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"So, what fun thing did you do on the first day of 2016?" Me? I ...


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I spent it dealing with frozen pipes at our airbnb rental and the subsequent flood when the now unfrozen water couldn't clear the ice chunks blocking the drain. Fun, fun!


Thankfully the guest that was supposed to check in tonight was waffling on coming anyway so wasn't put out when the decision was made for him.


Glory to God. [When I first swyped G2G just now, it came out Glittery to God. :D )

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I'm kinda blah today.  I drove dd9 at 3pm to her bio-dads for the weekend.  DD17 is studying for a chemistry test on Monday, so she is hiding out in her bedroom.  Dh went to his mom's house.  Ds21 is a friends. 


I haven't done much other than eat today.   LOL Nothing like a big meal, but just lots of snacks.

French toast and ham with a mocha.  Soda and chips. Regular toast and hot chocolate. Nachos and soda. Sees candy.  ETA: now I am on to enchiladas and OJ.  Enchiladas is usually on my 'no eat' list because I am allergic to tomatoes.  I decided to throw caution to the wind, and eat them anyways.  They give me blisters in my mouth, so it isn't horrible, but still not a good idea.  I think the new year has found me with zero self discipline!


I'm watching NCIS and in between doing some house cleaning.  

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I sat in the ER with an unresponsive 8 year old who wasn't breathing well post seizure.


Not a great start to the year. 


I'm so sorry.  Everything okay?



I'm watching .....


Thanks for reminding me that I started watching Madame Secretary last night and liked it so maybe I'll just go hunker down and watch a couple of episodes.  Or the entire season.  :ohmy:

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I reveled in how great I feel after finally going to the doctor and getting antibiotics for my sinus infection. A little bummed that my netti pot wasn't cutting it. This is the first sinus infection im years I have been unable to get over myself.


Then we read all the slips of paper in the good things jar from last year. Lots of mirth and merriment.


I am sorry some of you are not having such a great start to the new year.

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Last year my theme was Grace.  I think I did pretty good extending grace to those around me.  I, however am not good at extending grace to myself.  So, I've decided to keep the same theme but apply it to myself also.  With that in mind, I emptied my closet took out all the too small clothes and put them into the basement.  Then I hung up all the clothes that still fit.  Literally, everything I own other than my bathing suit and under garments fits on 24 inches of closet rod.  I'm cool with that because now when I look at my closet I see things that make me happy and not $$$ wasted at this point.  I also ate a big breakfast, did 2 planks for as long as I could as my exercise and drank my water.  Here is to a thinner me in the future without feeling bad that I got to this point.  I'm just looking ahead excited about where I'm going.  :)

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We took our boat out, rollerbladed, played at the park, and watched movies as a family.

For some reason our fresh water system on the boat is acting very funny and we can't get water out of the tanks, or have lost the water in the tanks somewhere, issue to be looked into tomorrow. . .

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I got groceries.... twice (forgot a bunch of stuff).  Took a nap cause I didn't sleep at all last night, Worked on next semesters school schedule, talked to my sister for 3 hours about serious personal/family issues, fed my son and three teenage nephews 3X, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen twice..... I'm seriously wiped out, thinking I might be able to sleep tonight.

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Wow.  Details?


Well, we went geocaching.  And we found one, and I said (me.  I did it.  If only I hadn't...)  "So should we do another one?"  So we went to another nearby park, and headed toward the cache.  It was just sunset, and it was in a wooded area, so quite dim.  


I was walking down the path, ahead of the family, and just as my 6 yo says, "WHAT the!"  I felt a sharp whack on the back of my head.  I looked around for a tree branch I'd run into (although how I could have run into it with the back of my head while walking forward...but it was the first thing that occurred to me.)  No, I was in very clear area with no undergrowth.


The next thing that occurred to me was that one of the kids had thrown a stick at my head.  This would not be an impossible scenario...  So I asked, "Did you throw a stick at me?"


And my 6yo says, "No, it was a bird!"




Sure enough.  They spotted the owl on the other side of the path.  It had swooped down and clawed at my head on the way by.  I don't know if I scared off its rat or something?  Or if it was just generally grumpy?


Anyway, we didn't find the cache.

And I have two (very minor) scratches which we've poured antiseptic all over and slathered in antibiotic cream, and my head is a bit sore.  But otherwise okay.


I used to LIKE owls.  Feeling a bit of antipathy at the moment, though.

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All my kids went to the inlaws and hubby and I went to the shooting range to run a few boxes of ammo through my newest gun - a wonderful Glock 43. My previous CC gun (Kimber Ultra Carry II) was just too heavy to be comfortable, but this little guy performed so well and is much easier to break down and clean.


It was SO much fun.


Less awesome was drama around one of my needed medications due to a care provider error. They went on vacation and couldn't fill the prescription even when I gave them five days, then the provider called it in to the wrong pharmacy under the wrong name. Meanwhile I was finally all the way off of it and suffering some horrible symptoms. After several hours and two pharmacy visits today (and two earlier this week) I finally got my drug back in my possession and am feeling much better.

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My husband woke up sick, so our plans for the day changed. After being rainy and overcast almost the entire month of December, we've finally had a few days of sunshine in the PNW. But all of that rain has meant snow in the mountains, so my son and I set out for higher elevation with our dog to find some. Our dog is a rescue that we adopted from Houston this year, and she's been on bed rest the last two months due to treatment for heartworms she got in TX. She joined our family in the spring, so we had never seen her in the snow before. She absolutely loved it and it was so much fun watching her run and play after months of confinement.


It was also nice driving through the beautiful mountain scenery and talking with my college aged son. Afterwards we did a big grocery shopping together and it was great having help with unloading, bagging, carrying, and putting away the groceries. He loves grocery shopping, so what is usually a chore for me becomes a fun outing with him along. Earlier in the day I had done laundry, cleaning, and bill paying, so I just relaxed the rest of the night and watched some Netflix with the family.


To all those whose New Year did not start out as hoped or planned, here's wishing you brighter and happier days for the rest of the year!

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I sat in the ER with an unresponsive 8 year old who wasn't breathing well post seizure.


Not a great start to the year. 


:grouphug:  Any update?


I sure hope the rest of 2016 is better for you.  More  :grouphug: .




It was a lazy vacation day here.  We undecorated and the guys planted our tree outside.  Youngest cleaned up more of our landscaping.  I'll admit to catching a nap plus I caught up (via phone) with how my uncle is doing (heart surgery last Monday).  Otherwise, we played more games together.  We ate food requested by youngest (who leaves Monday for college and is spending Sunday with friends).


Today should be more of the same minus the undecorating.  I need to get to the grocery store for the requested main meal (salmon) and we'll all work more with the ponies (mainly grooming and teaching our babies manners), but that's literally all that's on the agenda, so game playing will fill in a bit.


In general, I'll echo what a PP said... For those who had a crappy day yesterday, I sure hope the rest of 2016 is better.   :grouphug:

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I slept in until nearly 8, maybe a record breaker for me. I worked out with a medicine ball (my fave) and took an extra long walk with DH. DS has a bit of a cold so we spent most of the day reading and being really quiet and lazy. Fretted over a leak we apparently have in the upstairs bathroom. Made sesame encrusted scallops with seared baby bok choy and an orange ginger sauce over rice noodles for dinner. Watched a Will Ferrell movie with DH after DS went to bed.


Hugs and good thoughts to everyone whose day was not a good start.

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We scrubbed our house top to bottom to get ready to be shown to potential new renters this weekend. In the process we packed up quite a bit of stuff as well, so that's part of the moving process done away with. We're moving at the end of the month. NV to MN!

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I was very sick on New year's eve, and my heart was beating irregularly. I started to think I could be experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, so spent New year's day at the ER. I had all the tests, and got cleared, no heart attack. Got home in the wee hours this morning.


So, after feeling so cruddy, but surviving, I am feeling even more motivated to get the year started right.

Dd and I went for a short walk in the cold clear sunnyness a little while ago. Feeling grateful.

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I packed up a ton of sweaters and tops to send to ThredUp.  I then tackled my Yarn Pile ruthlessly with a pair of scissors (I had a HUGE knotty mess in there too).  I filled up the under-bed container with the yarn and discovered that I do have a floor over there!


I need to go tackle my ill-advised novelty yarn collection and shop around for an acrylic makeup organizer to straighten up my dresser.

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:(. Hugs






I'm so sorry.  Everything okay?




Thanks for reminding me that I started watching Madame Secretary last night and liked it so maybe I'll just go hunker down and watch a couple of episodes.  Or the entire season.  :ohmy:



So sorry. Hope everything is ok.  :grouphug:



I'm so sorry. Please update when you have a chance.  :grouphug:






That's terrible.  So sorry.



:grouphug:  Any update?


I sure hope the rest of 2016 is better for you.  More  :grouphug: .




It was a lazy vacation day here.  We undecorated and the guys planted our tree outside.  Youngest cleaned up more of our landscaping.  I'll admit to catching a nap plus I caught up (via phone) with how my uncle is doing (heart surgery last Monday).  Otherwise, we played more games together.  We ate food requested by youngest (who leaves Monday for college and is spending Sunday with friends).


Today should be more of the same minus the undecorating.  I need to get to the grocery store for the requested main meal (salmon) and we'll all work more with the ponies (mainly grooming and teaching our babies manners), but that's literally all that's on the agenda, so game playing will fill in a bit.


In general, I'll echo what a PP said... For those who had a crappy day yesterday, I sure hope the rest of 2016 is better.   :grouphug:


Sorry I didn't update sooner, it's been a rough few days. She's not in the hospital but is still having more seizures than normal. She's at least responsive and breathing now, so it's an improvement. 

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Sorry I didn't update sooner, it's been a rough few days. She's not in the hospital but is still having more seizures than normal. She's at least responsive and breathing now, so it's an improvement. 


Glad to hear she's improved.  Still hoping for more and sending additional prayers &  :grouphug: hugs to you.  May the rest of 2016 get better.

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