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Are we taking bets on whether the Nauglers will pay taxes on this 40+k gift? They certainly don't have charity or tax exempt status. It also mentions that it is monitored and fraud, such as using the money for something other than what it was said to be for, will be reported to authorities. That could be an issue as well if they don't keep an account of how the money is spent. 


The Nauglers wouldn't be liable for any tax on the donations, since it's gifts not income, but theoretically the IRS could seize it to cover the $20K Nicole owes in back taxes & the $14K Joe owes in unpaid child support. 

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The Nauglers wouldn't be liable for any tax on the donations, since it's gifts not income, but theoretically the IRS could seize it to cover the $20K Nicole owes in back taxes & the $14K Joe owes in unpaid child support. 

Honestly, I hope that the IRS does that even though that will fan the fires of  their hate because they've stolen from the taxpayers and from that first child.  

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Wow. That level of filth is hard to comprehend. :sad:


Did you see the mattress that Nicole & Joe and the baby sleep on????  :ack2:


I am just shuddering thinking of her delivering another baby on that mattress. :(

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This is a TOUR.  That they GAVE.

I just can't understand how they do not see how messed up this is.  


Wow. That level of filth is hard to comprehend. :sad:


Did you see the mattress that Nicole & Joe and the baby sleep on????  :ack2:


I needed the cat when he popped in.  I was getting so sad!  

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Now Nicole is talking about what they have on the property in terms of livestock: goats, chickens, and dogs. They plan to raise rabbits for meat and will be starting that endeavor this summer as well as planting an orchard this summer. Eventually they want to have an aviary and additional cabins where guests can stay.


Given their track record with chickens, the rabbits will be dog & coyote food: "Well we tried to free-range the rabbits, because all animals deserve to be free plus we couldn't afford rabbit feed, but they kept disappearing. We think our neighbor is stealing them because we unfriended her on FB!"


And given their past experiences with their "vegetable garden," they'll probably buy the wrong fruit trees, watch them get infested with bugs, over- or under-water them, and then drive the kids to a local pick-your-own orchard so they can post beautiful photos on their FB page and not mention the fact that that they only got 3 wormy apples out of their own "orchard."


The guest cabin thing is beyond hilarious. And I loved her comment about the pond: "People are saying it's a little bit green now, that's because we're letting it recover naturally, the way nature intended, and then we'll have more fish." Because nothing improves water quality like a nice thick blanket of manure-fed algae!

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The freakiest thing about that tour is Nicole talking about coming home to that filth and winding down. There is no way in hell that I could wind down in that place. Yuck.


I know, picturing it just makes me sad. Where does she sit to get comfortable at five months pregnant? Does she lay on the filthy bed? Does she try to do chores around the place? No wonder she photographs flowers and sunsets and posts them online. She's trying so hard to believe her life is beautiful.


To be clear, even though I feel sorry for her, I still think she's off her rocker and the kids are better off in foster care at the moment.

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Bitcoin isn't shady and trades at varying amounts against the dollar. It can be sold for U.S. backed currency.


Sorry - I used a pronoun with an ambiguous antecedent... Bad homeschool mom LOL. Anyway I meant that the weird setup of the funding for the grooming business with the "investors" and being paid in Bitcoin etc was shady, not Bitcoin itself.

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The freakiest thing about that tour is Nicole talking about coming home to that filth and winding down. There is no way in hell that I could wind down in that place. Yuck.



I can't even "wind down" when there are dishes in the sink LOL.

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I'm not sure what was more disturbing...the fact that Nicole thought that the tour was a good thing to do or the rusted cans, filthy mattress, littered ground and junk floating in their 'pond'. The cat is probably the healthiest animal on the place. 

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Someone who was there at the "homestead" today also did some investigating about the "weekend visit" that Nicole insists happened. Nicole claims that friends of theirs who are an approved foster home offered to have the kids there all weekend, and she and Joe spent the weekend with them. The person who investigated those claims confirmed, by phone with the relevant authorities at CPS, that such a visit was never approved and CPS had no knowledge of it.


So either Nicole is outright lying, or she just got her friends in a whole lot of trouble. Either way, I don't think CPS is going to be too happy with her.  :glare:

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Someone who was there at the "homestead" today also did some investigating about the "weekend visit" that Nicole insists happened. Nicole claims that friends of theirs who are an approved foster home offered to have the kids there all weekend, and she and Joe spent the weekend with them. The person who investigated those claims confirmed, by phone with the relevant authorities at CPS, that such a visit was never approved and CPS had no knowledge of it.


So either Nicole is outright lying, or she just got her friends in a whole lot of trouble. Either way, I don't think CPS is going to be too happy with her. :glare:

Oh, wow. What are these people thinking???

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Someone who was there at the "homestead" today also did some investigating about the "weekend visit" that Nicole insists happened. Nicole claims that friends of theirs who are an approved foster home offered to have the kids there all weekend, and she and Joe spent the weekend with them. The person who investigated those claims confirmed, by phone with the relevant authorities at CPS, that such a visit was never approved and CPS had no knowledge of it.


So either Nicole is outright lying, or she just got her friends in a whole lot of trouble. Either way, I don't think CPS is going to be too happy with her.  :glare:

Unless she somehow managed to convince four different foster homes in four different counties to ignore CPS rules and allow the kids to go to an unauthorized weekend visit (can I say totally unlikely?) then she is lying - pure and simple.  It may be a result of mental illness - a sort of wishful thinking - or it could be part of their scam.  

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How would she even know who they are to contact them?  The story makes no sense whatsoever.


Plus, I can't imagine a foster parent being friends with them.  They're crazy, and foster parents typically have had enough exposure to crazy to recognize that.

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Any indication of how many people REALLY came out today?


I saw she mentioned that there was glass on the property left from previous tenets and that it will just keep coming up when it rains. I UNDERSTAND that. We have that here as our place had an old barn on it years ago. That said, I don't think the state is so worried about the FEW pieces that will keep working their way up after rains/winter, but likely they are more worried about the hundreds of pieces that are laying all over on top of the ground right now.

I guess their attitude is hey, why bother to clean up the glass when new glass will just pop up after it rains? Those barefoot kids will just have to toughen up or watch where they're walking! :glare:


You know things are bad when even the pet rabbits run away from home...

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That slide show of their property is so sad. :( And, while I'm not a gardener, shouldn't their garden be a bit further along, with it being late May and all? Many of those garden beds look empty.


Along with many many other things I can't imagine doing without running water, keeping a garden alive is somewhere on that list. Maybe not as high as laundry, cooking, bathing and going to the bathroom, but still on the list.

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Unless she somehow managed to convince four different foster homes in four different counties to ignore CPS rules and allow the kids to go to an unauthorized weekend visit (can I say totally unlikely?) then she is lying - pure and simple.  It may be a result of mental illness - a sort of wishful thinking - or it could be part of their scam.  


A lot of their supporters are insisting that the weekend visit proves that all the abuse allegations have already been dismissed, because otherwise CPS would not have allowed the visit. <smh>


Joe & Nicole are trying very hard to convince everyone that the only things they are required to do are fencing the fire pit and pond and cleaning up the glass, and that they will get their kids back as soon as those things are done.

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Unless she somehow managed to convince four different foster homes in four different counties to ignore CPS rules and allow the kids to go to an unauthorized weekend visit (can I say totally unlikely?) then she is lying - pure and simple.  It may be a result of mental illness - a sort of wishful thinking - or it could be part of their scam.  



Question for Foster Parents  - do your foster kid's parents have your contact info?  Are they allowed to just call you to set stuff like visits up? Doesn't all that have to go through you SW? At least in the beginning when you are still establishing a trust that they won't just bonk you over the head and steal your car and the kids and run? 


I mean this close to the beginning is it even likely Nicole would even know which county her kids are in? Would they give her any of that information? 

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I noticed on the Blessed Little Homestead FB page that some of their supporters are starting to question things more.  Of course those posts might have already been deleted but I'm seeing more of them from people who have overall been sympathetic toward them.  These posts seem to be in direct relation to some of the pictures of the state of the property.  

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I noticed on the Blessed Little Homestead FB page that some of their supporters are starting to question things more.  Of course those posts might have already been deleted but I'm seeing more of them from people who have overall been sympathetic toward them.  These posts seem to be in direct relation to some of the pictures of the state of the property.  


The knee jerk outrage fades, people calm down, and the less insane ones will start to rethink the whole situation.

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Question for Foster Parents - do your foster kid's parents have your contact info? Are they allowed to just call you to set stuff like visits up? Doesn't all that have to go through you SW? At least in the beginning when you are still establishing a trust that they won't just bonk you over the head and steal your car and the kids and run?


I mean this close to the beginning is it even likely Nicole would even know which county her kids are in? Would they give her any of that information?

Here, no - they don't have our contact info. Everything goes through the SW.


The visit seems very unlikely. It doesn't make sense.

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That slide show of their property is so sad. :( And, while I'm not a gardener, shouldn't their garden be a bit further along, with it being late May and all? Many of those garden beds look empty.

You know their empty gardens didn't even phase me. we were still getting snow 2 weeks ago, so it is not quite time to garden here yet, I forget other places are warm a whole lot earlier

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Oh my word. The slideshow  :crying:  it's even worse than the video. I just can't imagine living like that. There's one picture that really surprised me. It's pic 32, and its a photo of their "sleeping" place. There's a woman in a black shirt standing in front of the rail thing. I'm just shocked at how small that sleeping area actually is. In all the other photos, they took the picture from the side, so it made it look bigger than it actually is. I can't imagine how all 12 of them fit up there. They must sleep right up against each other.  :mellow:

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Oh my word. The slideshow  :crying:  it's even worse than the video. I just can't imagine living like that. There's one picture that really surprised me. It's pic 32, and its a photo of their "sleeping" place. There's a woman in a black shirt standing in front of the rail thing. I'm just shocked at how small that sleeping area actually is. In all the other photos, they took the picture from the side, so it made it look bigger than it actually is. I can't imagine how all 12 of them fit up there. They must sleep right up against each other.  :mellow:



They would need to for warmth!

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Oh my word. The slideshow  :crying:  it's even worse than the video. I just can't imagine living like that. There's one picture that really surprised me. It's pic 32, and its a photo of their "sleeping" place. There's a woman in a black shirt standing in front of the rail thing. I'm just shocked at how small that sleeping area actually is. In all the other photos, they took the picture from the side, so it made it look bigger than it actually is. I can't imagine how all 12 of them fit up there. They must sleep right up against each other.  :mellow:


There's another photo posted earlier that shows when they were building it and you can see the seams in the sheets of plywood in the "sleeping platform." At MOST there are 4 sheets of ply which look to be 4'x6' side by side, so a maximum of 16' wide, for 12 people. And since Joe & Nicole and the baby sleep on the (filthy) queen mattress, that leaves around 1' per kid. It's equivalent to 3 twin beds pushed together with 3 kids in each bed. Except of course they don't even have beds, they just have a bunch of dirty blankets piled on filthy, unwashed, raw wood.   :ack2: 


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Question for Foster Parents - do your foster kid's parents have your contact info? Are they allowed to just call you to set stuff like visits up? Doesn't all that have to go through you SW? At least in the beginning when you are still establishing a trust that they won't just bonk you over the head and steal your car and the kids and run?


I mean this close to the beginning is it even likely Nicole would even know which county her kids are in? Would they give her any of that information?

NO....this would not be typical at all. Very few bio parents know where the kids are....esp in the beginning. The judge sets up the visitation guidelines....generally one hour a week SUPERVISED.... Babies get 3 hours a week to start.


I found it interesting that at the very end of the interview or said that the parents weren't even living there now...but hoped to soon. They also said that the parents hoped to see their children before their next court hearing in June which doesn't fit at all with an entire weekend visit the week before. Before June they should have at least one more weekly visit, unless visits have been stopped until court which they do in high risk cases.


Out of their thousands of supporters it looked like under 10 other people showed up to help.

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Joe & Nicole are trying very hard to convince everyone that the only things they are required to do are fencing the fire pit and pond and cleaning up the glass, and that they will get their kids back as soon as those things are done.

They likely believe that themselves. They appear to have unrealistic expectations to the point of delusion and don't comprehend the seriousness of the problems.
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You know, I feel bad for this family, on so many levels.

Stories like this though make me worry less that someone is going to find my parenting or home management unacceptable. I often feel like I am drowning because I can never get more than one room of the house clean at a time, the laundry (clean) seems to pile up endlessly, dishes sometimes go unwashed longer than they ought, school is less organized than it should be...

But my children are fed, they have clean clothes even if they have to hunt for them in the laundry pile, they have appropriate medical care, they do get schooling on a regular basis...

They don't each have separate beds, but that is their choice. They would probably still all be in my bed if I let them!

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You know, I feel bad for this family, on so many levels.


Stories like this though make me worry less that someone is going to find my parenting or home management unacceptable. I often feel like I am drowning because I can never get more than one room of the house clean at a time, the laundry (clean) seems to pile up endlessly, dishes sometimes go unwashed longer than they ought, school is less organized than it should be...


But my children are fed, they have clean clothes even if they have to hunt for them in the laundry pile, they have appropriate medical care, they do get schooling on a regular basis...


They don't each have separate beds, but that is their choice. They would probably still all be in my bed if I let them!


This is true. The Nauglers would like everyone to be terrified that CPS is going to come banging on our doors and stealing our children away but the reality is... at least we have doors. :p

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I am really beginning to believe that mental illness is a large part of this.


I think Nicole is overwhelmed and depressed and feels like there is no way out other than to just keep pushing "forward" with their plans, oblivious to the fact that they are actually going backward at an ever-accelerating pace. I don't think Joe is mentally ill — I think he's just a selfish lazy manipulative POS.


Three years ago they had a nice rented farmhouse with lots of land, and they belonged to a church that was bending over backwards to help them. If Joe had gotten a decent job (or two) and worked really hard, and Nicole had set up her grooming business at home, and they had done some serious research on growing food instead of just throwing some seeds in the ground and getting a bunch of goats and turning off the electricity and pretending they were "off-gridding," they could have started to dig themselves out of this hole. If they'd spent their money on food and on paying off their debts a little at a time, instead of borrowing money to buy pot while demanding that the church pay their rent and feed their kids, they could have had a reasonably normal life.


Their biggest problem right now is that there really is no way out of their current situation that is consistent with their extremist anti-government beliefs. They don't have the skills, knowledge, or work ethic to live off-grid, yet they refuse to do anything else. Even if they took the $45K from the GFM and fixed the well and septic and bought an old mobile home, they are still not going to be able to feed all those kids. Even if Nicole's grooming business really takes off (which seems unlikely), she has overhead, she has a $20K loan she needs to pay back, and she owes $20K in back taxes. No matter how well the business does, she's not going to take home enough money to even feed those kids, let alone keep improving the property. People aren't going to be willing to keep putting money in their GFM account indefinitely while Joe refuses to work. 


At some point they're going to have to choose between their ideology and their kids, and I think it's going to take a lot to make Joe back down. He wants things back the way they were, living on donations, with Nicole and the kids doing all the work while he sits on his @ss all day smoking weed and bragging about what an anarchist he is on crazy Sovereign Citizen boards.

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I cannot open it on my phone and I have tried two different browsers :(

There's a link somewhere on there to go to the main site (instead of the mobile version), then you can search for Naugler and it's in there.


I spent way too long figuring this out, but I have a sweet little baby sleeping on me.

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I am really beginning to believe that mental illness is a large part of this.

Clearly they are both mentally ill. If they were split up one of them might get help, but as it is they "help" each other maintain their delusions. My parents "helped" each other with their dysfunctions for years before they split up, so I get how this happened. I was that oldest girl who held everything together while my mother hid at work from motherhood responsibilities and my father animal hoarded.


Separated my parents became a lot more functional, although neither of them is doing great. My mom is now a political nut and my dad is still hoarding animals, although way less than he was.

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