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What do your kids want for the holidays?


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A horse (not happening), a personalized horse halter, a collector Breyer holiday horse, a dog (not happening), a polar bear cub (definitely not happening), money, pajamas, an iphone holder for running, ear muffs ... not sure what I'm forgetting.

Surprises for one kid will be books, jeans, and purple socks.  The other kid, I'm not sure.  I also got them each a jewelry box and a novelty backpack.

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dd11:  electric guitar, hamster, chocolate orange, shoes with heels.  She'll get the guitar and orange.  No hamster.

ds8: ant farm, camera, punching bag and gloves, chin up bar.  I am not sure what he will end up with!

dd13: dress shoes, ear buds with no wires, phone otterbox, clothes.  She'll get the otterbox, and likely the shoes though not necessarily for CHristmas.  

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ds10: legos, gag toys like invisible ink and whoopee cushion, nerf gun, canvases, and a bunch of other small stuff. 

dd8: karaoke machine, the ramona entire book set, shopkins, lol surprise,I'm not sure what else but i know she asked grandparents for more

ds5: yu gi oh cards, legos, stilts

dd3: calico critters, play doh, peppa pig

ds1: finger puppets and balls( when asked what he wanted these are the things he brought his brother to show him he wanted them.)

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Both asked for one specific book each. It's a skinny year for gifts.

Mine are college/grad school (aka broke college kids!) age and many gifts are practical. I like giving them things I know they will use so they can spend money on things that they want that I am clueless about or don't have their same taste and wouldn't get what they'd like. We try to give something fun too, but practicality rules at our house. 

Edited by Angie in VA
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Socks, they all want socks.  My oldest is in Flagstaff, Arizona.  The middle child is in New York.  Both of them want warm feet.  The youngest just wants to be like his siblings.  

And candy.  Mint chocolate for the oldest.  Peanut butter for the middle kid.  And the youngest will eat anything.

So they are getting socks and candy.

I will be happy to have them under one roof for a little while.

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dd 16 wants LED jugging balls and some stuff for her aerial silks rigging.  

ds1  27 wants a battery power bank

ds2  24 wants a kindle paperwhite, dashcam, water flosser, bike shorts, bike seat, fitbit, reusable grocery bags

ds3 24  wants basics - socks, underwear, belt, undershirts, any clothes - he hates to shop so he loves receiving this stuff, he asked for a new measuring cup, too.  

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5 minutes ago, StellaM said:


OMG no! Like house plants - do you guys not call them pot plants over there ?! 😂

Haha, that's why I was asking! Mostly I hear potted plants or house plants. 😄  I wondered if it was just a vocab difference....or if Santa bringing pot was typical!

Edited by alisoncooks
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Not that much really. They never do. They have way more than they could ever use. We are overdue for a trip to Goodwill and we just went not that long ago.

They are the only niece/nephew/grandkids on both sides, though. So they have tons of people clamoring to buy for them. Everybody loves to buy for kids at Christmas. It's only Cyber Monday and we've already had multiple instances of people double-buying gifts. The despite my attempt at keeping a promptly updated Google spreadsheet accessible by every adult in both families, lol! At least folks have time to return stuff...

DD wants a dragon drawing book, the new Wings of Fire release, and a couple Lego sets. DS wants some Legos, a toy UPS truck, and a Newton's Cradle. 

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My sons

Age 15: He has asked for basically nothing.  He mentioned needing new non-school clothes and I reminded him his allowance has been piling up unspent and it's supposed to cover his basic clothing.  So he went online and Black Friday shopped himself 3 pairs of jeans and 3 or 4 shirts.  He mentioned wanting the Bullet Journal Method book when it was on the radio.  As a result, his gifts are kind of a pile of boring.  Earbuds, the book he asked for, a bullet journal and pens to use with the book he asked for, a hoodie and a tile for his wallet and keys.  Plus his stocking, which is again a bit of a snoozer.  Cufflinks, grooming set + the usual stocking stuff. I need to jazz it up a bit BUT HE HAS ASKED FOR NOTHING ELSE.  

Age 9:  He's asked for: Harry Potter Legos, Boss Monster The Next Level and paper.  He's getting from us: HP Legos, paper, a nice pencil sharpener, other art supplies, books, a hoodie and stocking stuff.  I have it on good authority he's getting Boss Monster the Next Level for his birthday in December.  

My nieces and nephews

Age 16: money, movie tickets, clothes.  I am considering just giving them cash and a stocking.  

Age 12: A video game I will not buy him.  From us, he's getting Percy Jackson Books, Zelda Breath of the Wild and art supplies.  

Age 11: Copic markers, Harry Potter Legos, cosplay supplies, ukelele  From us, I am getting 6 copic markers, some clothing items, a book in a series they are reading and some photography stuff.  The legos and ukelele are coming from their dads.  

Age 9: LOL stuff.  I'm not sure what these are but the one I got is in a large sparkly purple half globe.  Also, legos, giant hair bows and such like.  I have purchased her a caboodle for the hairbows and other doo dads, some books, the LOL thing I described and some clothing.  The legos and bows and other things are coming from her dads.  I have a lego set for her January birthday.  

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DS (15) cello or piano 

DS (13) drum set or desk and computer monitor

DD (7) drum set or pony 

These kids have expensive wants this year!  I do love that musical instruments have become their most wanted items.  Oldest will get his (used) piano, middle his desk and monitor (he already has an electronic drum set), and youngest a kid-size drum set.  They won't be getting much more since everything they want is so expensive!

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1 hour ago, happysmileylady said:

DD10, honestly, all she wants, with all her being, everything she has, is a dog.  Everything else is cool and she would be happy with most things-Barbie toys, puzzles, whatever.  But what she really wants......a dog.  Which she can’t have.  She has received every single version of non living dog possible.  She wants a dog.   

This was me. My sister got a HORSE and I couldn't have a dog. My mom says, "Horses don't live in the house." 😉 

My mom always told me, "When you get married, then you can have a dog." As soon as I was married and moved into my first "pets allowed" apartment, I did. 😊

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1 hour ago, LucyStoner said:

Age 9: LOL stuff.  I'm not sure what these are but the one I got is in a large sparkly purple half globe.  

Pearl Surprise? You did good. 👍🏼

After a LONG phase of obsession with Monster High, just about all my DD wants this year is LOL Surprise stuff. 

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18 minutes ago, MercyA said:

Pearl Surprise? You did good. 👍🏼

After a LONG phase of obsession with Monster High, just about all my DD wants this year is LOL Surprise stuff. 

 YES.  I grabbed it at Best Buy of all places.  I just remembered LOL + she's obsessed with purple.  



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A dragon.  Don’t tell DD, she will want one as well!

7 yr old DD, self-titled “warrior child” (call her princess at your peril) wants MouseTrap, a Breyer horse, and playmobil Dragonrider stuff.  Plus possibly some doll accessories (a science lab thing and an inventor lab? Something like that.) 

And books.  She finished Magic Tree House, and is almost done with all of the Merlin Missions that came next.  All 4 billion of them in two months.  Any suggestions?

DS14 has not said he wants anything specific but we’re going with cosplay supplies, art supplies, a nice camera, and clothes.  There will be some other things, of course, but I don’t know what yet. And books.

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DS10 asked for Life of Fred books, books on Roman history, and more Horrible Histories books.  He also asked for a board game called "Forbidden sky".  He made a few vague comments about wanting Legos and K'nex, but I think he only said that because he didn't really know what to ask for.

We're skipping the k'nex (he has several sets that only get played with if I prod him), and getting one Lego set.  DH got him some sort of little programmable robot thing and a video game.  I'm hitting up Thrift Books and filling a huge box. I"m trying to find some sort of science kit for him, too.    

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DD#1: some Disney games for her DS, some Zelda books, piano music for Frozen songs - she's getting all those things. She also wants new bedroom decor, but that will be for her birthday in January.

DD#2: anything and everything she sees. (Spoiler alert: She's not getting all of it!)

DS: "A present." What do you want inside the present? "A box." What do you want inside the box? "Um...a spinning top!" Which he already has a couple of, so...no. 😉 

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8 hours ago, MissLemon said:

DS10 asked for Life of Fred books, books on Roman history, and more Horrible Histories books.  He also asked for a board game called "Forbidden sky".  He made a few vague comments about wanting Legos and K'nex, but I think he only said that because he didn't really know what to ask for.

We're skipping the k'nex (he has several sets that only get played with if I prod him), and getting one Lego set.  DH got him some sort of little programmable robot thing and a video game.  I'm hitting up Thrift Books and filling a huge box. I"m trying to find some sort of science kit for him, too.    


That is so awesome that he is asking for school stuff. 

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15 hours ago, MissLemon said:

  He also asked for a board game called "Forbidden sky". 

We have Forbidden Island, and it's a lot of fun. I think the others in the series are supposed to be very good as well. In FI, the players have to cooperate to rescue themselves and four treasures from an island before it sinks. (The sinking accelerates as you continue, making it harder and harder to win.)

Speaking of board games, DS wants Pandemic and a couple of others, and he needs some camping/scout stuff. Fortunately, his birthday isn't long after Christmas, so it's easy to fill in anything important that was missed.

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9 hours ago, mommyoffive said:


That is so awesome that he is asking for school stuff. 

It feels like I'm "cheating" at Christmas somehow, lol.  But he truly wants history and math books.  I debated buying him the last few Beast Academy books he doesn't have, but I dunno.  It feels wrong somehow, lol!  

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2 hours ago, whitehawk said:

We have Forbidden Island, and it's a lot of fun. I think the others in the series are supposed to be very good as well. In FI, the players have to cooperate to rescue themselves and four treasures from an island before it sinks. (The sinking accelerates as you continue, making it harder and harder to win.)

Speaking of board games, DS wants Pandemic and a couple of others, and he needs some camping/scout stuff. Fortunately, his birthday isn't long after Christmas, so it's easy to fill in anything important that was missed.

He has the other 2 in the series and loves them.  I think Forbidden Desert is his favorite so far! 

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Just now, MissLemon said:

It feels like I'm "cheating" at Christmas somehow, lol.  But he truly wants history and math books.  I debated buying him the last few Beast Academy books he doesn't have, but I dunno.  It feels wrong somehow, lol!  

I'm getting my new braces-wearer a Waterpik for Christmas! Talk about wrong. But a mama's gotta do what a mama's gotta do! (Those things are pricey!)

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My kids are all young adults...  They're more into experiences and not adding junk to their tiny apartments.  They're not really asking for anything specific though, so, I plan to give them each an "experience" (tickets to a concert, for example), a clothing item (a warm sweater, or hat and mittens, etc.), and a book.  I'm also thinking about making a calendar for each member of our family, where I add in all the important dates.  

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On 11/26/2018 at 1:45 PM, Margaret in CO said:

... plus I had her horsehair bracelet remade. We'll lose that horse this winter....

...I found enough horsehair from the mare that was eaten by the mountain lion so had a bracelet made....

I am intrigued.  For one of my young adults (who are getting less this Christmas=) a donkey hair bracelet may just be the thing.  How do I go about having something like this made?

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21 hours ago, LucyStoner said:

 YES.  I grabbed it at Best Buy of all places.  I just remembered LOL + she's obsessed with purple.  



Yep, that is the LOL set my DD wanted most of all for Christmas (except she's getting the blue one!). Trust me when I say she has done *extensive* YouTube research. :happy: It's special because it comes with both a "big sister" and a "little sister" doll and a couple outfits with shoes. Apparently the dolls are inside a fizzy bath bomb which must be dissolved in the tub. They also change color in cold water. Good fun.

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DS18 - a new phone.He dropped his in June "when yellow jackets attacked me"  and the screen cracked into many pieces, but with a new screen protector it has been hanging in there (sort of) and working (mostly). I guess he has suffered enough 🙂.  And leather driving clothes. Ever so useful where we live - in the South - where it gets cold a couple days a year. But he has asked for them for 2 years.

DS15 - an Amazon Dot (DH got it half price), and shark slippers. We just returned from a trip where, of all things, he saw these awesome shark slippers at a Swedish goods store. They were for kids, so not for his size 11 feet. I found some that were nearly identical for adults on Amazon and bought them.


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