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Friday laugh: Did you see this BBC blooper?


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LOL!  I've had to have conference calls with babies in the same room, but I wouldn't dare do a video conference.  :P


My favorite was when my kids were 2yo and my client called me up at home at dinner time.  My youngest very clearly hollered, "I have to go Poo Poo!"  (For some reason, she always needed to poo right after she started eating dinner.)  Do you think the client took the hint and hung up?  Oh no!  The call went on for another half hour, with me trying to do everything for my kids in between arguing about some work report.  :P

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:smilielol5: I had tears I was laughing so hard. It was the nanny diving in after the kids that undid me.


That was Wife/Mom.


(Cause you know only a mom is gonna dive in there like that and drag the kids out while they're wailing! :D)


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Oh that was so funny!!   Made my day!!  Reminds me of the time that my dh had an important conference call (not video, just sound -- thankfully!) from home.  He was standing in our kitchen talking, sounding all business-like, and a couple bats came in out of nowhere and began swooping around his head.  He made some loud gasps but never explained why and then just kept talking business as usual.  I always wondered what the people at the other end thought!

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I saw that.  It has made me laugh so hard all morning.  I don't really know why, but the look on the mom's face.  And the baby coming in after big sister- and big sisters arm motions-la la la la la--and then franctic Mom.  And his deep breath. Oh, my goodness, it was awesome.


And then, in the Washington Post article, he is quoted as asking "Is this going to go viral and get all weird" and the response is, "It already has".



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I thought it was cute.  I did not enjoy all those internet haters calling him a horrible parent because he didn't pick up his child and place in his lap. And slamming the  mom for dragging the kids out of the room.

Exactly.  It wasn't some local TV station newscast.  It was the BBC.  And he is not a professional broadcaster.  He is a professor.  I'm sure the mom was in the bathroom or something and realized in horror that her children were on world-wide TV. 

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My SIL was on a video conference call at home, in her office, closed door, all very professional, right?  When her 13yo dd burst in the door and yelled,


"Mom!  Where's the chocolate?  I started my period and I need it right now!"


Mortification on all sides.


Amber in SJ

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My SIL was on a video conference call at home, in her office, closed door, all very professional, right?  When her 13yo dd burst in the door and yelled,


"Mom!  Where's the chocolate?  I started my period and I need it right now!"


Mortification on all sides.


Amber in SJ


Oh man that is a delight.



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Ha! That video was awesome. 




Priceless! Hey, are those baby bouncy/wheely things still legal in the US? He'd be in trouble in Canada. 


They still sell them!! Although people try and act like you just handed your kids into a death trap...........

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I didn't have them for my kids but my nieces LOVED theirs.


Safety 1st Ready-Set-Walk Walker, Nantucket https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017VNNTPG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_lxXWybE8D76SW

I didn't like any of the saucer style thingies. They had so much crap on them. All the blinking and shrieking noise makers. Ugh. I just wanted something simple for when she wants to not be in the floor but all hands are busy. I bought a Winnie the Pooh walker and took off the attachments so it's just a plain tray that we can put her favorite toys on. But she's no dummy and has not accepted it as a replacement holder. Now it's a temporary coffee tray next to my chair. I'll try again in a week or so.

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I didn't like any of the saucer style thingies. They had so much crap on them. All the blinking and shrieking noise makers. Ugh. I just wanted something simple for when she wants to not be in the floor but all hands are busy. I bought a Winnie the Pooh walker and took off the attachments so it's just a plain tray that we can put her favorite toys on. But she's no dummy and has not accepted it as a replacement holder. Now it's a temporary coffee tray next to my chair. I'll try again in a week or so.


I didn't like the saucers either.


On the walkers, I figured out if you take the rubber bumper things off the underneath they have an easier time cruising around. We only had a one story house, so I didn't have to worry about stairs or falling. My kids LOVED walkers. :)


ETA: And they're all still alive and none of them are bow-legged! 

Edited by texasmom33
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One Twitter user hypothesized that the reason he didn't just get up and take the kid out was because he was wearing shorts/underwear below his shirt/jacket/tie. LOL!  The perils of working from home.  :p


:smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Ha! Babies in walkers remind me of Davros from Dr Who.


Davros! Oh my, with his one useful hand flailing about on his walker tray from the Tom Baker episodes...




LOL!  I've had to have conference calls with babies in the same room, but I wouldn't dare do a video conference.  :p


My favorite was when my kids were 2yo and my client called me up at home at dinner time.  My youngest very clearly hollered, "I have to go Poo Poo!"  (For some reason, she always needed to poo right after she started eating dinner.)  Do you think the client took the hint and hung up?  Oh no!  The call went on for another half hour, with me trying to do everything for my kids in between arguing about some work report.  :p


Oh that was so funny!!   Made my day!!  Reminds me of the time that my dh had an important conference call (not video, just sound -- thankfully!) from home.  He was standing in our kitchen talking, sounding all business-like, and a couple bats came in out of nowhere and began swooping around his head.  He made some loud gasps but never explained why and then just kept talking business as usual.  I always wondered what the people at the other end thought!


My SIL was on a video conference call at home, in her office, closed door, all very professional, right?  When her 13yo dd burst in the door and yelled,


"Mom!  Where's the chocolate?  I started my period and I need it right now!"


Mortification on all sides.


Amber in SJ


:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:oh.my.goodness. You all are so funny, I am now toast for the day. I have tears streaming down my face and I am too weak from laughter to be able to think and do any more work at the computer...

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Okay, I just can't let go of this one. Everything is so very crazy perfect about this video -- the professionalism of professor-dad's interview; the swagger/dance of DD#1's entrance; the pedaling-legs-like-crazy-to-follow-big-sis entrance of DD#2; and the diving, desperate entrance AND exit of mom... all while BBC anchor and professor-dad try to keep it at a professional level as this goes on in the background...


side note: DH suggested mom's entrance was SO desperate because she was probably *watching* her husband's interview on TV in another room and discovers the kids have left the room by *seeing* their entrance into the office with dad...  :lol:


I just read this hilarious "play by play" blog article ("Breaking down the Father on BBC Being Interrupted by His Children") that had me laughing to tears *again* over this video. It's such a human video -- a human *family* -- in such a crazy world. :laugh:  Enjoy!

Edited by Lori D.
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Okay, I just can't let go of this one. Everything is so very crazy perfect about this video -- the professionalism of professor-dad's interview; the swagger/dance of DD#1's entrance; the pedaling-legs-like-crazy-to-follow-big-sis entrance of DD#2; and the diving, desperate entrance AND exit of mom... all while BBC anchor and professor-dad try to keep it at a professional level as this goes on in the background...


side note: DH suggested mom's entrance was SO desperate because she was probably *watching* her husband's interview on TV in another room and discovers the kids have left the room by *seeing* their entrance into the office with dad...  :lol:


I just read this hilarious "play by play" blog article ("Breaking down the Father on BBC Being Interrupted by His Children") that had me laughing to tears *again* over this video. It's such a human video -- a human *family* -- in such a crazy world. :laugh:  Enjoy!



I am absolutely loving this video, too. Everything about it.  Mom's entrance cracks me up every time.  

They're getting some hardcore judgement from the Perfect People of the World, but I think the video is perfection. :D

ETA: the dad's eyes are hilarious:  you can see he's watching the kid/mom drama from the bottom corner of his Skype screen and trying to keep it together.

Edited by alisoncooks
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Ha! That video was awesome. 





They still sell them!! Although people try and act like you just handed your kids into a death trap...........


Watching the video again (and again), I'm so glad the baby could make such a fantastic entrance and exit. It seemed to be more dangerous to the big sister during the exit, though.  :laugh:

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Okay, I just can't let go of this one. Everything is so very crazy perfect about this video -- the professionalism of professor-dad's interview; the swagger/dance of DD#1's entrance; the pedaling-legs-like-crazy-to-follow-big-sis entrance of DD#2; and the diving, desperate entrance AND exit of mom... all while BBC anchor and professor-dad try to keep it at a professional level as this goes on in the background...

Don't forget the kids screaming after mom shuts the door after them all.  :lol:


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I've seen a number of people suggest maybe the reason the dad didn't stand up to take care of the kid quickly was that he was in sweatpants with his nice suit top. Lol.


Everything about it is so pitch perfect. You couldn't have scripted a funnier moment.

Edited by Farrar
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Has no one else noticed that Mom's pants aren't pulled all the way up?   I feel so bad for her!  That poor woman probably was just trying to pee & the kids escaped.


Oh NO!!  I am horrified for her!  I have to go back and look at it again.

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I hope he was able to be good-natured about it when after he finished the interview and returned to his family. 

 I could see some men taking a dim view of being made a world-wide object of amusement.



He seemed to be trying to contain his laughter.  Not nervous laughter, but giggles at the absurdity. 

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Ha! That video was awesome. 





They still sell them!! Although people try and act like you just handed your kids into a death trap...........


I know we bought one when my 7 year old was young. We are in a one floor ranch, so no danger of falling down stairs or anything, and she had a broken arm so for 6 weeks or whatever it was she couldn't crawl. She was miserable being immobile in that cast, so the walker was a life saver. Kept her happy while she healed. I don't think they are dangerous if you don't have stairs to fall down. Now...I wills ay they are dangerous to the rest of the family, lol! She'd ram you with it!

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i've watched it several times.  He remained composed, more or less. His wife dragged the kids out of there and he continued to explain the political chaos in South Korea.    I bet the next time he is going to be interviewed on live TV, he will lock the door, so his kids can't enter the room.  

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My absolute favorite part is when the baby comes rolling in. You know the saying "funny cuz it's true"--that should be the tag line for this video. Who hasn't been interrupted and/or embarrassed by their kids? I hope that all people involved will not be hurt by the attention and look on it as a sweet reminder of how imperfect all of our lives are behind the scenes.


My only complaint is not even with the video but rather the comments that automatically assume the woman is the nanny and not the mom/wife.

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My absolute favorite part is when the baby comes rolling in. You know the saying "funny cuz it's true"--that should be the tag line for this video. Who hasn't been interrupted and/or embarrassed by their kids? I hope that all people involved will not be hurt by the attention and look on it as a sweet reminder of how imperfect all of our lives are behind the scenes.


My only complaint is not even with the video but rather the comments that automatically assume the woman is the nanny and not the mom/wife.

It could be because she looks so very young. I thought it was his 3rd kid coming in after her little siblings at first. It took till my 3rd viewing to realize it was a grown woman. She is slender and small and looked like a teen to me.

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It could be because she looks so very young. I thought it was his 3rd kid coming in after her little siblings at first. It took till my 3rd viewing to realize it was a grown woman. She is slender and small and looked like a teen to me.

This is true. My thoughts went like, "oh no big sister is in trouble"...then, "wait, no, young looking mom" I was a young mom so I never thought nanny although that's a perfectly readonable conclusion as well. She really did look young--and panicked.

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Just watched again: y'all are right! Her pants are half down! That poor, poor woman! I'm laughing so hard I can barely breathe. This takes, "Can't use the toilet when you have kids," to a whole new level.

I think this helps explain why she seemed to intentionally stay so low to the ground.


I love every bit of this video but I have to say, "the reach" at the end brought me to tears.


Baby Davros....hahahahahahaha!

The preschooler dance, the hand.... I really hope that family is able to have a good laugh over this. I can't believe the criticism.

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