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Am I the only one who doesn't care for the Like Button?


How do you honestly feel about the like feature?  

201 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you honestly feel about the like feature?

    • Love it, but to be honest, I do feel a little compelled to like everyone else's posts also
    • Love it & never feel compelled to like other posts
    • Don't care either way
    • Don't like it, would prefer it gone & often feel compelled to like other posts also
    • Don't like it & never feel compelled to like other posts
    • What like button?

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The recent multi-quote thread (one of many, I'm quite sure) got me thinking about the like feature. I've never cared for it, as you may see from my posts on that thread. I think it's a bit clique-ish as Slache mentioned. This is what I said about it:

Too Facebook-ish. I don't know. It just doesn't seem as genuine and as caring as the multi-quote feature. Yes, yes, I know. They serve different purposes. But let's be honest here. I'm sure that many of us feel rather compelled to hit "like" when someone else likes our post :blushing:. It reminds me a bit of the star rating that we had for each of our profiles, which I thought was awful and silly, rather junior-high-school-ish, IMHO. Every day I wish that multi-quote would return. I also tell myself every day to stop hitting "like", but I find that hard to do   :lol:




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I like the like button.  Although this is the first board I belonged to that used one, and before I joined here I didn't think I'd like it.


Generally if someone likes a post I made and then makes a similar post I'll like theirs.  Not so much because they liked mine but because they're agreeing with me, you know?  'Cause isn't that what the like button is really for -- to show agreement or appreciation for a point made or a thought expressed?


For me likes aren't clique-y.  Usually I don't even notice whose post I'm liking before I click.  Sometimes after I like a post I'll go back and see who made it, but not always.  I can vehemently disagree with someone in one thread and like posts they make in another thread.  Sometimes I like I a post I mostly disagree with just because they made what I think is a good point, or because they presented a good argument.  Obviously, I'm not clique-y. ;)


Of course on a board there will always be groups of people who tend to agree with each others' views on hot button issues like politics or religion or whatever.  Sharing the same POV does not a clique make.  Yes, I felt compelled to bold that part for emphasis. ;)


And most importantly -- I do NOT want to have to wade through tons of multi-quoted posts with bunches of those "I agree" emoticons.  This board is too busy for that, and life's too short.


I belong to another (much smaller) board where everyone seems to be expected to like every single post.  Drives me absolutely batty.

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I'm sure some people might not like it, but I love the like button...I missed it terribly when it was gone that time...It is like an "agree" button to me, and I like knowing who agrees with what...That info is very informative to me...


I never feel compelled to like or rather "agree" with anyone's posts...

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I don't always remember it's there. Although, I must admit I like getting the notifications when people like my posts. It makes me feel like I posted something worthy. I guess it's just validation. I don't always feel like I contribute much to the boards because there are so many threads I skip over. I do not go like posts by people who liked mine though. That has never occurred to me.

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I like the likes.  I don't see it as the same as the profiles stars at all- which I hated.  If there was a "dislike" button, maybe they'd be comparable... but really you can't get a dig in at someone with a like the way you could with an anonymous single star rating.   I like the likes because it saves me from having to quote just to agree.  I do like if someone quotes me but the reply doesn't really require a response... to me it's just a way of acknowledging it or sort of like smiling back in cyberspace.  I don't feel compelled to do it; it just seems polite. (I voted for the 2nd option.)

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It hadn't occurred to me to like posts because others had liked mine. I rarely remember who said what, and remembering who liked what is waaaaay beyond my memory capacity or interest.


When I start a thread, I typically like all the responses because I'm thrilled that people actually thought about my question.  Honestly, I think it's tedious when the Original Poster feels compelled to write out a "thank you for your contribution" response to every post anyone makes; the like button cuts down on that.


I'm on another board that recently got rid of their like button.  I miss it. 

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It could be done cliquishly but I don't think it is.  I've had many people like my posts and then fervently disagree with me later. Or people I've disagreed with later like something I wrote.   I like that. I never feel like "these 4 posters always gang up" or "I'm not in the cool group".


But I can see how it would bother someone who doesn't have a bit of a thick skin.

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I'm glad no one else said they feel compelled to return a like. The thought never crossed my mind and I wondered whether I should have been tracking people's posts down and liking them.


If I like what someone says I may click "like" as a way to validate their point of view. Sometimes I click "like" if the post made me laugh. If you can make me laugh, I'm your friend forever.


I rarely use the like feature as I think of it as something you use when someone says something way above and beyond what you'd have thought of. Or I use it when someone makes a point particularly well or changes the way I'm thinking or perfectly states what I'm thinking. Or makes me laugh.

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I love it and don't see it as cliquish. As Pawz said above, sharing the same opinion with a group of people doesn't make a clique. When I'm reading through an especially long thread, it's easier to just hit like than to mulitquote (when it works) a bunch of posts and say I agree, or to make my own post that says basically the same thing others already said. I don't feel any obligation to like the posts of those who like mine, but I often do simply because I agree or like the way they said something. 


While most of the time I end up liking posts of those whose opinions I share, I don't do it on purpose. And sometimes I'll agree with someone who I normally disagree with and will like her post. When that happens, I often think to myself, "Whoa! I'm liking so-and-so's post. We agree on something." That's actually a good thing for me to see because then I start looking at what we have in common rather than those things on which we're at opposite ends. I feel the same when one of those people likes a post of mine.

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Honestly, when I like someone's post, I do not think of it as cliquish at all?  There are a few posters I've noticed I tend to agree with more to some degree.  But there's also posters I know I generally do not agree with much who have posts I've liked.  I don't think of it that way at all.  If I agree and don't have anything else to add (or am on a mobile device reading), I like a post.  I don't think about reciprocating at all?  Not enough hours in the day!


I am definitely pro like button. 

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If someone starts a thread about how to help their kindergartner develop a better pencil grip or what vacuum works well on dog hair or whether a particular curriculum is worth the money then there is a lot of value for me in being able to scroll through the thread and see which posts got a lot of likes.  It has nothing to do with cliques and everything to do with wanting to know how many people agree with a particular answer/solution.  It would be obnoxious and unwieldy if I had to scroll through umpteen quoted posts simply to tally for myself which posts garnered the most agreement.


I pay zero attention to whose posts I am liking or who is liking mine.  I "like" a post to say I like it or agree with it or that an idea worked for me or makes sense to me or made me laugh.



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On the contrary, I think the like button helps prevent pile ons.

I see it that way too.


I can remember a few times, pre-like feature, where a poster was being obnoxious or posting something outlandish and you would have a couple of pages of posts calling them to task.


With the like feature someone can see if others feel frustrated or disagree without having to read through pages of posts saying so.

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I see it that way too.


I can remember a few times, pre-like feature, where a poster was being obnoxious or posting something outlandish and you would have a couple of pages of posts calling them to task.


With the like feature someone can see if others feel frustrated or disagree without having to read through pages of posts saying so.


Yes. Exactly.


When I see that someone has posted something where I would normally feel it necessary to respond with a rebuttal, and then I scroll down and see that someone else has already done so (especially when they have done so more graciously and elegantly than I would have), I can simply "like" their post and not write my own rebuttal.

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I really like the button itself, but I don't like the wording of "Like."


I'm on another board where the button says, "Thank you for the post", and I feel that is a more versatile option. Especially when somebody posts something that is sad or discouraging. I don't want to "Like" their sad news, but I want to thank them for sharing. 

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I have never seen the likes a cliquesh. I see it as a quick and easy way to say "I agree."


:iagree:  I 'liked" your post AND used the emoji. See what I did there? :lol:


I also will use the 'like' button as a way of letting someone know I commented on something they said, especially if it has been a few days since they posted. I have had likes before for posts that I forgot I had written.


And since multi-quote isn't working, I now have to go back and read the rest of the thread and hope someone didn't already type what I just wrote.... because I could have just "liked" the post instead of typing all this out! :lol: :lol:

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I really like the button itself, but I don't like the wording of "Like."


I'm on another board where the button says, "Thank you for the post", and I feel that is a more versatile option. Especially when somebody posts something that is sad or discouraging. I don't want to "Like" their sad news, but I want to thank them for sharing. 


I'm also on a board that uses different a different term.... it's simply 'thanks'. 

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I don't even look at a poster's name/avatar.  I just like the post if I agree with it.  Sometimes I'll go back after I've liked something to see who it was that said it. 


It is much more efficient to like what someone else said than to rewrite the point in my own words.

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I've never felt compelled to like a post or poster for any other reason than I agree with all or part of that particular post, or to acknowledge that I read something if it was directed at me, but does not require a reply.


I can vehemently agree with one post and vehemently disgree with another one made by one poster in one thread. So, I like the one and quote to disagree with the second. ;) No cliques involved.

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I may be in the minority, but when I read through posts, I don't 'like' a post based on the person posting, but based on what was said. Only about 1/2 the time do I look and see who posted what.

Maybe the minority, maybe not...I agree with you, and I only like a post if I agree with what was said or it was funny, never based on who is posting...Most people, I think, tend to agree with certain posters on certain subjects though...So it may look like people are just agreeing with certain posters, but in reality, they just agree on certain topics...

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I recently noticed as a result of the likes that there are certain posters that are kindred spirits. We're liking the same posts. We're liking each other's posts. That's when I add them to my WTM forum "friends"---the ultimate special clique. ;)


Now there's a feature I've never figured out. I've never rejected a friend request, but I don't understand the reason for it.

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Where was the option


Ă¢â€”Â¦ I live for likes & obsessively check my notifications to see if anyone liked something I wrote because some days it's the only validation I get




(asking for a friend...)


I'm liking this, then quoting this, and then liking me quoting this. I will try to follow you around today and just heap up the likes.






                                                                                                                      Tibbie Dunbar likes this

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I was the one who said cliquey (sorry Word Nerd!). I feel that certain people on this board use it that way. When the likes went invisible I got significantly less of them which I found interesting. If I were a web designer I would have an "I Agree" a "That's Awesome" and the quote features. I also wish there was a way to find out why someone likes my post. I can currently see 4 reasons to like my post, and if I say something about a curriculum or life decision I would like to know what about it draws people's attention. It might help me make a decision.

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I love it. I felt so lost when it disappeared for a while.


Once in a great while, it feels like people gang up or ostracize someone using the like button, which is not cool. But generally, it seems like an easy way to help someone feel heard and to signal agreement more easily than quoting and agreeing.

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