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Our Daisy died Sunday morning

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I haven't had the heart to post until now.


The baby is still fine and we are bottlefeeding her. Can you imagine how much I have cried?


She was down when dh went to milk Sunday morning, and she died before the vet could get here. No evidence of milk fever, but she was bloated. We think she just lay down in a bad position, with her head on an incline. Gas built up and she couldn't get up. It happened while we were in bed.


It is a very hard time. Having IzzyBell is helping us; We're pouring our love into her since Daisy is gone. She looks like Daisy, and we are just going to raise her to be a good milk cow for us. Financially, we simply cannot invest in another milk cow (they are so expensive), but we are talking about getting a milk goat to see us through until IzzyBell can be bred at around 15 months.


Does it seem strange to cry for a cow? I just loved her so much. She was a pet. :crying: I know I'll stop crying eventually.


You all have walked with me through dreaming of getting a milkcow, of finally getting one, of learning so much, and now losing her.


Here is a picture of IzzyBell from yesterday morning...



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:( So sorry. Her baby is just adorable though.... :grouphug:


I haven't had the heart to post until now.


The baby is still fine and we are bottlefeeding her. Can you imagine how much I have cried?


She was down when dh went to milk Sunday morning, and she died before the vet could get here. No evidence of milk fever, but she was bloated. We think she just lay down in a bad position, with her head on an incline. Gas built up and she couldn't get up. It happened while we were in bed.


It is a very hard time. Having IzzyBell is helping us; We're pouring our love into her since Daisy is gone. She looks like Daisy, and we are just going to raise her to be a good milk cow for us. Financially, we simply cannot invest in another milk cow (they are so expensive), but we are talking about getting a milk goat to see us through until IzzyBell can be bred at around 15 months.


Does it seem strange to cry for a cow? I just loved her so much. She was a pet. :crying: I know I'll stop crying eventually.


You all have walked with me through dreaming of getting a milkcow, of finally getting one, of learning so much, and now losing her.


Here is a picture of IzzyBell from yesterday morning...



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Oh dear, I'm so sorry. We know next to nothing about dairy cattle, ours are beef, but a few years ago we had a couple of cows that we milked. Rachel Lynn was our favorite, big Jersey and sweet as she could be. Dh milked her, and after she gave birth she died too. Our other milker, Bossy, knew something was wrong and stayed right by her side. It was so sad, dh was very attached to her, he felt so bad.


We never knew what happened, we were later told that dairy cattle are a whole different animal. Apparently much more delicate than beef cattle.


Love on your little calf and try not to dwell on what went wrong. I've heard of people training a goat to nurse a baby calf, might be a good idea for when you are out of town.


Also, there is a way to make a nurser out of a cooler, so that baby can nurse more on her schedule. Mekanamom sent me a pic when I had an orphan baby. I'll go look for it for you. Of course, bottle feeding them isn't much trouble, but it might be good to put up if you need to be gone for the day.

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Tracy, that's heartbreaking. I am so terribly sorry. Believe me, I have cried for pets the way that you are grieving now for Daisy. Not just cats and dogs, either. Chickens. Pigeons. Pets that people don't always think about being pets. I totally understand.


I know you will give your all to Izzybell, and she to you. I'm sure she misses her mother, too, but thank goodness she has all of you to be such able caregivers for her.


Think on this: Daisy's time with you was short, but she served specific needs. She taught you how to have a milk cow, and how to tend a calf birth, how to love a cow. Now that you know that, there is no doubt that you can do that perfectly, again, for Izzybell.


Gentle hugs, Tracy, and nuzzles from your spirit cow.



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Tracey, right before I saw your post I was loading some pictures, they are listed under my albums as Remudamom's horses. Maybe that will help on days you need to be in town running errands.


ETA- I mean I posted the picture of the baby feeder cooler idea.

Edited by Remudamom
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Tracy, I don't think I've ever posted to you before but wanted to tell my story. Dh had been wanting to get a milk cow for a long, long time. My response was always, "Store-bought milk is cheaper than the psychiatric treatment you would have to get me if we got a milk cow." Then, I followed your posts about Daisy, and I got the courage to take the plunge in June. I just wanted to say thanks. You're a lot of the reason we have our jersey, Tillie. I'm so glad we got her, and I'd be crying too if something happend to her, and I'm not even the one who milks her. I am so, so sad for your loss. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers today. :grouphug:

Edited by Luann in ID
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I"m so sorry, Tracy - Daisy was beautiful! My dc and I loved the pictures of her giving birth, and her sweet calf. Praying for you and your family. I love what you said about pouring love into IzzyBell. I know you will take such wonderful care of her. Can you give her some loving pats and scratches from her friends in Nevada, please? :)

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Oh Tracey! I haven't read all the replies, so I am sure someone has said this, but no it isn't strange to cry for a cow! She was your pet!!! And a beautiful creature. I am crying right now, too, and I don't even know your family. I hate it!!


I am so very sorry. :grouphug:

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Oh, Tracey, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not silly to cry over your dear pet! Our pets are in our hearts and part of our families, of course it's ok to cry and grieve for them. :grouphug: I'm sure she knew how much you loved her.

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I haven't had the heart to post until now.


The baby is still fine and we are bottlefeeding her. Can you imagine how much I have cried?


She was down when dh went to milk Sunday morning, and she died before the vet could get here. No evidence of milk fever, but she was bloated. We think she just lay down in a bad position, with her head on an incline. Gas built up and she couldn't get up. It happened while we were in bed.


It is a very hard time. Having IzzyBell is helping us; We're pouring our love into her since Daisy is gone. She looks like Daisy, and we are just going to raise her to be a good milk cow for us. Financially, we simply cannot invest in another milk cow (they are so expensive), but we are talking about getting a milk goat to see us through until IzzyBell can be bred at around 15 months.


Does it seem strange to cry for a cow? I just loved her so much. She was a pet. :crying: I know I'll stop crying eventually.


You all have walked with me through dreaming of getting a milkcow, of finally getting one, of learning so much, and now losing her.


Here is a picture of IzzyBell from yesterday morning...




Tracy I am sooooo sorry!!! :grouphug:

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Oh Tracy that is such sad news. Your posts always resondated with your love for Daisy. I am heartbroken for you. Cry bucket of tears, you are entitled to do that. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your posts always bring to mind James Herriot's books (which I adore) You have a special way of conveying your feelings through writing.

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There have been times when a cow or calf died and the boys and I have had big lumps in our throats. I can imagine how much losing Daisy has affected you. It does sound like she had milk fever, but of course at this point that's neither here nor there. I'm glad you can at least love on her little one. Hugs to you.

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