics will do to gut health, I don't want one unless I absolutely have to have one.  I never go in unless I think it's a bacterial infection from which my body won't recover on it's own.  or even if I know it's not a bacterial infection,  if symptoms are so bad I think it's beyond my immune system, or I just need symptom support stronger than otc. 

it's sexist, but true, some drs take men's complaints more seriously than they do women (ime: that includes women drs.).  they think men only come in if it's really bad (dd did hear some of that in her pharm training.)  frankly, it sounds like your hubby's dr is placating him, and being lazy, by just giving him a prescription for what is likely a viral infection.  I will assume he always gets a rx for amoxicillin.  which is an entry antibiotic, and is incredibly over prescribed because some patients just aren't happy unless they go home with a scrip.  resistance to it is huge.


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if sinus draining is causing a cough - I use a decongestant.  I also have found throwing Mucinex into the mix very helpful.  and drinking lots of water.  I'm prone to sinus infections, and since I started that protocol, I've had many fewer.  I'd rather avoid the need for antibiotics.   

ps. I had pneumonia, I was hospitalized, I had a very strong IV antibiotic that made me so ill, I was given an IM antiemtic with every single dose.  then I had to rebuild my gut.

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I don't go in for a cold.  Antibiotics don't help for a virus and over prescribing leads to resistant strains of bacteria.  I only go in for cold symptom type illness if it lasts longer than a week and a half with no improvement or if there is significant reason to believe that there is a secondary infection like ear, sinus, etc.  Even then I often wait a few days to see if it clears on its own.  But i am also the one who had a sinus infection for over a month before finally going to the doctor.

I did call the advice nurse this week for DS who had a very sore throat, flushing, no fever, and vomiting with a bit of blood in it.  But that mostly because he has a history of needing medication to stop vomiting when he has any virus and has ended up in the ER a couple time from excessive vomiting.  The doctor called in a prescription for Zofran for him, which was great.  He has a cold and there is nothing the doctor can really do about it.  If he gets worse, starts running a moderate fever, or gets other troubling symptoms I would call the advice line to see if they think he should be seen.  Also , when he was younger, colds were more likely to cause problems with his asthma, so if I couldn't control it at home with the inhaler or nebulizer I had to take him in.

When I was a kid my parents rarely took me to the doctor.  When I had chicken pox, measles, and other things they just treated me at home.  I went in for symptoms of strep throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and some virus that I was sick with for almost a month and they never figured out what it was.


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I do not go for viruses.  If a virus has become an infection, then yes, I will go.  But there are many perfectly fine ways to treat the symptoms of cold and flu viruses both for comfort and also to minimize the chances of it becoming an infection.  This includes things like a saline nasal rinse.  ("Prescribed" by my ENT in the past, by the way.) 

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38 minutes ago, klmama said:

I'm not sure it's that or that he really thinks it's bacterial.   Regardless, my question isn't about my dh's doctor.  


Maybe, but if it was a close family member ragging me about this in the situation you describe then I would absolutely bring this up.

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43 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

if it's not bacterial - he shouldn't be on an antibiotic. period.

Even if it is bacterial, it may well clear without antibiotic treatment.  Each of two of my children had repeated bacterial infections that came with days of fever.  After a couple of bouts with (apparently successful) antibiotic treatment, the doc recommended trying to let the thing run its course without the abx, which we did ever after.  The outcome did not change.

My college best friend is an internist.  She said that when people came for an office visit with a cold, she thought, "You obviously have a cold.  And now I do too." 


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I don't go or take my kids in for the kind of symptoms you describe. I will take them if I suspect strep or an ear infection or pink eye, etc, but otherwise we wait it out. I'm not sure they have ever had a sinus infection bad enough to be given meds, but if I had someone with a tendency toward sinus troubles, I might address that sooner. I've had a few people in my life who have battled chronic sinus problems, so I would be wary if my kids were suffering. I tend to wait out sinus issues myself, however, unless am I am extremely sick overall.

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For both scenarios, I'd start with Zicam, drink plenty of fluids and rest. When my kids were sick, they would usually sleep just with me at night so I could monitor them.

For anything that involves sudden extreme weakness and body aches, a very sore throat, sometimes coughs or any symptoms of meningitis, I'd call my doctor.

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We tend not to go in for anything that is treatable with OTC solutions, unless/until we've been doing all of that with no change for a long time (2 weeks) and no improvement, and even then, only if the "no improvement" was miserable-ness. Mild annoying, not so much. 

If it's to the point where people can't sleep, I know our doc will give an Rx cough med &/or allergy med that helps. I'll go in for those, if needed. But no abx unless it's bacterial, which we are grateful for. 

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6 hours ago, Loowit said:

I don't go in for a cold.  Antibiotics don't help for a virus and over prescribing leads to resistant strains of bacteria.  I only go in for cold symptom type illness if it lasts longer than a week and a half with no improvement or if there is significant reason to believe that there is a secondary infection like ear, sinus, etc.  Even then I often wait a few days to see if it clears on its own.  But i am also the one who had a sinus infection for over a month before finally going to the doctor.

I did call the advice nurse this week for DS who had a very sore throat, flushing, no fever, and vomiting with a bit of blood in it.  But that mostly because he has a history of needing medication to stop vomiting when he has any virus and has ended up in the ER a couple time from excessive vomiting.  The doctor called in a prescription for Zofran for him, which was great.  He has a cold and there is nothing the doctor can really do about it.  If he gets worse, starts running a moderate fever, or gets other troubling symptoms I would call the advice line to see if they think he should be seen.  Also , when he was younger, colds were more likely to cause problems with his asthma, so if I couldn't control it at home with the inhaler or nebulizer I had to take him in.

When I was a kid my parents rarely took me to the doctor.  When I had chicken pox, measles, and other things they just treated me at home.  I went in for symptoms of strep throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and some virus that I was sick with for almost a month and they never figured out what it was.


I’m very similar. As an adult, I don’t think I’ve ever gone to the doctor for a cold or gotten any secondary infection that I know about.. We only took our son when we suspected an ear infection or strep throat or couldn’t get his asthma under control with his regular meds, so very rarely. 

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I've had a cold for almost two weeks.  It's rotten but i'm getting slowly better.  It wouldn't occur to me to see the doctor.  They would just say it was a virus and tell me to rest and drink a lot of fluids.  If I start to get better and then get worse in a very identifiable way - sore chest, throat, ears - then a bacterial infection seems possible and I might see the doctor or practice nurse.

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I've never taken myself of DC to the doctor for a cold. We go if there is a high (>102) fever for more than 3 days, a sinus thing more than 10 days, or a throat so sore you can't swallow water. And unless the doctor is reasonably certain it is a bacterial infection, he doesn't prescribe (nor do I want) antibiotics.

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I would never go to the doctor for a cold, green mucous or not, fever or not.  I've never gone for a sinus infection either - maybe if I had a chronic one for months.  I might for strep, though not necessarily.

For healthy people, even a bacterial infection general resolves on its own, so I don't see any reason to rush into antibiotics which generally aren't great for your system in other ways and should not be overused.  There is nothing a doctor can do about a cold.

Probably the only thing along those lines I rush into the doctor for are fever accompanied by really far out symptoms or neck pain, the time dd had pneumonia, and UTI.  I've tried dealing with UTI in the past but I've never had success - but the time I am symptomatic I will in short order be in a lot of pain.

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I sent DS19 to the doctor recently, for the first time in forever, but he had injured his ribs he was coughing so much. More importantly, his cough sounded off to me...he was breathing and coughing too shallowly to my liking and I was worried about pneumonia. They agreed and ended up putting him on steroids, plus an inhaler, plus antibiotics for that and an ear infection that had set in as well. But he'd been sick for a week by that point. Had he been improving more quickly, or breathing better, I wouldn't have sent him. (I have a suspicion he had pertussis, actually)

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I don’t need a doctor’s expertise to treat a cold. I know what to do and it doesn’t require a Rx. I go to the doctor only if we have an illness I can’t identify or treat with OTC meds. I didn’t know anyone went to the doctor for a cold. They can’t DO anything and a sick person is better off resting at home. 

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I don't go (or take my kids) to the doctor unless I think something is life threatening or won't heal by itself.

I try not to take (or give) medicines unless we really can't function without them. 

So in this case, no, I would not go to the doctor, unless I still felt really bad after a month or more.

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