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Ice in milk?


Ice & Milk?  

145 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you add ice to milk?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Sometimes.
  2. 2. Do any of your relatives add ice to milk (close or extended relatives)?

    • Yes - older relatives.
    • Yes - younger relatives.
    • Yes - a mix of ages.
    • No.

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My FIL adds ice to milk, both white and chocolate.  He doesn't drink the milk (or I tend to think he would change his ways!), but adds it for others who do.


The whole thought makes me gag (fortunately, I asked for juice or water pending meal).


But the incidents have had me wondering how usual or unusual he/we are... so checking with the Hive!


If you don't drink milk (any sort), just answer as if you were to serve it for others.

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When we moved to Atlanta (1969!) we went to a restaurant called The Varsity and they serve what they call PC. It's plain chocolate milk (as opposed to a chocolate milkshake) and they always serve it with ice.   Ugh. I hated it, but growing up I know a lot of folks who LOVED it...and always ordered a PC to go with their chili dogs and onion rings. Triple ugh. 

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Ewww, no. It even grosses me out when the ice is just frozen milk. When we lived in Okinawa the milk was shipped to the commisary from the states frozen. Sometimes it would still be semi frozen when you bought it. I would have to completely thaw it before we would drink it.


Thinking about it now, I think part of my problem with that was when you poured it, ice chunks came out. I think the reason it made me gag was in my head, I associated chunks with spoiled milk. So never going go happen. But adding regular ice to milk? Never going to happen.

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I remember trying once as a kid, and it was gross. Watered down already watered down milk, blech. (Low fat milk tastes watery to me. I don't like milk at all unless it's raw milk.). But then again, I generally don't like my drinks ice cold anyway.


My children occasionally put ice in their milk and call it, predictably, "milk-water."

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I'd guess that he just likes his milk to be really, really cold (ETA, I realize now that he does this for others - probably just his lack of experience with milk-drinking).  I wouldn't add ice myself as I wouldn't like watered down milk (we drink full-fat), but I don't care for the temperature if it's been sitting out for a bit.

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Back before almond and soy and coconut milks were easy to find, I'd always fill my cup with ice and then put milk in when I had to drink it. I hated the taste, even when I was a kid and the ice helped mask the nasty sourish taste of the milk. I'm not a particularly fussy person, just always hated milk. As kids, my brother and I were given the choice of milk or water with meals and I always picked water. 

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is this at his house only?   or other places?


has anyone checked the temperature of his refrigerator?

are there any drinks to which he does not add ice?


His places are the only places he assists with meals.  His fridge is fine temp-wise, and yes, he adds ice to all drinks.  He doesn't make an exception for milk.


MIL drinks it and doesn't seem to mind, so I haven't said anything - except confirmed with hubby that it's definitely not an "us" thing!


Hubby doesn't recall having it growing up.  We think FIL just may not know what's conventional.  Since some folks like it... and MIL doesn't mind... I still see no need to have him bring it up.  We just know better than to ask for milk while we're here!  (I rarely drink it anyway.  Hubby drinks a glass per day - at home!)

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My sister adds ice to her milk. I think my dad does, too. I have in the past, but it's because I like my milk really, really cold. I don't drink a plain glass of milk often, but when I do I like to put it in the freezer first so it gets cold, preferably even icy.


Hey I just realized I should have answered "sometimes" to the poll instead of no.  I love iced coffee, and for me it's about 1/2 milk, 1/2 coffee. So I guess in a way that's adding ice to milk, just with coffee flavor added as well.

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The most puzzling to me is that people serve milk with meals. Is that a thing?


Yes, I had milk with meals all my life until my doc said it probably didn't agree with me (I was over 40).  I still have milk with meals when I'm eating something very spicy.  One of my kids does too - all meals.  My other kid has some intolerance to milk, so she prefers water or yogurt.


It's pretty typical for kids in the US, and adults usually drink something with meals also.


I never gave it a thought until my friend from India said it's unheard of there.  She had been taught that drinking anything with meals was unhealthy.  Who knew.  :P

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The most puzzling to me is that people serve milk with meals. Is that a thing?

When do you drink milk?


Yes, milk with meals is a thing, at least in the US. Growing up, we were only allowed milk at meals. (Well, for breakfast we could have one very small glass of juice. After that, it was milk.)


As for DH and I, we give a choice of milk or water at meals (both for us and our children).


I can't remember the last time I had a meal where milk wasn't at least an option.

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Another thing, speaking of international differences, is that drinking milk cold is not universal.  The first time I went to India and visited friends, I was asked what I'd like to drink and I asked if they had milk.  They said yes, would I like it heated or how?  Thinking to not inconvenience anyone, I asked for cold milk.  Well!  Turns out that was a big inconvenience.  No wonder it took so long to get my milk.  :P

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The most puzzling to me is that people serve milk with meals. Is that a thing?


Super common here, esp for breakfast and lunch.  At school it's the main drink that comes with student lunches.


The ice in it bit surprised me though, so it's interesting seeing the percentages/reports about it.  I like knowing what others do, so I'm not surprised in various circumstances!


The "no drink at all" with meals would hit hubby hard.  He doesn't make much saliva, so needs a bit to drink with meals - usually water, but he likes milk with breakfast (juice here at his parents!).  I can easily do a whole meal without a drink - and often do in reality (drinking my drink at the end of the meal).

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I do not like ice in any of my drinks. In this country, most tap water tastes faintly (or not so faintly) of chlorine. I filter all drinking water, but most people and restaurants make their ice cubes from tap water without a filter. Disgusting.

I could probably stand it if it's at a house that gets well water.

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I give my kids kefired raw goat milk with breakfast, mixed into a smoothie. Oftentimes they'll have a glass of milk with dinner. Otherwise all they drink is water. They actually drink way less milk than the average American child - this is indeed a thing here.

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I guess I knew kids sometimes drink milk with lunch, but I had no idea that adults did and that anyone did with dinner. Maybe it is a regional thing? DH says he has a friend from the Midwest who still drinks milk with meals. It just seems like it would interfere with flavors.


barnwife: We don't drink milk. There is always milk on hand to make yogurt and to use as an ingredient, but with meals we serve water or wine, sometimes beer depending on the menu. My mom used to occasionally offer us unsweetened iced tea in the hot summer months. It is possible to survive without drinking milk! ;)

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My youngest quit drinking milk about a year ago (age 7) and she does fine drinking water with lunch and dinner.  I serve a yogurt drink at breakfast, which she tolerates fine.  She may or may not eat some cheese and yogurt throughout the day, but I don't worry about her not having enough of whatever milk offers.  At the rate she is growing, I doubt it is hurting her.  :)

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I could probably stand it if it's at a house that gets well water.


You have to be careful with well water.  We have it and I use it for cooking and my green tea in the mornings, but it has way too many nitrates in if from all the farming that goes on around us.  Therefore, for most of our drinking, we use bottled water.


At restaurants, we always ask for water with lemon.  At school, I can't drink the water (way too much chlorine taste for me).  I take my own (bottled).

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My uncle always put ice in his milk when I was growing up.


If I drink milk (usually only crave it when I'm pregnant) then I put ice in it because it has to be very cold. Now DS1 does the same thing when he wants milk.


We don't serve milk with meals, we usually drink water though sometimes DH and I will have tea.

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I like milk icy cold & grew up adding ice to my milk all the time. (My sister does too.) 


These days, I don't often drink milk. I sometimes add ice. But, I want milk to drink only if it's really, really, really cold. So, I have to drink it straight out of a very cold fridge or add ice. (I drink whole milk, btw.)


It's great with ice, I promise! I don't let it sit around long enough for the ice to really melt either, so it doesn't get especially watery.

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