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I did it!

Laura Corin

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Congratulations!!!!!  :party: 


Can you tell us the steps you took to be able to get there? Besides putting one foot in front of the other. How did you train for it, how often, how far? What motivated you?





And I'd like to know this too: how you got there.

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Congratulations!!!!!  :party: 


Can you tell us the steps you took to be able to get there? Besides putting one foot in front of the other. How did you train for it, how often, how far? What motivated you?


There are different variations on the programme.  Because I like to choose my own listening material, I mostly used the free app Simple C25K, which just listed the running and walking periods and then rang a chime when you changed from one to the other.  For more support on a forum, plus downloads with music and encouragement, the NHS has a site:




It's three times a week - the rest day between runs is really important.


For me, the key things were: getting my gait analysed at a running shop and getting suitable shoes; working on muscle strength to balance out the unwonted exercise; stretching.  Supplementary exercises/stretches are here on the NHS page above.


I went back to the beginning of the programme twice in order to cope with needing more rest, more strength and more stretching.  I also moved to running on soft surfaces only.


My knees have now caught up with the fitness of the rest of my body, and they feel good.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Go you!


I break up my daily run so it's more manageable. I haven't quite reached 5k at any one run, but usually manage more than 5k with 2 runs. I used Nike app and recently now have a Fitbit charger 2. I feel better as well just knowing that I can run 2 miles without stopping. Back in March I had to stop every quarter of a mile.


Thanks for the links Laura! Keep up the runs!

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Way to go!


What do you consider a soft surface? I'm guessing paved roads are obviously hard, I'm just thinking of what the soft but non-ankle-twisting surfaces might be.


Grass, gravel paths with earth underneath, that kind of thing.

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Thank you for the link, Laura. There will not be any running here on my part until maybe October. It is 95 degrees (35 celsius) outside my door. Add the heat index, I think I heard someone say it feels like 105.


Keep on running!


I think I might invest in a treadmill and a personal TV if I had to deal with those temperatures.

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That's awesome Laura. Major congrats.


I had to work with weights to get my legs strong enough ... such a fantastic feeling when I could run for twenty minutes.


With the summer heat, my dc ran in early morning for cross country training. Nights would never cool down enough before sunset,but sunrise works.

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Oh my gosh Laura. I remember when I was on the WTM Fitbit social thing with you (does that exist still?). You've come a long way since then and here I sit with 3k steps. Ugh. As soon as it isn't 115 here anymore, you've inspired me to get back to it. WTG!

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Way to go, Laura!!!   :hurray:



For me, the key things were: getting my gait analysed at a running shop and getting suitable shoes; working on muscle strength to balance out the unwonted exercise; stretching.  Supplementary exercises/stretches are here on the NHS page above.


I went back to the beginning of the programme twice in order to cope with needing more rest, more strength and more stretching.  I also moved to running on soft surfaces only.


My knees have now caught up with the fitness of the rest of my body, and they feel good.


Do you mind if I ask you a running question?  I have never, ever run in my life. At all.  Except my rowing coach has suddenly decided we're all doing running for warm-ups.  It's usually 1k, on pavement.  I think I have decent running shoes, but they're a few years old (but used for just walking before this).  Then sometimes he has us do 2k.  My left knee has been bugging me, but not while I'm actually running - it's other times (sometimes going up and down stairs).  Could this be from the running?  I know so many people say they've trashed their knees running, but I'm not sure what that feels like or what I should be watching for.

Edited by Matryoshka
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Way to go, Laura!!! :hurray:



Do you mind if I ask you a running question? I have never, ever run in my life. At all. Except my rowing coach has suddenly decided we're all doing running for warm-ups. It's usually 1k, on pavement. I think I have decent running shoes, but they're a few years old (but used for just walking before this). Then sometimes he has us do 2k. My left knee has been bugging me, but not while I'm actually running - it's other times (sometimes going up and down stairs). Could this be from the running? I know so many people say they've trashed their knees running, but I'm not sure what that feels like or what I should be watching for.

Buy new running shoes. Running shoes are like your tires. They wear out after so many miles. As your joints age past 35 or so, it becomes more important to pay close attention to your shoes. I have pretty great joints for my age (48), but when one or the other knee gets twingy I wear this simple knee support when I run. It's not going to work to support an injury or arthritis, but it's perfect for the sort of annoying catch you're talking about:



Edited by Barb_
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This is something I would like to do, and I think it is awesome that you have done it.  I have always hated cardiovascular exercise and as a result I am not in great shape in that way.


the biggest inhibition I have to actually doing this is that I would feel stupid running (not very far).  Did you feel like that?  Around here, all the runners seem super fit and fashionable and etc.  I would be floppy and scruffy.

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Way to go, Laura!!! :hurray:



Do you mind if I ask you a running question? I have never, ever run in my life. At all. Except my rowing coach has suddenly decided we're all doing running for warm-ups. It's usually 1k, on pavement. I think I have decent running shoes, but they're a few years old (but used for just walking before this). Then sometimes he has us do 2k. My left knee has been bugging me, but not while I'm actually running - it's other times (sometimes going up and down stairs). Could this be from the running? I know so many people say they've trashed their knees running, but I'm not sure what that feels like or what I should be watching for.

Going up and down stairs is a classic time to feel runner's knee. I'd get new shoes and get you the coach to recommend some strength and stretching.

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This is something I would like to do, and I think it is awesome that you have done it. I have always hated cardiovascular exercise and as a result I am not in great shape in that way.


the biggest inhibition I have to actually doing this is that I would feel stupid running (not very far). Did you feel like that? Around here, all the runners seem super fit and fashionable and etc. I would be floppy and scruffy.

I found somewhere quite secluded to run at first. Runners around here seem to come in all shapes though. There are a few all-abilities running groups.

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I am supposed to be at 30 minutes next week. I did 28 minutes two weeks in a row but still walk a few minutes in the middle. However, I am SLOW!! 30 minutes will not be a 5k for me:)

Congrats to you for sticking it out!

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This is something I would like to do, and I think it is awesome that you have done it. I have always hated cardiovascular exercise and as a result I am not in great shape in that way.


the biggest inhibition I have to actually doing this is that I would feel stupid running (not very far). Did you feel like that? Around here, all the runners seem super fit and fashionable and etc. I would be floppy and scruffy.

Eh, I finished C25K when I weighed just under 230lbs back in 2015. I ran around my neighborhood to start and stayed away from the busy roads because I didn't want to be seen by all those cars. I've only ever been heckled while running by people driving by on the road. Other runners (even the super fit, and fast sorts) have only ever been encouraging and supportive. Last December at my half marathon, the course was an out and back so at one point the majority of the field ran past me. They were all incredibly supportive to us back of the pack runners.


Over time I got braver and started running on the sidewalk along the busier road because I needed more distance in my route. Now, I just don't care. My upper arms, as my 7yo pointed out (bless her heart), are flabby. My lower half is still wider than I'd like and my stomach isn't flat. But I discovered I loved running and oh the miles this body has covered!


Runners come in all shapes and sizes. If you want to give it a try, go for it!



I am supposed to be at 30 minutes next week. I did 28 minutes two weeks in a row but still walk a few minutes in the middle. However, I am SLOW!! 30 minutes will not be a 5k for me:)

Congrats to you for sticking it out!

Not today, and maybe not next year, but maybe some day you might run a 30 minute 5k. I finished my first 5k in October 2015 in just over 41 minutes. My third 5k was last month and I finished it in 31:26. I don't run 5k races often, but maybe one of these days I'll get there.


You're doing great! :D

Edited by mamaraby
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