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Starbucks cup rant


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Ranting here, cause I don't wanna post to Facebook. But if this insanity keeps up, I just might! Really?! You're going to get your panties in a bunch because Starbucks chose a simple red and green design for their cups?! It's an attack against Christmas? Because...they don't actually have the word Christmas on it? Because they chose a "minimalistic" design to reflect "the simplicity and the purity" of Christmas?  :svengo:


I swear that if I see one more post come through my feed about how terrible this cup is and how Starbucks hates *whatever*, I just might go off on them. :toetap05:


/rant off



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I swear that if I see one more post come through my feed about how terrible this cup is and how Starbucks hates *whatever*, I just might go off on them. :toetap05:


/rant off


I haven't seen that one yet, but I'tis the season. Just yesterday I was pondering how to rid my Facebook feed of toxic political posts, essential oils, and the Duggars. 

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I don't get it. What's the issue? Moving on from fall too soon? I think they only have summer / harvest and winter. November through January, three months, you can get eggnog lattes, which coincide with the red cups. I mean, you can also get the other holiday drinks, but who cares EGGNOG LATTES.

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The thing I don't get about it is that none of the things they took off the cups for this year were actually Christian, right? Wasn't it snowflakes and snowmen and stuff? How in the world is not having a reindeer or whatever on your latte an attack on Christianity?  :huh:

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Is this a joke? People are really upset about this?


Well, Breitbart seems to be worked up into a lather, if the title of their little editorial is any indication:


"War On Christmas: Starbucks Red Cups Are Emblematic Of The Christian Culture Cleansing Of The West"


I haven't bothered to read the piece, though. I'm busy eating lunch, and I don't want to choke to death laughing.

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Well, Breitbart seems to be worked up into a lather, if the title of their little editorial is any indication:


"War On Christmas: Starbucks Red Cups Are Emblematic Of The Christian Culture Cleansing Of The West"


I haven't bothered to read the piece, though. I'm busy eating lunch, and I don't want to choke to death laughing.


:huh: That sounds like the title of an Onion article. 

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Because Rudolph was the one who led the Wise Men to the manger, duh. And if you remove Rudolph, it can only be because you HATE Christmas, and also babies.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I did notice my cup was red yesterday, but it had one of those insulating sleeves on it, so if there was or wasn't any other decoration, I couldn't see it anyway. 

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The thing I don't get about it is that none of the things they took off the cups for this year were actually Christian, right? Wasn't it snowflakes and snowmen and stuff? How in the world is not having a reindeer or whatever on your latte an attack on Christianity?  :huh:


No kidding!  They had what I (and surely others) call "cultural Christmas" symbols on them.  Or, one might say... "winter."   But they weren't Christian Christmas things anyway. 


Anyway, I had to google this.  Haven't seen it in my facebook feed, 'cause though it is filled with Christians they're not the type to get cranked up over something as stupid as Starbucks cups.  Well, one might be.


I wish people would save their indignation for more important things.


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Well, Breitbart seems to be worked up into a lather, if the title of their little editorial is any indication:


"War On Christmas: Starbucks Red Cups Are Emblematic Of The Christian Culture Cleansing Of The West"


I haven't bothered to read the piece, though. I'm busy eating lunch, and I don't want to choke to death laughing.

I read it. It boils down to: If we're not excluding all the non-Christians, it just isn't Christmas.

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I hadn't seen it on Facebook (yet) and I never go to Starbucks (too expensive for me), so I had to Google and see what the "offensive" cup was.  I like it better than the ones they showed from previous years.   :leaving: It still looks festive and "Christmasy" to me.

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Wow! Our Minneapolis neighborhood  Starbucks manages to stay open extended hours or 24 hours during Ramadan without any special cups at all... Since Leviticus and Deuteronomy are both part of the Pentateuch/Torah/Tawrat, I guess the cup colors thing must be in some New Testament Apocrypha I haven't read ;)


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There are many holidays in December.


(Okay, to be honest, I love it when people wish me a Happy Insert Whatever Holiday They Celebrate Here.  I think it's awesome.  I still haven't figured out how it's an attack on Christianity when we acknowledge there are other winter holidays than just Christmas.  And in this case it doesn't even sound like they are doing that.  Just that they took *secular* images of Christmas off their cups.  Is that right?)

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There are many holidays in December.


(Okay, to be honest, I love it when people wish me a Happy Insert Whatever Holiday They Celebrate Here.  I think it's awesome.  I still haven't figured out how it's an attack on Christianity when we acknowledge there are other winter holidays than just Christmas.  And in this case it doesn't even sound like they are doing that.  Just that they took *secular* images of Christmas off their cups.  Is that right?)


Pretty much right.



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None of my FB friends have posted about this so I had to google.  Seriously?  People are upset by *that?*  Really?  I never go to Starbucks because I don't drink coffee and their hot chocolate is watered down and gross, but this is kind of making me want to go get a nasty overpriced hot chocolate.  People are calling for boycotting over plain red cups without stars and ornaments and reindeer.  Wow.


I'd love to know how long some of those who are "never buying Starbucks again" last before their next Starbucks trip...

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I can't believe this is even a thing. It's a cup, people. A cup that you're going to throw away after you finish with it. Must everything be transformed into a conspiracy theory? Le sigh.

So basically, Starbucks is doing us all a favor by having generic holiday cups, right?


Because if they had truly Christian-themed cups, wouldn't it be some sort of sin to throw them away after we use them? ;). ("OMG! Those heathen Starbucks customers are throwing the Baby Jesus in the trash!" :svengo:)


I can't believe anyone even noticed the cup thing, let alone decided to make a fuss about it.


Starbucks haters. :glare:

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That is so true!


I swear, some people do nothing all day but sit around and try to think of something to be offended about.


Yup. I mean, seriously, I'm more offended that places like that ask for my name. (It just adds seconds on to the transaction, and they always misspell it anyway*. I prefer the take-a-number system. Is it impersonal? Maaaaaybe? But I'm not really looking for a deep and meaningful relationship with the cashier, you know?)


* Minor use of profanity in the second link.

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Well, Breitbart seems to be worked up into a lather, if the title of their little editorial is any indication:


"War On Christmas: Starbucks Red Cups Are Emblematic Of The Christian Culture Cleansing Of The West"


I haven't bothered to read the piece, though. I'm busy eating lunch, and I don't want to choke to death laughing.

I generally like Breitbart and have for years but.... Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

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None of my FB friends have posted about this so I had to google.  Seriously?  People are upset by *that?*  Really?  I never go to Starbucks because I don't drink coffee and their hot chocolate is watered down and gross, but this is kind of making me want to go get a nasty overpriced hot chocolate.  People are calling for boycotting over plain red cups without stars and ornaments and reindeer.  Wow.


I'd love to know how long some of those who are "never buying Starbucks again" last before their next Starbucks trip...


Starbucks hot chocolate is made with milk and cocoa. It is not watered down (unless you count 2% milk as watered down, which I do, but considering how many people choose nonfat, I thought I was the minority). It's not sweet because they don't add a lot of sugar. I know--I always watch them make it to make sure they haven't changed the recipe since 1996 (they haven't). It's steamed milk and mocha syrup.


I also don't understand why people have to order the most expensive coffee. A tall drip coffee at Starbucks is $1.85 and that's less than at Panera, less than at Stumptown, and it's only .40 more than at the college cafeteria where they serve Torrefazione. So I don't really get it.


Of course you pay a whole lot of money for a cup of milk with a bunch of sugar in it. Of course. That's more like a shake. I buy fair trade and community trade coffees from a variety of sources and buy coffee at local cafes here in Seattle and Starbucks is very typical. You can save money on coffee but Starbucks is hardly ahead of the game. Is this a "wow fancy shmancy look at you eating at a cafe" thing or do other areas have cheaper cafes?


Also, I still don't get what people are complaining about... they don't like the design? ????? They want Christmas? Does anybody else know that Howard Schultz is Jewish????? Starbucks was never, ever Christian. He's a flipping Jew. Are they seriously boycotting a Jewish-owned business for not supporting Christmas?


This is truly a new low for these jerks.

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Ranting here, cause I don't wanna post to Facebook. But if this insanity keeps up, I just might! Really?! You're going to get your panties in a bunch because Starbucks chose a simple red and green design for their cups?! It's an attack against Christmas? Because...they don't actually have the word Christmas on it? Because they chose a "minimalistic" design to reflect "the simplicity and the purity" of Christmas?  :svengo:


I swear that if I see one more post come through my feed about how terrible this cup is and how Starbucks hates *whatever*, I just might go off on them. :toetap05:


/rant off

Did you see the video of the guy who says to give your name as "Merry Christmas"?  Then they will be saying "Merry Christmas" all day long. 


Starbucks has burned, nasty coffee anyway, and uses tons of chemicals.  I don't go there often, that's for sure. 

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My mom's dh is a totally never been to church kind of person. I have no idea if he was raised in any church, he has never been in the over 20 years that I have known him. He has never expressed belief or non-belief in any deity. If I had to pick, I would say his religion is patriotism, which I know doesn't really work but that's the only thing I can think of. He is a country music, rush limbaugh type of guy. And he would be 100% fine with me using those words to describe him.  But he is absolutely NOT religious. He will tell you he thinks they are all a "racket" or whatever.


He is SO on board with the 'war on christmas' every single year.  And every year I ask him how church services were on Christmas and every year he blushes and has no answer for me.  The time I got him to shut up on this 'war on christmas' was when I asked him how many people had died in this 'war'.  He, of course said none. When I asked him if it wasn't disrespectful to our troops, who spend Christmas in an actual war zone, away from their families, to use labels like "war' on something so obviously created by the 24 hour news cycle, he shut up about it for a few years after that.


And I want to add that DH has family in the military who have been on active duty during Christmas and it so hard. So, I wasn't just blowing smoke. And right now I have a nephew and a cousin and a 'cousin-in law' serving.  So calling something a war when it is obviously not does actually kind of bother me. 


But it was sort of fun watching his head almost explode. I hit him with his favorite troupe (gotta support the troops) and the current culture war hogwash and he was stuck in the middle.


So, you could try that with some of them.


Or just unfriend or whatever it is you do on facebook.

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Yup. I mean, seriously, I'm more offended that places like that ask for my name. (It just adds seconds on to the transaction, and they always misspell it anyway*. .


My college student frequents Starbucks on campus.  Although she has a very common, familiar name, she tired of them getting it wrong or asking her to repeat it. In the hopes of making things simple, she began giving the name "Anna." And her cups have had that name spelled "Ana" and "Hannah." 

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Also, I still don't get what people are complaining about... they don't like the design? ????? They want Christmas? Does anybody else know that Howard Schultz is Jewish????? Starbucks was never, ever Christian. He's a flipping Jew. Are they seriously boycotting a Jewish-owned business for not supporting Christmas?


Ah, well, this all makes sense in their fevered minds. To wit:


1. Lattes are drunk by liberals, who by definition are never really Christian. Lots of them are Jews.


2. Lattes are also drunk by people in the media, who are largely liberal and/or Jewish. Or sometimes gay. This is because there is a well-known conspiracy by liberals, Jews, and gays (and also sometimes Catholics of the liberal-Jewish-gay persuasion) to control the media*.


3. Starbucks sneakily infiltrated the American public by pretending to be normal, aka "none of those things". However!


4. This was all part of the long game, a cunning move to destroy CHRISTMAS and AMERICA and SUPERMAN** and ALL THINGS GOOD by the Jewish-liberal-whatever cabal.


The fact that the owner is Jewish, therefore, will just be twisted into their silly little persecution narrative as easy as pie.


* This should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. There is no Jewish conspiracy to control the media. That's absolutely ridiculous. There also isn't a Catholic or gay or liberal conspiracy to control the media. That is also ridiculous. There is a disproportionate left-handed presence in the media. That's because we lefties really do secretly run the world :P but we're not exactly the lefties Breitbart and co. are looking for, so they haven't noticed yet. Don't tell them! (Well, I'm both kind of lefty, but you know what I mean.)


** Superman was, of course, invented by a pair of Jews. Actually, when you look at it, the entire superhero genre, which is as American as you get,  was pretty much formulated and codified by Jewish writers and illustrators. And in that light, conventions like the whole idea of the "secret identity" start to take on new meaning, but I'm drifting off topic.

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It's just plain silly, and I say this as a Christian.  I do think the plain red is ugly, but that's strictly my personal opinion of the aesthetics.  I really don't need Starbucks to reinforce my faith or beliefs.  I drink the coffee and throw the cup away.  As noted previously, there are WAY more important things to be bothered about.

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Ah, well, this all makes sense in their fevered minds. To wit:


1. Lattes are drunk by liberals, who by definition are never really Christian. Lots of them are Jews.


2. Lattes are also drunk by people in the media, who are largely liberal and/or Jewish. Or sometimes gay. This is because there is a well-known conspiracy by liberals, Jews, and gays (and also sometimes Catholics of the liberal-Jewish-gay persuasion) to control the media*.


3. Starbucks sneakily infiltrated the American public by pretending to be normal, aka "none of those things". However!


4. This was all part of the long game, a cunning move to destroy CHRISTMAS and AMERICA and SUPERMAN** and ALL THINGS GOOD by the Jewish-liberal-whatever cabal.


The fact that the owner is Jewish, therefore, will just be twisted into their silly little persecution narrative as easy as pie.


* This should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. There is no Jewish conspiracy to control the media. That's absolutely ridiculous. There also isn't a Catholic or gay or liberal conspiracy to control the media. That is also ridiculous. There is a disproportionate left-handed presence in the media. That's because we lefties really do secretly run the world :p but we're not exactly the lefties Breitbart and co. are looking for, so they haven't noticed yet. Don't tell them! (Well, I'm both kind of lefty, but you know what I mean.)


** Superman was, of course, invented by a pair of Jews. Actually, when you look at it, the entire superhero genre, which is as American as you get,  was pretty much formulated and codified by Jewish writers and illustrators. And in that light, conventions like the whole idea of the "secret identity" start to take on new meaning, but I'm drifting off topic.


What is depressing about your explanation is that you seem to take it for granted that they are legitimately anti-semites. I was thinking they might not realize how anti-semitic they are, but you seem to think they are totally anti-semitic, have no problem with this sort of anti-semitism, and therefore, would not have a problem in any way with the anti-defamation league or whomever might complain, lobbing accusations of anti-semitism at them.


I always knew there were anti-semites of course, but that the evangelical mainstream is so openly anti-semitic, no, I did not realize that.


Welp, that's depressing but I appreciate your explanation.

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