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What are your curriculum plans for 2016-2017?

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That bored, huh.  :)  I hope you feel better!


This is what I'm planning (I have 2 school age):


1.  Singapore math/BA/RS

2.  Sotw 2/biblioplan


4.  La Clase Divertia

5.  Home art studio/draw write now

6.  GH Anatomy/BFSU

7.  critical thinking books

8.  FIAR

9.  WWE 2

10 MCT Grammar

11. AAS or Sequential Spelling

12. SM Picture study

13.  music

14. Exploring Nature with Children

15.  BW JID and Arrow

16.  litwits (hopefully twice this year)  ;) 



I guess pretty much what my siggis says.  :)  I'm hoping to do things a little differently or add some more fun stuff.  Like litwits.  I want to do 2 - 3 party school themes with my friends.  Start a lego club with just me and my kids at first. 


What are you planning? 



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My younger daughter will be in 8th...OH MY...I can hardly breathe just to write it. :( They do grow up so quickly.


I'm still very uncertain but here is what we might be doing:


Math-she's liking Jousting Armadillos so we may continue with the series or switch over to Jacob's

English-continue with Essentials of English 2, dictation, narrations, commonplace book, literary terms book, annotation notebook, etc.

French-continue with Breaking the Barrier 1, dictation, etc.

Latin-begin First Form Latin

German-she's been asking for this for years...I found a Teacher's Edition textbook for beginning German

Science-not sure

Geography-finish Hollings books + Book of Marvels

History-The Book of the Ancient Greeks with my guide + continue with American History using G. Foster books and others

Art, Plutarch, Shakespeare, Composers...still undecided

Literature-depends on what she completes this year + Fairy and Fantasy syllabus to be completed

Extra-Ballet, Jazz, Modern Dance and Piano



ETA: needed to add literature :)

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We're leaning slightly more unschooly/child-led, so much will be decided last minute. The few things that are definitely in:


- Beast Academy

- Michael Clay Thompson, at least pieces of Town level

- Brave Writer lifestyle pieces

- almost certainly trying an Athena's class

- Homeschool Spanish Academy

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I'm going to have 3 homeschooling next year. We'll pretty much continue on with what they're doing now.



Roman Roads: The Romans

WTMA Rhetoric 1, possibly

Computer Science - Teen Coder

AoPS or DE Calculus

AP or DE Chem or Physics

Latin 2 - Henle

DE Arabic



Story of the World 2

Physical Science with Living Books

Singapore Math 2/3 maybe Beast Academy

McGuffy Readers, maybe switch to a program



Spelling Workout

Beginning Arabic



Tag along with DS2 for History/Science

Learn to read - McGuffy or other beginning reading program


Singapore Math K/1

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:( Hope you feel better! I like planning, scratching a bunch of those plans, planning again. It keeps things interesting ;) 


DD1, 5th grade:


Grammar: Killgallon Paragraphs for Middle School, Rod and Staff 6


Spelling:  rest of Spelling Wisdom Book 1


Writing: Rest of Write from History Medieval


Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 8 and 9, CaesarĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s English 1 and 2 


Math: ZaccaroĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Primary Math Challenge Problems, Dolciani Pre-Algebra supplement as needed with Art of Problem Solving Pre-Algebra spine


Science: The Elements, Carbon Chemistry with Holt Physical Science or Ocean Classrooms Marine Biology courses


History: Human Odyssey Renaissance to 1914


Geography: SCM Geography Africa 


Latin: Latin for Children rest of A and start B


Harmony Fine Arts Year 5 with Artistic Pursuits Book 1


Logic: The Thinking Toolbox and Fallacy Detective


Lit: Figuratively Speaking


Typing: BBC typing and typing.com



DD2, 2nd grade:


Grammar: FLL 3


Writing: WWE 3 or Write from History Early Modern


Spelling: AAS rest of 4, part of 5


Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 5 and 6


Science: The Elements and Holt Physical w/ DD1, interest-led science 


History: Human Odyssey Renaissance til 1914 with DD1


Geography: Daily Geo Practice 3 and part of 4


Math: MM3A and B

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Math -- Beast Academy 4 with a little CWP 4, Moems, Borac, and Hands on Equations thrown in.

Logic -- Mindbenders Book 4, Balance Benders Book 1, Visual Discrimination, Logic Countdown, Advancing Through Analogies

Science -- Conceptual Physics through Athena's, How Things Work videos, perhaps Exploration Education 

Literature -- Athena's Intermediate Lit I and II, Mosdos Ruby, and working through the Mensa reading list

Writing -- A combo of Treasured Conversations and WWE3, perhaps begin CAP Writing & Rhetoric 

Grammar, Vocab, Poetry -- MCT Town level

Spelling -- Switching from Rod & Staff 3 to Megawords 1

Cursive -- New American Cursive copywork with the Startwrite Software

History -- Taking a break before starting SOTW4 to do a year of a Canadian (Modern History through Canadian Eyes), California (Beautiful Feet and Harcourt Reflections: California, A Changing State), and U.S. history (continue History of US) combo. 

Latin -- Getting Started With Latin and Minimus Secundus

French -- Getting Started With French

Hebrew -- Shalom Ivrit Books 2 and 3, Lashon Hatorah (grammar), Bright Beginnings (Torah), Aleph Bet Quest Script Writing Book

Computer Science -- Youth Digital Mod Design 1

Extracurrics -- Guitar, soccer, tennis, Parkour, and theatre


Weekly charter school classes -- still TBD, but likely art, music, Spanish, and engineering/Lego

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Math: Math Mammoth

Language: Finishing FLL / starting R&S English

Reading/Writing: Whatever books I/we decide on, and writing about those

Science: Physics Experiments for Children (per WTM)

History/Geography: Probably still doing mom-made states study for half the year, then back to SOTW

Latin: Lively Latin

Logic: Logic Liftoff / Orbiting with Logic



Math: Math Mammoth

Language: FLL

Reading/Writing: Whatever books I/we decide on, and writing about those

Science: Physics Experiments for Children (per WTM, less output required than DD#1)

History/Geography: Probably still doing mom-made states study for half the year, then back to SOTW



Who knows? ;)  But I expect plenty of books, coloring, counting, talking about shapes, etc.  

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Off the top of my head, for DS, 8th grade in 2016-2017:


Math - Jacob's Algebra


Science - not sure yet. I think we're doing Chemistry.


History - Pandia Press, History Odyssey, Ancients, level 2


Writing - WWS 1/2


Spelling - He's going to be doing spelling forever. Spelling Workout series


Grammar - AG


Literature - pieced together from variety of sources (MCT, Lightning Lit, and other resources)


Latin - Latin Alive


Spanish - Probably finish Spanish for Children. Still looking for a high school level Spanish program


Art Appreciation - SCM artist portfolios




Composer Studies - Enrichment Studies, variety of resources


Art - occasional classes in photography, continued work in drawing and painting (watercolor)


Music - continued jazz drumming lessons, continued voice lessons, continued membership in a local chorale (he's one of a handful of "student" members)


Ornithography - membership in local birding association, summer camp focused on birding, variety of field labs


Phys Ed - continue in Archery. Need to come up with something else.

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Next year will be out last year (she's graduating early) <weeps>


English: Blue Tent Online Senior English (post-AP; assuming she scores a 4 or 5 on AP Lang this year)

Math: statistics??????? or more calculus????????

Science: Geology or Astronomy at the University of Our State or both...

Social Sciences: she wants US govt, macroeconomics, ??????? (will prob be AP with syllabi written by me for College Board approval)

Language: depends on what happens this summer (waiting for NSLI)---will be continuing Arabic at the university, willbe adding a second language either at the university (Chinese or Russian) or with a local tutor (if she gets a non-Arabic NSLI placement)


The format will be

--one year-long outsourced class (English)

--two classes each semester at the university

--one class each semester with me at home

--one winter session class at the university


I cannot believe English is the only (somewhat) definite. Good gravy.

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Math: So You Really Want to Learn Maths 3,plus Patty Paper Geometry Foerster's Algebra I, possibly through Homeschool Connections

History/Science/Literature: Build Your Library 8th Grade (history of science)

Grammar: Giggly Guide to Grammar, maybe. Still planning. 

Composition: Writing With Skill 1, then either continuing to WWS2 or Bravewriter Maybe Lost Tools of Writing

something for spelling, but I don't know what. If R&S doesn't work out, maybe Spelling You See

Art: The Virtual Instructor

Music: choir, maybe the occasional voice lesson

Foreign language: ASL with Signing Time, maybe tentatively through Homeschool Connections. Depends on her competition schedule for tumbling

PE: competitive tumbling, with horseback riding and gymnastics at the recreational level (unless something changes)

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History: SCM Early Modern Times, MP Story of the Thirteen Colonies & 200 Questions About American History

Geography: Visits to North America from SCM, Don't Know Much About the 50 States, MP's United States Student Workbook 

Science: Christian Kids Explore Physics, Physics Workshop (Thames & Kosmos), Physics 101

Bible: Bible stories/readings, hymns, memory work

Art: Harmony Fine Arts Grade 7, Chalk Pastel.com E-book, Drawspace.com lessons

Latin: Visual Latin (6th & 9th grader only), Getting Started With Latin as a family

Nature Study: Outdoor Secrets with SCM guide

Poet: MP's Poetry for the Grammar Stage

Math: Mathusee

Language Arts: ELTL, Writing Strands, R&S Spelling, Handwriting (Cheerful Cursive, R&S 2 for 4th & 1st graders, respectively) 

Phonics: McGuffey Readers, Core Skills Phonics



I've been trying to figure out DD's first high school year.   :leaving:

Here are my plans for DD:

History & Geography with family

Science: Apologia Physical Science, join in with Physics Workshop & Physics 101 DVDs

Art: Harmony Fine Arts grade 9 with Artistic Pursuits

Foreign Language:  Visual Latin, possibly Rosetta Stone Spanish

Language Arts: WWS 1, Killgallon Sentences, Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Literature: Lord of the Rings Trilogy with literature guide, WTM early modern selections

Math: MUS Pre-Algebra I

PE: Log hours for any physical activities (swimming, treadmill, trampoline, archery, fishing, etc.)
ETA: Yet another update...Hopefully I'm done now.  


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Current plan for 1st



Finish MM1 -

Continue with MM2

Or switch to Singapore 1B I'm not sure. CWP, Mind Benders and Stepping Stones for logic






Something for handwriting


Social Studies

I don't know. If he starts reading by himself (one can hope) I don't know if reading Magic Tree House and a couple of projects based on interest would suffice? Otherwise we may do one of the history Usborne books and extra library books + one project per semester



I'm planning to develop his curriculum myself. We'll see.



Soccer/learn to ride bike without training wheels



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I hope you feel better soon!!


I've been pondering this subject deeply! My son will be 9 and "fourth grade" and my daughter will be kindergarten-age. I'm going to be a little unorthodox during the 2016-17 year because I think I'm going to only use Miquon/Singapore for math and then for everything else read through our personal library.  We have SO many amazing books (many inherited from my great-great aunt or grandmother, some from my own childhood, or passed along from my in-laws)--from poetry to art to science (these are newer books!) to Shakespeare (my grandfather's copy of Tales from Shakespeare!) to the My Book House collection to all sorts of fiction books (both older and newer) that it seems wrong for me to ignore them. We DO read them now, but I don't center my curriculum-planning around them.  So I think it's going to be "read the home library year" plus math, and we'll continue to outsource art and piano lessons + do our weekly science class (those are for my son; daughter is only doing gymnastics so far).  Of course I'll throw in copywork, narrations, and a little spelling, but no curricula for any of that.


It's a rather exciting prospect--kind of liberating. We'll see how it goes!

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Math - Saxon 6/5

Spanish- Spanish for Children. Duo Lingo, Instant Immersion



Math - Saxon 7/6

Spelling - All About Spelling 6

Spanish- Getting Started with Spanish



Science - Elemental Biology Logic Stage, BYL Evolution Unit

Grammar- Analytical Grammar

Writing - EIW, SWI -A, TWSS

History - A History of Us.

Literature - Misc

Poetry - Various

Latin - Latin Prep Book 2


Purchasing to look at-

Math- Art of Problem Solving Pre-Algebra ( I think this will be right up DD's alley ).

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Okay I have been totally panicking over the fact that my oldest is on the verge of Logic stage (5th grade next year), only four more years left before highschool. I know, I know that is a Long time away but it doesn't seem like it. I finally feel like I am getting the hang of the grammar stage and now I am being thrown back into the deep end and need to learn how to swim again. Okay enough of my self pity party. :-)


So these are my plans so far...


Dd 5th

Math: SM, maybe BA, Key to series, and probably hands on equations

Spelling: AAS

Grammar: I really don't know, I am leaning towards Jr Analytical Grammar

Writing: This is the area I am the least sure about. I am debating between CW, IEW, BW, slowly starting WWS, or something of my own

Reading/Literature: Probably SL Core E readers, along with other things

Foreign Language: Start being consistent with Spanish, and I really need to start Latin

Logic: something to get ready for formal logic. Still figuring it out.


Dd 3rd

Math: CLE/SM

Spelling/Phonics: Barton

Grammar: FLL

Writing: WWE

Reading: SL readers


Dd 2nd

Math: SM and maybe Miquon

Spelling/Phonics: Barton

Grammar: FLL

Writing: WWE

Reading: SL readers


Ds K

Not sure what I will use with him. Mostly depends on where he is at the beginning of the year.


All together

Science: I really want to figure out how to make BFSU work for us.

History: I am really considering doing TOG Yr. 1 next year. However my Dd 10 really wants to finish American History, but I want to get back on track with the four year cycle and get going on the cycle with my Dd8 and Dd6. I am considering doing a combo and do a bare bones American history along with Ancients. Not sure yet.

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DD 6th Grade


Grammar- Analytical Grammar (last 1/2 book)

Vocabulary- Caesar's English

Spelling -Phonetic Zoo

Writing - IEW Medieval book

Reading - Memoria Press 6th grade selections no guides

Math - Math Mammoth 6

Science - Beautiful Feet History of Science and Apologia Physical Science

History - VP Self Paced Middle Ages and Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Philosophy - Philosophy Adventures

Poetry - Grammar of Poetry


DD 5th grade


Same as above except MM 5 and BA 4


Twins Kinder


Math - Right Start A

Phonics/Reading - Logic of English Foundations A/B

Science - Evan Moor Animals

History - probably tag along for some medival history maybe some lapbooks on Knights and castles


I plan on a loop schedule with composers, famous artist, drawing, history crafts, mapping the world with art and science projects that all my kids will join in on.


Changes already and it's not even Feb lol let's see how many changes I end up making

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I have no idea if this schedule works, but if it did:


Algebra 2 WTMA using Aops

Geometry-wilson hill

French- potters school + tutor

Physics- Clover Creek

History with me using great course lectures and OUP books combined with Art history.

English-galore park until we run out. Then, some sort of WTMA class probably.

For literature, he'll probably insist on some online G3 class.

Writing, who knows. I'm resisting formulaic classes on writing in middle school because he writes well, creatively and otherwise. Something probably needs done though.

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First, we will be adjusting to homeschooling with a NEWBORN again! {We are all totally excited!}


Everything else will be what is in my siggy just the next level...maybe...if I don't change things...which I probably will because I just cannot keep myself from doing so. 


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For my rising 1st grader ...


LA: Continue with LOE Foundations+AAR readers; probably add in ELTL; include some TOG literature if we have time/desire after ELTL lit


History/Geography: TOG year 2


Bible: leaning toward PHP's Telling God's Story, year 1, but possibly Bible Road Trip--but probably add in What's In the Bible? DVDs just for fun even if we don't do Road Trip


Math: debating hard between MM and Singapore ... my gut is leaning toward MM but I know so many who love Singapore, and I know it's what my husband would prefer we do


Science: continue with BFSU, additional books about whatever topics spark her interest (probably animals)


Art: Artistic Pursuits


Music: still deciding ... maybe Maestro Classics, maybe Zeezok's Music Appreciation for the Elementary Grades book 1 (though that may be better if we wait another year or two), maybe World's Greatest Composers (though again, that may be better if we wait) ... my concern with Maestro Classics is simply that there aren't enough of them, and I'm not one to just play music all the time like I really should


Health: some kind of open-and-go workbook that doesn't take much time, just so I can point to it and say (for regulatory reasons) "See, we *are* doing health!"


PE: maybe Family Time Fitness lessons, maybe a paid class if I can find one she'd be interested in. I really want her in some kind of dance, martial arts, or gymnastics class, to learn self-confidence and body control and to give her the chance to meet/interact with other kids her age.


Extras: Kiwi Crate, bimonthly field trips, hopefully a park day/playgroup once or twice a month

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I hope you feel better soon!!


I've been pondering this subject deeply! My son will be 9 and "fourth grade" and my daughter will be kindergarten-age. I'm going to be a little unorthodox during the 2016-17 year because I think I'm going to only use Miquon/Singapore for math and then for everything else read through our personal library. We have SO many amazing books (many inherited from my great-great aunt or grandmother, some from my own childhood, or passed along from my in-laws)--from poetry to art to science (these are newer books!) to Shakespeare (my grandfather's copy of Tales from Shakespeare!) to the My Book House collection to all sorts of fiction books (both older and newer) that it seems wrong for me to ignore them. We DO read them now, but I don't center my curriculum-planning around them. So I think it's going to be "read the home library year" plus math, and we'll continue to outsource art and piano lessons + do our weekly science class (those are for my son; daughter is only doing gymnastics so far). Of course I'll throw in copywork, narrations, and a little spelling, but no curricula for any of that.


It's a rather exciting prospect--kind of liberating. We'll see how it goes!

Your plans sound absolutely fantastic!

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french: C'est bien ca, terre des lettres/jardin des lettres

German: Na Klar, Praxis: Sprache und Literatur.

Dutch: reading and history of literature

English: another BW course + ? + Unknown reading

latin: Phoenix 3

Greek: Athenaze 1


Math: Aops intro A + LoF Statistics

Science: BJU Physical Sciencs + IGCSE Chemistry + M&L Biology

Geography: Global Perspectives

History: ??? 1750-1910 or so




Like to add:

Logic/rethoric, Philosophy, Comperative Religions, Ethics

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Always fun to think ahead!  Tentative, of course.


Oldest will be a senior in private school.


2nd ds plans to do Challenge 2.


Will be 8th grade dd (yikes!!):


Daily Bible reading

History - probably at local co-op

Science - probably Apologia Physical at local co-op

Literature - undecided

English - Thinking in Threes, SWO H

Math - Pre-algebra (Dolciani?  Teaching Textbooks?)  She really likes Saxon, but I'm shying away from 1/2 for her.

Latin - maybe Henle

Art Appreciation - co-op

Extras - Sewing, maybe piano


Will be 5th grade ds


Daily Bible Reading

History - US History - Landmarks and other resources to be determined

Literature - book list, to be determined

Science -book list, to be determined

English - R&S 5, SWO E, Thinking in Threes

Math - CLE 600

Latin - GSWL

CC - Foundations

Extras - Basketball, chess, maybe piano


Will be 3rd grade dd


Daily Bible Reading

History - SOTW 2, Island Story

Literature - book list, to be determined

Science - book list, to be determined

English - SWO C, Cursive, something quick and light for grammar?

Math - Singapore and CTC's Mathematical Reasoning

CC - Foundations

Extras - sewing, maybe piano


ETA:  We usually do a morning time too, but I won't decide on subjects/resources until later. 





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I don't know whether to be glad or feel bad that my plans for the youngest three (youngest two, especially) are pretty much "We'll pull something off the shelf and figure it out."  I've collected so much curricula over the years that I don't put very much thought into it.


Planning 9th grade is coming in spurts.

Saxon Geometry

HO Ancients

Undecided additional lit/writing

Probable BtB French

Maybe CK12 Bio

Human Geography
She has to whittle down elective options when our co-op schedule comes out later this year.


My oldest did 2 years of public high school then took his exit exams, so this is our first round of homeschool high school. I go back and forth between obsessive panic and relaxed optimism.

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french: C'est bien ca, terre des lettres/jardin des lettres

German: Na Klar, Praxis: Sprache und Literatur.

Dutch: reading and history of literature

English: another BW course + ? + Unknown reading

latin: Phoenix 3

Greek: Athenaze 1


Math: Aops intro A + LoF Statistics

Science: BJU Physical Sciencs + IGCSE Chemistry + M&L Biology

Geography: Global Perspectives

History: ??? 1750-1910 or so




Like to add:

Logic/rethoric, Philosophy, Comperative Religions, Ethics

Can I just say, I am amazed at your language program with DD. We considered adding a third (I wanted Latin, DS Italian, either would be fine as I know Italian) and first lesson was verbs and I can tell it would confuse his french verbs, which are already a week point.

So we are postponing another year, maybe start at end of 7th grade.

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For my younger dd, going into 5th grade, I'm pretty much with Carrie - we have enough stuff on the shelf that we'll wing it.  This child defies all plans, anyway.  It will probably include MM, BA, MCT finishing Town level if we don't finish it this Spring, keep going with How to Spell workbook 3.  For history etc., I put together this big spreadsheet for SOTW 3/American history & lit, art & music, so I feel like we'll just work off that.  One thing I'm toying with is adding Oak Meadow 5 for Science - she really wants more hands on & project based science, which I'm terrible at making time for. She's doing Sassafras Zoology this year and loves it, but the book is just so badly written I don't know if I can bring myself to ever, ever buy another one. I feel like volunteering to edit it for them if they would reprint. Such a great idea, such horrific execution.


My older dd is starting 9th grade, yikes! Plans, in a nutshell:

Geometry - A Fresh Approach, self-study at home (keeping my fingers crossed this will work)

Environmental Science - home-made, with labs. We may self-study and do the AP exam, or not

English - Rhetoric plus Ancient Lit/Great Books study

History - Global Ancient History, using 2 TC courses, textbook, mapping, and SHEG history lessons

Spanish 2 - Breaking the Barrier Level 2 (I think) but we may outsource this to the CC in the spring

OM Integrated Health & Fitness


possible electives: Creative Writing, Theater Arts at the CC

extracurriculars: writing, horseback riding, community theater

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If we continue next year, it'll be 1st Grade:


History: SoTW 1 (and if I can get them: Outrageous Women of the Ancient Times and the Newspaper series)

LA: Dictation Day by Day, D'Nealian book 3, selected read alouds, Poetry for Young People

Spanish: The Fun Spanish/Duolingo

Latin: Latin's Not So Tough book 1 & part of book 2

Art: Meet the Masters, Artistic Pursuits 1

Math: MEP Year 2

Music: continue our composer studies and take up violin

Logic: continue chess lessons, various hands on logic games

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I spent a bunch of time sorting this through recently so that I'm not figuring it out when we have a newborn this spring! I've even purchased most of it...


DD Gr.3 -




Pentime Cursive 4

BraveWriter PW

Poetry/Bible memorization

Explode the Code 7+8

Reading practice


Prima Latina

WTM-style anatomy study

2nd half of SOTW 2

Drawing (possibly Virtual Instructor)


DD Gr.2 -




HWT Gr.2

Explode the Code 5+6


BraveWriter JID

Poetry/Bible memorization


WTM-style anatomy study

2nd half of SOTW 2

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Can I just say, I am amazed at your language program with DD. We considered adding a third (I wanted Latin, DS Italian, either would be fine as I know Italian) and first lesson was verbs and I can tell it would confuse his french verbs, which are already a week point.

So we are postponing another year, maybe start at end of 7th grade.

French is the most hardest language to realize for the moment.

I'm terrible in that language :)

And as DH already teaches Latin he only has time for the conversation exercises.

We will send her to a French language camp this summer, and probably the next summer too, to improve her French. She will have to pass this exam.


Dutch is mothertongue, and German is it's nephew if you know Latin.(German has cases, Dutch not)

Reading German is not that difficult for us, but speaking & writing is more difficult :D

But it is only 1 credit in three years or so.


For English we are almost at the point I can't coach her much longer, as I'm not good (enough) in that language and she want to study in the UK.


Our sequence was:

Dutch - English - French - Latin - Greek - German with 2 year between each language from age 5.

( so we started at 5-7-9-11-13 an additional language)

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I'm not sure yet if next year will be the last year of having DS at home, but for now I'm proceeding as though it will be. It only being January, I reserve the right to change my current plans. ;)


DS Grade 8:


Math: Geometry: Derek Owens

Spelling: finish AAS 7

Writing: Writing with a Thesis

History: Big History Project; supplemented with remainder of American Modern

Science: Big History Project; supplemented with more physics or chemistry

Language: Latin or Spanish. I wish, wish, wish we had classes available for outsourcing.

PE: track, cross country, cycling with development team, skiing....

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I'm been in planning mode since December, always December for some reason. I added in a k'er this year and dd1 moved up to 3rd so we pulled back a bit trying to keep it balanced- which has worked fairly well to help me keep my sanity but I'm looking forward to add on a bit next year.


3.5 yo

I'm not a fan of pre-school but I have to buy her something as I can't keep her out of her sister's workbooks- not sure what yet- probably just some Kumon



LA-Logic of English Foundations C and D

Math continued hodge podge- 

Tag-along with content

Extras: Dance, AHG and 4H



Composition and Grammar-Treasured Conversations + Bravewriter stuff

Spelling- Rod and Staff 4

Lit, Science & Hist/Geo- Mom-made geography- cultural- physical- etc (I have this scheduled out now except 8 wks worth of science I think I'll buy a unit study for)

Math- Horizons 4(I think- we had a rough spot for a bit so I thought of switching to CLE but we've smoothed out- we'll see)

Extras: Dance, Acrobatics, 4H and AHG; Sewing classes have been weekly since the fall- no plans to change but we'll see



Math- Continue Ann Arbor Series- onto Algebra

Composition- Cover Story +some of the writing in BYL

Grammar- We've done Fix-It this year for an easy year but want to bring it up next year- not sure what yet

Spelling- Apples and Pears D

Lit, Science, Art, Poetry, World Religion and Geo: BYL 7th- Adding in extra books for zoology/biology 

Extras: TKD and Boy Scouts (with plenty of Merit Badge work thrown into our weeks); Robotics in the fall


Nature Study for everyone, Arts and Crafts for the girls tied to Nature Studies, Ds will tag along for read-alouds with the girls(he can't resist a read-aloud so I might as well plan for him to be there and his studies are similar). We do walks nearly daily and nature study and poetry weekly Ds has some poetry tied into the program I'm buying him- trying to decide if I want to make it more formal for the girls as well.


Although I've resisted pre-made schedules before I'm very excited about it for this coming year- I've been making out checklists this year using Schloaric and it has been a big hit- especially for ds. He is at the point he is ready to work from a check-list and thriving with it. I'm ecstatic to have found one that I like so well with books I would have picked out myself anyway. He is enjoying having some independence and it is a load off of me. Dd1 can be a bit spazzy but she likes to know what she has to do- having it pre-planned and her knowing what's coming is a big help. 

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9th grade


English- Excellence in Literature, Vocabulary from Classical Roots, AG reviews, IEW SWI-B CC

Math- Algebra1 Math Without Borders w/Foeresters

Science- CK12 Biology w/lab kit

Modern History- History Odyssey

German 2- GaVS

Music- guitar and Flute (Marching Band and Symphony)

Photography and Art- local classes

P.E.- Archery and Cross Country


6th grade


Language Arts- Spellwell, Vocabulary from Classical Roots, FLL, IEW SWI-A CC

Math- MUS Epsilon

Science- RSO Chemistry

Civics-Sam and You

Middle Ages- History Odyssey and SotW

Art- local class

P.E.- Cross Country


5th grade


Same as 6th except


Math- MM5

Music- guitar and clarinet

P.E.- Archery and Baseball

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Working on our plans:


8th grade DS:


Math:  Finish Saxon Algebra 1, start Algebra 2


Lit:  Lightning Lit 8--with the MBTP Animal Farm unit subbing for The Hobbit, which he read last year


Grammar:   Finish Hake 8 (we have been doing 2 lessons a week this year)


Writing:  Wordsmith (I think.  Or maybe LL8 will be enough writing).  I also have WWS1 on the shelf, we stopped this year after week 8, would like to go back to that at some point, he just was not ready this year.


History:  US History.  I am going to make some kind of schedule using Hakim History of US and the new US History Detective with a few short biographies added in  This child informed me that he does not like reading fiction that goes with history.  He likes everything separate and compartmentalized.  OK, I guess I can work with that, LOL.


Science:  Looking at Exploration Education for Physical Science 


Foreign Language:  either keep going with Rosetta Stone Spanish, or start Latin again


Other:  Excavating English




7th grade DS:


Math:  Pre Algebra.  Up in the air.  Either MM7 or AOPS.  I would love a secular Horizons style Pre A, but have not found that.  Also considering Oak Meadow 8th grade math.


Lit/Grammar/Writing:  Oak Meadow 7


History:  Oak Meadow World History 7


Science:  Oak Meadow Earth Science 7


Foreign Language:  Rosetta Stone Spanish


This child is a competitive athlete, so we need to streamline and be very efficient in our schooling.



All subject to change, of course. :)

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Grade 6

LA - Treasures Grade 6 (includes lit, spell, grammar, and writing).

LA Supplements:  Full-Length novel studies (4-6?), Wordly Wise (?), IEW Writing (?), Independent reading goals

Math - Envision Math 6 or Glencoe Math Course 1

Science - Glencoe Science Grade 6

Social Studies - Scott Foresman World History (Ancients through Renaissance)

Spanish - Como Te Vas - Rojo Level (basic exploratory course)

Elective - Technology course with brother [quarter each:  MS office applications, HTML, Java, ?]


Grade 8

LA - Holt McDougal Literature Grade 8

LA Supplements: Full-length novel studies (4), Wordly Wise (?), IEW Writing (?), Independent reading goals

Math - AoPS Algebra 1

Science - Glencoe Science Grade 8

Social Studies - Possibly 1/4 Personal Finance, 1/4 Civics, 1/2 US History to Reconstruction

Spanish - Finish High School Spanish 1 - Avancemos 1 (second half)

Elective - Technology course with brother [quarter each:  MS office applications, HTML, Java, ?]



Music - Piano lessons

Art - worked into social studies curriculum - art around the world

Current Events - CNN Student News, Jr. Scholastic Magazine

Mythology - The Story of the Bible Vol. 1 & 2 

PE - Rec center, Scouts


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11th grade (gulp!):


Saxon Advanced Math at home

science at community college--not sure which yet

modern world history 

English at community college--hopefully able to CLEP out of first level and go into second level intro

other courses at community college -- not sure which ones, possibly ASL, music appreciation, required 1 credit college success class


Here juniors are eligible for free tuition at the community college for a limited slate of classes, ones that are guaranteed to transfer to our state colleges and many private ones in the area.

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First, we will be adjusting to homeschooling with a NEWBORN again! {We are all totally excited!}


Everything else will be what is in my siggy just the next level...maybe...if I don't change things...which I probably will because I just cannot keep myself from doing so. 




I hope you feel better soon!!


I've been pondering this subject deeply! My son will be 9 and "fourth grade" and my daughter will be kindergarten-age. I'm going to be a little unorthodox during the 2016-17 year because I think I'm going to only use Miquon/Singapore for math and then for everything else read through our personal library.  We have SO many amazing books (many inherited from my great-great aunt or grandmother, some from my own childhood, or passed along from my in-laws)--from poetry to art to science (these are newer books!) to Shakespeare (my grandfather's copy of Tales from Shakespeare!) to the My Book House collection to all sorts of fiction books (both older and newer) that it seems wrong for me to ignore them. We DO read them now, but I don't center my curriculum-planning around them.  So I think it's going to be "read the home library year" plus math, and we'll continue to outsource art and piano lessons + do our weekly science class (those are for my son; daughter is only doing gymnastics so far).  Of course I'll throw in copywork, narrations, and a little spelling, but no curricula for any of that.


It's a rather exciting prospect--kind of liberating. We'll see how it goes!

This plan sound wonderful! I kind of wish I could be a fly on the wall.


As for our plans, next year will be our first official year of HS (that is, registering with the state). We will call it K for our oldest, although the soon to be 4 yo says she is doing K too. 


Math: Miquon, c-rods, books, and games, cooking, baking, etc...

Phonics: Webster's speller (we've started this loosely and it's going slowly but well)


We dabble in writing, but the 5.5 yo is behind in fine motor so he's not ready for writing. I call any day we spend some time on fine motor skills a win.


Religion: We do a saint and virtue of the month as well as read at least one Bible story a day. We practice various prayers before bed.


Everything else is just life and books!

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Subject to change at any moment:


DD 5th


Math: Saxon 7/6 and BA

Spelling: Apples and Pears 2

Typing: Touch-type Read and Spell

Writing: Brave Writer(ish)

History/Science: The Early Human World (Looking at the Oxford Press books as a spine)

Spanish: Home made



DS 2nd

Reading: Barton

Math: CLE

Science: RSO Life Science and living books



And, of course, lots and lots of good books for all of us. 


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Alright, I haven't honestly given this much thought but off the top of my head:


DD 5th:


Math:  SM5, BA4

Grammar:  MCT

Writing:  BW Faltering Ownership, CAP (maybe?  whatever is after Narrative II)

Science:  BFSU, Quark Chronicles

History:  SOTW 3

Geography:  The Geography Book

Reading:  independent reading/discussions as assigned

Art:  Drawing Lab, Art Lab


piano, swimming, Girl Guides, other activities potentially such as French class, choir


DS 4th:


Math:  MM4, BA3

Grammar:  TC, maybe MCT

Writing:  BW Partnership Writing, CAP Fable

Spelling: finishing off AAS 5

Science:  BFSU, Quark Chronicles

History:  SOTW 3

Geography:  The Geography Book

Reading:  independent reading/discussions as assigned

Art:  Drawing Lab, Art Lab


guitar, swimming, maybe Cub Scouts/archery/pottery

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Ooh, fun!  I love to list my curriculum!


9th (oops listed grade level wrong) 10th grade dd for 2016-2017:

Math: Mathusee Geometry

Science:  Paleontology: Age of Dinosaurs ("outsourced" to my husband)

History: Medieval using Spielvogel Western Civ and DK History of the World  Human Odyssey

English:  Abeka Grammar & Composition IV, Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling & Poetry IV, Abeka English Lit (the Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, and Elizabethan and Renaissance Periods only), plus some   Stories from Dante for Children and the medieval parts of Graphic Canon, plus maybe Yoga for the Brain and Figuratively Speaking

French 2: Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn French Book Two plus Skeleton French as needed

Government:  See How They Run, Power Basics American Government  Steck Vaughn American Government workbook


Edited to update it as of March 7th.  Italicized stuff is new.

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I also have the flew right now .


For DS1 (2nd grade)



Math: Singapore Math with Beast Academy

English: My Pals are Here English, Thematic Vocabulary, Primary English , English oral & model compositions and Zoom in vocabulary for creative writing.

Arabic: Reading books

French: Eventail- junior En action

Dutch: Tijd voor Taal accent (Taal en Spelling) Karakter en Leesplusboek Delubas 

Science: Singapore Science and projects the Ruth way :)

Technology: Lego Wedo & Scratch & Techniek en Proeven



For DS2 (First grade)


Math: Singapore Math

English: Hook on Phonics and Cambridge Global English

Arabic: learning to read

Dutch; dont know yet 

Science: the Ruth way 

Technology : Lego Wedo & Techniek en Proeven


Dear Baby:


Lots of hugs and talking :)




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French is the most hardest language to realize for the moment.

I'm terrible in that language :)

And as DH already teaches Latin he only has time for the conversation exercises.

We will send her to a French language camp this summer, and probably the next summer too, to improve her French. She will have to pass this exam.


Dutch is mothertongue, and German is it's nephew if you know Latin.(German has cases, Dutch not)

Reading German is not that difficult for us, but speaking & writing is more difficult :D

But it is only 1 credit in three years or so.


For English we are almost at the point I can't coach her much longer, as I'm not good (enough) in that language and she want to study in the UK.


Our sequence was:

Dutch - English - French - Latin - Greek - German with 2 year between each language from age 5.

( so we started at 5-7-9-11-13 an additional language)

So when you added Latin after french, did is confuse her French conjugations? I kind of want DS to take the AP test next year and feel like I don't want to risk french. I will add one right after the AP if he takes it.
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Third grade:

  • Beast Academy, from wherever we are then to wherever we get to (3C or D to 4 something?)
  • SOTW 3 with some artist and composer studies
  • BFSU II, threads A, B and D
  • second half of Spanish for Children Primer A
  • cobbled-together English/language arts (the rest of Treasured Conversations, Webster's Speller, The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever, English from the Roots Up, intro to Shakespeare, assorted books to read)
  • assorted memory work
  • swimming and/or Parks & Rec PE classes
  • more piano? or another instrument.
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7th grader:

Math - Foerster's Algebra

English - Writer's Inc, Writing Sentences, & modern literature (still working on a list)

History - K12 Human Odyssey 3

Science - Story of Science: Einstein, physical science w/real books & TOPS labs (still working on a list)

Latin - Latin Alive 2

French - online class (probably Potter's School)


6th grader:

Math - AOPS Prealgebra

English - Writer's Inc, MCT Voyage, & Renaissance/early-modern literature (still working on a list)

History - K12 Human Odyssey 2

Science - Story of Science: Newton, biology w/How Life Works, DK Human Body Encycl, dissections kits, & TOPS labs

Latin - Latin Alive 1

French - Galore Park SYRWTL French 2

Art - Artistic Pursuits: Middle School


3rd grader:

Math - Singapore 4

English - daily writing block & daily cursive copywork

French - Skoldo French 3

Art - Artistic Pursuits: K-3, Book 3


1st grader:

Math - Singapore 2

Lang.Arts - daily writing block, journal writing, & copywork

French - Skoldo French 1

Art - Artistic Pursuits: K-3, Book 1


Together (1st grader & 3rd grader):

History - American history w/real books

Literature - Literature & historical fiction to go along w/American history

Science - Earth science & astronomy w/real books

*I'm still working on the book lists for these*



Math: Singapore Kindergarten Essential Math

Writing: HWOT PK & K

Phonics: Reading Reflex

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I don't know why I like these threads so much, I never end up doing what I posted. Lol. I find it amusing to look at my old posts and see how many times I change my mind. I guess the planning is just so much more fun than the doing...


Right now I am in the middle of overhauling this year, but for now I'm planning to use next year what we're switching to now. The only things on this list that are the same as how we started out this year are AAR and RSO. We began the year with a bunch of workbooks for LA, trying for 'at least it will get done' approach, but we hated it. And AAS, which is a whole nother story. Then tried LLATL, but again lots of worksheets and busy work, though it was much better. What I've always wanted to do, but never seemed to actually do, was to use copy work to teach. So we are giving ELTL a whirl, cause I also need open and go, I need so easy I can do it when I'm running on no sleep. One thing I loved about LLATL was the all in oneness of it. No multitude of parts for my non functioning brain to have to plan and schedule and remember and follow through on. Made me realize how hard I was working at making Singapore math work. Way too hard. So we've switched to MUS, which is easy to use. It may be lighter, but that just leaves time for beast academy and math games. My fingers are crossed that we've finally found a math 'home'.


5th grade

MUS delta/epsilon and beast academy


BF California History

RSO Chemistry


3rd grade

MUS Gamma, not sure if she's interested in beast academy

AAR 3&4


ELTL 1? Not sure

BF California History

RSO Chemistry



Haven't made up my mind between Right Start A and MUS Primer

AAR 3, possibly 4 too

RLTL 1 if his handwriting is up to it


Tag along with history and science

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We don't really 'start' a new school year, so I just have to tell you what we're planning to do soon...


6 and 8 year old:


MEP 3 and 4 (+finish Miquon)

KISS Grammar

Ambleside Online Year 4 (adapted)

Story of the World II

Beautiful Handwriting for Children

Getting Started With Latin

Getting Started With French

Dutch Books

Apologia Botany

Drawing Textbook

Keyboard Lessons


4 year old:

Phonics Pathways

Miquon Orange

Ambleside Online Year 0

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