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Not how I planned to start the NY!

Mom in High Heels

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Backstory: During my sophomore year of college (1992), I was at a cross dress Halloween party (I was dressed as Aladdin, and my boyfriend at the time was Jasmine).  One of my friends came up behind me, turned me, and dipped me.  The only problem was that my left leg didn't turn with the rest of my body, and my knee cap slipped out of place, and ended up on the side of my leg.  It was not good.  We ended up in the ER, dressed as we were, and I had to wear a leg brace for 6 weeks.  I've had knee problems since, and it has slipped out twice since then, though the last time was about 19 or so years ago.


So, yesterday I was goofing off, and it slipped out of place again.  OMG!  I thought I was going to die.  My leg completely collapsed and I hit the floor.  James Bond didn't know what had happened, and he was worried because I apparently hit my head pretty hard when I went down.  i honestly don't remember that part.  All I could feel was the complete and utter agony of my knee.  The knee cap slipped back into place when my leg buckled, but the pain!  Oh, the pain!  I was on the sofa all day yesterday with my leg elevated and iced.  We had to cancel our plans for last night.  It still hurt, but I slept ok.  When I got up this morning, my leg was swollen, and I couldn't put any weight on it.  Cue a trip to the emergency room.  My knee cap wasn't all the way back in place, and they had to push it back in.  I nearly passed out when they did.  I have fluid on my knee, and they think I may have done something to the cartilage.  Awesome.  I'm now in a full leg immobilizer, have to use crutches and go in for an MRI next week.  The ER is only authorized to do MRI's on head injuries or chest pain, so they couldn't do it today.   Oh, and did I mention that our house is 3 stories?  Yeah, lots of stairs.  Yay.  On the plus side, OxyContin.  Happy new year to us.  

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Yikes. I got kind of queasy/fluttery belly just reading that.... As my knee that I hurt in high school has been twinging for the past couple weeks when I transition from bent to straight. Thankfully, only twinges and not outright pain and re-injury!


:grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope you recover quickly.

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Oh, I am sorry for this.  This exact thing happened to DD about 10 months ago while she was playing basketball.  It slipped and down she went, no one was really near her and she was just running down the court.  It's now almost a year later, she has been through boatloads of ibuprofen and physical therapy this summer, and she is still not 100%.  I just hope this season's basketball games don't ruin her knee again.  It's been a long recovery.

Backstory: During my sophomore year of college (1992), I was at a cross dress Halloween party (I was dressed as Aladdin, and my boyfriend at the time was Jasmine).  One of my friends came up behind me, turned me, and dipped me.  The only problem was that my left leg didn't turn with the rest of my body, and my knee cap slipped out of place, and ended up on the side of my leg.  It was not good.  We ended up in the ER, dressed as we were, and I had to wear a leg brace for 6 weeks.  I've had knee problems since, and it has slipped out twice since then, though the last time was about 19 or so years ago.


So, yesterday I was goofing off, and it slipped out of place again.  OMG!  I thought I was going to die.  My leg completely collapsed and I hit the floor.  James Bond didn't know what had happened, and he was worried because I apparently hit my head pretty hard when I went down.  i honestly don't remember that part.  All I could feel was the complete and utter agony of my knee.  The knee cap slipped back into place when my leg buckled, but the pain!  Oh, the pain!  I was on the sofa all day yesterday with my leg elevated and iced.  We had to cancel our plans for last night.  It still hurt, but I slept ok.  When I got up this morning, my leg was swollen, and I couldn't put any weight on it.  Cue a trip to the emergency room.  My knee cap wasn't all the way back in place, and they had to push it back in.  I nearly passed out when they did.  I have fluid on my knee, and they think I may have done something to the cartilage.  Awesome.  I'm now in a full leg immobilizer, have to use crutches and go in for an MRI next week.  The ER is only authorized to do MRI's on head injuries or chest pain, so they couldn't do it today.   Oh, and did I mention that our house is 3 stories?  Yeah, lots of stairs.  Yay.  On the plus side, OxyContin.  Happy new year to us.  


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That's horrible!  It sounds worse than mine.  I was potty training in the back yard and wanted to dig the kiddy pool out of the back shed.  The shed was big and full, the pool was way at the back of it so I started moving things out of my way and putting them behind me so I could make my way through the shed to the pool.  Except that somewhere in there I heard the buzzing of a wasp so I tried running for the door - except it there was stuff everywhere and somehow I slipped and my knee dislocated.  The two older kids were at VBS and I was home alone with my two year old and my 5 year old.  


5 year old had to call a friend and she took me to emerg (I can't actually remember where we took the kids...).  I was on crutches for at least a few weeks and didn't wear heels for almost a year.  


Now I have psychological knee issues ;)  Even the thought of doing something like skiing completely freaks me out.


Anyway - I'm so sorry about your knee and I hope that whatever you did to it is able to heal smoothly.

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@Heels I am very sorry to hear about what happened to you. I suggest that you make an appointment with a Board Certified Orthopedic M.D., ASAP, and let him/her decide which tests should be done. Be careful on crutches, especially when it is wet!  Take it easy 

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Backstory: During my sophomore year of college (1992), I was at a cross dress Halloween party (I was dressed as Aladdin, and my boyfriend at the time was Jasmine). One of my friends came up behind me, turned me, and dipped me. The only problem was that my left leg didn't turn with the rest of my body, and my knee cap slipped out of place, and ended up on the side of my leg. It was not good. We ended up in the ER, dressed as we were, and I had to wear a leg brace for 6 weeks. I've had knee problems since, and it has slipped out twice since then, though the last time was about 19 or so years ago.


So, yesterday I was goofing off, and it slipped out of place again. OMG! I thought I was going to die. My leg completely collapsed and I hit the floor. James Bond didn't know what had happened, and he was worried because I apparently hit my head pretty hard when I went down. i honestly don't remember that part. All I could feel was the complete and utter agony of my knee. The knee cap slipped back into place when my leg buckled, but the pain! Oh, the pain! I was on the sofa all day yesterday with my leg elevated and iced. We had to cancel our plans for last night. It still hurt, but I slept ok. When I got up this morning, my leg was swollen, and I couldn't put any weight on it. Cue a trip to the emergency room. My knee cap wasn't all the way back in place, and they had to push it back in. I nearly passed out when they did. I have fluid on my knee, and they think I may have done something to the cartilage. Awesome. I'm now in a full leg immobilizer, have to use crutches and go in for an MRI next week. The ER is only authorized to do MRI's on head injuries or chest pain, so they couldn't do it today. Oh, and did I mention that our house is 3 stories? Yeah, lots of stairs. Yay. On the plus side, OxyContin. Happy new year to us.

How horrible! I hope you will mend and get back to normal, sooner rather than later.

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And no concussion? I'm sorry you get to spend a lot of time sitting around for a while, but at least you can take something for the pain that will make you sleepy, then you can spend the time sleeping.

I hope Jasmine, I mean James Bond, is able to carry you around. (you need some humor, makes for a faster recovery). Three floors, so which floor have you decided to live on? The one with a bathroom I hope.

So, how had you planned to start the new year? Our Christmas isn't over yet since some of the family wasn't around for Christmas. I was going to put Christmas decorations away and start packing to move, and I still can, but the weather is yucky and I can't clean the garage, too cold!

I'm sorry about your knee. Here's to a speedy recovery without any more catastrophes. :grouphug:



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Oh, I am sorry for this.  This exact thing happened to DD about 10 months ago while she was playing basketball.  It slipped and down she went, no one was really near her and she was just running down the court.  It's now almost a year later, she has been through boatloads of ibuprofen and physical therapy this summer, and she is still not 100%.  I just hope this season's basketball games don't ruin her knee again.  It's been a long recovery.


I hope it doesn't interfere with her basketball next year.  I hope she'll wear a knee brace.

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@Heels I am very sorry to hear about what happened to you. I suggest that you make an appointment with a Board Certified Orthopedic M.D., ASAP, and let him/her decide which tests should be done. Be careful on crutches, especially when it is wet!  Take it easy 




I'm sure my PCM will refer me to orthopedics (they're all certified).  I'll probably go into physical therapy.  Wheee!

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And no concussion? I'm sorry you get to spend a lot of time sitting around for a while, but at least you can take something for the pain that will make you sleepy, then you can spend the time sleeping.

I hope Jasmine, I mean James Bond, is able to carry you around. (you need some humor, makes for a faster recovery). Three floors, so which floor have you decided to live on? The one with a bathroom I hope.

So, how had you planned to start the new year? Our Christmas isn't over yet since some of the family wasn't around for Christmas. I was going to put Christmas decorations away and start packing to move, and I still can, but the weather is yucky and I can't clean the garage, too cold!

I'm sorry about your knee. Here's to a speedy recovery without any more catastrophes. :grouphug:



No concussion as far as I know.  Of course I was awake for a long time because of the pain, so I guess that's a good thing.


JB has been pretty good, but I feel terrible asking him to do so many things.  We have 3 and a half baths, so I've got one on the main floor to use.  The kitchen isn't too far, and we have an L shaped sofa (I love it!), so I've got plenty of room to lie around.  Netflix and OnDemand are my friends.  JB just got back from Japan, and he brought home loads of yummy chocolate.  

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Okay, at the hospital the FIRST time (1992), did the nurses and doctors think you were a man at first? And what did they think of Jasmine? Photos, please.


Hahaha!  No, I had long hair, so no one mistook me for a man.  My boyfriend though.  OMG.  The friend who dipped me was dressed as Pegg Bundy, high hair, painted on leggings, high heeled mules and all. It was HYSTERICAL.  I'm know I have photos somewhere.  If I can find them, I'll scan them.  You will DIE.  Up until the knee incident, it was a great time.  I'm just glad I did all my dumb crap before the internet.  My parents would have pulled me out of school and locked me in my room for sure!

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