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Poll: Are you done having children?

Are you done having children....  

  1. 1. Are you done having children....

    • Yes
    • no, not if I can help it
    • Not sure,
    • other, explain please

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We can NOT have any more children biologically, but are happy with the three girls we have. We are also open to adoption as a possibility, but are not pursuing it at this time.


My husband and I love our girls, and don't feel we need to "go for the boy," as some have suggested we do. :glare:


(I do love boys, though! But I helped my sister raise hers, so I don't feel like I missed out on loving and teaching little boys... They are 13 and 11 now.... :tongue_smilie: I feel old. I remember tiny hineys and little chunky feet. If I mentioned this to either of them now, they would be MORTIFIED. :lol: Where does the time go?).

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I voted "not sure". Dh thinks this one will be it for us. But we also said that 4 years ago with #3. I think 4 will probably be a good number for us, but I'm not sure we'll make any absolute decisions any time soon. (I'm 32 and dh is almost-31) If we were to live closer to family (his or mine) and found ourselves with more financial wiggle room, that could possibly change the landscape somewhat.

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Not sure where to put myself if we are currently expecting #4 but won't have anymore after this. This will be my 4th c-section and I will be almost 37 when this one is born. Dr. says this is it and I feel he's right. I would be very open to international adoption if someone dumped a truckload of money at my front door! :D

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We made permanent arrangements not to have more biological children after Reece was born. I have a hard time staying pregnant, and the thought of more miscarriages was too much for me.


A few years ago, I had a notion that I might like to adopt from Africa. But then Austin and Reece were diagnosed with ASDs, and I had to get to the work of giving them what they need.


So yes, we're done having children. That being said, if a child needed a home and someone approached me about it, I would never refuse (and neither would dh)!

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We are done and dh took care of it 4 years ago. I went through about 6 months a year ago wishing we had another. I still think of it often, sadly. We had some trouble getting pregnant with dd, then I had to take some stomach medicine that was a category C which put off our trying for another. When we finally got the okay, he took a while also. We felt like we wanted to be done with kids before 40, so they wouldn't be so young if something happened to us. We really didn't want 6 years apart, but I think it has had some great advantages. We are both 41. Who knows...maybe God will send someone for us to adopt?!?! It would have to be Him, because we don't have the money, so I know he'd provide it.

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I think we are done. When we tried so long for another, the doctor we went to said we "just got lucky" with the first one. We hoped for a few years but now we both have medical issues that would make it risky and difficult.

Although there is no protection being used, the likelihood of it happening is slim to none.

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Sadly, we are done. Biology dictated a late start for us and unfortunately the biological clock has stopped. I say "biology", but really, I have to believe this was God's plan - so we thank Him for the one He gave us (and look forward to seeing the one in heaven through a miscarriage). Had we had our "druthers," we would have had a much larger family.

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You know, we got lucky with one pregnancy and two kids...why rock the boat? Seriously, we're pretty fortunate to have had 2 healthy kids and for that we're grateful, but I am not planning on reliving the baby years - I don't even remember much at all about the first 2 years - I'm sure there is a good reason. :D


Anyway, if I had another baby, dh would kill me, what with the vasectomy and all...

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I am going to confess that we are done and I am greatly relieved. Miscarriage robbed me of much joy during pregnancy, postpartum depression robbed me of much joy when my babies were babies, and frankly I spent the toddler years wishing my children were old enough to send to college. I realize how truly awful that sounds and hope none of you take it in any sense other than me just being honest that those early years were awful for me. I LOVE parenting now, but emotionally I could not do babies again. DH was snipped several years ago and I had a hysterectomy in March - so if God intends for us to have more, He'll have to leave us a basket at the door. :)

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