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What is/was breakfast this morning?


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What is/was breakfast today?  And is that typical?


Totally random thread as I'm eating my pomelo.


That's not a typical breakfast for me though (probably why the thread thought came to mind).  I'll usually eat two fried eggs and sauteed veggies (peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach and perhaps potato or summer squash if we have them) when I'm home and not working or replace the veggies with a slice of toast if I am going to school.  Today we're doing Taco (salad) Thursday for lunch at our favorite Mexican place, so I wanted something lighter and we have the fruit to eat (in season and looked terrific at the store).  Mostly I eat pomelos for lunch or supper instead of a typical meal then.


I know some of you don't eat and others perhaps fixed something truly scrumptious while many probably did something quick and easy... no judgment on any of it as I can do all of the above given the day.  I just figured I'd modify the "What's for dinner" threads we sometimes do!  


ps  Dinner tonight will be a mixed green salad.  That's the plan anyway.  Taco salad for lunch, garden salad for supper.  ;)

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Today was coffee and a pastry.  The coffee-typical.  Pastry, no.  It's the weekend and a small treat. :)  Usually it's a piece of thickly cut pane, toasted with butter and maybe a little bit of piri-piri pepper sauce.  Quick and filling.  Lunches and dinners are more well rounded. :lol:  None of us eat well first thing in the morning, so toast or yogurt or an apple and cheese are about our limits.

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Breakfast will be a handful of Brazil nuts. Typical for a not working day. Work days I add a couple of eggs or some fish or ham or something protein. Brazil nuts because they are very high in selenium and while not technically deficient, my body does a very poor job of converting thyroid hormone which needs selenium.

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This morning.....coffee in the big mug, a glass of (decaf) iced tea, 2 Excedrin Migraine and 1 real sudafed.


Oh, and half a banana. 


Will add some real food later......just got oldest off to school, debating whether to sleep or stay up until time to wake up middle ds for his classes. I have to kick the migraine before I take him, because after, my mom is coming for the day. (thus the big mug for coffee....)



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Coffee and a slice of cornbread from last night's dinner for breakfast.


I'll probably have a bowl of leftover green beans, mashed potatoes, and mushroom gravy for lunch. I'll make tacos for everyone else for dinner, but I won't eat it. Maybe I'll use some leftover beans with eggs for breakfast tomorrow. Mmm "breakfast nacho bowl".

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An assortment of baked goods and pastries, scrambled eggs, and sliced melon. Very typical.






:lol: That is actually what we had for breakfast, but it is not typical at all. Somehow we had ended up with a variety of baked goods -- bran muffins from Monday's breakfast, biscuits from yesterday's breakfast, and some pastries from something else. I put them all out on the table, then decided a breakfast of all carbs would be not be wise before a day of skiing, so I made dh and ds some eggs. I also put out a tupperware of melon I cut up a couple of days ago. 


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For me?  Coffee.  I won't feel like eating actual food for some hours yet.  (It's 9:45 here.)


For my kids?  Well it's a school morning, and we suck at time management around here, so ... one kid had cinnamon toast and a liquid yogurt with 4 liquid supplements added.  The other kid had a bowl of cereal, yogurt drink, and several yummy vitamins.

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Me: coffee with a hearty dose of cream :) typical and daily


Oldest DS: cold oats with lots of nutritious things mixed in (my good eater; typical breakfast)


Middle DS: Rice Krispies w/whole milk, toast w/butter (my picky eater and typical—likes plain food, carb-y stuff)


Youngest DS: got the last Krispy Kreme donut! and a glass of milk (donuts NOT typical) :)


I’ll eat early lunch-time. My favorite and typical is a toasted corn tortilla, salsa, fried egg, tiny bit of cheese on top. Yum!

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Two poached eggs and a piece of toast. Generally I have veggies, mushrooms, or black beans so I can make an omelet or breakfast burrito but tomorrow is grocery day and I did a poor job shopping last week.  The only fresh veggies I have are onion and a bit of zucchini.  And I'm out of fruit. 





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I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning: Bob's Red Mill high fiber oat bran hot cereal. Once it is cooked I add 1/3 cooked plain beans to it then top it all with lots of hot sauce on top. Sooooo good and filling.

Okay, that sounds weird and yummy all at once. I’m going to have to try this!!!😊

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me: Coffee with stevia and half and half


dh: eggs with veggies, toast, fruit (nearly every morning)


ds2: leftovers-usually pasta or stir fry. Bagel if we have them


dd2: at home-two eggs, toast, Emergen-C to drink, on the road from practice-egg sandwich or breakfast burrito


ds3: glass of milk, bowl of cereal

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I'll add the kids.


I made the older boys' a breakfast sandwich. Toasted bun with melted cheese, fried egg, and bacon. That's fairly typical - they don't have time to eat before we leave so they end up eating in the car which means it's always some kind of sandwich. Sometimes I make grilled cheese. Other times they get a bagel with cream cheese, bacon, and tomato. 


The youngest doesn't like to eat very much. This morning he wasn't hungry at all and didn't want anything, but I gave him an Instant Breakfast drink and a piece of bacon and he finished both. The breakfast drink isn't typical - usually I can get him to eat a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana or half a bagel with cream cheese. He always has lots of time for breakfast in the morning.

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Me: 1 cup leftover roasted yams with garlic and a banana.  This is not typical.  This would normally be lunch but I had such a busy weekend I didn't get my usual breakfasts prepped for the week (usually I'm having salmon burgers or mushroom/onion omelettes that I premade on the weekend).


DH, DS and DD: nothing.  Drives me nuts.

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Okay, that sounds weird and yummy all at once. I’m going to have to try this!!!😊


Me too. I'm always looking for savory breakfast options that aren't eggs.


I just remembered I used to do bean tortillas for breakfast -- refried beans on a corn tortilla, toasted in a skillet, then topped with salsa. Like a quesadilla but with no cheese. That was good.


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I would love to eat eggs but they're not in the cards during the winter.


I am having two pieces of stoneground wheat bread with peanut butter and a cup of rooibos tea with unsweetened soymilk.


I have gestational diabetes, thus the lack of outright sugar.  For some reason my blood sugar levels seem to tolerate wheat bread and peanut butter really well in the morning.

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Me? Steel-cut oats (I make batches every five days in the Instant Pot and put in five small containers in the 'fridge) with salt,and a vanilla Greek yogurt (Activa), with a cuppa chamomile tea (I save caffeine for my mid-morning coffee). Hubby, who rises a bit before me, may fry an egg and a slice of Canadian bacon or have peanut butter on a bagel. He always has some plain non-fat yogurt, too, with berries or banana. DS grabs a Luna bar on his way out the door to work - he can not stomach any food for hours in the morning. I can not stand sweets in the morning - if I do make cinnamon rolls, for example, I have mine later with my coffee.

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I am having my usual coffee. I eat an early lunch at 11.


DD10 had 2 scrambled eggs, sausage and a leftover baked potato that I heated in cast iron skillet (crispy not fried).  She usually has 3 eggs and sausage but i only had 2 eggs and needed a fill in.  She also had a smoothie as usual.  This one was banana, pineapple, OJ, acai, strawberry, coconut milk.  She requires a high protein/fat breakfast to get her through till lunch.

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Normally: 3 cappuccinos. And meds. That’s it till noon. (Just FYI, I make a fairly small cap, one shot of espresso and a small amount of foam, so I’m not talking Starbucks sized! I’m on a keto diet per doc’s instructions, so the carb count stays low.)


Today though: 3 caps and 3 slices of bacon. :D

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5 bites of leftover stir fry and a salad.  I know it's weird.  The stir fry was because I was cold but didn't want to go to the trouble of making eggs. The salad was because I've discovered Olive Garden's bottled salad dressing.  I'm sure it's filled with MSG or God knows what else that's bad for me, but it's so delicious it's made salad a bliss-point food for me.  And I'm not afraid to pour it on because it has only 60 calories a serving.  I eat huge salads at least twice a day, happily, haven't really changed my other eating habits, and have lost 5 pounds since I started around January 3rd.

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First thing I ate was at around 11:15.  It was half a cup of low carb ice cream and a handful of pork rinds.  NO this is not typical.  LOL  I have no leftovers and didn't feel like cooking anything (there aren't too many ready to go low carb foods).  And my cupboards are a bit bare.  I'm out of eggs too.


Hah, that was my dad's kind of breakfast!

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The kids had a bowl of cereal. I had a bowl of (packaged) oatmeal. This is pretty typical for us. We don't really do much for breakfast, especially during the week. The usuals are cereal, oatmeal, toast, yogurt, rice. Maybe muffins (from a box mix) if I wake up early enough and feel like it. Occasionally one of the girls asks for scrambled eggs, but not often. On the weekends DH makes pancakes, crepes, french toast, waffles...things like that. The only time we do a big "real" breakfast is when we're having it for dinner! I guess none of us really want big or heavy in the am. 


ETA: or whatever fresh fruit we currently have. Basically whatever is quick and easy. I have to make the kids stop and eat something or they just would skip it all together. 

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Leftover French Toast bake from dinner last night. That's not normal, but I skipped dinner and it looked so tasty, sitting there in the fridge. My breakfasts vary from nothing to eggs and toast to toast with butter or Nutella.


No idea what the boys had. I haven't dealt with their breakfasts since they could open a granola bar.

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DS made us pancakes this morning. Delicious, but not typical. 


I usually either just have black coffee or black coffee and oatmeal. My favorite is Bob's Red Mill Scottish Oats with a touch of salt added to the water and a little bit of butter on top. 



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Oh, the kids had scrambled eggs, chicken sausage, and cheerios.


What they eat really varies - they usually eat, eggs, breakfast meat, gf toast w/ nutella, pancakes, oats, or gf porridge. On the weekend I sometimes make french toast, cinnamon rolls (rarely), gf muffins, or gf biscuits. I usually do not partake of the super carby/flour stuff because I try to eat more whole foods and I don't feel well with so many carbs that early. I do make some pancakes for me maybe once a week (using almond or coco flour). I did enjoy some of the blueberry gf muffins I made them yesterday, it was the first day of my period, I'm pleading the fifth on that! 

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