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OT the FB thread: Do you tweet? Do you instagram?



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  1. 1. Which social media do you use? Check all that apply.

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Someone tried to contact me recently using Twitter. But I don't twitter and I haven't downloaded Instagram. I know most of my kids and many of my friends use Instagram. I feel pretty out of it!  And I keep deleting all invitations to Linkedin. But I do pin on Pinterest. :)


What do y'all use? 


My instagram friends claim it's easier and less time consuming than fb. 



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I have Facebook and mostly just read there. I don't post too often. I have a Twitter, but never use it for personal use. I only have it to enter contests or the like that require you to tweet something. I have Pinterest and use it a couple of times a week. I think my most used is Instagram. I love seeing pictures my friends 1500 miles away post, and I like being able to look up hashtags for things that interest me.

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I do FB but don't do Twitter or IG. I don't have time for more than one, and of the three, FB suits me best. Most people I know seem to post plenty of their IGs on FB anyway, and Twitter is too big and cluttered. I do have Pinterest, but everything I Pin is set to ''private'', and I don't friend anyone on Pinterest, nor do I surf it. I have a Google+ but don't use it, and will have a LinkedIn when I'm applying to doctorate programs.

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I don't want to join Twitter, but I am dying to know what kinds of things cartoon pythons say...


If you're on FB, they have a FB community page under the name My Little Python (same as on twitter where they're @pythons). Most of the twitter stuff is carried over from FB anyway using twittershare, although there are several people on twitter who have accounts as their pet snakes (or, in one case, a book author who tweets as her frog main character) and the dialogues between these critters get pretty silly at times :)


DD does most of it-but it's all managed from my accounts.

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I have an Instagram account. I follow my three nieces, because they have adorable babies and lead interesting young lives, and I follow my college daughter and two of her friends. That's enough for me. I gave up FB several years ago because it was just way too much info about people who were little more than virtual strangers to me. I don't need wordy details of everyday life, I just want an occasional photo. So Instagram it is.


ETA:  I also have Linkedin and Pinterest accounts that I never look at. I'm not even sure how I got on Linkedin, and while Pinterest is a neat idea, it was waaaaay to much visual stimulation for me. I looked it at twice and never again.

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Pinterest is the only one but I don't use it as social media.  I use it simply as a way of bookmarking certain recipes or sites.  


Yes, I don't think Pinterest is very social. They've added that message capability, but so many places to check messages! No thanks. I also think it's just a great way to search and find great ideas. I used Pinterest for many years just by searching before I took the plunge to join. 



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I do FB, just to keep in touch with family and out of state friends.  I've unfollowed everybody but DH and the kids, so no annoying updates from 50 people every day.  I have a Pinterest account but don't use it for social purposes.  That's it.  DD is on IG constantly and IMO it looks like something her little ADD mind can easily understand, for me it would just be a waste of time.

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The only one I use is Facebook. I actually deleted that a few years ago because I was so over it, but I got dragged back onto it because I needed it for a course I was studying.

I had a look at Twitter but I just don't get the point. It seems like a whole lot of people shouting randomly.

I was thinking of doing Pinterest and got as far as setting myself up on it, before I decided that bookmarking things I liked was just as effective. Later, I was slightly amused to discover that I had Pinterest "followers" who apparently liked my Pins (which were entirely random, because you had to 'pin' something to set up the Pinterest thingy).

LinkedIn seems to be mainly for professional networking, which I don't need.

The rest I don't even know what they do or what they're for.

I guess I'm a terrible Luddite...

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Well, just today I was called a "cool mom" by dd16's friends because I use Snapchat.  I only use it to talk to my kids, though.  Same with Instagram -- I only follow my kids. I am on Pinterest because dd26 is planning a wedding and she pins stuff there for me to see.  I'm not on Twitter, but I do use Facebook.

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Just FB here! I'm pretty out of it, though technologically speaking. Last weekend dd and I went to this Christian tween event and it seemed like I was the only one there who wasn't taking selfies with my daughter and posting them on Instagram. I don't even have a smart phone.

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Facebook on a limited basis, to the degree that it keeps me in touch with far flung friends and family I would see if they lived closer and for connecting/organizing events with other homeschoolers.


Twitter as a news site.


LinkedIn is actually quite helpful for me since I work as a contractor and it's an easy way for potential clients to find me or check me out. I have quite a few reccomendations and such on there. It's basically replaced the need for a resume for me.

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I use no social media at all. Dh has FB to keep in touch with his sports buddies and some family members who are on FB. If someone posts something worth seeing, he calls me over to show me.


If there is a social media out there that has excellent security (as much as that is possible today) and would not involve inane posts by people who feel the need to inform others that they just picked their nose, I may consider it. I would ONLY consider it so I am not completely "unreachable" as it seems people have forgotten what email is or that all those fancy phones out there can make phone calls and even text.


I have no clue what Instagram is. Can someone explain in a few sentences? I am not interested in Twitter. LinkedIn or G+.

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I Tweet a bit. I'm not on Instagram because I told my youngest she could have privacy there. (Her siblings can keep an eye, and a couple of older cousins I trust.) I want Instagram.  Snapchat would be good, too. But again, my kids share FB with me, so I'm giving them space there also without Mommy. I have a Pinterest account, but for whatever reason, Pinterest doesn't do anything for me.


My kids use Instagram the most to connect with each other, and I know I am missing some good stuff. :(

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