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Is Starwars okay for a 10 year old?


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I haven't seen the new one yet, but my husband has and he thinks it's ok for our 5yo daughter. She's seen the original trilogy and at least some of the prequels. (My husband loves Star Wars and is passing that obsession along to her.) She's also very familiar with the story lines because of Star Wars Little Golden books.

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My 9 yr old watched it yesterday. She said she liked it, but DH said she covered her eyes a lot. Said child does not like gore/injuries, and while I thought the movie was fine (DH and I watched it ahead of time), she felt the fighting was intense. She also did not like the big *spoiler* at the end.

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I'm assuming your asking about the new movie. It's rated PG13.


I think it really depends on what they've been exposed to and their general disposition. For a 10 year old, I would let them, after having previewed it and prepped them for anything too disturbing as one might for any movie rated above the child's age.


Just because it's *STAR WARS* doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the movie rating it has. Treat it as you would any other movie.


For the other movies, it's the same deal. I believe the original Star Wars is PG, but episodes 2 and 3 are PG13 (for good reason!). Not sure about the others.

Edited by carriede
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Yes, it should be fine. My 7, 10, and 11 year olds saw it, and they're all quite sensitive to violence and cursing, etc, but they loved this. The 7 year old was white knuckling it through some of the fight scenes, but it was in a "oh wow, I hope the good guys win!" kind of way, not a genuinely scared way.

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I wouldn't hesitate to take a 10 yo to the current Star Wars movie.

I wouldn't hesitate to let them see the original trilogy.

Episode 3 was harsh and gory and was rated PG-13 with good cause. There are 10 yo that would be fine with it, but I wouldn't give a blanket recommendation on that one.

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We're fairly conservative with what we let our children watch and what we watch ourselves. We watched the first six with all of our DC (ages 6-11) and then took them to see #7 last week. They were all fine with them and loved them. We know another child, nearly 9yo, who really doesn't like them. All the strange alien creatures really freak him out. I think it just depends on the child.

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I'm assuming your asking about the new movie. It's rated PG13.


I think it really depends on what they've been exposed to and their general disposition. For a 10 year old, I would let them, after having previewed it and prepped them for anything too disturbing as one might for any movie rated above the child's age.


Just because it's *STAR WARS* doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the movie rating it has. Treat it as you would any other movie.




Very well said, especially the bolded.


My almost-10yr. old didn't want to go see it, but after we watched it twice and saw him watch other movies that had a touch more violence, we got him to go with a promise that we would leave during the most disturbing scene. I do think that he would have been upset by that one part.


Some kids are more tender-hearted, and I have one of those. He's glad he saw the movie,and we're all glad that we previewed it first! I think he would have worried himself & us to death if we had taken him without any prep, lol.

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I have not seen the newer 3 episodes. I saw the original first 3. Is this one more violent than those original 3? A lot more violent?



I don't think so. 


Let's see:  Luke's hand gets cut off by his own father.  Luke is almost killed by the Emperor and is lying on the ground screaming in pain while being electrocuted.  Han Solo is tortured and they didn't even want any information out of him.  Leia watches her home world be destroyed.  Oh!  That scene with the monster thing under Jabba the Hut's chair.  That was creepy!  It eats people, tries to eat Luke, and then gets crushed in the gate.  That mouth thing in the desert where "you will be digested for a thousand years" or something like that.  The scene where Solo cuts open the creature on Hoth and stuffs Luke inside so he won't freeze. Luke sees the blackened remains of his Uncle and Aunt who have been murdered by Storm Troopers.  There's probably something else I'm forgetting.  Maybe that scary thing in the trash compactor that tries to eat them just before they almost get crushed to death.


There's a lot of gore and violence and peril in eps 4-6.  I honestly don't think there was anything worse in ep 7.  Honestly. 

Edited by Garga
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I say that it's ok for a 10 year old unless they're particularly sensitive.  PG13 has lost a lot of meaning nowadays.  In the action/adventure/comic world, I think most of those movies are an edgey PG, while some of the "romance" or "partying" movies that are rated PG13 are R's in disguise.


PG13 can mean a lot of things.  It's gotten murky as movie raters don't want their movies to be only PG because then they'll be "lame."  Which isn't true, but whoever is making or rating the movies seem to think it is.  So, they do their best to tip their movies into PG13.  That's my take on it.



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I'm assuming your asking about the new movie. It's rated PG13.


I think it really depends on what they've been exposed to and their general disposition. For a 10 year old, I would let them, after having previewed it and prepped them for anything too disturbing as one might for any movie rated above the child's age.


Just because it's *STAR WARS* doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the movie rating it has. Treat it as you would any other movie.


For the other movies, it's the same deal. I believe the original Star Wars is PG, but episodes 2 and 3 are PG13 (for good reason!). Not sure about the others.

I don't have a 10 yo, but totally agree that it will depend on the kid and what they have been exposed to.

We tried to take my somewhat sensitive dd6 (but in crazy, asynchronistic ways) to see it while on vacation. I erroneously assumed that since she could research,request, and tour the Holocaust museum that the movie would be fine...

15 minutes in she was crying and left the theater because they were shooting at each other. Since that is pretty much what Star Wars is, there was no point in staying😊

Of course, this is the kid who sobbed hysterically at age 4 because Cinderella lost her beautiful shoe😳

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I have not seen the newer 3 episodes. I saw the original first 3. Is this one more violent than those original 3? A lot more violent?


It's on the same level. However, there is one scene that, while it may not be any more graphic than anything in the first movie, could have a greater emotional impact. That's why we previewed the movie and then told ds about it before we took him to see the movie. He chose to leave the theater during that scene. 

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I wouldn't hesitate to take a 10 yo to the current Star Wars movie.

I wouldn't hesitate to let them see the original trilogy.

Episode 3 was harsh and gory and was rated PG-13 with good cause. There are 10 yo that would be fine with it, but I wouldn't give a blanket recommendation on that one.

We have let our children see all but episode 3. We let them see a few PG-13 movies with us, but after previewing them and then we decide.

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I don't think so. 


Let's see:  Luke's hand gets cut off by his own father.  Luke is almost killed by the Emperor and is lying on the ground screaming in pain while being electrocuted.  Han Solo is tortured and they didn't even want any information out of him.  Leia watches her home world be destroyed.  Oh!  That scene with the monster thing under Jabba the Hut's chair.  That was creepy!  It eats people, tries to eat Luke, and then gets crushed in the gate.  That mouth thing in the desert where "you will be digested for a thousand years" or something like that.  The scene where Solo cuts open the creature on Hoth and stuffs Luke inside so he won't freeze. Luke sees the blackened remains of his Uncle and Aunt who have been murdered by Storm Troopers.  There's probably something else I'm forgetting.  Maybe that scary thing in the trash compactor that tries to eat them just before they almost get crushed to death.


There's a lot of gore and violence and peril in eps 4-6.  I honestly don't think there was anything worse in ep 7.  Honestly. 


the trailers (er  . . "previews" of up coming "can't be missed" gore fests/) were worse than the movie.

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My 8yo saw the new one in the theatre.


My 24yo is very big on Star Wars and we discussed which order the now-8yo should watch them in, but I honestly don't remember what I decided about how old I wanted him to be. I'm thinking toddler or preschooler, though, because I remember little ds sitting in big ds' lap and the movie being paused for as much discussion and reassurance that "it's just a movie" as little ds needed.


Star Wars is quite philosophical/spiritual. ds24 had "Jedi" under religion on his dog tags when he first enlisted, but the Army changed the regulations somewhere between 2011 and the present so now it just says "other".


There are books if you want to read those first and DVDs of the older movies if you would like to watch those first in the privacy of your own home.


You do not want to watch the new one via torrent because the quality of the video does not do it justice. Maybe later, for a second viewing or to find out what happened while you were in the bathroom, but just not worth it to save a few bucks. These movies are too special.


I don't know your 10yo and my 8yo is probably a bit sheltered compared to average Christian kids, but if he is old enough to understand The Hero With a Thousand Faces




you might want to read Joseph Campbell before you take him:




and your Pastor might have some other ideas of rabbit trails.


Disclaimer: we are deconverted ex-Christians, are not offended by swear words, and ds8 does not have regular social interaction with people who would be offended by swear words.


But tbh, this is really special and your kiddo is the perfect age for it. I'm not normally a huge pop culture fan but this is different. Go. Make a unit study of it. Come back and talk to us when you've all seen it.

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Just took our 8 year old dd to see it yesterday (it was my second time watching it). While her older brother (11) is obsessed with Star Wars, dd had never sat down and watched the movies before. But just recently, ds got the cutest BB8 toy from Amazon and dd became obsessed with him. She really wanted to watch him on the big screen! I talked to her ahead of time about the movie and even gave her some spoilers so she would understand. She was a little nervous about all of the action but she was smiling through the most exciting parts of the movie. Oh, and she loved BB8. We think he made the movie. :)

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We took our 7 and 9 year olds to see the new movie.  They had watched episodes 4-6 and 1-2 and parts of 3 before.  My husband fast forwards through the parts we don't want them watching yet.  My 9 year old is very sensitive, but Star Wars has not bothered him.  I think the violence of the new movie is on level with 4-6.  PG-13 wasn't a rating when those movies came out.  I think they would probably have a different rating today.  I also agree with earlier posters that the trailers for the movie were awful.  We had to cover eyes for some of those.

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