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Do you pull your frig out to clean the floor??

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Don't pull the fridge out any more often than I can help it, which means that I haven't done it in four years.:001_huh:


However, the other day Wrolf the French bulldog was snuffling around the fridge and managed to acquire a dust bunny, and then the afternoon sunlight beamed through and lit up the floor like a stage, and I saw a nasty dust bunny convention going on. So the next day I removed the front grill--amazingly simple...why did I wait so long???--and washed it in the sink. Then I brought out the big guns--the vacuum cleaner--and vacuumed the coils.


I didn't even know there were coils. The fridge is 10 years old.


And it was a tough job. I had to put on my reading glasses, lie on the floor on my left side/shoulder, which you understand is the shoulder I've had rotator-cuff issues with, shine a flashlight in there with the ailing left hand (being connected to the arm which is connected to the shoulder), and vacuum with the right hand.


The coils are immaculately clean.


So I'm thinking I do need to pull the fridge out and clean the rest of the floor, but I have earned a small reprieve :-)

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Actually, my kids love it when we do this job because they find all sorts of lost treasures. We do it about once a year. Not because we are clean people but just because the fridge seems to be moved for some reason or another and we just suck it up and get the job done. We have found all sorts of things under our fridge and stove; markers, crayons, marbles, legos, money. I'm still waiting on the three earth magnets that I *know* went under there the day they came into the house 4 years ago.



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more than on very rare occasions!


Our fridge is so tightly wedged into the space between cabinets, it's very, very difficult to pull forward. There's no way I'd be able to get it out of its space enough to clean behind it. When the house was painted, they pulled it out, and scratched up our laminate floor.

Michelle T

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Back in the days, before we knew better than to take out an extended warranty on items, Sears would come out and clean it.


Welllll....... that was until we got a smarty pants that told me that I should be keeping it clean and then sent me a follow-up letter about how to keep it clean.


Needless to say, I canceled the agreement and now do it myself. We have tile so I think it makes it much easier.


:glare: Matter of fact it needs doing again with the stove, dryer and washing machine..........

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I need to because it's been years (since at least before I was pg with the twins) and because it's bothering me, but I never have enough time to do that whole job at once like it needs to be. Actually, I was considering hiring someone to do it. Maybe I will pay my college age son to do it when he comes home on a day when we all go out.

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Just curious to know if anyone pulls their frig out to clean the floor.

I had to move mine this morning and it was so nasty...not anymore, though!


Nope. I should, but I don't. It doesn't roll like it's supposed to. I hate having to move that thing -- I always have visions of it falling on top of me!


We had to have a part replaced last year, and moved it out before the guy got here -- thank goodness! So I was able to get it cleaned up so he didn't have to work in that -- yuck!


He did tell me that it's his experience that people don't clean under there unless he's coming -- or they're moving. :001_smile:

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I do the fridge because I clean the coils regularly - maybe every 3-6 mos. They get covered with dog & cat hair & it really wears the fridge out to have the coils dirty. I don't do the other appliances as often, maybe once a year or so, usually when I'm supposed to be doing something else & I'm procrastinating :001_smile:

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Yes, the fridge, the stove, the washing machine and the dryer - about 4 times a year. It is always disgusting under there. It doesn't take long though and every time I think I won't leave it so long before I do it again but ..... out of sight out of mind KWIM?

That's what we do. DH helps: he vacuums the coils on the fridge...and helps me move everything around...about 4 times a year works for us. We have long haired dogs so those coils need vacuuming or our electric bill goes up.

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In our old house I would pull the fridge out every time I swept and mopped. That is near impossible in this house. Dh built the cabinets (and the entire house) and then we bought a fridge that was just a smidge larger than we had thought it would be. It's a very tight fit in the little cubby he made for it. If it's going to be moved, he has to do it. I think it's been moved once in the three years we've lived here. I'm afraid of what we'll find the next time it gets moved!

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Yes, but not every time I mop. Only every once in a while, and that's because we find all sorts of "lost" toys under there!



Last week we found:


  • a purple snap cube
  • a blue peg
  • the upper case G magnet (FINALLY, we can spell P-I-G)
  • a fuschia crayon
  • about 12 Cheerios

I had to act quickly to keep my twin toddlers from eating the Cheerios! Yuck!

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Look, I barely sweep my floors as it is. If there's something blocking the floor I'm happy because I will not have to sweep it. And it doesn't get done. Ever. If dh moves it, he cleans it. This happens maybe once every two years, though :)

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I clean out under the stove and fridge several times a year, and right before a repairman comes to service them. I also pull out the washer and dryer to clean out under and behind them, but only once a year because it involves me climbing over one appliance to get behind the other -- not a pretty picture. I'd get one of the kids to do it, but I'm worried they wouldn't do a great job and would leave some lint behind which would start a fire. In other words, I'm too paranoid to get my kids to help.



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Every 10 years or so. I do clean the grill and give the coils a quick wipe down every 2 years or so. When I notice that my dust bunnies have started a colony and are threatening to take over. You have to show those dust bunnies whose boss.

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The last time I did that, I gouged my floor (resilient flooring). So, we probably only do it about every 5 years (or when we lose something under the fridge. But is it a two adult job because we need someone to push and another to make sure that the fridge gets onto the protective cardboard without messing up the floor. We just got a new floor and I would rather put up with a little grossness out of sight-out of mind than risk this beautiful new floor.

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I do the fridge because I clean the coils regularly - maybe every 3-6 mos. They get covered with dog & cat hair & it really wears the fridge out to have the coils dirty. I don't do the other appliances as often, maybe once a year or so, usually when I'm supposed to be doing something else & I'm procrastinating :001_smile:


Oh bother -- that's right. Forgot about that. The cat's been gone for over a year now, but I'll bet there's still some of her back there!


Darn it. I hate moving that thing! But now I've been reminded of this, I'll *have* to do it.


Thanks a lot!

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The last time I did that, I gouged my floor (resilient flooring). So, we probably only do it about every 5 years (or when we lose something under the fridge. But is it a two adult job because we need someone to push and another to make sure that the fridge gets onto the protective cardboard without messing up the floor. We just got a new floor and I would rather put up with a little grossness out of sight-out of mind than risk this beautiful new floor.


That happened to us in a rental. Oy. I'm especially careful when there is linoleum on the floor, another reason not to do it often, too.

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That happened to us in a rental. Oy. I'm especially careful when there is linoleum on the floor, another reason not to do it often, too.


We did that when we moved the washing machine in our brand. new. house! I don't think we'd even *used* the washer yet! I wanted it centered or something stupid like that and when we moved the washer out, the flooring peeled like an apple. Grrrrrrr.

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Once a year dh and I pull the fridge out and clean. After we vacuum, dh brings out the air compressor and blows the rest of the gunk out. Yeah, I know it seems a little extreme, but I just get a hand full of damp towels to catch the dust and then plan do a deep clean around my kitchen. It's worth it because my dh (who is a general contractor and home renovator by trade) says the dust build up underneath the fridge makes the fridge motor work harder and consume more energy. Michelle

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Yes, the fridge, the stove, the washing machine and the dryer - about 4 times a year. It is always disgusting under there. It doesn't take long though and every time I think I won't leave it so long before I do it again but ..... out of sight out of mind KWIM?


We are inheriting a wide stove with the new house. I can't imagine moving it. I tried to post an image of it but failed. It's got four burners, plus a built-in griddle and a.... something else that I can't remember the purpose of.



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Of course. It was so heavy it pulled up a hole in the vinyl though, which kind of defeats the whole - good home maintenance thing. So I bought heavy-duty floor sliders for it, for the stove, and for the heavy armoire in the upstairs bedroom. Might as well get all the heavy items 'done' at once.


I clean under the fridge once a month.

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Just curious to know if anyone pulls their frig out to clean the floor.

I had to move mine this morning and it was so nasty...not anymore, though!



I do... every couple months.... I clean under my stove once a month... I pull it out and clean the sides and under it....


Now Christian will be taking over some of this work... not always, but she needs to keep up that habit of cleaning... :D

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