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What Is Your Secret Weirdness?


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Just for fun, ask your spouse and/or kids what they think you answered for this thread.  LOL!  Pretty eye-opening and heartwarming in a slightly disturbing way depending on your family...


I asked my husband.  He told me to get a notebook to write them all down.  Then he said *his* secret weirdness is that he can't stand the sound of animals licking (like cats giving themselves a bath).


My husband pointed out that I don't like to clean, but I don't like others to clean *incorrectly*.  Do it right, or don't do it.


I also can't stand jewelry.  I wear a simple wedding band, and a hairstick in my hair (because I also can't stand hair in my face), but no necklaces, bracelets, earrings, or anything else.  I couldn't even handle the lanyard name badge we Sunday school teachers are required to wear.

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I cannot stand seeing dead trees poking up out of the water. I don't like them underwater either. There is just something wrong about trees laying in deep water that just makes me shudder all over.


ETA: Live trees growing in water are beautiful.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Oh, so very many to choose from.  I can't sleep unless I am completely under the covers.  No body parts can be uncovered except my head, no matter how hot it gets.  Along those same lines, no body part can hang over the edge of the bed.  I KNOW what lives under the bed, people, and it is warded off by my protective covers. 

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Nose breathers.


I don't like skin to skin contact on my neck. Sweaters and necklaces don't bother me but I can't stand for someone to touch the front of my neck. Or kiss it. I don't even like to wash it (but I do). And I cringe every time.


When I ask someone a question and they don't answer (and I know they heard me). Just dead silence. It irks me to no end.

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My husband does that.. it drives.me.crazy.  He also slurps his drinks. 


my secret weirdness..  I read magazines from the back forward.   Not that I read them much anymore, but it dawned on me a few years ago at some appt. or another that it was how I always flip through magazines.


My mom always does that.  We always attribute it to her left-handedness.  Are you left handed?

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That's how I read them too!!! I never realized it was "weird" until I saw my mother reading a magazine backwards and..I realized that perhaps it wasn't the norm. 



I do this too :)


My people! 




My mom always does that.  We always attribute it to her left-handedness.  Are you left handed?


nope, right handed. 

Edited by PrincessMommy
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Oh, so very many to choose from.  I can't sleep unless I am completely under the covers.  No body parts can be uncovered except my head, no matter how hot it gets.  Along those same lines, no body part can hang over the edge of the bed.  I KNOW what lives under the bed, people, and it is warded off by my protective covers. 


You are not alone!

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Oooh, the coffee smelling like skunk thing reminds me -- gummy peachy rings smell like cat pee to me. But I LOVE them. They don't taste like cat pee, so if you can get around the smell factor, you're good. I had peach-scented shave gel that smelled like cat pee to me, too. 


I also ALWAYS take the second thing (package of whatever in a store). I feel like the first one is tainted.


My favorite talent is that I can gleek on command. It is very handy for testing if the iron is hot. Also for grossing out your kids.


ETA: Also, I am anal about punctuation. I am editing this post because I forgot to hit return twice after "tainted" and it will drive me crazy to have it sit here all WRONG.

Edited by Janie Grace
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I cannot stand it when people crease paper with their fingers or nails.  This is linked to the fact that thinking about paper cuts wigs me out.  Creasing of paper makes the sound of paper cuts.  


I cannot stand for anyone to put their hands on my neck.  


Knives cannot point towards me if they are laying on the counter.  Ever since I was a child I have always pictured them just jumping off the counter and flying towards me if they are pointed the wrong way.  (There is a traumatic childhood incident that is related to this)


I can't stand artificial lime flavoring.  I have been known to spit things out in public if I accidentally eat something lime flavored.  As a result, I don't trust green candy.

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Oooh, the coffee smelling like skunk thing reminds me -- gummy peachy rings smell like cat pee to me. But I LOVE them. They don't taste like cat pee, so if you can get around the smell factor, you're good. I had peach-scented shave gel that smelled like cat pee to me, too.


I also ALWAYS take the second thing (package of whatever in a store). I feel like the first one is tainted.


My favorite talent is that I can gleek on command. It is very handy for testing if the iron is hot. Also for grossing out your kids.


ETA: Also, I am anal about punctuation. I am editing this post because I forgot to hit return twice after "tainted" and it will drive me crazy to have it sit here all WRONG.

Yes! To the peach rings. Mango flavored things (Tic Tacs especially) smell like cat pee too.


DH does the package thing.


I'm not sure what gleeking is...

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I can't believe how many of these things I have in common with others!


I hate artificially rose scented anything.  I hate artificially peach flavored anything.  (I love real roses, and real peaches, though).


Like someone else mentioned, I must have my ear covered in order to sleep.  It must be warm, and it must muffle sound.  A cold ear is way too stimulating for me.


I hate anyone breathing on me when I'm trying to sleep.  I don't want to breathe their air, and I can't find my own natural breathing rhythm if I'm distracted by someone else's breathing.  (cuddling to sleep is a no-go for me)


I hate sitting with my legs out in front, feet on floor.  I am much more comfortable with my feet up, criss-cross applesauce, even in a restaurant.


I like the smell of skunk if it's kinda far away.  I wouldn't want it on me.





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Thank you for giving me a name for that.  I'd be the world's worst witness. I am truly awful with remembering faces or recognizing people I know, especially out of context.  Like, the guy who sells me a movie ticket every week I know when I see him at the theater but if I saw him at the grocery store I'd have no idea.   


I'm right there with you on the witness and context deals.  I also can't match (most) faces to pictures.  When school IDs get handed out I put them on a desk and tell kids to fetch one they like.  ;)  I'd be horrid at any sort of ID checkpoint.  The picture would have to be really off for me to notice and even then I'm not placing bets.


For whatever reason, I'm better with guys than gals, but "better" is relative.


I can often remember names.  Hubby is worse with that, so he'll fill me in with a description (sitting over there is the lady we met two weeks ago at church) and I'll fill him in with the name.  Then we're both good to go.

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I have a lot of quirks.


Add me to the list of people who hate the word panties. I don't even like typing it.


I hate nail polish because I can feel it on my nails and they can't breathe.


The sound of someone eating in a quiet room.


My dh likes to stand behind me and eat. It drives me insane.


My dh and ds are pacers. I can not talk to them when they are walking all over the place.


I have to shower first. Stepping onto a wet bath mat makes me want to hurl.


I could go on all night with this list.

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As I'm reading, I'm coming up with new ones:


I don't like swimming in ponds or lakes - oceans or pools are fine.


I freak out when someone is erasing something with a pencil eraser and the eraser wears down enough that the, ugh, metal bits, scrape across the paper. I can barely write this....getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 


I use my foot as a thermostat when sleeping. If I'm hot, I stick my foot out from under the covers to cool off and when I cool off again, I'll stick it back under. 


I can't go to bed if there are any dishes in the sink. I just can't.

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I can't go to bed if there are any dishes in the sink. I just can't.

This is weird only in that its limited to the sink.

I can will not sleep if my house is unclean, the boys don't sleep if my house is unclean either.



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Ha! Vindication. I told Dh coffee smells like skunk. He thinks that's crazy.

I usually like the smell and taste of coffee, but when I am pregnant, then it does indeed smell like skunk and I can't even be in the same room with it! Dh laughed at me when I told him this, years ago and said I was imagining it.

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The sound of someone eating in a quiet room.


My dh likes to stand behind me and eat. It drives me insane.


My dh and ds are pacers. I can not talk to them when they are walking all over the place.



1st one: yep.

Last 2: It's my DS. Bonkers I tell ya!


Also I have this thing where when I meet a person, I get an impression of an animal. And later I often find out I was pretty accurate with regards to their temperament/personality.

It can sometimes be specific, like Persian Cat, or general, like deer. After I know you for a while, it fades and sometimes I'll forget what my 1st impression was.


I can't eat anything mushy. Like polenta, risotto, custard etc. Nope, Nopey, Nope!

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This is weird only in that its limited to the sink.

I can will not sleep if my house is unclean, the boys don't sleep if my house is unclean either.


Everyone here is good about bringing dishes to the sink when they're done with them, so I, thankfully, don't find them elsewhere!


I like the house tidy before bed, but it doesn't bother me like the dishes do. I'll think about those suckers if I'm in bed and I know there are dishes to be done!

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I also cannot just let my legs dangle or place my feet flat on the floor when seated. It is a special kind of torture to be forced to sit "proper."


I have flat feet but I disguise them when barefooted by flexing my arches so it looks like I'm not. I do not like my feet.


I have a dent in my forehead over my left eyebrow that literally just appeared one day with no explanation.


I cannot tolerate the sound of metal scraping against metal or against teeth. Use your lips on your fork, please!


I cannot stand to hear my own or anyone else's heart beating. I like knowing we're alive but ironically the sound of a heartbeat always makes me think of death and mortality and makes me very sad.


I think everyone looks familiar. All the strangers I see out and about look vaguely familiar and not at all strange to me. It's kind of like dejavu. It's not as if I mistake strangers for people I know, I just feel like everyone I see is someone I've seen before.

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I lived for 20 years directly across the road from a crematorium.  I never smelled anything. 


That aside, I share so many of these with you people!  Especially the breathing ones... I like the term "body breeze". 


No body touches my feet.  No body.  Not even me.  eww.

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I can't believe how many of these things I have in common with others!


I hate artificially rose scented anything.  I hate artificially peach flavored anything.  (I love real roses, and real peaches, though).


Like someone else mentioned, I must have my ear covered in order to sleep.  It must be warm, and it must muffle sound.  A cold ear is way too stimulating for me.


I hate anyone breathing on me when I'm trying to sleep.  I don't want to breathe their air, and I can't find my own natural breathing rhythm if I'm distracted by someone else's breathing.  (cuddling to sleep is a no-go for me)


I hate sitting with my legs out in front, feet on floor.  I am much more comfortable with my feet up, criss-cross applesauce, even in a restaurant.


I like the smell of skunk if it's kinda far away.  I wouldn't want it on me.


YES!  Drives me nuts.


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I hate anyone breathing on me when I'm trying to sleep. I don't want to breathe their air, and I can't find my own natural breathing rhythm if I'm distracted by someone else's breathing. (cuddling to sleep is a no-go for me).

This is so me! Can't stand it. I just can't breathe!
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Oh, I am so gonna get flamed for this but I can't stand when women use their bras/cleavage as substitute pockets in public. Especially for multiple and/or large items.

It never fails to unsettle me and yes, I judge them on that alone.


I mean if you're going to bring a coin purse, Samsung Galaxy S6 and a pack of gum with you when you go out, how hard is it to get a purse or wear something with pockets?!

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As I'm reading, I'm coming up with new ones:


I don't like swimming in ponds or lakes - oceans or pools are fine.


I freak out when someone is erasing something with a pencil eraser and the eraser wears down enough that the, ugh, metal bits, scrape across the paper. I can barely write this....getting goosebumps just thinking about it.


I use my foot as a thermostat when sleeping. If I'm hot, I stick my foot out from under the covers to cool off and when I cool off again, I'll stick it back under.


I can't go to bed if there are any dishes in the sink. I just can't.

Yes to these! All of them (though I will make an exception for a few dishes if the dishwasher is running). I'm hyper vigilant about putting eraser caps on any pencils with worn down erasers.


I cannot cannot cannot eat anything that has gummy-bear type texture. And gelatin revolts me. I can't eat Jell-o and I really have to mentally rev myself up to deal with cold cooked beef or pork. I bought a bottle of Vit D capsules at Costco and I think I'm going to have to take them back because porcine gelatin is listed as an ingredient and I literally cannot stomach the thought of ingesting them.

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I usually like the smell and taste of coffee, but when I am pregnant, then it does indeed smell like skunk and I can't even be in the same room with it! Dh laughed at me when I told him this, years ago and said I was imagining it.

When I was pregnant, dh was ordered to make his coffee in the garage. That is when I hated to go anywhere in public in the morning because everyone in the world had coffee breath.

Edited by Onceuponatime
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This thread is just what I needed today. :lol:


I love slippers. I wear them morning, noon, and night.....and sometimes forget wearing them when I leave the house and can't get out of the car. I love them.


And I never knew crematoriums smelled. :blink:

Now I feel very sure that if I ever drive by a crematorium, I will hold my nose. Because I do not want to know what that smells like, ever.

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I always finish one type of food on my plate before I start the next one.


I cannot stand to hear the same thing over and over.  My limit is 3 times, and that is being generous.  Unfortunately I have a kid who likes to make the same noises / say the same words over and over.  I have reminded her at least 1,000 times (so far) not to do that....


Having to talk to people makes me tired.  Especially if it's about work.  Doesn't matter what time it is.  Also, having someone talk to me about project B when I'm engrossed in project A will give me a stiff neck and a headache for the rest of the day.  :/


I find it relaxing to balance accounting books.  (As long as nobody is talking to me while I'm doing it.)

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When humans let their animals (usually dogs) lick their mouths, it makes me think of the human licking the animal's butt. 


I can not, in any way, imagine why someone would want their dog to lick their mouth, or anywhere near their face for that matter.  Animals eat dead rotting things off the ground, they eat vomit, they lick their butts, they eat dog food, they chew random things off their fur (ie bird poop, smelly dead things they rolled around in, bugs, etc) and then humans think it is fabulous when the animal french kisses them 10 minutes later?  ewwww :ack2:

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Oh, I am so gonna get flamed for this but I can't stand when women use their bras/cleavage as substitute pockets in public. Especially for multiple and/or large items.

It never fails to unsettle me and yes, I judge them on that alone.


I mean if you're going to bring a coin purse, Samsung Galaxy S6 and a pack of gum with you when you go out, how hard is it to get a purse or wear something with pockets?!



I especially hate this because I handle money all day long.  You have no idea how gross it is when someone digs in their bra, and hands you a moist, warm $10 bill.   :ack2:   Yep, I know money is filthy.  But damp money, especially sweaty money, is a whole nuther level of gross. I don't think that people who do this realize (or likely just don't care) how damp money is from that area.  Maybe because it is the same temperature/moisture as their own hands or something, makes it seem dry?  It isn't.

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I can not, in any way, imagine why someone would want their dog to lick their mouth, or anywhere near their face for that matter.  Animals eat dead rotting things off the ground, they eat vomit, they lick their butts, they eat dog food, they chew random things off their fur (ie bird poop, smelly dead things they rolled around in, bugs, etc) and then humans think it is fabulous when the animal french kisses them 10 minutes later?  ewwww :ack2:


My dog never ate anything off the ground without me knowing it, because he didn't go outside without me. He vomited occasionally, but so do my family members, and I kiss them. He ate human-grade dog food made from New Zealand venison and sweet potatoes. He had a bath twice a week and didn't have anything random in his fur. I won't touch your other objection.  ;)


I  :001_wub: doggy kisses (but understand your aversion, I guess).

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I freak out when someone is erasing something with a pencil eraser and the eraser wears down enough that the, ugh, metal bits, scrape across the paper. I can barely write this....getting goosebumps just thinking about it. 



Ack!  I actually physically cringed when I read that and broke out in goosebumps.  That one is on my list too!

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I love the scent of erasers, most specifically circa-early 80's Sanrio erasers. Yum. I'm kicking myself for not buying this before it went off the market.

LOL are those the ones that has a soft, sweet plastic smell?  If so, I have vivid memories of that smell that I haven't thought about in years.  

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They don't taste like cat pee

You've tasted cat pee to test this properly, correct?


I lived for 20 years directly across the road from a crematorium.  I never smelled anything.

It depends on the oven.


Oh, I am so gonna get flamed for this but I can't stand when women use their bras/cleavage as substitute pockets in public. Especially for multiple and/or large items.

It never fails to unsettle me and yes, I judge them on that alone.


I mean if you're going to bring a coin purse, Samsung Galaxy S6 and a pack of gum with you when you go out, how hard is it to get a purse or wear something with pockets?!

Yes! It's gross.

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My dog never ate anything off the ground without me knowing it, because he didn't go outside without me. He vomited occasionally, but so do my family members, and I kiss them. He ate human-grade dog food made from New Zealand venison and sweet potatoes. He had a bath twice a week and didn't have anything random in his fur. I won't touch your other objection.  ;)


I  :001_wub: doggy kisses (but understand your aversion, I guess).

Yep, but I assume teeth were brushed after vomiting, before giving you full mouth kisses?  I assume if you or a family member had meat and potatoes for dinner, you would want them to brush their teeth at some point in the near future before they come kiss you.  The thought of rotting meat stuck between teeth for a few days and then kissing someone with that mouth....is just :ack2:  


I guess it is an unspoken rule to me that if you vomit ..and don't brush your teeth, don't come and lick my mouth!  In fact, I can simplify that....really, just don't lick my mouth period. LOL 


I am sure you have a very loved pup.  :001_wub:

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I especially hate this because I handle money all day long.  You have no idea how gross it is when someone digs in their bra, and hands you a moist, warm $10 bill.   :ack2:   Yep, I know money is filthy.  But damp money, especially sweaty money, is a whole nuther level of gross. I don't think that people who do this realize (or likely just don't care) how damp money is from that area.  Maybe because it is the same temperature/moisture as their own hands or something, makes it seem dry?  It isn't.

I was so happy when I was able to quit my cashier job. I mean standing in line all afternoon watching women fish bills and change out of their bra was just...ugh! Gives me the willies just to remember it. :ack:

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