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If you get emails from Penzeys Spices....what do you think of the recent trend?


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I big puffy heart love Penzeys spices....the spices themselves that is.  I am soooo very sick of his emails though.  I just unsubscribed..  I used to like the little coupons and recipes or ideas, but now.  Ugh.  I delete without opening.  It has nothing to do if whether I agree or disagree with him, just the barrage of his personal opinion and self-righteousness. is making me gag.  It is wayyyy Too much.


Looking for another spice company to replace him. Just spices, not opinions.  Any suggestions? 


(Please avoid discussing specific political views so this doesn't get deleted)

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I don't really want emails from any business I deal with and I don't shop at Penseys because I spice blends aren't my thing and I can find the spices I need in an international grocery for less money. In almost every place I've lived I can find good spices for not too much money at local stores. 


(But I do love what Penseys has been posting online.)

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Savory Spice is a local company that has now grown to sixteen states. I adore them!




I agree.  I un-subbed and unliked on facebook after the 2nd one following the election.  I'm fine with someone having their views, but they need to be kept out of business emails.  I thought they were way over the top.


The savory spice place is what I had recommended to me when I asked about a replacement place.  

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I find it really annoying.  Even when I agree with him, something about the tone makes me want to roll my eyes.  So full of himself.  Ugh.

I love their kosher flaked salt, and the frozen pizza seasoning is a great college student stocking stuffer, as are their various hot chocolate mixes.

And the range of individual herbs and spices is awesome.

But wow, how annoying.

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Penzeys Spices has taken a political stance that has cost them some business.   I respect everyone's right to shop elsewhere but I also respect the stance.  There was no question it was going to be costly - it is obviously very sincere.

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I don't get their emails but I used to get their catalog and the personal opinions there annoyed me.  I used to buy from them when there was a store local to me but they moved into a very inconvenient (to me) location so I stopped.  I find spices at World Market, Vitacost, and the grocery store.   But now I'm curious and feel like looking them up.  

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I stopped buying from Penzey's a few years ago because I can't stand Bill Penzey. He's obnoxious and way too full of himself. I just want to buy spices, not be subjected to loony political rantings and ravings and lectures.  Yuck..


Now I buy from The Spice House, which is owned by his sister.  Their spices are excellent quality and there is no mention of politics whatsoever.  


I've emailed back and forth with the owner and she told me they've gotten tons of new customers who've been driven away from Penzey's by her brother's ramblings.   

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Thanks for the Spice House recommendation. I'm done with Penzey's. I can totally support someone voicing an opinion or being disappointed in the outcome of the election, but Bill's emails were insulting.  I didn't unsubscribe after the first or second one...I wanted to see if my emotions calmed down (I was sorting out whether Bill even wanted my business anymore)  or if Bill would tone down his emails. So after three weeks, I finally unsubscribed. 


It was a difficult decision. I have never stopped shopping at a place due to this kind of thing.  But I felt pretty insulted...and I didn't even vote for Trump!

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I stopped buying from Penzey's a few years ago because I can't stand Bill Penzey. He's obnoxious and way too full of himself. I just want to buy spices, not be subjected to loony political rantings and ravings and lectures. Yuck..


Now I buy from The Spice House, which is owned by his sister. Their spices are excellent quality and there is no mention of politics whatsoever.


I've emailed back and forth with the owner and she told me they've gotten tons of new customers who've been driven away from Penzey's by her brother's ramblings.

A rival spice company owned by his sister who is glad to take his business.... that is a little ugly. I guess it's American as apple pie tho.


I buy Penzeys maybe twice a year. I don't subscribe to emails and I'm not sure why anyone does. I don't subscribe to store emails in general. Coupon codes are all over the place online or at company Facebook pages.

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I'm grateful for the recommendations of other companies in this thread.

Me too! Thanks for the alternatives everyone! :)


I read about the emails in the news and then looked them up myself; it was enough to deter me from making my first order, which I had planned for Christmas. I prefer business owners to keep their political opinions in their personal circle. They're of course entitled to not do so, but I'm also entitled to buy from a less obnoxious and outwardly judgmental organization.

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I've used Penzeys Spices for years and after these recent emails, I support them even more whole heartedly. This part of the email really spoke to me: "The Spice business is so intertwined with history that it's not really possible to have one without the other. It became clear to us that we are now in a moment history will long have its eyes upon. For the sake of our customers, and for the sake of future generations, we felt the time had come to stand on the right side of history."

As this thread has suggested, there are plenty of people who now say they will not buy from Penzeys, but from the reports I've heard so far they're actually experiencing record sales this holiday season. :) 

LOL, I had the same experience, that guy is looney toones for sure! The Spice House has the same spices, even the amazing Vietnamese cinnamon, and no ranting emails. 😄

Really? Did you read the above excerpt and still think he sounds "looney tunes?" Seems quite rational to me. The Spice House is owned by the same family, FWIW. 


I don't really want emails from any business I deal with and I don't shop at Penseys because I spice blends aren't my thing and I can find the spices I need in an international grocery for less money. In almost every place I've lived I can find good spices for not too much money at local stores. 


(But I do love what Penseys has been posting online.)

FWIW, I don't use many spice blends but Penzeys really has top-notch spices. The smoked paprika is a staple in our house as well as their cocoa powder, curry, vanilla extract, cinnamon and even their basic granulated garlic powder beats any other I've ever used. Oh, and even thought spice blends generally aren't my thing either, I've fallen in love with Foxpoint (salt, shallots, chives, garlic, onions) and Mural of Flavor (a bunch of different spices/herbs, garlic, onions, lemon peel, chives, shallots, etc.)

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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I stopped buying from Penzey's a few years ago because I can't stand Bill Penzey. He's obnoxious and way too full of himself. I just want to buy spices, not be subjected to loony political rantings and ravings and lectures.  Yuck..


Now I buy from The Spice House, which is owned by his sister.  Their spices are excellent quality and there is no mention of politics whatsoever.  


I've emailed back and forth with the owner and she told me they've gotten tons of new customers who've been driven away from Penzey's by her brother's ramblings.   

I have heard that the Spice House is the original family business, and that Penzey's was started in competition with it.  Penzey's has a wider range of products, though.  I haven't tried the Spice House yet but I guess I should.

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I buy from Frontier. We have a co-op with them and I love the options available through them. Plus - way cheaper.


I tend to shy away from businesses who feel the need to bring politics/beliefs to the forefront. Sometimes I just want to buy stuff without all the BS attached.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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I've never bought from Penzey's because I don't know their cross contamination stance re: labeling for allergens. Anyone know?


I don't ever read emails from companies, so other than the bit quoted above, I can't quite imagine what he's doing. But generally I separate business and politics. Until I don't. :P So if I find out about a business's politics, I'll stop shopping there if I don't agree with them. Or support them more if I do. But I don't go looking for the info. That may change now, actually. A lot is changing.


It sounds like he's made a conscious decision to share his thoughts, and he knows he'll lose some business. But it may be that he feels the cost of that business is worth the message he is sending.

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It sounds like he's made a conscious decision to share his thoughts, and he knows he'll lose some business. But it may be that he feels the cost of that business is worth the message he is sending.


I've seen more companies do this since the election than ever before, on both sides. It seems like they really stand up for or against Trump, and they don't seem to care how it affects their businesses. This is definitely a very personal for people on both sides.


I do tend to support companies/businesses that share my values when possible, but not when that means blatant, in-your-face, commentaries. I can get that elsewhere.

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I rarely boycott or support a company solely on their political/religious/etc. beliefs. If I agree with them I see it as a bonus, but I do not have the time, energy, or interest to research it all, and even if I did I'd probably be stuck growing my own potatoes in a shoebox in my basement, but end up being unable to eat them because I am also a flawed human being and why would I eat potatoes grown by such a miserable wretch? LOL


Anyway, when possible, practical, and affordable, I DO avoid companies that annoy me with their rantings- some I disagree with, and some I actually do align with!


So for Penzeys, I rarely purchased from them because they were too expensive, not convenient, and I get better deals through a Frontier buying club. I unsubscribed and unliked them, and will not go out of my way to support the company, but if I was gifted a spice set I would use it. Even if it had a new label boasting of their views- but I would probably cover that or put in a different jar.


I am glad that the company has the right to express their personal views. It is my hope that ALL companies are given the same right, even by those who disagree with them. I wouldn't want to see us picking and choosing which opinions get to be expressed.

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I respect Bill's willingness to stand up for his beliefs and I agree with him in many respects, but I find his superior tone to be insufferable. So I continue to buy spices from him but skip reading the emails and head straight for the enclosed coupons.


I also buy from the spice house because I'm lucky enough to live a few blocks away from one for part of the year. LOVE their Chicago blends 😊

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I just went back and read through some of my recent emails from Penzey's and I can't find the problem talked about here. 

Most of the emails I get are just about what's on special. I did read the email in which he links to An Open Letter to America's CEO.

That 'letter' was extremely vague and I had a difficult time figuring out his point.


Regardless, at this point, I'll continue to shop from them when it suits. But I also may check out the other spice shops listed here!

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Now I'm super curious - are they like semi-personal newsletters not having to do with the actual products?


They're not even semi-personal.   He's always been very political in his e-mails and in his blurbs in the catalogs and magazine, but he got a bit over the top this election season.   He actually told people who did not support his same viewpoint regarding the election to unsubscribe.   :confused1:   Now, I don't really care about the political leanings of a business owner- that has never affected whether or not I shop at a place.  But that was a really poor business choice, and it led me to wondering if he was willing to go out on that limb- put his business on the line for the sake of his "superior" opinion, was I a devoted shopper to a business doomed to fail? 


So I unsubscribed. And not because I have a different viewpoint, but because that was a poor decision on his part that could affect his business.  I have bought from Penzey's for YEARS.  I have often thought about getting a part time job at the shop in my area because I cook with their spices all the time.  


But I've also shopped in the past from The Spice House and I have no troubles ordering from them instead.  It won't stop me from occasionally shopping at Penzey's should the need arise, but I suspect that I won't be placing big spice orders online anymore or giving gift cards or gift baskets.   Just as he is free to promote whatever agenda he wishes through his business, I am free to choose to give my business to someone else.  

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They've been losing customers since long before the election.  


It was a few years ago that I made the switch to The Spice House and that was when his sister told me they were getting lots of business from former Penzey's customers.  


I no longer get their emails and I don't know what he said about the election, but that was just the tip on the iceberg of his pompous blathering.

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At least for short term, it was the opposite of a poor business decision! I doubt the number of lost customers will be more than a slight blip, and those that chose to buy from him merely because of his stance may actually love his spices and become repeat customers. Sounds like he gambled and won. Maybe he's hoping "someone" can tweet a nasty put down about him...that alone would give even a bigger boost.

" Penzeys is such a mean company! mean! Their spices make my tummy hurt! Their spices aren't from here! I only eat American spices!"


I think the actual effect on his business remains to be seen.  I definitely know quite a few people who have been gushing about Penzey's lately.  But at the same time, I wonder how many people out there are more like me.  I have always found Bill's rants to be pretty off-putting- this is not the first time he has insulted his customers.  However, the November e-mails took those rants to a whole new level that for me was the straw that broke the camel's back.  When he is flat-out stating that people with opposing viewpoints are not welcome to shop with him, that's poor business no matter how you look at it.

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I don't buy from them, but I think you should tell them how you feel about their e-mails. 


I chose not to once Bill mentioned that he's deleting any negative comments on their Facebook page. He's free to do that, of course, just as I'm free to unsubscribe from the emails.  He's not interested in hearing how I feel about the emails- all he wants to hear is positive feedback.  

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I love Penzey's spices. They sell more than just blends and everything is amazingly pungent. There is one where I live and I use their coupons that are emailed to get free items.


Honestly, I don't read the texts of the emails, and I don't care about what they say. Instead I look for the coupon to see if it is something I will use.

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I did some googling - what an asshole. Yikes. I also don't mind people using their businesses to support their politics as a rule, but the examples I came across were way over the top.

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The only thing I found in a quick search was that Penzeys condemns racism. Why would people not support that? I don't buy from there because, like Amira, I get my spices from international markets, but I might swing by and see if there is something a can find to buy. Thanks for the heads-up. :)

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I'm happy with the emails and the stance Bill Penzey has taken. I posted my thank-you last month on their facebook page when they started getting a backlash, and I'll continue to buy my spices from them (I don't buy blends but I buy their individual spices).

Edited by Lady Florida.
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Bill Penzey has used his business as a soapbox for years. Has no one ever read their catalogs that they (used to?) send out? I don't agree with his opinions for the most part, and so don't care to buy from Penzey's with occasional exception made for their delicious Forward seasoning. But I don't begrudge the fact that he says what he thinks or that he uses his business as a platform. We live in the land of the First Amendment, and I love that all types of voices--even those I largely disagree with--are in the mix. We are fooling ourselves if we think any business is neutral or has no agenda. Just some companies are more public about it than others.

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if(when) I find a comparable substitute I will be leaving Penzey's. Which is a shame. I have shopped with them for a decade. I send everyone to them. But his emails were over the top. Then he went and told CEO's of other companies should follow his example. what he doesn't realize (or chooses to ignore), is that he didn't lose more

Business because there aren't a lot of competitors in his industries. On other companies, that have a lot of competitors, it could be business suicide.

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The only thing I found in a quick search was that Penzeys condemns racism. Why would people not support that? I don't buy from there because, like Amira, I get my spices from international markets, but I might swing by and see if there is something a can find to buy. Thanks for the heads-up. :)

He does condemns Trump voters specifically.  I saw it on Facebook right after the election.


"“The open embrace of racism by the Republican Party in this election is now unleashing a wave of ugliness unseen in this country for decades. The American people are taking notice. Let’s commit to giving the people a better choice. Our kindness really is our strength.†


and later in response to angry replies from GOP voters:


"Whether any of us like it or not, for the next four years the 80% of this country who did not just vote for an openly racist candidate are going to treat you like you are the kind of person who would vote for an openly racist candidate."


I can see why some won't buy from him.     And I can also see why sale are up.


This stance did not change our buying pattern.  I only need so many spices.  I buy individual spices at the Indian grocer but Penzey's makes fantastic blends.

Edited by poppy
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Speaking out against racism makes one an asshole? Hmm.

Like the blurbs google was pulling up, which went way beyond 'speaking out against racism'? Yeah. I know a whole lot of people who have shopped at Penzey's, myself included, who aren't traitors or segregationists.


As to the OP, I get my spices at Mountain Rose Herbs for the most part and have for years, except for the odd blend from Penzey's, I haven't found the quality any different and the price is about as good too. Their rare emails are also blesssedly free from both politics AND woo.

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When you do it in a sweeping manner that condemns those who aren't truly racist, then yeah, a-hole.



To clarify, the accusation is: "the kind of person who would vote for an openly racist candidate."  Which is not precisely the same as being "truly racist".

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