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How much do you know about current news?


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I came across this quiz from Pew Research:




Try it... THEN look at this article that goes with it:




I found the lack of knowledge from the general populace - even about some MAJOR topics going on right now - to be a little on the scary side.  I was a little less concerned with the lack of knowledge on a couple of questions, but overall...  BE SURE TO INCLUDE WORLD NEWS in your homeschooling (at least some at all ages and quite a bit by the teenage years).  We share this planet.  We ought to know what's going on for the most part IMO.


I shudder to think of what the responses would be for some questions I might have included...

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 I took the quiz.  The 3 I got wrong were questions about AMERICA!




Going for another cup of coffee.


I missed two - both American... I guess more are about American news than other, but it's folks not knowing some of the others that bugs me more so perhaps that's why I harped on it.


I thought they were trying to trick us on the spending one since Social Security is technically its own funding - not general tax dollars - so I guessed interest on the debt.


Then I got the percent below the poverty line wrong.  I guessed too high.  I was happy to be wrong on that one!


But how can anyone not know about ISIS/ISIL at this point?

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I don't live in the US. I got all the world ones correct but many of the US ones wrong :D


I can forgive you if you don't know American stats or what North Dakota's recent boom is all about.  ;)


Interesting.  And this is, presumably, the voting public.  



And this is what scares me...

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I missed 3. I missed the NDakota one, the Federal Minimum Wage one (yikes!) and the one about what we spend the most on in America.


I watch France 24 for world news, along with the CBS "world" news. It's amazing, the difference between the two.


I abhor the amount of fluff in our "world" news.

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Whew.  I only missed 1, so I was happy about that. 


One thing I've noticed is that the online news source I've been frequenting for more than a decade  recently took the World News heading from its front page.  To get to World News now, you have to click on a News header and then on to World News.  I thought that was an odd shift.

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I missed the same one, and with the same incorrect answer, for the same reason.   :D


Me too. :) 


I also missed the one about North Dakota. I had no idea and oil seemed too obvious so I guessed soybeans. :) 


I got all the others right. I actually don't think of myself as particularly well-informed about current events so it surprised me that I did well.  I would do abysmally on a pop culture quiz though.

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You scored better than 86% of the public, below 8% and the same as 6%.


I got 3 wrong. Two had a percent as answers and I was pretty sure I'd miss those. The other was also a finance question.



We got the same score and it sounds like we got similar ones wrong!  How ironic.


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I thought they were trying to trick us on the spending one since Social Security is technically its own funding - not general tax dollars - so I guessed interest on the debt.


Then I got the percent below the poverty line wrong.  I guessed too high.  I was happy to be wrong on that one!




Same here including my guess of interest on the debt and guessing too high for the poverty rate. The other one I missed was the unemployment rate. I knew it had gone down, but apparently not as far down as my answer.

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I missed the same one, and with the same incorrect answer, for the same reason. :D

I missed that one for the same reason as well!


I also missed one because I was under caffeinated. The moment I saw the answer I groaned because I did know it.


I missed the ND one and the unemployment rate as well. The unemployment one I couldn't remember if the lat number released was 7 or 8 percent and ended up rounding the wrong direction.


My main sources of news are, in order of use:


The Hive

Think Progress


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11 of 12.  I missed the one about which Muslim country was predominately Shia.


I agree the question about government spending/SS was a bit misleading and subject to interpretation.


That's the one I missed. And I agree on the govt spending one. I got it right but I debated as I wasn't sure where they were going with it.

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I got 10/12, better than 92%.  That's better than I was expecting!  I don't consider myself a news buff at all. 


The kids and I have gotten into the habit of watching CNN student news every morning at breakfast on the iPad.  It's not the best news source ever - I also like public radio and BBC online.  But just watching that 10 minute CNN broadcast has been really good for all us in terms of having headlines and general stories anyway.  The format drives my 13 year old nuts.  LOL.  ;)

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I missed two - both American... I guess more are about American news than other, but it's folks not knowing some of the others that bugs me more so perhaps that's why I harped on it.


I thought they were trying to trick us on the spending one since Social Security is technically its own funding - not general tax dollars - so I guessed interest on the debt.


Then I got the percent below the poverty line wrong.  I guessed too high.  I was happy to be wrong on that one!


These are also the two that I missed.


I put the same thing down for government spending.

(And for the same reasoning.)

Then I guessed too high for the poverty line.

(And was also happy to be wrong about that one!)


I don't follow the news. I don't see out the news.

I don't watch it, I don't read it, I don't listen to it.

(Nor do I vote, a nod to the comment up thread.)


My kids are aware of what's going on in the world.

They hear it at school, scouts, sports ...

they discuss it with friends, family, and each other ...


I'm going to give them this quiz later tonight. 

Thank you for linking to it and its article.

I know it's scary what little some of us know about the news.

Or worse, how little interest some of us have in the news.

But I feel my score is acceptable and hope I get a pass :D.

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I have complicated thoughts on this.

fwiw, I got 10/12 (botched your unemployment & budget expenditures) but I'm kind of unhappy about that because I'm trying to AVOID news.

I'm a poli sci grad & a news junkie. We've had an Economist subscription for decades. Most of my twitter feed is politics & int'l relations.

I have been actively trying to STOP paying attn to news because of this:


& his long essay on this subject: http://www.dobelli.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Avoid_News_Part1_TEXT.pdf

I also like Stef Lewandowski's essay on the News Diet https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/ignore-the-news-297e47e6f78b

In my defense of the silly high score, the q about Ukraine is history, not current events.

Israel's pm has been in power for 5 yrs so also not really current....
The Sunni & Shia q - oh heavens - that's really old news, isn't it?
Common Core I only know about because US homeschoolers complain about it. LOL

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Is this part of your cable package or is it free?





I got 10/12, better than 92%.  That's better than I was expecting!  I don't consider myself a news buff at all. 


The kids and I have gotten into the habit of watching CNN student news every morning at breakfast on the iPad.  It's not the best news source ever - I also like public radio and BBC online.  But just watching that 10 minute CNN broadcast has been really good for all us in terms of having headlines and general stories anyway.  The format drives my 13 year old nuts.  LOL.  ;)


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I have been actively trying to STOP paying attn to news because of this:





& his long essay on this subject: http://www.dobelli.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Avoid_News_Part1_TEXT.pdf



I also like Stef Lewandowski's essay on the News Diet https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/ignore-the-news-297e47e6f78b



Those were very interesting reads, thank you!


Maybe I'll start saying those are the reasons I avoid news.

Sounds better than "I can barely manage my own micro level living.

There's no way I could handle things at the macro level."



There is good food for thought in the mentality of those links.

Same as why we might avoid genres of television, movie, music, reads.

Why not apply those filters to news, as well?

I think it doesn't occur to many of us.

Feels sort of like a light bulb moment!

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I have complicated thoughts on this.


fwiw, I got 10/12 (botched your unemployment & budget expenditures) but I'm kind of unhappy about that because I'm trying to AVOID news.




In my defense of the silly high score, the q about Ukraine is history, not current events.

Israel's pm has been in power for 5 yrs so also not really current....

The Sunni & Shia q - oh heavens - that's really old news, isn't it?

Common Core I only know about because US homeschoolers complain about it. LOL



And that's what bothers me, I think.  One really doesn't have to be paying much attention to know most of those - yet the average score (not average Hive score) is pitifully low.  Where do these people hide?


I expected the questions to be far more in depth than they were.

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I'm trying to unplug right now but afraid my score won't be as low as I want it to be, lol.


dxh says that not keeping up with the news has done wonders for his blood pressure and anxiety--no more meds! He's kind evangelical about it and all the more annoying because I know he's right but I just. can't. do. it.


Part of my problem is that I'm more likely to get my news from the internet than a paper or the TV so it's kind of mooshed together with my social time and adult intellectual stimulation. I know I'd enjoy curling up with a good book after school and housework are done and going to Mom's Night Out once a month a lot more than excessive internet usage, but old habits are hard to break.


I'm a former activist, so more likely to loose sleep and needlessly stress myself out over local issues I used to be involved with than isis or ebola.



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CNN Student News is free. I have ds watch it too. You can watch it on a computer or mobile device. 


We don't have cable or satellite btw.


Same here.  We usually watch it through the Safari browser on the iPad.  But you can watch it in any internet browser ...




We don't have cable or satellite either.  And I refuse to watch our cheesy local news.  I get local news online too.

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Welp, I'll admit it - I missed 6. It said I scored better than 58% of others, but that's still terrible on my end. 

I missed every question that had to do with the name of another person, and the question about N. Dakota. I also missed the question asking about what the US spends the most money on.

No matter how frequently we watch the news, and I read the news (at least once daily), I will never be able to remember the names of people in power of other countries (with the exception of Putin, I'm not sure why, but he's an easy name to remember for me). I am notoriously terrible about names.

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I have been actively trying to STOP paying attn to news because of this:





& his long essay on this subject: http://www.dobelli.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Avoid_News_Part1_TEXT.pdf


I never used to watch the news because it made me so unhappy and I became one of the many uninformed in the U.S.


The year we did modern history in our homeschool, I noticed that I had lived through many events in our history book and I could say to my kids, "I remember when The Wall came down." I realized it's important for kids to have memories of what's going on in the world while they're kids.


That's when we discovered CNN student news. I like it. It gives us the basics of the big news events around the world (a tiny bit) and in the U.S., but not enough to make us all sad and depressed.


Wait, I take that back. It does bother my 12 year old. He gets a bit droopy through parts of the news when it's bad news.


We've been watching for a year and a half now and I got 9 out of 12 right. Pretty impressive for someone who knew NOTHING only a year and a half ago.


But, I did guess on the ND one. I figured no one really cares about ND unless it has to do with oil. (Sorry if you live in ND--I mean, no one cares about any particular state unless it's something big, like cars or oil or something. Soybeans don't get you in the news.)


And two of the ones I got wrong were because I changed my answer from the right one to the wrong one.

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My results:
You answered 12 of 12 questions correctly.
See below to review your responses and compare results with a nationally representative sample of 1,002 adults who took part in our survey. For more findings from the survey, read "From ISIS to Unemployment: What Do Americans Know?"
You scored better than 99% of the public and the same as 1%.


I listen to one or two NPR affiliates about 2 hours a day (mostly in the morning while cooking breakfast and doing chores and often while driving).  I listen to a few news related podcasts, mostly Radio Lab and Tavis Smiley. If I missed something I hear about it on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. 


Other than that, I catch a tiny bit of WSJ and NYT online.  I read through the Economist 3 months in 4. 

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I missed the poverty one - I genuinely had no clue, but was glad it was not the 25% I guessed. I guessed on the spending one - I wasn't sure if it was Social Security or interest on the debt. I certainly knew it wasn't transportation or foreign aid though. Apparently a lot of people chose foreign aid. That's one where it's like... that wrong answer reveals more about what's wrong with our level of understanding of the news. Sigh.


On this quiz (which they've done before) I generally find the US questions harder because they often involve numbers (the amount of the minimum wage, the percentage of poverty, etc.) which I have a terrible head for and financial news (like the head of the fed, though that I knew...) which I don't follow so much.

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