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What do you do with a whole chicken?

Debbi in Texas

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I used to always cut them up and fry them. 


I've also got a great hawaiian style sauce recipe (given to me by a woman whose husband is hawaiian, and lived in the islands for a number of years) that she'll just put on already fried chicken.  even  my won't eat chicken kid will  eat it.

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DH does chicken noodle soup. I can't tell you exactly how he does it. But I know that after he boils it and takes it apart, I stick the carcass in the crockpot with some seasonings and the vegetable ends and cover it all with water. Cook it on low overnight, strain it, and that's my own chicken stock.




We like white chicken chili.  Around here we need a whole chicken or two for a meal, so no leftovers it all goes back into the broth.

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The options are many.

I cook them in the crockpot. You can do lemon pepper chicken, garlic chicken, honey soy sauce chicken, salsa chicken,....and much much more.

(We have laying hens. When they get butchered, we eat them. The only thing they'd be good for is chicken soup...unless they are cooked in the crockpot. Throw a stewing hen in there on low on day and the meat falls off the bones. Therefore, I have adapted many recipes to use in the crockpot.)

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Roasted chicken for dinner, but cut off some good portions to save for another night. Those go into something that has chicken as a more minor ingredient (I like to put it in a cilantro/lime/black bean salad). The carcass goes into the crock pot, all the meat falls off and it makes broth. I use those for a chicken noodle soup.


So one chicken=three meals for the family.

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