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I just found out that my mom dies of a massive heart attack about 2 hours ago.

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May God cary you through all of this. I am so sorry for your loss. Your Mom had a quick and probably pain free death which is some small consolation amidst all the pain. Your poor daughter. My heart and prayers go out to you and all your family.



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What news to receive!! I hope, by now, you are finding that some things are falling into place with travel arrangements. I know you've been dealing with so much here recently, and "I'm sorry" doesn't seem like enough to say. Please know that we will be holding you close, sending you strength to get you all through these days. I would love to know more about your mother when you feel you are able to share that information.


Peace, dear...and gentle hugs.



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. Everyone still has the flu and we are all very tired. Prayers and well wishes please. Thanks.



Oh I am so sorry to hear this about your mom!!! We will pray for your health and that everyone can try and get some rest before you travel and that your brother will get home safe and soon!


Im so sorry...

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