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Let's play a fun game called "WHY is there..."


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Why do I have the super power that I can make anyone in the house have a bowel movement by just having a bath.


I once had the company of not one, not two, but three people pooping beside me while I was in the bath.

Oh my gosh. I think I would teach them to poop outside.

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Why am I the only one who can fill the water pitcher (Brita filter pitcher)? 


Why am I the only one who can close the linen closet door?  Related: why is it open every single time I walk by it, which is several times a day?  People don't get towels that often.  Except me, but I CLOSE IT!



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Why will no one in my family ever eat the last cookie or cupcake?


I am on a permanent cookie hiatus and I hate having that last cookie staring at me, crying about going stale and uneaten.   And hungry family members will walk by that cookie 10 times a day and never eat it because "it's the last one".



Sob..... :nopity:

Send in the Cookie Liberation Unit!!!!

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Why do I have 10 door dings in my 10 month old car?  I don't park in skinny spots, I often park in the back lots.  I make sure there is plenty of room on all sides.  They are in the front and the back and on both sides, so it isn't just kids who are doing it to me, 3 of them are in the passenger side, front door (the other driver did the damage).  My car is parked in employee parking at work, so there aren't a bunch of kids getting in and out of cars.  It is a Subaru Outback in red.  It isn't over sized. and you have to notice it is there!  They show up at different stores, from Nordstrom, to the grocery store, to Ross.  There really doesn't seem to be a norm. 


My old 10 year old car had 3.  My husband's 14 year old car has 3.  My son's 10year old car has 2.  Why 10 in 10 months?????  



:confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1:  :confused1:

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Why is I that everyone in my family is incapable of locating anything when it is directly in front of them? I spend way too much time making sure very thing is in its place, and even when I direct my selectively blind family to the correct cupboard, closet, bin, whatever, they stare vacantly into the void and swear up and down that the item in question is simply not there. And then act utterly surprised when I retrieve it from heir direct line of site?

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Why will no one in my family ever eat the last cookie or cupcake?


I am on a permanent cookie hiatus and I hate having that last cookie staring at me, crying about going stale and uneaten. And hungry family members will walk by that cookie 10 times a day and never eat it because "it's the last one".



Sob..... :nopity:

Send in the Cookie Liberation Unit!!!!

I think I know the answer to this, because I have witnessed how it is when someone eats the last one. There arises an instant chorus of, "WHO ate ALL the cupcakes???" Somehow, whoever ate the last one ate them *all.*


On a related note, dh especially never eats the last bit of nuts, raisens, dried fruit, etc. Why not? I swear, honey, the last six pistachios are going to taste just as good as the previous forty-seven.

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Why is there a TV remote in the kitchen?


Why is there a tiny electronic button attached to nothing on the floor?


Why is there a Skylander on the printer?


Why is there a single Dominion card on the dining room table?


Why is there a bowl of cereal in the bathroom?


MUSHROOM! GET IN HERE! Stop carrying random stuff and depositing it all over the house!

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Why does my family yell down to the basement looking for me? There are only 2 rooms down there, the laundry room and the toy room, where do they think I am? AND, when I yell up that "I'm in the laundry room!" do they always then ask, "What are you doing??". Dancing. I go down to the basement laundry room to dance.

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What is dip netting? I have never heard that term.


When you use nets and buckets to pull creepy crawlies and slimy ickies out of the water.


In this instance, the water didn't reach knees until nearly 10' from the shore.  My THIRTEEN year old "fell in" deep enough to backstroke.  Fully clothed.


It's been a day.

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Why does my family only remember to tell me we need something from the store AFTER I return? I ask them before I go, and nope, they don't have anything to add. Until I come home, relieved that I have that chore done for a week, only to discover we need ketchup or bread or something else I don't even eat. 

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Oooh, oooh! Send them over here!! I purchase these all the time and never can find any! Is there a secret portal from my house to yours?

Or mine!

I have ONE dd. I have spent a small fortune on bands, bows, and barrettes, in every hue of the rainbow. Enough sparkle and glitter to make a fairy cringe, yet there are rarely any to be found in the two huge drawers devoted to them. Where are they going?!

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Why is my younger DD suddenly and without warning on the verge of starvation the moment I tell it's time to get ready for bed?


For me, it's as soon as I tell her to clean something up.


Why am I the only one in my house capable of changing out the toilet paper when the roll is gone? It's not complicated and I'm thisclose to holding a mandatory workshop where I instruct everyone in detail on how to do it and make them all demonstrate their newfound skills to me.


Why is it that when you're running late, you're sure to get behind someone who has absolutely no idea where he's going?


Why is it that the one day I have back to back appointments booked all afternoon, my daughter forgets her laptop in the debate room and wanted me to turn around and go get it. Sorry kid, you're outta luck. 

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WHY is there always hair bands and hair pins laying around EVEN THOUGH I NEVER purchase these items. Is there a hair band fairy????

It is likely the neighbor girls and that mom is wondering where they all went. LOL


I had this issue with dd and socks when she was little.  She played at the neighbors house who had 3 girls. The mom always said that she didn't end up with any mystery pairs when I would ask if any had showed up in in the laundry.   I finally bought a permanent stamp with her name on it, and stamped all of her socks.  They started finding their way home after that.  

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Oooh, oooh! Send them over here!! I purchase these all the time and never can find any! Is there a secret portal from my house to yours?

In my house, it is those little sticky tabs you use for book marks, marking a workbook page, etc...first of all, they are like $5.00/pack, which is what stops me from just getting, say, ten packs and calling it good. Second, where do they go??? It never fails. I can have my fingers spread through a book in three places, pull open a desk drawer and - again, no sticky tabs.

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Why do I have 10 door dings in my 10 month old car? I don't park in skinny spots, I often park in the back lots. I make sure there is plenty of room on all sides. They are in the front and the back and on both sides, so it isn't just kids who are doing it to me, 3 of them are in the passenger side, front door (the other driver did the damage). My car is parked in employee parking at work, so there aren't a bunch of kids getting in and out of cars. It is a Subaru Outback in red. It isn't over sized. and you have to notice it is there! They show up at different stores, from Nordstrom, to the grocery store, to Ross. There really doesn't seem to be a norm.


My old 10 year old car had 3. My husband's 14 year old car has 3. My son's 10year old car has 2. Why 10 in 10 months?????



:confused1: :confused1: :confused1: :confused1: :confused1:

I'm going to blame this one on the new car being made out of lesser quality materials. We have the same issue. Our newest vehicle looks the crappiest because the body is crappy, unfortunately. :(


ETA: WHY am I the only person who can see shoes...lying right smack dab in the middle of a room within inches of the shoe-looker?


"Where are my shoes?"

"Try pointing your eyes down toward the floor when you look."

"But, I can't fiiiiiind them!!!"

"If your shoes were a crocodile you'd be dead."


Sidenote: Why are the shoes in the middle of a room vs. the perfectly serviceable shoe shelf in the entry way?

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Why did my 8yo just walk right to the edge of the living room/bottom of the stairs after dinner, and throw up on the carpet of the stairs, instead of the hardwood of the living room? And why were there shoes right at the bottom of the stairs to get vomit over them too? Aaaargh!

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