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Anyone with a seriously depressed teen I need advice.( may delete, feeling exposed)


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Yes, my oldest has had some depression that has scared us.  He was not hospitalized, but two of his friends have been.  One ended up in a treatment center for 3 months.  


Getting the right treatment and the right meds is key.  We had a huge scare with the meds.  We went off of them.  



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NAMI has excellent resources for family members. I spent several months convincing my neighbor to get involved with NAMI. When they finally did they were really happy with it. First they went to a session of a class on being a caregiver. After that they participated in family groups. Two big things they get:

1. They have people to talk to who are dealing with the same stuff. That is huge.

2. They've learned about local resources and how to apply both from the organization and from other families in the support programs.


For my neighbors, it was one of those things that required admitting how serious their dds illness was. That was hard to do. They had lots of excuses like not having enough time. However, it's one of those things where maybe you don't have time not to do it. Because finding other parents is a huge stress release and finding local resources is a huge necessity.


Getting things stable, finding the right meds and therapy is hard. It's different combinations for each person. That takes awhile. No one comes out of the hospital all better. You have to go through the process I of finding the program that will help and then accepting the new normal.


My last thought is take care of yourself. Allow yourself time to run or walk outside daily. Get regular exercise and eat right. You can't handle this stuff if you are run down. It's just too hard.

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Hugs! :grouphug: Yes it can get better! My DD that had a mental breakdown at 18 is the happy and health married mum-to-be 24yo that we have now. Progress was slow for a few years but slowly and surely it got better.


I am feeling for you though, it's so hard in the crisis stages. Medication, CBT, EFT, Theta Energy healing are all the things (in the order we did them) all helped. Now she is not on medication and diet and exercise are what she does to keep herself feeling good.


As someone else said... Make sure you care for yourself too. Get help for yourself if needed. Definitely have some time out if possible, catch up with girlfriends etc. hugs again....it's so hard :grouphug:

Edited by Isabella
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Not severe depression here, but milder with accompanying issues {SI & panic attacks} in my surro DD. I've dealt with severe high functioning depression as well as a few parallel conditions. 


One BIG thing I know that personally helps me is Vit. D. If my levels are low my mental status tanks fast. Worth a test to see what her levels are. I have to take 5000 iui daily just to keep things kinda level, and if things are stressful or the gremlins start creeping in I bump it to double that dose. 

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Thank you all. I made myself eat something today. I will contact NAMI, at least for myself. I feel she needed to be kept longer. I feel in my gut I'll be taking her back. She wasn't fine before the first medication but I swear it precipitated things. Now she's angry, belligerent, doesn't want to take the new medication and talks about dying. I am not coping well and I need to keep the three kids still at home with her semi-normal. If you're a praying sort please send one up for my poor, troubled girl.

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Thank you all. I made myself eat something today. I will contact NAMI, at least for myself. I feel she needed to be kept longer. I feel in my gut I'll be taking her back. She wasn't fine before the first medication but I swear it precipitated things. Now she's angry, belligerent, doesn't want to take the new medication and talks about dying. I am not coping well and I need to keep the three kids still at home with her semi-normal. If you're a praying sort please send one up for my poor, troubled girl.



praying for you. 

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About the meds, I just want to say:


For some people, some pysch meds don't work as intended but instead cause problems.  As in, things get worse, not better, or there are significant negative side effects.  This can happen for various reasons, including genetics. There is genetic testing that can be done, to help figure out which meds shouldn't be prescribed, and which are likely to work.

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My middle dd has been hospitalized for depression... she has also had a few 'close' suicide attempts...


Most of my dd's depression is caused by (non-mental) health-related issues.... like PCOS and thyroid issues.


((hugs))  It is hard when you as a Mom can't make it better-- and most of the help available has some sort of controversy...


Ask for a full hormone level check including complete thyroid panel.  This is one of the leading causes of depression in women.


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About the meds, I just want to say:


For some people, some pysch meds don't work as intended but instead cause problems.  As in, things get worse, not better, or there are significant negative side effects.  This can happen for various reasons, including genetics. There is genetic testing that can be done, to help figure out which meds shouldn't be prescribed, and which are likely to work.

They asked us if anyone else in the family was using a psych med successfully but no one is so that was no help.

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My middle dd has been hospitalized for depression... she has also had a few 'close' suicide attempts...


Most of my dd's depression is caused by (non-mental) health-related issues.... like PCOS and thyroid issues.


((hugs))  It is hard when you as a Mom can't make it better-- and most of the help available has some sort of controversy...


Ask for a full hormone level check including complete thyroid panel.  This is one of the leading causes of depression in women.

They did a blood count, T3, T4, drug, pregnancy. All fine. She has been a great kid until about 2 months ago. And yes, I would give anything to make her better.

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Thank you for sharing...I honestly feel alone in this.  


My sister died last summer and my dd has not been the same.  She went from a bubbly, vivacious caring girl to the dark shell we have now. Diagnosed with anxiety, adhd, and depression.  There are fleeting moments where she is "normal" but those are few and far between.  I just want my baby back.  

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Can you find a good counselor? CBT is often the preferred treatment methodology for this but there are other ways as well.

Much depends on her history, onset (was there a triggering event?), family history, etc.


Yes, she can turn this around with a some help. If needed, take a multi-pronged approach of counseling and meds. Meds can be temporary until she gets her head above the cloud of depression and can communicate effectively and participate in her treatment.

Just to clarify: A psychiatrist or MD will have to prescribe meds

A psychologist or licensed counselor can help with CBT or other treatment.

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Thank you for sharing...I honestly feel alone in this.  


My sister died last summer and my dd has not been the same.  She went from a bubbly, vivacious caring girl to the dark shell we have now. Diagnosed with anxiety, adhd, and depression.  There are fleeting moments where she is "normal" but those are few and far between.  I just want my baby back.  


Was she very close with her aunt? Sometimes, even when it's not a real close relationship death is scary. If Aunt Jane can die, so could my Mom, my Dad, my siblings...


Grief counseling may help here.


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They did a blood count, T3, T4, drug, pregnancy. All fine. She has been a great kid until about 2 months ago. And yes, I would give anything to make her better.


I would still tell her she's a great kid if she has an emotional problem. You said you would give her anything so give her compliments.


Try family counseling.

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Thank you for sharing...I honestly feel alone in this.  


My sister died last summer and my dd has not been the same.  She went from a bubbly, vivacious caring girl to the dark shell we have now. Diagnosed with anxiety, adhd, and depression.  There are fleeting moments where she is "normal" but those are few and far between.  I just want my baby back.  


She is still your baby. Do not have fear it will feed whatever fear and darkness that is around. Change the frequency to high and do not stop positivity even with your own thoughts and feelings. She needs to be recharged so help her.

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My oldest has severe depression. He has not been hospitalized for that yet but it may happen. He is generally refusing his meds and is suicidal. Altjough i registered im in a ps alternative high school he has not attended since oct. Thabkfully the school is good with that. As long as he is doing his work and submits modules for grading they are fine with him now attending as we focus on his mental health.

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Thank you for sharing...I honestly feel alone in this.


My sister died last summer and my dd has not been the same. She went from a bubbly, vivacious caring girl to the dark shell we have now. Diagnosed with anxiety, adhd, and depression. There are fleeting moments where she is "normal" but those are few and far between. I just want my baby back.

I am so sorry. Yes, I want my baby back.
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Can you find a good counselor? CBT is often the preferred treatment methodology for this but there are other ways as well.

Much depends on her history, onset (was there a triggering event?), family history, etc.


Yes, she can turn this around with a some help. If needed, take a multi-pronged approach of counseling and meds. Meds can be temporary until she gets her head above the cloud of depression and can communicate effectively and participate in her treatment.

Just to clarify: A psychiatrist or MD will have to prescribe meds

A psychologist or licensed counselor can help with CBT or other treatment.

No triggering event. The psychiatrist at the hospital was stumped. Straight A's, no drugs, no friend problems, no deaths....he decided it is just brain chemistry possible made worse by Zoloft. Her continuity of care scares me. Once out of the hospital they are done with her. See your family doc was the advice. She has a counseling appointment with a psychologist Monday. It seems so disconnected. I'm trying to find a psychiatrist but they are over 50 miles away with a long wait to be seen.
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Thank you all for listening. I have no one to ask advice of. The nearest NAMI meeting is 40 miles away. I sent an email yesterday but no answer yet. I have no idea where to draw lines. She played basketball today and just announced she is going to a friends but she seems angry. I'm sure making a scene about it will definitely devolve into an argument which usually leads to a real low. I know there are no simple answers or straight lines but I'm worried unless she is in my sight which isn't practical for an 18 yo.

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When my dd got out of the hospital, I couldn't find a psychiatrist to take her to. Everybody had at least a 6-month waiting list, but her prescriptions from the hospital were only for one month. I wasn't going to take her back to that idiot psychiatrist who kept insisting that it was impossible for my dd to have both Asperger's and OCD at the same time and what we were seeing was just perseverative thoughts. He clearly didn't understand Asperger's or OCD. He kept insisting that she didn't have OCD all the way up to when she got hospitalized for OCD.


We found an Advanced Practice Nurse (Registered Nurse) with prescribing authority. She was amazing and fabulous and did wonderful things for my dd.  Unfortunately, she retired in September, so we have had to start over with a new nurse. 


The standard of care we have received from nurse practitioners has been far better than what we received from doctors.

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When my dd got out of the hospital, I couldn't find a psychiatrist to take her to. Everybody had at least a 6-month waiting list, but her prescriptions from the hospital were only for one month. I wasn't going to take her back to that idiot psychiatrist who kept insisting that it was impossible for my dd to have both Asperger's and OCD at the same time and what we were seeing was just perseverative thoughts. He clearly didn't understand Asperger's or OCD. He kept insisting that she didn't have OCD all the way up to when she got hospitalized for OCD.


We found an Advanced Practice Nurse (Registered Nurse) with prescribing authority. She was amazing and fabulous and did wonderful things for my dd. Unfortunately, she retired in September, so we have had to start over with a new nurse.


The standard of care we have received from nurse practitioners has been far better than what we received from doctors.

I would also suggest looking for a psychiatric nurse practitioner--they often have shorter wait times and our experience with ours has been very positive.

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:grouphug: I have had ups and downs my whole life with anxiety and depression. Therapy has really helped me if it was with the right person. If you don't feel your daughter is making progress after a few months, it is time to move on and find someone else. I spent a year with one and didn't make any progress. I thought it was me. Luckily she moved. The new therapist I found had me put back together and happy as could be within a couple of months.

As to the medication it sometimes takes a while to get it right. Celexa sends me in the wrong direction. It sent my anxiety through the roof. Zoloft was so so but I felt better on Paxil within a few days. Everyone reacts differently so if the med doesn't seem to be working have a conversation with her doctor. I agree with a previous poster about finding a good nurse practitioner that has been working with these drugs for awhile.


If your daughter is already 18, make sure she signs release forms wherever she goes so you can talk to the doctor. One of my friends daughters was away at college and attempted suicide and needed immediate hospitalization. Since she was over 18, the parents could not find out anything about what kind of treatment she was getting, etc. It was so devistating for her Mom.


Hang in there Mom.  Your daughter will come out of this a stronger person.

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Well, not good news. She had her first counseling session last night. The counselor felt she was a great danger to herself, she wouldn't willingly return to the hospital so the police were cslled. She strongly resisted. It was horrible. They got her to the hospital 45 miles away. She refused to speak, tell them her name or look at them. I had to have her put into a 72 hour hold with a judge signing more horrible. At 18 she won't sign anything so I know nothing and have heard nothing. I know she is furious. This was no win just a choice between a bad and worse choice. Sorry, I'm rambling and a bit of a wreck. To come home I think we need to require papers that let us in on treatment and other parameters. This is very upsetting for the 15, 13 and 9 yo and I have to protect them too. Again bad and worse choices.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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I'm sorry. But as someone has had three week long visits to the psych ward, there are a LOT of people who come in brought by police and mad about there, and most of them get over the anger and improve a lot. That sort of situation happens all the time. It will probably be longer than 72 hours. She just has that long to see the judge.

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When my dd got out of the hospital, I couldn't find a psychiatrist to take her to. Everybody had at least a 6-month waiting list, but her prescriptions from the hospital were only for one month. I wasn't going to take her back to that idiot psychiatrist who kept insisting that it was impossible for my dd to have both Asperger's and OCD at the same time and what we were seeing was just perseverative thoughts. He clearly didn't understand Asperger's or OCD. He kept insisting that she didn't have OCD all the way up to when she got hospitalized for OCD.


We found an Advanced Practice Nurse (Registered Nurse) with prescribing authority. She was amazing and fabulous and did wonderful things for my dd.  Unfortunately, she retired in September, so we have had to start over with a new nurse. 


The standard of care we have received from nurse practitioners has been far better than what we received from doctors.


My DD sees a psychiatric nurse practitioner as well.

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Well, not good news. She had her first counseling session last night. The counselor felt she was a great danger to herself, she wouldn't willingly return to the hospital so the police were cslled. She strongly resisted. It was horrible. They got her to the hospital 45 miles away. She refused to speak, tell them her name or look at them. I had to have her put into a 72 hour hold with a judge signing more horrible. At 18 she won't sign anything so I know nothing and have heard nothing. I know she is furious. This was no win just a choice between a bad and worse choice. Sorry, I'm rambling and a bit of a wreck. To come home I think we need to require papers that let us in on treatment and other parameters. This is very upsetting for the 15, 13 and 9 yo and I have to protect them too. Again bad and worse choices.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk



This is an awful rock and hard place to be stuck between--for you as well as your DD. I hope she is able to heed medical advice this time.

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