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what to do with lots of maple syrup?


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we have more than half of the 1 litre bottle of maple syrup from costco and we just got a bottle of pure maple syrup from canada as a gift.  we eat pancakes rarely and use the maple syrup on that.  but what else to do with the maple syrup?  how long will it store if bottle is not opened?

Edited by Princess5
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Maple Lemonade


6 cups water

8 lemons freshly squeezed

3/4 cup maple syrup


Mix by hand or in a blender. It is heavenly.


p.s. You can increase or decrease the amount of lemon or maple syrup to taste.



Edited by Kalmia
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It will keep just fine until opened in your pantry. Just use it as you usually would, and once you open it keep it in the fridge if you don't go through it quickly, because it can, eventually, mold once opened.

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It will keep just fine until opened in your pantry. Just use it as you usually would, and once you open it keep it in the fridge if you don't go through it quickly, because it can, eventually, mold once opened.


The mold stays on the surface and is easily removed, though. Just pour it into a bowl so you can skim the surface. 


The recommended thing is to then boil the syrup again, but I know people who have never bothered to do that  :tongue_smilie:

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You can use it as a regular liquid sweetener in recipes.


I like to make these easy-peasy sticky buns and use maple syrup instead of corn syrup.


When I was a kid growing up in Michigan, we went sugaring.  We then (well the adults) boiled down the sap and we poured it on snow and made maple sugar candy.


Another vote for making maple candy.  Yum!

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At the original Ben and Jerry's, in Vermont, warm maple syrup was one of the optional toppings for an ice cream sundae.  That got me hooked.  Nothing better on vanilla bean ice cream, or cinnamon ice cream.  


Also, it keeps in the freezer for ages once opened.  Like, years.  It doesn't freeze solid but it's still preserved.

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